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<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(I V..r T.....ry I""..-RII. Clpo) <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is mid. this ....lL~t. day or ....,(\~lJ.~~L,..............,........,' 19 ft.~..,.., and I. <br />incorporlled into and ,hili be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed or Trust or Security Deed (the <br />"Security Insuument") of the same dale given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Adjustable <br />RI'. Note (the "No'.") to...N..o.l:W.\>~t...ll;mk..N~b.l:ns.k".,, ....,....,..,......................, <br />.............................................................................. (the "Lender") of the same dale: and covering the property described in <br />.he Security Instrument and al: <br /> <br />Rt. I, Box 277, Grand IHland, Nebraska 68803 <br /> <br />88- 104780 <br /> <br />IProp:rl)' Addreul <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM RATE THE BOR- <br />ROWER MUST PAY. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVEN4NTS. In addition 10 the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrumenl, Borrower <br />and lender rurther covenanl and agree 115 rollows: <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTH LV PAVMENT CHANGES <br />The NOle provides for an initial interest rllte of ,.....~.t.Q9....%. The Note provides for changes in the interest rate and lhe <br />monthly payments. as follows: <br />~. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />( A I CU.... Dal.. <br />The intercsl rate 1 Will pay may change on the first dilY of . ...~~.~~.~.f!1.~~~X... ... .... ...... 19..t:l.?.... and on that day <br />every 12th month therea(tcr. Each date on which my interest rate could change is eaaed a "Change Date." <br />(HI The Index <br />Beginning with the firsl Change Date. my interest rale will be based on an Indu. The "Index" is the weekly <br />average yield on United Slates Treasury securities adjusted to a constant malurity of I year, as made available by Ihe <br />Federal Reserve Board. The most reccntlndcl figure available:1s of the date 45 days before each Change Date is called <br />the "Current Index..... <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Nole Holder Will choose a new index which IS based upon comparable <br />information. The Note Holder will J!:lve me nOllCe of Ihis choice. <br />(C I Calculalloa of Chana" <br />BeCore each Change Dale, the NOle Halder will cillcullHe my new inlerest rate by adding r.w.r,L.;,m~...QT.l.f;::........ <br />..Ml,C......................... pcrcenlage points (..2...5.U......%) 10 Ihe Currentlndell.. The Note Holder willlhen round lhe <br />result of this addition to the nearesl one-eighth of one percentagc point (0.125% I. SubJecl to Ihe limits stated In Seclion <br />4(0) below. this rounded amounl will be my new inleresl rale until the nell Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will Ihen delermlne Ihc amounl of the monthly payment that would bc sufficient to repay the <br />unpaid principal that I am ell.pccled to owe allhe Change Date In full on the matufllY datc al my new inlercst rate In <br />subs13ntially equal paymenl5. The resuh of this calculation will be the new amount of my monlhly payment. <br />(D I Umits nn Inl.r"l Rat. Chanle> <br />The interesl rale I am required to pay al the first Change Date Will nOI be greater than .. .!.P.~.9.P.. .'1- or less than <br />.....9...Q9..............%. Thereafler. my Intere!!l rate will never be incrc:a~ed or decreased on any Single Change Date by more <br />Ihalllwo percenlage points (2.0%) from Ihe rate of mtere!!t J have been paymg for the preceding twelve monlh~. My <br />interest rate will neYer be grealer than .....l.3...Q.O_l'f, <br />I E I Elftcth. Dal. of China" <br />My new interest rate will became effective on each Change Dale I Will pay Ihe amount of my new monthly payment <br />beginning on the firsl monthly payment date after the Change Dale unlll lilt' amounl of my monthly pB)ment changes <br />agam. <br />I Fl NOlie. of China" <br />The Note Holder will deliver or mail to me a nOllce of any changes In my interest rate and Ihe amount of my momhly <br />paymenl before lhe effecuve dale of any change. The notice ","'illlnclude information required by law La be givcn me and <br />also the tille and lelephonc number of a person .....ho will any quesLion I may have regarding the nolice. <br />&. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER <br />Uniform Covenant 17 nf the Security Inslrumenl is amended to read as (allows. <br />T,...fK oflhe ProperlY or _ Benefici.llnlernl in If all or any part of Ihe ProperlY or any inlcrest mills <br />said or Iransferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower IS sold or transferred and BorrolAoer is nol :1 natural person I <br />wilhoutlender's prior wril1en consenl. Lender may, at 115 opllon, require immedialc payment in full of all sums !!ecured <br />by Ihis Security Instrument. However. this option shall nol be elerclsed by Lender If c)tcrcise is prohlbiled by federalla....' <br />as of the dale of Ihis Security Instrumenl Lender also shall nol ellerC1SC thiS option If (a) BorrolNer causes to be <br />5ubmlUed to Lender informal ion reqUired by lender 10 evaluate the IOlended Iransferee as If a new loan were bemg made <br />10 the t!anlferec; and <<b) lender reasonably dClermlOes that lender's security Will nol be impaired by the loan <br />iluumption and that Ihe risk of il breach of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument i5 acceptable 10 <br />Lender. <br /> <br />-The .odell. figure: 11\'ailabk a.. of 1111: dale Ihl' lI1iliallllll'1l'\' I'alr \\it, dt'[Cllnllll'd 1111 [111'111,111 \\01'" <br /> <br />7.79 <br /> <br />I"U. <br /> <br />IIIJL.n5TATE AD.'UST1Blf RATE R1DEA-.LRN ~.2--... ,;... 1.1"",-hnm. Mae Fr.l:Idl. ".c UnllOfm Inllr\ <br /> <br />Form J111 j 8~ <br />