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<br />NON.UNIFORM C()\'I~N^NTS Borrower and Lender funher and ogree os follows: 88- 1048 5 B <br />19. ^<<<I...llnn; R.modl... Lend.r .blll II'. nnll.. 10 Borrow.r prJor 10 ....I.r.llnn rollowlng Borrow.r'. <br />breadl or Iny oo,.nlnl or In Ibl. Security Inllrum.nllbul nol prior In .cc.l.rallon und.r Plr.IlI'Bphl 13 .nd 17 <br />uolea appllclbl. Ilw pro,ldea olb.rwllO). Th. nnllc. Iblll lpeclry: {al Ihe d.r.ult; lbl lb. Bcllon r.qulr.d 10 cur. tb. <br />,deflolt; lcl I dal., nollealhlo 30 dal'1 from lb. nollc.11 giyon 10 Borrower. by wbl<h Ih. d.rlull mUll be cur.d; <br />ud Cdl lbat flllure 10 .ure Ih. d.rlull on or beror. Ih. dal. .peclllod In Ihe nollc. mlY r..ult In Icc.l.rlllon of Ih. loml <br /> by Ibb Securlly Ind ul. or lb. Property. Th. nollc. .hlll rurth.r Inrorm Borro...r of Ihe rlghllo <br />rei_I. oft.r a<<<l.rallon Ind the right 10 bring a court Bcllon In ....rt Ih. of 0 derBult or ony otber <br />d.r.- of Borrow.r 10 a<<<l.rallon and .....Irtb. detault I. nol curod on nr b.rore Ihe dal. speclflod In tbe nollce, Lender <br />al III option may require Immodlal. JIIym.nt In full of all .ums seeurod by Ibl. Seeurlty IlUltrument ..itboul further <br />d.mand and may lo,ok. lb. ,,"w.r ot ul. and any other remodl.. pennlllod by applicable I.w. Lend.r sb.1I be .nlllled 10 <br />oollecl all expe.... Ineurrod In pursuing lb. remedles pro.idod In Ihi. paralll'aph 19, Including: hut not IImlt.d 10. <br />reBSOIlllblullom.ys' teet lIOd rosll otllll. e,ldenee. <br />If lb. pow.r ot ..I. Is in,okod, Trustee shall reoord a nollc. of detaull In .acb county In whleb ..y part of Ibe <br />Property it localod and sball m.lI ooples of such nollce In lbe mann.r prescribed by .pplicable I... 10 Borrnw.r .nd 10 Ihe <br />olh.r penon. prescribed by .pplicable law. After lb. 11m. requlrod by BppllC8ble I.... Trustee .h.1I giv. public noUee of <br />sale to the penonl and In the manner prescribed by applicable law. Trustee, ,.,ithoul demand on Borrower, shall sell the <br />Property .t public auellnn In tb. highesl bidder .t Ih. tlm. .nd pl.e. and und.r Ibe t.rms deslRJUlted in tbe notice Dr sale In <br />one or more parcell and in any order Trwtee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of BII or Bny parcel or the Property by <br />pubUe announcement .1 lb. time .nd p.... of ..y previously sehedulod sale. Lender or Its desllPlee may pnrehose Ibe <br />Property .1 any ..Ie. <br />Upon receipt nr payment nt Ihe prlc. bid. Trusl.e sball to the purehoser Trustee's deed conveying lbe <br />Property. Th. recitals In Ihe Truslee's deed sball be prim. facie evidence ot the truth Dr Ihe st.tements therein. <br />Truslee .ltall .pply Ihe proceeds orthe s.le In the order: (.) 10 .U expenses ot Ibe sale, Including. bul nOlllmited <br />to, Trustee's fees as permitted by applicable law Bnd reasonable attorneys' r~; (b) to BII 5ums secured by tbis Security <br />Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entided to it. <br />20. Leader in Possession. Upon accelernlion under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage Ihe <br />Property and 10 collectlhe renls of the Property including those past due, Any rents collected by Lender or Ihe receiver <br />shall be applied tirst 10 paymenl of the costs of management of the Properly and colleclion of rents, including, but nol <br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasona.ble atlomeys' fees, and then to the sums secured by <br />this Security Inslrument. <br />21. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Inslrumenl, Lender shall requesl Trusler: to <br />reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender Ihis Security Inslrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br />lnstrumenlto Truslee, Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled 10 il. Such person Of persons shall pay any recordation costs, <br />22. Substitute Trustee. Lender, al its opdon, may from lime to time remove Truslee and appoinl a successor troslee <br />to any Truslce appoinled hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security (nstrumenl is recorded, <br />Wilhoul convcyancc of the Propeny, the successor lrustee shall succeed to alllhe title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee h.rein and by .pplieable I.w. <br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be senl to Borrower's <br />address which is the Properly Address. <br />14, Hlllel1l to tbis Security IDStrumen.. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and n::corded logelher with <br />this Security Instrumcnl, Ihe covenants and agreemenls of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shalJ amend and <br />supplemenl Ihe covenanls and agreemenls of 1his Security Inslrument as if Ihe rider{s) were a part of Ihis Security <br />Inslrument. [Check .pplic.ble box(..)) <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 F.mily Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Payment Rider <br /> <br />D Planned Unit Dcvelopment Rider <br /> <br />o Other(s) [specify] <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees 10 Ihe terms and covenanls conlained in Ihis Security <br />lnslrument and 10 !Sny nder(s) execuled by Borrower and recorded wllh II ~ <br /> <br />~~ 17 ~ J.J1~-J;J. .......(Seal) <br /> <br />~ :)ael G. Ruil~a . -8orro... <br /> <br />.. .. .....~. v. .. AI&r.;(..r:.-kP., . . ..,(Seal) <br />Juna F ~ Ruz icka U -Borrower <br /> <br />ST ATE OF NEBRASK,\, <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />('OUnlY 'i~: <br /> <br />On Ihi!J 2nd day of September .19 88, before me, the undersigned, a NOlary Publil.' <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said COUIllY. personally camv ,)\!:fM'1:)., ii.l ~ R'O'Z'ld\Yja F. <br />Ruzicka, each in his and her oun right, and asaip6use oraeacnuot\l~'1tO me known 10 hl'lhc <br />idcnlical pcrson(s) whose name(s) urc subscribed to lhe foregoing inslrumenl and adnowlcdgL'd Ihe L'M.'culioll <br />Ihereof to be the i r \'olumnry act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and nurarial ~eal ar Grand .ljnd' ebraska ~'COIIIlI)" Ihe <br />date aforesaid, / <br /> <br />MyCommissionexpircs: 9-1-'1 ~ ~ ~ <br />~ .-..............+ ... ..&..>:''(:,;;,;.""", ..... ...... . <br />... :C:-1UZLIlR UES . RE ONV{YANU, <br />TiJTHU''1_~ .. ,,_1.- <br /> <br />The undcr'\igned i\ lhe hohler of lIu.' nnlc or nult'\ "L"~url'J~} Illl'o Dl.'l'l! ill rfll~1 ":lid 1l0ll' III 11111 L''' , hl!J.L'lhl'r <br />with all othcf indcblcdnc,,, ..('c\Ireo hy 11th Deed Ill' Tru"I, tlU\t' h"'l'l1pald III 11111 ,"'Ill af~' hl'll'h~ dlll'd,'d 1,1,'aIlLl'I...;tld <br />notc or nole'\ amI tlm Deed or [rU'1, \I\.hidl art' deli\ L'n:d hl.'rch~-, alld II' !"LntH,,'\, ,'II hlllll \\ ,It r .1111\, ,Ill tIll' ,'~I,lll <br />no,"" held b)i )l1U undeT lhi.. Deed 01 Tlu\1 In th~ pe"ol1 III rl.'r"llll~ k~,llt\ l'nlllk.J t1wl"hl <br /> <br />I>ale <br />