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<br /> <br />ed I bolh you nnd I agree In wrilinjt <br />Ihl" cnnlrdcl I"" ,,"old Illlllinnncllllln~lilulinnur II hunk.und I "huuhJ nolice Ihullhe lmpnr. <br /> <br />llali.~ nntll'~ Ihal either Crc~ill.lh= or Credit A~-~'ldc !Ind HCl111h In,,"urancc, or blllh. will b llrrlicable In Ihl!> Sale!> Conlrnct on Ihe reverse sideonl)' if I hnve chosen <br />~:~~i~~~~~~~~:~~;~ ~h~hi~~~~oIn:~~ ~~II~I~rr~:1. l\'~ \lIll.~lIt:f~~~~I~v~~~h~'m~II,I~lj~~~i::~ll~~fi~r Ih~s~~~:~i:~~ ~:~~~~h~ ~tl;; r~~~W~~~i~~ ~~I~q~~rl~CI1~ ~~~e:~1 <br /> <br />mOnlhl)' puyment!.. I undersmnd that (hi" paniculllr I umnec mil.. nril pllwldC" ,nverage lor my la, le\l.' {laymen!!., IIn~ t~at dunng thai pcriodoftimc I will nol have Bny <br />insurance co\'cmge, All benefit" and pn)('ecd~ tlf Ih . murunc.: will be pald In \'IIU ur III a fm,anclulu lilutlUn or a bank If It purchases the Sales Cunlmct to the extent of its <br />mteresl!> and any bulam-c will be payable tn me, TI, mlllal aOlIlUn! nfCr~dl1 Lilt.' ITI"urunec 1..lhc am unl reqUired 1n 1'C8lJY the TotaI1,lfPaymenlS: thereafter, Ihe insurance <br /> <br />~:~::=:,~ro:hf;~\~t~},O[n~~c:.;n~;'.n~~~t~:::r.n . '~'iil ~hp~~;h~ ::~~"~~;~~;,~:~, ~~'.I;;'r.'i, :;~~~,t ~ ,:\nd::, S~~j;C1 ~~;';'~I~~~~s~ ~::;'~~J.;~n~~~ ::i~~;~~~,j:F~:~ <br /> <br />in Ihe msurancepolk"<(lre~mficul~. Cre,dll Acej ~nt;Jnd H~a[;h Insurnncc I" lor Ihc hcnelil alTlounllll I 10th IIf eaeh mnnth'~ payment fnr each day Ihat I am lUlallydisabled <br />du~ Itl un injul)' OTslc'knolo while 1 owe any pa enllO you: however. I undeNund Ihall ha\'c 10 be g.rc enled from working due to such lolul disabililY for more Ihan four- <br /> <br />~~nD~~ 6S~~~r~=1~~~~~~~~ ~i:rnn w 7hnaelr:~~,i~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~"l~;;~~~~' ~I:; (I~~ . I~ D~::.~~~:::~D~~oDt C:~~:;-:htl~~~1r.:o~rof lnC:~: <br />cases,lheenUreo amounllhall mn you, e In Ihe ma11mum amOll", of co\'emgc !>lated in lhe in~unlllc Iiey. I know that any unpaid amount in exccsS oft~ tnsurance <br />coventge willlolill have 10 be paid, Iflhe S, "sCunlracllll prepaid in full prinrl~lthe lasl payment dale. any amed insunlllce premiums will be refunded 10 me in the man. <br />:h; ~~~~~:~~:Y,~~~I;n~~~~!clJ{)IV3~~:;f\h::I::I~~~~\~~ t;r~~~~~~~~a~:~ ~nai~~.mcr more fully descnhl my in\urunl.'e coverage, If Ihe insurJnce is nOlaccepled by <br />BUVER: The nellllwn pllragrd (on 161m wdrrnnlic!> rclalh.: to lhi~ !>alc g.lven by us In the hnan\:llll imtilut n ur haTlk in urdcr f(lr it 10 buy thi!> conlract. <br /> <br />FOR VALUE R,ECEIVED..' lIer hen:b)"..ell... ar.!>ign". Wl1vcy!>.lramfcn. and dehvcn 10 <br />(All"ignee) all of lis nghts, Iltlc a d mlcre~tlll and In Ihe In~tallmenl Sal~ Cunlract and Mongage. lugelh~r wilh all n!> e:r;istin!:'.lo sccu~ it" payment. and tbe pmpcny <br />encum~red hereb{'_ A....lgnee i. erebJ !>ub!>tiluled ill> Mnrtgai!e<<= under Ihe Mnng.agc pm\'l!llon..nfthis conlrolC!. Seller ilrranb and represenb~ (Il II has Ihe righllO make <br /> <br />~~;h~~'l~":~l~ ;~~~~:l:::,'m ib:;d ~~,,~~~,~; Tl,~h;~~h'd:~;:,'~;::~~~~:h?::>'~~~"hl,~I~:::~~~~~:":~;~~111;, l;::'~d'b~ ~~';r '~~~~'n'~1~':j~ J:;O~~:~~:~f :'~~o~~:d'~;~ <br /> <br />tel:tlv or indlll:ell)' \1)' Seller ~ Bu}'cr; 151 E.u,:h Buyer I!> h:-glllly eilm~lent lu cllnlrael: Ihl TIll" cnnlrnd I!> 11111 ,md Will nol be ubJCCl tll any claim, defense, demand or right <br />of u(ft.el: l71 The clI.ccunu II thi!> contnll:1 ill1d the underlrlllg !>ale.. Iran!>uetmn gl\'mv- nsc lherelo dId 111)( vmlate IIn)' fcderal -state 11Iw. directive, rule or regulalion now <br /> <br />:~.:~;;::~~"I:<:~~~';' o~'i:~';;,~:;n:~~~::; :~~ ~::~~:;;:;:;:~~~ ~'::'~::~II;:;~,;:,~:'~:;';~"Tflj's"~O~RACTISSOLo'BY'S~rrER y '~D:T~ECOUR~rci";"n or '"0,011.. <br /> <br />IN TESTIMON WHEREOF, the unden.llll1ed i\ :111 aulhunlt'd reprC\Clllatl\'e ollhe Seller and hl1:- \Igncd belllw un behalf 0 the Seller on this <br />day uf ~___,__ .Il'...___ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.11-'__ <br /> <br />n, <br /> <br /> <br />'.. <br /> <br />,.'1"'1 "~t'l" <br /> <br />HJOtlO:JJII AlHnO:J 110:1 OlllHUJII J:JYdlllHJ. <br /> <br />n <br />