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<br />NON-llNFORM COVENANTS. _ and Lcndlr MIll<< coyononl and ._ .. _: 88- 104 S 41 <br />/' 111. AcceIenlllon; Remedle.. Llndlr wi giv. notlco 10 Bonowor prior to ._lIon following Borrow", bllleh of .ny <br />_ 0< ~ " thll SIoullly InIWmont (but not prior 10 ._ under .,..a_hi 13 or 17 unl... .pp1lclb1o low plOvldn <br />-'l. Thf nolloo ..... apodIy. (I) lhe _ (b) tho oclIon roqulrod fo curl tho _ull: (e) . dol.. not I... lluln 30 doyo from tho <br />dol. the _ Ie gIv1I'llo _or. by which the __ "",II be .......: and (d) fho1lo1ulll 10 00111 tho doloutt on or boIOIII Ih. dot. <br />~ " the nolloo moy lIIutt " ._lIon of fh. IUml IICU.... by thle Securlly Instrument and 001. of tho Propolly. T11. no1lce IhlD <br />furIhfr Inlarm _ of tho right to roIn_ ofter._ ond tho rlghl to bllng . cou~ .clIon to ,""ert tho non-lldllonC8 01 · <br />_ 0< eny other _.. 01 _ to ._ ond ..... If tho deloutt Ia not 00.... on 0< beforo tho dole apecIfted " tho noli.., <br />Llndlr 0\ b option moy ntqUlnt _ poyI1*1l " ful of II IUma .ocu.... by thll security Inlwment wlthoul further demond ond moy <br />_ the poww of.... ond lIlY other nmedeI ponnItIod by oppIcoblo low. linder ..... b. entIIIod to coIIoct II """..... Incurred In <br />purouIng the __ pruvIded " 11110 __h 19. Inekullng, but nol ImIIod to. lllaonobl. .ttomeye' fOIl ond COI" of1ltlo _co. <br />ft the poww of .... II Invoked, Tru_..... _ . nolloo of deIeuIt " ooch county In which lIlY pori oflhe Properly I. _od .nd <br />lhaI _ COfllII of ouch notlco In tho monner pntIClIled by oppIIcoble low to BllmlWer and to tho other penonl proocrlbecl by oppllcoble <br />low. _ tho _ ntqUnd by oppIIcobIe low. Tru_ lhaI gIve public notlco of .... to tho person. ond In tho monoer pntOlll1bed by <br />~ low. Truateo. without demond on Bonvwor. 1~.eJI ... the Property It pubiC IUclIon to tho hlgheel.bldder 0\ the time ond piece <br />ond under tho tennI deI9lotod In the notlco 01 .... In on. 0< mont perceIs and In lIlY order T...... ~... Tru_ moy postpone <br />.... of II 0< eny porcoI 01 the Proporty by public announcement It tho limo end piece of lIlY previously .cl1odulod 001.. Lender or Its <br />deolgn.. moy purchIIa tho Properly 0\ lIlY _. <br />Upon receIpI of._1 ollh. prtce bid. TiU.tee.heD deliver 10 the porch.a... TiUat.... deed conveying tho Proporty. T11. ntCitols In <br />the Truateo'l deed .heI be primo focle _ce 01 tho bUlh 01 tho statement. mad. therein. TiUlI.. IhIlI apply tho pn>c8llda 01 the 001. <br />In the _g ..- (I) to oR _SOl 01 th...... Indudlng. bul not IImItod to. TiU.t.... Iaes .. ponnlttod by __ law and <br />_ __eye' f_: (b) to eI aume aocured by thle Security In",,"ment: end (e) eny exces. 10 tho p....on or p....on. legelIy entlUod <br />toIL <br />20. Lender In p......lIlIIon. Upon .ccoIoratIon under pllIOgroph 19 or obendonment of tho Proparty. Lender (In plnOll. by <br />.gent 0< by Jullcloly ~od recelvar) .hel be ontII1od to ent... upon. lIk. po....slon of end monag. the Propolly end to conee! tho <br />ronll of tho Pn>porty In,*,dlng thOle po.t due. MY rents coUedod by Lender or the roceIver lbaD b. oppBod ftrst to payment 01 tho <br />costs 01 IllII1IIIOI11II of the Pn>porty ond colectlon 01 rents. including, bul not IIn1Itod to. roceIv... lees, premium. on racoIv... bond. <br />and _ dameys' rees. and th., 10 the BUms secured by this security Instrument. <br />21. Reconveyan.... Upon paymonl 01 .. suma .ocuntd by thla Security Inotrument, Lend... Iholl roquost Truateo to ntCOnvey <br />the "'-'Y ond lhellUlIWIdIr thle security In_ ond II notoe evidencing debt oocured by this Security Instrument to Trull... <br />TiUlleo _ reconvey tho Pn>porty without wornnty ond without charge to tho p....on or person. legelIy ontItIod to IL SUch penon 0< <br />penonl .heI pay eny - com. <br />22. Subllt\tUte Tru.... Lender, It Ite~. moy from _ to time _. TiUlI.. ond oppolnt . succeslor wll.. fo eny <br />Tru_ oppoInIed henunder by on Inatnamont roconIod In the county In which thIo Security Jnatrumonlle roconIod. WIthout conveyance <br />01 the Pn>porty, tho _0< wll.. lheI auoceod to d the We. pow..- ond dutlee conferred upon Tru.... heroin ond by oppIcobIe low. <br />23. Reque8l for NotIc_ _er ntqUoIle \hot COfllII 01 tho .- of dRub ond 0010 be .ent to Bonowor'. .ddres. <br />which Ie the "'-'Y _L _er lu_ _.... \hot copIos 01 tho notloos of dRub ond .... be eont to ooch penon who Ie I <br />party h_ 0\ the ._ '" ouch _ .et Iorth herein. <br />24, Ride.. to thIe s.curlty lnatrument. "on. or more'-' 1111 _od by BOlTOW8l' ond rocordod togeth... with Ihls <br />SOcurIty 10_, the __ ond ~ of _ such _ .haII be Incoq>oraled In\o ond Ihol amend ond suppIomont tho <br />__ ond ..,- 01 thlo Security InsIrumont u " the r1cIer(.) W1lI1I a pelt oflhls securlty Instrument. <br />(Chook oppIcobIe boJc(lI)] <br />D AdJu- Ret. R_ <br />D CDluo\ed Paymenl R_ <br />D 0Iber(1) SpeciIy <br /> <br />D Condominium RIder <br />D Plllnned Unb Development R_ <br /> <br />D 1-4 Fomlly Rid... <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. Bonvwor oocepfo ond 'lIlII" to tho t...... ond """en.nle contoInod In lhle SacurIty In.wmenl ond In eny rldor(l) <br />l!IKeCU\8d by Borrowor ond roconIod with IL <br /> <br />7 . ...--,.... - <br />m /:1 '~JffLj 0., (yI~<' a...Ju <br />B""""" G d A Plrnle Sr <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />)<f~ <br />~"O_ Ullle J Plmle <br /> <br />l, P~~,= <br />V <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />STAn: OF NEBRASKA <br />COUNTY OF Admns <br /> <br />} ... <br /> <br />On IhII ~~ '" ~nb"""" . ...L'i'~. before me. the und....lgnod, . Notory PubBc duly commI.lloned <br />ond .".,.-ad ... oeId county. CIllIO Gifford A Plml. Sr and UIII. J Plmle . Huaband and <br />Wh <br />to nil _ to be the Idontlcol _(al who.. neme(.) 1111 .- to tho loregoing InlliUmen1 end ocknowledged Ih. Ollocu1lon <br />_ to be _ voIun1oIy act and - <br />_ my hand ..d _ .... It Hatlnaa <br /> <br />Q:/ .~ ooId county, the date alorosoId <br /> <br />ju~..e ;( d/~h.... <br />Notory Publlc o.iIle. J <br /> <br />I.- <br /> <br />My CornnOAlon ap\ntI: 5-23-90 <br /> <br /> <br />g:-.e=:J <br /> <br />~.4of" <br /> <br />Jl)lB.CTl(Dr,lBl1 ~ U~) <br /> <br />"'07M131 <br />
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