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<br />AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br />THE STATE OF NEBRASKA l u. <br />HALL COUNTY ( <br /> <br /> <br />l'an CollIn <br /> <br />88-104851 <br /> <br />beina fint duly sworn on hil oatb, depoUl and <br />say. that he 10 th..Advertising . M<ln"ger of The Grand laland DIlb' <br />Independent, a newspaper printed Ind puhUahed at Grand Island, in Hall County, <br />Nebraska. and of general clrculaUoD. in Hall County, Nebraska, and 81 lueIl hu <br />charge of the recorda and filea of The Grand Illaod Dally Independent. and affiant <br />knows of his own perzonal knowledge th.t nid newspaper has a bona fide Clrcu1DtlOD <br />of more than 500 copleJ of eacb luue. hu been published at Grand Island, NebruKa, <br />for more than 52 weeks luccesllvely prior to the first publication of the anne1:ed <br />printed notice. and il . legal newspaper under the statuteJ of the State of Nebraska; <br />that the annexed printed notice was published in said newspaper for 5 weeks, <br />the first publication being on Thursr1ay the ...IlI, <br />of August . 1st38 and lubsequent publicatioDl <br />on T:1\.U'!';c'i'Y the <br />11 tl:l day of .j~li~~.~st <br /> <br />1 '1t~ day of A"p':lls+ <br />?'i+~ day of Jl..IJfI1JS" <br />lsi- day of _:;9pt pm'.,p '"' <br /> dlY of <br /> <br />, 19. 88 <br />, 19 !is <br />, 19 88 <br />, 19 8'1 <br /> <br />.,111. ~l <br />J,"olt&.- <br /> <br />Subluibed in my prelence and lWorn to before me ~J?nd <br />day of .<:"ptemblOT. 111 88 . <br />My commlulon eaplr.. t'pri] 2 <br /> <br />g.Q. . <br />::..;.~W.~~ <br /> <br />Feea.s5-,3..c_Cr <br /> <br />