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<br />(1 Yenr TrCI\5Ury Indclt-Rnle Caps) <br /> <br />88- 104788 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />THISADJUSTAULERATERIDERl5mndClhi, ~dnyor AUQust ,19~, <br />llI\d is incorporated Into and shall be deemed to lltnend and supplcmenl the MOrlgoge, Deed of Trust, or ~curlty Deed (the "Security <br />Instrumen.") of the same dBle given by the undcrslgned (lhc "Borrower") 10 secure Borrower's Adju51able Rale Nole (the "Nole") to HOME <br />FEDERAL SAVINOS I LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA (lhe "Lender") of the same dale and covering the <br />property described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />not available, Grand Island, NE 68801 <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br />Thll nolI' contains provlSloru allowlna for thangcs In my Inleml rate and my mODlbl,r <br />paymrDb, Thill aol~ .bo IImlls Ih~ amouDI my Inlerest ratr can cbange at any one tIme and <br />also tbe minimum and tbe maximum n11C' I mUllt pay, <br /> <br />ADDlTIONAL COVENANTS. In llddilion 10 the covenants and ugrcemenu made in the Security [nstrument, Borrower and Lender <br />further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />.... INTER~ RATE "'ND MONTlII.Y P"'YMENT CH"'NGO:S <br />The Note provides for an inilial interest rale (If A S a,oo, Seclion 4 nf Ihe Nole provides for changes in the lnleresl rate and the <br />monthly paymen15, as follow\: <br /> <br />4. INTEREST RA TE AND MONTIIl,l' P,II'MENT CHANGES <br />(A) ChaDIC n.tes <br />1~intert'5t rale I will pay may change on Ihe firsl day uf _._ _M~_rc:~____. ___~~, 19 ~ , and on that day every <br />months Ihereafter. Each dale on whh:h my Interesl ratc: could chanp:e is coiled a "Change Dale." <br /> <br />(B) 1bC' Indo <br />Beginning with Ihe first Change Dale, my inlerest rale will be ba.o;ed UII anlnde:\. The "Index" is the w<<kly average yield on United Slale~ <br />Treasury securities adjusled to a constanl malUrily uf I year, a!o made available by Ihe Federnl Reserve Board. The most recent Index figure <br />available as orthe dale4S days bdore each Change Dllte is called rhe "Current Index... <br />If the Index is no longer a\'ailable, the NOle Hohler will dll1U\C II new index which is ba~;cd upon comparable information. The Nolt~ <br />Holder will give me notice of this choice. <br /> <br />(C) Cakulallon of ChanRflI <br />Before each Change Date,lhe NUle Holder will l"alculiue my new inlcre~1 rate by adding hlJn ,qnrl nnp--h,q 1 f percentage <br />points ( 2.5 C17a) to the Currenl Inde", and founding 10 the neart:sl I/Hlh of I ~o, subject 10 Ihe limits staled in Section 4(0) below. <br />This rounded amounl will be my new interesl rale untillhe next Change Dille. <br />The Nole Holder willlhen delermine the IlmOUIII of lhe monthly payment Ihal would be sufficient 10 repay in full the principal I am <br />expected to owe on Ihat Change Dale in !iubslantilllly equal f1aymC'nh by rlu: malurit)' dale al my new interesl rate, The rcsult of Ihis culculation <br />will be the new amounl of 10)' monlhl)' paymeRI, <br /> <br />(0) Umils on Inlrrnl Hair ~h.nlft <br />The inleresl rate I am requirC'd 10 pay al the fir~t ChulIge Dale will nol he greater than 10.5 % or le5s Ihan <br />7 %. TherC'Ufler, my illlerC'!>t ratc will never be incteased (lr decreased nn any single Change Dale by more than +-I'ln <br />( 2'1. ) from the rate of iDlerest I have b<<n paying (or Ihe preceding twelve: monlhs. The minimum interest rate on Ihis loan will never be <br />less Ihan ~___ ~ll and the maximum interest rate will nt'\'cr be: grealer than _~_ %. <br /> <br />(E) Erfeclhr Dalr of ChaaRcs <br />My new interesl rale will becomC' effective on each Change: Date. I will pay the amounl of my new monlhly payment beginning on Ihe first <br />monthly puyme:nt dale aftef Ihe Change Date unlillhe amount of my monthly paymem change~ again. <br /> <br />(f) Nolla! Dr Cbanles <br />The NOIe Holder will mail or deliver 10 men naliee bt'(orecach Change Dale. The nulice: willadvisc me of: <br />(i) the new inleresl rale on my 10lln IU of Ihe Change Ilale; <br />(ii) Ihe amount ormy momhly paymenl following the Change Date; <br />Wi) any addilional mallers which Ihe Notc Holder is required to disclose; and <br />(iv) the address of the associalion you t:auld conlaCI regarding any questions aboullhe adjustment notice. <br /> <br />B, CHARGES; LIENS <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of Ihe Secority InstrumcDI is amended 10 read as follows: <br /> <br />.t. Oaaraes; LIma. Borrower shall pay a1IIBllCS, asscssments, and olhet charges, fine'i, and impositions allribulable 10 the Property which may <br />altain B priority over this Security lostrumenl, and leiUChold paymenl5 of ground tcnts, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />or, ifnDt paid in such manner, by Borrowet making payment, when due, directly 10 the pay<< thereof. Borrower shall promplly furnish Lender <br />all notices; of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make payment direcUy, Borrower shall promptly furnish to <br />Lender receipts evidencing such paymelll!. Borrower shall promplly discharge any lien which has priority over Ihis SecurilY Instrumenl; <br />however, Borrower shall nol be required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower; (a) shall agree in wriling to the paymem of Ihe <br />obUgation seaJrM by such lien in Ihe manner acceplable to Lender; (b) shall in good faith t:Dnlest such lien by, or defend agwnst enforcemcnl of <br />such lien in,legal proceedinS$ which in the opinion of Lender operate 10 prevent the en(on:emenl of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or nny <br />part lhereor; Dr (e) shall secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfactory 10 LendC'r ~ubordinaling such lien III Ihis <br />Security Jnstrumem, <br />If Lender delcmtines IhRI all or an}' part of the Pro~rty i!l subject 10 tl hen which muy altain it prioril}' o\'er this Security Inslrumenl, <br />Lender shall gille Borrower a nOliee identifying such lien. Borrower shall slllisfy such Iie:n ur lake one or more of the aclions set forth abo\Je <br />within len da)'$ of the giving of the nalice. <br /> <br />C. NanCE <br />Uniform em-mant 14 of Ihe Security InstrumeDlI\ amended 10 f1:ad a!l foI1DW'i: <br /> <br />.4. Nolia. Except for any nolice rt'fluiroo under appbable 11l~ 10 he given in anal her munner, lalmny nollce 10 Dorrower prOVided fur lit Itll~ <br />Stcurit)' tnuru",cnl ~hall be: given by deli..o:rln~ it or by mailing II by finl dll-~\ mild 10 l1or~uwer Illllle I)rorcrl~' A...hlre\). ell ul \u..-h tlther ilJdt~\ <br />ou. Borrower may designale by nolil.,"" 10 tenJer IU f1ru"ided he't'ln. nnd (hllUlynullce 10 Lender ~hlll1 be iU\'t'1l 11:0 finl dIU' 11.1111] hI lenJe", <br />addrr:uslated hc:rdn or 10 I.ueh mhel addren u.~ tcmler may deMiluare h:o 1I011I:e: In Dorm..el a\ pttwidetl hert"ln hn\ I1tlth.1' prl1\ldloU IIII IlIlhl' <br />Sa:urll'jllm.numef1l ,hull he dttmnl ((I hil"e been Riven In lIul1l1""er or 1_t"nJa:r wht"n Ill\en lD Ihl' manlier 1I['\I)(I\;Ilrll hl"ta:1/l <br />