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<br />88- 104841 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. BOlTDWII' and Lender covenant and IQfM I' tolows: <br />1. P8YfIl.nt of Prlnclp.1 .nd; pr.paym.nt .nd Lat. Chorg... _er .h.n promplly pay whan duo th. <br />pmcIpII oflOd lnI_t on tho dabt _cod by tho Noto ond any plOllOYIIIOl1t and 101. challl" duo undor tho Nol.. <br />2. Fund. for T.... ,""d Ineur,""c.. SubJacl to appllc:&blo law or to 0 wrtllan w.lver by Lander. Borrower .h.11 p.y to Landor <br />on tho day monthly poymant. ... duo under tho Not.. until tho Nol. I. paid In tuD. . .um ("Fund.') equ.1 to on..twalfth ot: (.) y..11y <br />..... on<! _....... which may ottaln prlorlty ovor thl. Socur11y In.trumant: (b) yoorty I....hold payment. or ground rant. on th. <br />Proparly. I IOY:(C) yoorty _ 1n.......CO p<emluma: and (d) yaarty monllllgo p<emlum.. K any. Th... "am. ... caRed "..crow <br />"ama." Landor moy _ th. Fundi duo on tho bo.1a of current dolO and ....onobl. ..timet.. ot tutu'" ..aow "om.. <br />Tho Fundo.W bo hold In an In.lJtuI1on tho dopa.". or Iccountl 01 which ... In.ured or guarwntaod by 0 ledaral or .101. Igancy <br />~cIudlng linder ILlndor II an In_). Landor .hallapply tho Fund. to pay tho ncrow "am.. Landor may not charg. lor holding <br />IOd ~g lhe Funda. anoIymg tho Iccount or vartfylng 'hi ..aow "..... unlo" Landor pays Borrower Interest on 'h. Fund. IOd <br />appIcIbIo law pormIta Llndor '0 "'""" such . charge. Borrower and Landor may Igree In writing that In,erest.haII b. paid on tho Fund.. <br />Un'" an agreement is made or appUcable law requires k1tensat to be pakI, Lender shd"o1 be required to pay BOITOWer any interest or <br />eamlnga on the Funds. Lena shd give to Borrower, wtthout charge, an annual accounti1g or the Funds showing credits and dabtta to <br />the Fundi and the purpole tor which each debit to the Funds WIS made. The Funds are pledged as addlUonal security for the sums <br />.ealred by thll SlaJr11y InlUUmoot <br />If the amount o' the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly p8yments of Funds payable- prior to the due dates of the <br />naow Items. aMI exceed the amount required to pay the escrow hems when due. the excess shall be, at Borrower's option. elther <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or ueclled to Borrower on monlhly payments 0' Funds. If the amoun1 01 the Funda held by lender Is not <br />sutlk::isrt to pay the esCJOW Items when due. Borrower shall pay to LendBl' any amount necessary to make up the deficiency In one or <br />""'"' _Ill o. required by Lande<. <br />Upon p8YIMI11 In ful of aD sums securccl by this Security Instrumenl, lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by <br />Lender. "under paragraph 18 the Property Is sold Of' acqulred by Lender. Lender shall apply, no laler than. inunediatety prior to the sale <br />of the Property or Ita acqulaItJon by Lender, 6lOY Funds held by Lender at 'he Ume 01 application as a credit against 'he sums secured by <br />this Securtty Instrument <br />3. AppllcBlllon of Payments. Unl... appllcabl. low provld.. OlhlllWl... 1M p.yment. racelvad by Landor under- _h. 1 <br />and 2 shaS be appIed: first, '0 late charges due under the Noll; second, to prepaymen1 charges due under' the No18i third. ita amounts <br />ply8bl1I under p8II.graph 2: fourth. to interest due; and last, 10 principal due. <br />4. Ch.rgea; U.n.. Borrower shan pay..' lUes, usesaments. charges. nnltS and Impositions attrlbutible 10 the Property which <br />~ attain priority t;;i<< this security InS1nJment. and leasehold payments or ground rents. " any. Borrower shaD pay these oblgations in <br />the manner provided In ~graph 2. or " nol paid in that manner, Borrower sha_ pay them on time dlrecUy 10 the person owed payment <br />Bon'Ower sha! promptly furnish to Lender all nollces of amount. to be pekl under this paragraph. II Borr~er makes these payments <br />dnc1Iy. _or.hd promptly furnish '0 Landor receipt. lVidanclog thl payment.. <br />BDfJ'OWS' Ihd promptly dschargII any Ien which has priortty at. thb Security Inltrumenl unlesa Borrower. (a) agrees In writing 10 <br />the PQfMMt of the obIgatkIn secur.t by the len In . mannII' aCCIIptatH to Lencs.; (b) contest! In good faith the Hen by, or defends <br />against entorcernent of the Ben In, legal proceedlnga which In the Lender', opinkKl operata to pr~ent the enforcement of the Den Dr <br />t_", of any part of tho ~or (c) .eaI.... tram tho holder at tho lion In "_t aotlltlclory to Lendor .u_g tho lion to <br />thiI SlaJr11y InlU\lmOnl. II Lsndor _as that any part 01 ,ho Property I. aubjacl to . Ilan which may IttaIn prIorily ovor thl. SlaJr11y <br />Instrument, Lender may 'iie Bon'ow8'" . notfce Identifying the Den. Borrow_ Ihal NUlry the Uen or take one or more of the aedons sel <br />lorth abovo wtthIn 10 doyI at tho giving at notice. <br />5. Hezard In.ul'llnc.. Ilclrnrw<r.hd koap tho Improv_. nOVl Old.llng or h_nor arecled on tho Property insured 19aIn.' <br />10.. by tire. ha:zards Included wtthln the term "extended coverage" and any oth_ hazards for which Lender requires nlurance. This <br />Insurance ahal be rNintIlIned In the amounts and 10r lhe periods that Lena requlrn, The Insurance canter providing the InsufWlC8 shaD <br />be chosen by Bonower subject 10 Lend<<'s approval which shall not be unrel..onabIy wllhhllkl. <br />AI Insurance poIcieI and fWlewals shaD be acceptable to lender and shal lndude a ...ndard mortgage clause. Lender shall have the <br />rIgIrt 10 hold tho pcIIcIoa and ronawafa. If Lander requires. BarrOVlor.haII promPl1y glv. to Lander II receipt. ot paid premium. and <br />renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrower shall give prompt nDUct to the Insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of loss <br />If not modo promptly by Borrower. <br />Un.... Landar and Borrower othorwil. "_ In wrIfIng. InIlUllOCO proceed. .hal b. appMad '0 roa1om1on or .-. at tho Proparty <br />darMged. If the restomion or repalr is econOl'l16cally 1Mattle and Lender'. securtly Ia not lessened. if the restoration or repair Is not <br />economk:aIy feuble or Lender's HCUrtIy would be laMMed, the InsulWlC8 proceeds shaY be appled to the lums secured by this Securtty <br />Instrument. whether or nat then due, with any excess paid 10 Borrower, II BomJWcr abandons the Property. or does not answer within 30 <br />dIrp . noUc:e 1n:Jrn u.uier that the Insurance cam.- hils onend to s.rue . clalm, then Lender may collect Ihe Insurance proeeeds. Lender <br />rmy use the pn:teeeds to repair or restOl1l the PmpEWly or to pay sums secured by 1hls Security tn5IrUmenl. whether or no1 then due. The <br />SQ.<IIy porlod wi! begin whan tho notlco I. givan, <br />UNaI Lender .,d Bonuwer otherwise agree In wrtttng, any appllcaUon of proceeds to princIpaJ shall not extend or postpone the due <br />doto oflh. monthly poymonta ref_ 10 In """,graph. 1 and 2 or change tho amount of tho poymanlll. If undor """,graph 19 tho Proparty <br />II acquired by Landor. Bonowar'. rlghl 10 any insuranco pol_ IOd proceed. ....ulllng from dlmag. to the Proplll1Y prior to tho ocqullltlon <br />aMI pus 10 t.1der 10 the extent of the sums by this Security Inilrumen1 immediItet; prior '0 the ecqulalllon. <br />B. Pre..rvllllon .nd MeIntenll1ce of Prop.rty; Leuehold.. Borrowor.haII no' dealro'f. damage or .ub.llInllally chang. <br />the Proparty, aIow the Property 10 deteriorate or cornmt waste. " thl. SaJrIIy Instrument Is on B IeIIsehold, Borrower shd comply with <br />the proYiIion:ll of the leue, and II Borrower acquires lee Utle 10 the Property, the leesehold and fee Utle shaft not merge untlthe Lender <br />"_to the_in wrIfIng. <br />7. ProIeclIan of Lender'. Rights In the Prop.rty; Mortglll. Inour.nce. " Bol1'OWor laII. '0 partO"" tho covanlOls <br />and _Ill _ad in thI5 Saourlty In.trumoo~ or 'hare I. I iogII procaadIng thai may algnlftcanlly enact Landor'. righ'. in th. <br />Property (lUch U a proceeding In bankrup1cy. probme. for condlfTlNlUan or 10 enforce laws or regulations), 'hen Lender may do and pay lor <br />wtWeYer II neceuary to protect the value of the Property and Len'-s rights In 1he Property. Lender's actions may Indude paying any <br />...". ooeIlI'lXl by I Ian which hu prior11y ovor 'hll Socur11y In.lNmooL appaarlng In court. paying ....onoblo .nomoys' I.... and .."ertng <br />on the PruIMrtY to make repUs. Although Lender may lake action un~ paragraph 1. lender does not have to do so. <br />Any wnounta c:hbLned by Lena under parIIgraph 1 shaD become .ddIIkmal deb' 01 Borrower secured by this Security Instrument. <br />IJNaa ~ .,d Lender agree to other t.-rM of payment. th..e amounts .haII bear Intern1 from the dale 01 disbursement al the Nole <br />me .m ahII M payable. whh int...... upon notk'A Irom Lend.. to Borrower requKtlng payment. <br /> <br />J'l\6CTl (tI1'JMI <br /> <br />..1016l11n <br /> <br />PqI11ol~ <br />
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