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<br />104832 <br /> <br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender f.nher covenant and aa8Srnnlows: <br />19. A........IIl111l R.....u.. LeDder IIIaII P" notice to Borro.... prior to oeceIenlloa lollowlal Borro...r'l <br />"'-110'.., _t or _t 1.llllaSecllril)" InItrulenI (bat DOl prior 10 __110. under parqnpba 13 and 17 <br />__ IpfIIaIbIe In JII'O...... oIIIenrIIe). The notice IIIaII apeclfy: CI) Ibe defaall; (11) lb. lCIIo. required to cure lb. <br />lIeftlldt; Ce) a dale, not'" tbu 30 dI)'I "-!be dale !be notice lip... 10 Ihrrower, br ..bleIIllIe default mUlt be eured; <br />ad Cd) Ib1Ia1Jare to ..... !be deIalI1t oa or before Ibe dale apeclJllII la lb. aollte mar .......11. _I.nlloa 01 lb. IUIDI <br />___ by .... SeclIrIIy IastraIDeBt ad u1. 0I1be Property. The aollce lball furlb.r IoIorm Borrower 01 III. rlpllo <br />n1_ dIr -m.1Ion ad Ibe rlpt to brIl11 a court lClloa to lIMIt Ibe aoa-exlllence 01 a d.fault or anr olber <br />do'- 0'1Iomnror to _I&ntIoa ad aaJe.lf Ibe defaallllDol cured oa or belore tbe dale '....111111 la Ibe aollce, Lead.. <br />at ill op\loa IIIllJ' reqaIre immediate paJlllCllt .. faD of all _ aecured by 1II1s SeclIrIl)" IllItrument ..llIIout furtb.r <br />~ -1118)' ........Ibe power af u1. ud lar oilier remedies p.rmUted by IIIPllcabl. ..... Leader IIIaII be enlllled to <br />collect all espeaes IIIClIrfed .. pana!1II !be remedies prorided la t.... parqnpb 19. IlICludlDa. but Dot limited to. <br />............__' fees........... ofllll. eoIdeace. <br />IlI1le po..... 01 aaJe II ..ftIked, Trust.. IIIaII record a nollce 01 default la eacb counly .. ..bleb any put of lIIe <br />Property II located .....1IIaII mall copies of ..ell aotIce "III. IIWUICl' praerlbed by .ppllcabl."" to Borro.... ..... to Ibe <br />olber penoas.............. by Ia... AI'tft III. time required by appIIcabl...... Trustee IllallIliY. pubUe aotlce of <br />u1. to Ibe penoll..... ..1Ile IIWUICl' prescribed br appIIcabl.I.... Trustee. wllllout demaad 00. Borro...r, lball..1I tb. <br />Property II publle auctioa to tbe bfabest bldder.t Ibe time and p.......... ODder the terms desllPUlted Ia III. uotlce 01 u1.ln <br />oae or IIIOftporceb .....Ia any order Trust.. determla... Trustee IIIIIY pootpoa. u10 of all or any parcel of III. Property by <br />pobUe BIIJIOWICOIIIOIlt .1 th. tIm. and p..... 01 any preriolllly acbeduled u1.. Lender or III desip.. II1II)' purebue the <br />Property.t any"'e. <br />U_ reeelpt 01 pa)'lllOllt of tb. price bid, Trust.. sbaIJ deUy.. to tIl. p,,",baIer Trustee', deed COIly.rlal tb. <br />Property. n. reeitaII .. III. Trustee'. deed .....1 be prima fad. mdeo.. 01 th. lrath 01 III. otatem.all made Ib.reln. <br />Trustee IIIaIIlpply th. proc:eedI olthe u1. foBowIng order: C.) to all Olpe.... of th. ..... Indlllllna. but not IImlled <br />to, T........' I... os permitted by reuoubl. .ttom.,.' fees; (11) to a11IDD11 seeared by this Secarily <br />Iastmmeon; ..... (e) III)' eJ:eaI to lb. penon or personslepUy OIllllled 10 II. <br />20. Lend.. la I!oaesaloa. Upon acceleration under paralraph 19 or abandonmenl of Ihe Propeny, Lender (in <br />person, by "lent or by judicially appointed receiver) shaD be entitled 10 enter upon, lIlI:e possession of and manale the <br />Property and 10 .ollecl the rents of Ihe Propeny in.ludinllhose pasl due. Any rents collecled by Lender Dr the receiver <br />sbaIJ be applied fiBt 10 pa)'lllenl of Ihe cosls of manaaement of Ihe Propeny Ind collection of rents, including. but nol <br />limited to. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then to the sums-secured by <br />Ihis Securily Instrument. <br />21. R........,...... Upon paymenl of an sums secured by this SecurilY Instrumenl, Lender shall request Trustee to <br />reconv., the Propeny and shall surrender Ihis SecurilY Inslrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this SecurilY <br />Instrument 10 Trustee. Trustee shall recDnv., Ihc Propeny wilhout warnnty and withoUI charge to Ihe person or persons <br />legaI\y entilled 10 iL Such person or persons shall pay any r"""rdation cosls. <br />11. Sw.tltate TI1IItee. Lender, at its option. may from time to iime remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />10 any Trustee appointed hereunder hy an instrument =rded in Ibe county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of Ihe Propeny. the successor trustee shall succeed 10 all the tille, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee heran and by applicable law. <br />23. II..- lor NoIIas. Borrower requests lhal copies of the notices of defaull and sale be senl 10 Borrower's <br />add..... wbich ilthe Property AddresI. <br />24. IlIden to II1II SeclIrIl)" 1amamnL If one or more riders are ..ecuted by Borrower and recorded logether with <br />Ibis Securily Instrument. lbe covenants and qnanents of each sucb rider .baIl be incorporated inlo and .hall amend and <br />supplement lbe covenants and agreemenlS of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were I pan of this Security <br />InstrumenL (Check applicable 1>01(..)) <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Payment Rider <br /> <br />o P1anned Unil Development Rider <br /> <br />n Other(s) [specify] Acknowledgement <br /> <br />By SIGNING BELOW. Borrower occepIS and ...... 10 Ihe terms and covenanlS contained in this Securily <br />Instrument and ill any rider(s) ..ecuted by Borrower and =n1ed with il. <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On this 2nd day of Septenber ,19 BIiI before me, the undersigned, a NOlary Public <br />duly collllDisJioned and qualified for said county, personally came Steven D. Crai g and Laura L <br />Craig, Husband and Wife ----------------------------------------_____ .10 me known 10 be ,he <br />identical pcrson(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execulion <br />thereof to be their voluntary acl and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal al Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the <br />date aforesaid. , .d' <br /> <br />Myu;._.nn e:l5i~U /;:/fJ'L ..~7?!~f.-f~..... <br /> <br />........ NOlary Public <br />IIU... loa.... U. 1112 REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE: <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust. Said nole: or notes. 10~C'lher <br />with all other indebtedness secured by thiS Deed of Trust, havr been paid in full. You are hrreb)' dirc("tetl (0 "ana:C'I"U1d <br />DOle or notes and Ihis Deed of Trust. which are delivered hereby, and to reconvcYI withoUl1,l,arraOl). alllhe \,..tall' <br />no. held by you under this Deed of Trust 10 Ihe penon or penom legal!) enlillt"d Iherr:lo. <br /> <br />Date: <br />