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<br />88- 104792 <br /> <br />L;N1HlRM Ctwl~NAsrS Uorrower ond Lcndcrcovcmml Bnd agree u!> f(lllow..: <br />t. I'a)'menl of Prlncipal and Interest; IJlre))ll)'ml!nt and Late CharRe5. Borrower ,hull promptly PIIY when due <br />the pnnclpal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nole and any prepl1yment nnd lute C'har~c!> due under the Nole. <br />2. Funds ror Taxes and Insuran~c. Suhjecllo applicable luw or 10 II written wui\-'cr hy Lender, nurrnwcr ..hall puy <br />In Lender on the dB)' monthl)' payments OTC due under the NOle, until the Note is paid in full. n sum ("Fund!>") equal tn <br />on~twclfih of: (al )'cnrly taxes and tL'iscssmcnls which may attain priority over Ihis Security InslrurllCJlt: (b) yeurly <br />leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property. if any: (e) yearly huzurd insurnT1cc premiums: and (d) yearly <br />mortgage insurancc premiums, ifany. These items arc called "cscrow items." Lcnder may eMinmtc Ihe l:unds due: on the <br />basts ofcurrcnt datil and reasonablc estimates of future escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be helll in an institution the deposils or accounts of which art: insured or guarantced by a federlll or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an instilution), Lender shall apply the Funds 10 pay the escrow items, <br />Lender may not charge for holding nnd applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items, unless <br />Lender pays Borrower interest on Ihe Funds nnd applicable law permits Lender 10 make such a charge, Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing that inleresl shall be paid on the Funds, Unll.-ss an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requin..-s interest to be paid, Lender ..hall not he reqUired to pay Borrower an~' interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall gi,'e to Borrower. without chargc. an annual :lccounting Clfthc Funth 'ihowing credits and debits to the Funds and lhe <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Fund~ wu!. made_ The Funds arc pledged as addilional ~ecuril}' for the sums secured by <br />thl!1 Security Instrument, <br />If Ihe amounl of the Fund!. held by Lender. llIgclher with the future monthly paymenls of Funds payable prior 10 <br />lhe due dute. of lhe ocro\\' Item!.. ..hall exceed lhe amount required to pay Ihe escrow i[em~ when due, the excess shall be, <br />at BorroweT'!. opllOn. ell her promptly repaid 10 Borrower or credited to Borrower on monlhly payments of Funds" If the <br />amount of Ihe Fund~ hdd by Lender I~ not sufficienl to pay the escrow Items when due, Borrower shall pay to lender any <br />amount nec(."S",ry 10 mnke up the deficiency in one or more payments as required hy Lender <br />Upon paymenl 111 full of all sum'- secured by Ihis Securil}' Instrumenl, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower <br />any Fund~ held h,y Lcnder If under paragraph IQ the Property is !lold or acquired by Lender. lender shall apply, no later <br />Ihan ImmL-dlillcl}' pnor 10 the sale of the Propert}' or It!. acquisilion by Lcnder. uny Funds held hy Lender at Ihe lime of <br />applicallOn a.. a cn.-dil agam!.t Ihe sum, o;r:cured by Ihls Security Instrument. <br />3. Application of P&)'mcnts. Unless applicahle law pro....idL"!. otherwi!.e. all payment!. rL'Ccived by Lender under <br />parag.raphs I and 2 shall he apphed' fiT'ol. tn laic charges duc under Ihe Nole: second, to prepay men I charge, due under lhe <br />Note; thud, In nmounl'i pa)-.tble under paragraph 2: founh. to inten."!.1 due; and lasl. to princlplll due, <br />4, Chargen; Ueos. nOITower !.hnll pay all tnXL"S, llssessmenls, l.:hllrge.'i. fines and Imrt1~UI(1m attrlbutablc 10 the <br />Property winch may atla1l1 pnonty m'er lhls Secun1y Instrument, and Icasehold paymenls or gTDund renls, if any. <br />Borrower ..hall pay Ih~C' ohhgaHons 111 the manner proVided 111 paragraph 1, nr If 1101 paid 1I11h111 manner. Borrower shalt <br />pay them nn lime: dm:ctly 10 Ihe ~~on owed pu)'ment. Borrower shall promplly furmsh to Ll'nder all nlllll'cS of amounts <br />to he paid under thl!. paragraph If Borrower makes thL"Se paymenls dlrcL'II~", Rllrwwer ...hllll promptl}' furnish III Lender <br />receipt... e\'ldenclng the pll}'ment!\ <br />Hnrrnwcr ,hall prompt I) dl"lchurge an)' hen whll::h hu!t pnont) ll\-'er tlm Sel.:urllY 11I!.lrumenl unles!. Borrower: (a) <br />a!l:fl..'O lO wTltlng to the pa}menl oflhc ohhg.illon !.eeured by Ihe henlO 11 manl1er Ilcceptabll' to Lender; (hl contesb in good <br />f.\l11l the hen hy, or defend" agaln!-ot enforcement of Ihe hen in, legal prllceL-dmg"l which lO Ihe lc:nder'!. opiniollllpcrale to <br />pre\'r:nl the cnf(lrcement of the lien Ill" forfeiture of any part of lhe Property: llr (c) !'oecllr~ from the holder of lhe lien un <br />agreemenl ~1l!.f3cttlrlto Lender "IubllrdlOalmg Ihe hen to 1I11!t1 Securlly ln~lrumellt. 1f Lender determine!. thul any pari of <br />the Property I'" !.UhJL"Cl tn a hen whleh may altain priority over tltl!. Sl'Cunl)' Instrument. Lender may give Borrnwer II <br />nollce HJenllfYlIIg the hen Bontlwer ..hall 'ialisfy the lien or lake one or mClT!: of Ihe actlOI1~ <.;et fnnh ubove wilhin 10 da)'!' <br />lIft he gl\'mg ufmlucc <br />S. Hazard Insurance. Unrrll\,\ier ..hall keep the Impro....crnenl!. no\'. clllsung llT hereafter erel;led on the IJrnpcrlY <br />1I1sured agamst 10000!tl hy lire. hal.nrd!o mduded wllhin the term "e70lend~ co\erage" IJnd any nthcr hu;r.ard!ol for which Lender <br />reqUITes IlI~Urallcr:. Thl<.; In"urann' ...hall he mall1wined in the amounts llnd for the periods Ihllt lender requires" The <br />II1surance carner pro\illhng lhe m..uralh:e ,hall he chu!len hy Borrower "UhJl'1..'l 10 Lender', approval which !.hall not he- <br />unn:a..-.onabl\' wllhheld <br />All I~surnnce JlI..'lhcl~ and rencw.1b ,hall he acceptahle to Lender and sholl mcludc II !.tandard mortgage clause, <br />Lender 5hall hDve Ihe nghtlO hold the pohcu:~, Ilnd renewals" If Lender re4ulfl~. Borrower shall promptly' give to Lender <br />all receipho of paid prcmlllm!l. and renewal notices. In the event nf los~. Borrower !iltall gi....e prompl notice 10 the insurance <br />carner and Lender_ Lender mll) make proof llf lo!.~ If n01 mode promptly by Borrower, <br />Unl~ Lender and LltherWI~ .agree: in writing. Insurance pruceeds ~hall he applied to rL'!<otorntion or repair <br />of the ProperlY damaged. If the r~IOrnUOll11r repair i!. economically feasible and Lender'!-o \ecurity IS nen kssened. If Ihe <br />reslOmlIOn or repair I~ not economICally fcaMble or Lender'!. security would be lessened, Ihe Insurance proceeds slmll be <br />appht.-d In the sum!i ~ured h}' thiS Sccunty In!lrrumcnl. whclher llT not then due, with an}' e70CCS!> paid 10 Borrower. If <br />Borrower nbandon~ the Propeny, or doo nol answer within 30 day!. a nOlice from Lendcl Ihal Ihe lII!.urunl.:C carrier ha!. <br />offered 10 scutc a claim, then Lender mllY collecllhe lI1~urance prcx:eed!<l, Lender may u~e the pTllCcxd!. 10 repair or restore <br />the Property or 10 pay sum!> ..ecured hy thl!> Secunt)' Inslrument, whether or nol then due The :\O-du) penod Will hegin <br />when the notice IS given. <br />Unlo... Lender and Borruwer olherwl!ie agree In wntlng. any application ofprocL''C(h III pnnC:lpal ,hall nol eXlend or <br />fXbtflone Ihe duC' dale ufthe monthly payments rc:ferred 10 111 paldgmphs I and 2 or l:hange the llmDunl nflhe pa~'menl", If <br />under parugraph Ig the Propt"rlY I!'I acquired by Lender. Borrower's nght to any ll1!.urance pClhl'l~ und proceed!. resulting: <br />frum damage to the Propert)o pnor tCllhe acqulSltlon !lhal1 pJ.S.S 10 Lender wlhe elllent llf Ihe '1um.. ..ecured h) Ihl!> Secunly <br />Instrumen1lmmediatd)o" prim to Ihe Ul.:quIslllon <br />6, Frese".tton and :\taintrn.nce of Propt!rt)': l.easeholds, BorHlwcr ..hall npl dL...tro), damage llT "Iuh"ltnnllally <br />chang.e Ihe Propeny, allow the Propt"rty to detenoratc or commit wash:. If Ihl!. SCl..'urlt) In"llrumenl I" Ill! a leu!.chold. <br />Borro\\:er shall compl}' with Ihe pnwlMllns of the lease, and IfBorrllwcr acqulfC!\ fee Iltle to Ihe Propl'r1Y. lhe lerl~ehllld llnd <br />fee lIIk shaH nol merge unll:!lo!. lender agrco to the merger in wntmg <br />7, Protection of I..endcr9~ Rights in the Propt!rt)"; 'lorlKIIRl' In!Juruncc. If Bornl\\cr f.lll!. III perform the <br />("(lVenants and ngrecmenl~ cllnlallled m Ihl~ Secunt)' Instrumenl, or Ihefl'l" iileg;d pTtll.:C::~lIIg lhlll m3) Mgllllkantly .lffect <br />L:nder's nghh III Ihe Prnpen)' (...ueh a.. a proccedmg 10 bankrupt\.')o. prohate. for clllUlcnmatlon or Itl enforce law~ or <br />regulatlOn~). shen Lender mIl} do and {laY for whale\'Cr I!!. nccessal)' W protL'1.:t the value of the PrnpeTlY amll.elllh:r'''1 n~II1"1 <br />111 the Prnpc(1)i Lender', actlnm, mal' mdude pa)'lOg an)' sum' "c1..'ured h) i1 lien whIch hu!> pnorlty IHcr Ihl!. SL.....unl) <br />In~trumt'nl, appeanng: m court, pa)'lI1g rea\(mablc an(lrnc~'''' fee<o and cotenn!%- on the Prnperly Itl makc Tt'palr.. AlthllU~h <br />1.endcr ma) lake acl1Un under Ihl'l paragruph 7. I.endcr does not havc 1(1 dll "It I <br />,'n) amounl'" dl~bu",C'u hy trnller ulldeT thl!> paragral1h i ..hall bec(lme addltlollal debt Ilf BnTnl\\ c:r ..c\."urC\.1 h~ Ihl" <br />Sa:unt) Into.rumclIl l 'nIC"o.' Unrrn\\'er und l_cfldet agree 10 other lerm" llf pa)mc.'f11. I h(.'w ;lm.1UIII.. ..h:tlllx-;JI IlIll'r~'''1 11111Tl <br />Ih~ dale uf dl,hur\Cmenl a1 lht' ~(l": rate and ...hall Or: p.1)-"blc. "111l mlerl"t. IlfX11l 1l11Ih:l~ !"rlllll Il'lHkl Il' 111'11""1"1 <br />rnlun-IIng pOl)"menl <br />II I_chller r~ulrC"l1 hlllrlg:li!e ,",ura;lI:c iJ\ a Ctmdlllnn nf the !I,.lll ,(...:ured h~ Ihl' Sl'~1l111\ l'l'..lrUll\elll <br />11.lrr,'\I,('t ..holll p.:I\ ,he rtcnllumll rt'l{lIlTcd III TtlUlnlmn the lIl'!ourancc In ('fTeL'1 u1Itll ..u~h llllll' ,I~ Ihl' Il'qulIl'nu'lll \"1 lhl." <br />ltl\.urall\.r: lr:rnllll.llC""- In.&~, 11Hli1Il~r:" IIh Burr I ".. urul Lendcr'...... nllen ;)l-!rl."Cmt'I1I111 "'I'Pll. abk 1;1.... <br />K. In,pc-c1illn. I ('nllel I.r II.. ,1itC'fllllIn) m....e reu\nm1~1(' rfllnco. Upl1fl .lfII1Ill~rl..'1"Il" ,'1 !hl' 1"'"1'1 It_ I ,-",kl <br />..h,lll ~IH' Hllrtll\lo("f 0,'11..(" .a' Ihe IIfIU' IIf "r rl1nr In an ,"'Ipn..'llllll \.f'l('L"lf\Hljo; I C"a....'Il.ll.k "UI~I' to.. 'ht' 1Il~1""\ 1! ' <br />