<br />88-
<br />
<br />104723
<br />
<br />
<br />KNOIV AU. H nv TIlESE PRESENTS, THAT 11Ir WE. Dale J, Rohweder and 8etty L. Rohweder, Husband
<br />and Wife 8S Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship nnd NOt as Tenants in Common
<br />
<br />ul Hnll ('ounty and Stale of Nebrasku. for value received Twenty five thousand dollars a
<br />
<br />do hen:b~,'!I&q,O.'lI~l(dMWll~~~ HN~lt~'~ W,JIL WI~~~~I~'L' ~WI~ri~. \~~ ~, \~ortg.gee).olHall COllnty. und State
<br />of NchrllSh, the following described premises silualed in Hall County. nnd State of NcbrnskB. lo~wit:
<br />
<br />Lot 33, Block I, Continental Gardens, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />This mongage is junior 10;
<br />
<br />Mortgage Dated July 28, 1983 and Filed July 28, 19a3 at Inst. 83-003959 from
<br />Dale J. Rohweder and Betty L. Rohweder to the Equitable Building and Loan
<br />Association of Grand Island in the Amount of $37,000.00. No Future Advances.
<br />
<br />This (is) (is no.~ Homestead Property.
<br />The intention heing 10 convey herehy an ahsolule title m fel: SImple includmg all the rights of homeslead and dower.
<br />SECURED DEBT: This mortgageseellre~ repaymenl ofthe~ecllred debt and the performance of the c(wcnanlsand agreementscomained
<br />in this mortgage and in an~' other document mcorporated herein. Securcd deht, a!> used in thl~ mortgage, includes any amounts I owe you
<br />under this mortgage or under any instrument secured by Ihi!> mllrtpage
<br />The secured debl is evidenced b\' a rem]ving creduloan agn:eml'nt dated
<br />rale of 11.5~,. -
<br />The abo\'l~ ohligatiun is due and payahle on . II nnl pauf earlier.
<br />Fulurt Adwancts: All amoun!!o owed under Ihe abll\c agn:t:menl an' ..el:lHed e'en though flut all amounts may yel he advanced. Future
<br />ad\'ances under the agreement arc contemplaled and Will he: "cl'ure:d <lnd "III lIa,!." pritlril)' In Ihe !>alnc e:\lenl as if made on the dale this
<br />mortgage is. executed. The lnlal unpaid halancl" secured hy 11m llIurtpll,=-e ill an~ llnc lime sha~1 nUl e:\ccl."d a maximum principal amoun! of
<br />Twenty five thousand and no/lO<Jullar.. ($ 25 J 000. 00 J plm mlere~l. plus any dishursements made for tile
<br />payment of tuxes, specUl.l a5sessmf:nts, nr IIlsuram:c un Ihe prupcny, \\llh Intl.'re~t on ..uch dlshurscmcnts.
<br />[j Variable Rate: The imereS! rale tin Iht' Ilhhf;allOn ~e1:ured hy Ihl" Illlll"lgape may vury accnrding 10 Ihe Icrms of thut obligation.
<br />I, We shall pay alllaxcs, and any interesl nn. or n1illurm~ IIl..lallmelll;, III rrlllnral. due IIn <In)' prior murtgage and assessments levit:d upon
<br />said real f:Slate and all olher taxes, levIes and .l....r....mcnt..le"led upnn 1 hI.. 1T1llrtgapl' or I he nott: which Ihis mortgage is given w secure, hefore
<br />thf:samc become~ delin4uent and keeplhe hUlhJlIlgs nl";lId preml..e..II1Mlretl. Jo..~.11 any, payahle tll slll'h lln.l mortgagces nrthis mortgagee,
<br />or both, then th~e presents be \:nid, nlherwl"~' Iu he and rl'malnlll lulllnrn'
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED III rlml II Ihe "iud morl!!agor ..hall l;ul Itl P<lY "u1:h la.\cs and such inlcrrsl on, or maturing installments uf
<br />principal. due on an)' prior mUflgage and prn1:UI'l" ..uch m..urancc, then 1111.. rTInrt!,!u!!!."e ma)' pU)' sllch taxes and such inlcfl.....t nn, or maturity
<br />installments of principal. due nn slIch prinr mortgage and procure \I1l'1I m..urunce; and the sum..o advanced wllh intere~t shall be paid b}' said
<br />mortgagor, and this mortgage ..hull sland il\ ~ccunty lot Ihe ~all1c.. (21 I hill a I allure In PilY any 01 ..aid money. either pnncipal or interest on
<br />Ihi.. or any nlher prinr mortgage. "hen Ihl' ~amc becnnll:" dUt, .11' :llmlure III Clnnply "JIll .my' nhlle luregllmg agrccmelll!'i, shall cause the
<br />whole slim of muney herein ~ecun:d tu hecome due and cnllt:cllhle al once at lhe IIpllUn tll the murtgagce.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREHJ That ..aId Illotlgagcc, ()endlll!; 11l1t.-c1u"ult' III tillS fllurtgagc and afler decree and pending stay thereon or
<br />appeallherefrom and pending salc of pn~mlsc:s mtJrtgaged, may pay ~uch taxcs and matunn,g interesl or maturing mstallments of principal, un
<br />priur mortgage!o, procurr such Insurancc and ..uch sums ..hill] he addt'd 10 I he amuunl duc on decree and upon confirmation of sale by the
<br />cnllrt ordered taken OUI of procec:d!l of.....le; or If n:dt'Cmcd dunng !>Ia), appeal (II ..ale. ~uch amounls shull hecullecled the same 1I!11hough il
<br />were a pun of such decn.'C.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED Thai in the evenl ul delault III any uflhecu\'enants ornmdlliom uj tlm mstrumenllhe rent.!l.ofthe premises
<br />an: herehy assigned In the Mongngee as SC1:urny lur the pilyment III the lOdehtedncll!>llt'cured hy thi!lllgrccment
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREEO Thol thill Mungage ~lIle ~hall bedul" and payable.f Iht" prupertysubjeclllltlm mortgage i!. conveyed awn)! or
<br />If title thereto shall he vesled in an}' otht:r.
<br />Si~ned .hi, 3,'J day lIf L.Lv,OIu..:..(
<br />I n pre~ence ul J
<br />
<br />. With II1l1ial annual interesl
<br />
<br />, ,.{J,
<br />
<br />~ 1 ~L>-MSEALJ
<br />
<br />Dale J,~eder
<br />
<br />X'rjl,J:k;.~ ;{~~I
<br />Betty~'L'~Rohweder
<br />
<br />(SEAt I
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF . Neb:~aska , County of .HaJ,l
<br />Befort" me, a nolary public qualified for said county, per50nan~. came Dale J. Rohweder and Betty L. Rohweder,
<br />Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship and Not as Tenants in
<br />
<br />kno&.9fBl1ii\P to bt tbe IdentIcal person or persons" ho signed the foregolllj!, IIlSlrU?Uml and acknU\~ kodged the eat'cullon thereof to be his,
<br />be,", the;, vlIluoluy acl and deed J/ C'; J~ ;Z.l ~
<br />
<br />WIt0"1"'1hllll1lAilill-i11i1iii1ii1.<t.: ~ 19
<br />
<br />Ml c:omT_~=-'~ft. 11%j9 Tf 'Nulary Pub"c
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />}~
<br />
<br />Enlt'fl-d un' numerit::ul indea llnd 61t"d for record
<br />III tht' Regisler IIf Dms Offit't' of said County the
<br />
<br />Counl}
<br />
<br />d.a}. of
<br />alkl rrcordrd in Book
<br />
<br />19
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<br />TIUS INS'I1IUME!'oT DRAFTED 81', ~______.._
<br />
<br />1'\ ~J2bbII'f. Rc\ 7 87
<br />