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<br />i <br />n <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />) <br /> <br /> <br />. $Wt. of Nebralka <br /> <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />1IdI M....., mode and executed thl. 25th day of August <br />1988 . by and bel..... Joseph Maria Sanchez and Ventura Cecelia Sanchez, <br />Husband and Wife <br />or the County or Hall . and Stale of Nebruu. pony of the fInt pan. hereinafter called <br />the MorlplOr, ud WESTERN SECURITIES COMPANY <br /> <br />. oorponIion orpnizId and CldotIn& under the IaWl "r of the state of Nebraska <br />party or the IOClInd pan, _ called the Mon...... <br /> <br />_: 'Ibat the AId Mortp;or, for ODd in col1lideratlon of the IUlIl of NINETY-TWO THOUSAND SIX <br />HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100 _________________________Dollan (S 92,650.00 ), paid by the Mon- <br />...... the receipl or wItIcb Is heRby actnowJedaed, has Granted and Sold ud by _ ","""nil does Grant, Darpln, Sell. Convey <br />and Conllnn unl1l the Mortppe, ill ............ ud UIIpu, rorever. the followintl-desc:ribed real estate, .Itoated in the County of <br />Hall . and State or Nebruka. to wit: <br /> <br />Lot Ten (10) in Block Twenty-Nine (29), Packer & Barr's Second Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall county, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Tax Key tNo Key t Used in Hall Co. <br />The Borrower(s) have executed one or more riders which are recorded together <br />with this Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each rider shall <br />be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agree- <br />ments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s} were a part of this <br />securrithetv In~~ljlent. Attachep are:MIP Rider, Assumption Rider ....__ ~__ . <br />o 1lbtth .._.... MCridIan, c:OatalnlJia 111 all less than three &ael1ICCO._ 111 ~,~_cntl1lrVe)l. <br /> <br />T. Rae _ To HaM the pI'I:Ini-. above d..",ibed. wItb all the IPJlIUIClWIl'<: themmIo -1IIinI and inclwlina all haIiDI, <br />pbunbina and IiIbIinI _ and cqWpmenI DOW or bcrcafter auacbed 111 or UIed in _ with AId real ..... unto the Mon- <br />_. and 111 ita _ and uoIIm, r........ The MorlplOr _u 111, and cowenaou' with, the Mortppe, that the Mon- <br />_ has .- r;,bt 111 odI and convey Mid pI<Dlioes; that they ... me from _~: and that the MorI&IIor wID wamnt and <br />defeSIlI the ...... apinIt the IawfW daimI or all penoIII whomIoner; and the Mid M""-,, hereby oeIIDquIIbeo all riIhtJ or <br />, and all marilaI riIhtJ, eitber in law or in equity, and all other conlin&cnt intaatl of the ~ in and 111 the above- <br />deocrIbed pn:mIoa. the __ beiDa 111 convey hInby u abIolule title, in ree limple, inclwlina all riIhtJ or homestead, and other <br />riIhlI and intaalI u aforaald. <br />~ AInp, and _ preoaIII ... eecuted and deIiYcred upon the followlni conditions. 111 wit: <br />The ~ _ 111 pay the M~, or onIor, the prindpallum of N~"TWO THOUSAND SIX <br />HUNDRED FIPTY AND nn/100 ----------------------- Q7 650 00 ), <br />WIIIi1IIIitiil fi1iin-IWCat'lIitoile or per cenuIar( . '"I per lIUIum on the <br />DDpaid __ WIliI pIil\. The Mid ~ ~~~FpaYabie'i._ib;offioe or 10.5000 <br /> <br />~STERN SECURITIES COMPANY . or.t audI other plaoe u the bolder of the IIOIe <br />Dmahalh Nebr!l,ska - - . <br />may deilIliIU "'-'Dou.,. ~ inIIaIImcntJ of EIGHT HUNDREp' ~Wtd~ C:;11100 ------. <br /> <br />-::ij.;mC.;,-,&,-iint day or;,l,t ~t! _ UDtiI the principal and in\erell ... fully paid, e><cept ~~~~t or <br />- and -. if not _ pIil\, abaD be due and payable on the r.... day or . <br />:lO 18: aII__ 111 the tcnIII or. oertain promluory IlOIC or..... date bemrith ~'iaJ M""-,,. <br /> <br />llIIa Iorm ~ _ In oonnoctlon willi mon_ lnau.-cl unclar IhII one- 10 lour4_lIy program. 01 Ih. National Act which - <br />_far"'- __Inau_ _Ium payment.. <br />Prowloua Edltlona "'" 0ba0laI. HUIH21Qii - -. <br />PaQa 1 ~, . 24 CFR 203.17(b) <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br />