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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(SECURITY AGREEMENT) <br /> <br />88- 10472B <br /> <br />lAST PMT AMOUNT <br />187.24 . 187.24 <br /> <br />(I t..- -"C <br /> <br />ThlsOeedorTru"ls~ August 24 ,19--.!!!L,betwOO" .!U1D,,"~and'=lA CALLIHAN_ <br />husband and wife, 4150 west Capital Avenue, Grand Island, NE 68801 . Trustor <br />and Jerrv J. Milner. ] 503 v.e~ ~nn ~t--n::>Pt- f.hv 10liR r::r::!.M Tc::1;::t,nM. 'P\ffi" ':;9902 ,Trustee and Benaflclary. <br />By this Deed 01 Trust. the peraon(sl signing below. the "Trullor". grants Bnd conveys to Trustee In trust. with Power of Safe. subject to the right to collect <br />Income. the toIklwing delcribed nraI.-e. aibJated in NebrasU. County of --1:J;:Ill <br /> <br />See attached 1B:Jal description <br /> <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING: <br />(A) Performence of each agreemBnl of Trustor contained herein. (8) payment of Ihe pnnclpBI sums wilh Interest as prOVided in the terms end provisions 01 a <br />Note. Security Agreement and Disclollure Statement 01 even date hereWith e.ecuted by Trustor. and Ie) the paymenl 01 any money that may be advanced by <br />the Beneficiary 10 TrualOf 'or any reason or to third parUea with intef011 thefeon. where the amounts are advanced to protect the security or in accordance <br />With thil Deed 01 Trull or 8!l O!herwise allowed by law. <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THIS DEED OF TllUST. TllUSTOR ~IlREES: <br />1 To keep the property In good condition and repair; n01 10 remove or demolish any building theleon; 10 complele or restore promptly Bnd in good Bnd <br />workm.nllke manner any building which may be constructed. d8maged. or destroyed thereon. IInd 10 pay when due 1111 claims for labor performed and <br />malenals furnished therefor; 10 comply With all laws anecting said property or reQumng any alteralions or Improllemenbl to be mada thereon;'nDI to commH Dr <br />permit waste thereol; not 10 commit or permll an)' acl IJpon lh.:l ploperTy In v.olallDn ot law ano do all other acts which Irom the character Of use 01 the <br />property mo.- be reasonably necessary <br />2 To prOVide. maintain. and deliver to BenefiCiary fire IOS>lrBnce !Hltistaclory to and wIT/'1 loSS payable to BeneficlBry The amount collecled under ar.y fire or <br />other Insurance poliCY may be applied by BenefICIary upon any indebtedness s~ured hereby anO In such order as BenefiCIary may determine. or at option 01 <br />Beneficiary Ihe entire amount so collected or an.- par1lhere-olma.- be released to TruslOl Sucr! applica110n or relense shall nol cure or waive any delault or <br />nOllee of Trustee's sale hel8under Dr invalidate any act don." pursuant to such notice <br />3 To apPNr m Bnd deleno an~ actIon 01 proceeding purpOl1H1g to Bftecllfle secullly hereol or me fights or powers at 6ene1ieiary or Trl.l5teei and to pay all <br />c.osts and e..pen,....ol Bcneltc.ary and Trustee, Including cost of evIdence ot tItle and anomey', lees to the eldenl permitted by law, In any such aeUon or <br />prOC8eCmg In W "dt:6ooeficiary or Trustee may appear or be named. and many sUll blOUghl Of BenefiCiary or Truslee to foreclose this Deed 01 Trust. <br />4 To pa)' befor ebp"attent an __~nd assellsme '15 af1ecllng the property .....her due. all encumbrance5, charges. and lIens. wrlh Interest, on the propert)' <br />or any ~art the "';ihlCh~_r:&~( u nor helela. all costs, ',*5. and e..penses of tt'lI!. Tru~t, IncluOlflg. "'Ilhoul limit, the lees of Trustee for <br />ISsuance 01 any econveysnce or Deed DI Release ana Full Recan...~yance. and alllawlul charges. costs, and e.pensBS <br />In Ihe event:)1 remstalemenl of. following defau en, is Deed of Trusl or tht: obhgatlons secur~ by mlS Dee<! 01 TruSI <br />Should Trustor lall to make any paymenl or to 00 any act as herem provloed. then BenefiCiary or Trustee. bul ....IUloul obllgallon so to dO and WlthDUt nollce <br />10 or demand upon Trustor and w.lhout releasmg Trustor from any Dbligatlon hereol may mak.e or do the same In suell manner and to such edent as BIther <br />may tJeem necessal)1lQ prolect the secunty heroal, BenefiCIal) or Trustee being aultlOflzeo 10 emBr I.pon sall::i plOpeny for SUCh purposes; appear In and <br />delend IIny acbon or proceedln9 purportmg 10 aflect Ihe SecUllty hereot or the fights o. po~ers ')1 Beflt!f,clary err T'uslee. pay, purchase. c.onlest. or <br />eomplOml$tt any encumbrance_ charge. 01 hen whIch 10 Ins Judgment ot ellhef apptoalS 10 be onor r>1 superlO' herelO ana rn exercising any such powers. <br />pa.- necessary 8JlpenlElS, employ counioUl. and pay 1115 reasonable lees. a5 pt.fmrneo b~ la.,. <br /> <br />;.~n~~;:~e:::~n~:l:~~t:r~~,~~ ~~I ~~~~ee~~;~:U~dBe~~~~: ~~~Sr:1 p~~~u:~~'~n~~s~'~~:~I~~~b:~:f~~~~,~trh~~~:j~:~~~~~:~t~~~ <br />01 the deDI secured by IhlS Deed 01 Trusl and a hen on sala p:emlses or lmmedrately oue and payable at Dpllon 01 Benellclary or Trustee. <br />IT IS "UTA~Y AGREED: . <br />6 That an, IIward oi damag8!l1O connE-Chon *llh any c.ondemnallon or any such taking, c1' fOI InjUry 10 lne pIOp@rT) b~ reason 01 publiC ulle, 01 101 damage!! <br />for p"IoIBle trespass 0' Inlury thereto. IS Q.5.&lgnec1 and shaH be p.310 10 BenefiCIary 85 furll'1er Sm;.UFlI)< lor aU obhgallon~ !o~cu'ed nereby {reserving (Into the <br />f'u&.IOI however. tile nght to sue tT\('.eIDr and the ownerShip Iheleof subjocl 10 thl$ Otl-OCI 0' T lu!!l) ilnd ...pDn lecelpl 01 sUl:h money3 BenefIcIary may hold <br />the urne 8!1 such furthef secUrity. 01 apply ()I rele.a!te the same In the same manner and wlln Ire same eft!"cl as above IHovldt"d 101 dIspoSItion of proct.'tKls 01 <br />It"' O' Otnftr ,nsumnce <br />7 Thai time IS Of the t1Sst!'nCO:f 01 tnl5 OePO 01 Trust and IflSI t.J' 8cc~pllOg payment 01 any t1urn S.~UI(!C1 tltlleb, atlt'f '1"5 d"t' :1l1lt' Berll"lum, ...iDe$ 1'10f W[lIIoIO <br />hiS 'tghf ",tl'\er 10 require prompt DtI;yfnent Nhef' Clue of ill! olhe-r 'Dums &0 s.ecured or It. declare aefault lor lallule 50 10 oay <br />8 al any time or trorn lIma to time and _Ithoul notIce upon wrmen requeSf 01 Bent'lf,clar', ana pfe,>",f1tallof'"' 011r!lft Du~ 0' T'ust 1Il1d salCl nOICISllol <br />~ndol."rT>t'Inl and _rttlout ltab.lrty It>ereloT Ilnd .,thOu! il"&t;lln~ tt'll:! pelsonal 11l1blhl'f of any Pt!'f!>or 'Of ~>II)lm~nt vi l/'1fl ,ndf!bledl't'ss !oflcUfet] heleb.., ant] <br />.,lhr.......! ;an..c.."",, 9".. ioeC..."for h~"ft()1 'Of lhe' lwl! amounl s.ctcurl,.j ha,eb-r on all DroPftr!, ,t,"',.,,,......, s...b,.,.c!" .1",1 ..,~hnul !I.t' nl:'Cess'tr lhlll an~ M.'" <br />'wrpo""'tmtong the y.IUD or an, portIOfl1hl9reot 01 the p.opeiT)' anl!llCt8d trJ' the ituaI9fl-' acllor tot! ,-'{'d'lt'\) :)1 It'ltl 'nOeDleQnfle !he 11,151eo mar III. '61l'.ISt' ,,1.,:1 <br />..eoCo1'_t all ~ an, g,art 01 uld P'opeIt"J ,bl c~.....wnllo 1tl(l making Dnd 'elatd,ng f" fJ1rfl". 01 'Ir., "'up or pIal "r lh& p'Optll1~ .. .111\1 part 1"t.".,.1 " <br />';3'-"""'0 olIt>, __men! ~rDOl'> It:tl )011\ ,,, 01 co,.,..n1 to anr ellCtnlUon 1I0rM~1 or iln, ,1gfL"''''IWI !iutoO.d"."1hn1J It"!.. t..., ''''l umt"."" I' '" ""',.1" ".",..,, <br />~ TP',el upon .f1""", reQuM1 of ~', $.t811ng that all sumll &.ol.Urf!>(J hO'''b"1 1"uI"'(I beeI'> pa'd A"" ..po' """~"'l..r .1 flllli Pf'lh' ,! T, ,.q .,,- . ...,.' 'l'h:H!o1 \" <br />f.~t.e'oo ,,~!,,1IOr" afICI ,~, af'd utlO" peymen' olltsl1!MMl T'ustee sllAlI rmea'lI lii;r>d 'I"I't:O"."'1 ...,1"')"" ,...en/II'! 01 "'''''1I' 1', "'~"I'~" " ,mpl,p(l \tlr <br />PfO~, "",.n "-Id "-<.......d... T". 'lIlC.tall ," ....t:h Ilt'(..on"ll'yan~ of anr m.nerll t1f fal.."11 .t.",; rHo r "..Cl......,,~ PH>>"! nr I"" f."rr""..".... "". ..." 1".. Ilr'II'I"" ., <br />~ '..."O:...._,&N-e ....., 0. ~_.,~ u ",. ~ ~ piMJOnS Itrg.~ Ilfltrn.d ~-.rto <br /> <br />QRIGl',;.l <br />