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<br />.f. '. <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />104722 <br /> <br />If Lender reqUIred mortgage insurance us a condition of making the loan secured by this Secunty Instrument, <br />norrower !oohall pay the premium~ required to maintain the insurance in enect until such time as the requirement for the <br />m"urolnce ternunal~ in accordunce wilh Borrower's and Lender's wnnen agreement or applicable la\l,' <br />8. Inspection. Lender or lis agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, Lender <br />shall gi\'e Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rea.c;onuble cause for the inspection, <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds orany llward or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with <br />30)0' condemnatiun or other takmg of an)' part of the Properl)'. or fur conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby <br />3s!ooIgned and shall be paid 10 Lender <br />In the e\'ent of a tntal tnkmg of the Propeny. the proceeds shnll be applied to the sums secured by this Security <br />In~trumcnl, whether or nm then due, \\'Ilh an)' eACcs..o;. paid to Borrower, In the event of a partial tllking llf the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree m writing, the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amounl of the proc,,:eds multiphed hy Ihe following fraction: (a) the totalllffiount of Ihe !'oums secured immediately <br />before Ihe takmg. diVIded by (bl the falf market value of the PropCrI)o' Immediately hefore the tnking, Any balance shall be <br />pallJ to Borrower <br />If the I'rnpt:n) I' ahandoncd by Bormwer. or if. ufter noth:e b)o' Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or !lellle a claim fm damagc...", Borrower falis to re"pond to Lender within .10 day" after the date the notice is <br />gl\:cn, Lender l!l authnrized to Io:ollect and apply the prncceds. at Us option, eilher to restoflttion or repair of Ihe Property or <br />IlIlhe ,urn.. ..ecured by thiS Security InMrument, whether or nol then dUe, <br />Cnle,!'!lender and Borruwer otherwise agree 10 wrnlllg. any applicatu10 ofprocecds to prinCIpal shaJlllot extend or <br />po..lpllne Ihe due dati: ufthe monlhly payment.. referrcd to in paragraphs I and 2 or change Ihe amounl or such payments, <br />10, Oorro..'er ~ol ReleAsed; Forbearance Dy Lender ~ot u \\'oinr. ExtenSion of the time fOT payment or <br />m(l(htic~1l1011 of UrnOrtl.lllllnn of the !lurns 'iecured hy thl!'! Security InstrurnCnl granted by Lender 10 llny successur to <br />IlIter~1 of Borrower ,halll1ot open!le to rdelJ!'!e the liahilll)' of t he oflglOal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. <br />I.lol1der ,hall 110t he rcqU1red 10 \.':ommelh;~ proceedings agaHl!oo1 an~ !'!UCI.:t:!o~or ITl JIltC'n:~t or refuse to extend lime for <br />pll~ menl or othcru'l!lc mOl.hf) amurlllatJOII of lhe ,urn!! "cl'ured h) lhh SCl'unl) 111!'!trulllenl b)o' rell!lOn of any demand made <br />hy the ongmal Borro~'cr or Borrower\' 'uccc:s:-'of!\ In lI1tcre~l- An} f(lrh~lIrafll'c oy Lender 1II1.':\l'rclsing an)' right or remedy <br />,Imll nnlh<:: a \\'al\'cr of or preclude lhe eXerCI!!C ofan)o' nghl or rcrned) <br />11, Succcssor5 llnd AssiRm.i Bound; Joint and SC'Ycral Liability; ('o-siKncrs, fhl' l'l.I",,:nanh and agreements of <br />Ill" Sl'CUfllY In..trumenl shall bind lInd henelillhe !lucces!lors and as.....lgl1~ Ilf Ll'ndL'r and Btlrrnwcr. ,ubjccl to Ihe pnlvi!olOll!l <br />nfraragraph 17_ Borro"'er\, Cll\'Cnllnt.. and agreements shall he jOltlt illlU ..c\'cml Any Unrnl\\er who ....o.'lgn.. thi!'! Secunty <br />InMrufTlclJI hUI doe!lnot e,\l'l'LlIe the Nllte (al I!'! cn-sigmng thi~ Security In!olrulTlC'JJt nllly tll TlItlrlgage, grant and l:OIl\'ey <br />thllt Borrn",cr', lDter~t mille ProperlY under the terlOll of I hi!'! Sccurny ImlrulIlenl. Ihl I' no! pl'r'tllmll) tlbh~llted 10 pay <br />Ihe 'urn!'! ..el:uretl b~' till" Sccurll> ln~lrumenl, and It.:) agrel~ tlMI I.endl'r and any IIlhl'r Borrllwcr ,"It)' ;lgrt'c In cXlend, <br />,""ldlf). forbear ,,'r nmkt: ,Ul) al.comrnodalloll' with rcgllrd tll I hI.' tt:rm!'! of Ihl' SeL'Unly InMrUTTll'1l1 or Ihe Note 'Hthnut <br />Ihill Bormwe:r', cun..e:nt <br />12, Loan ChllI'Rt.":i. H the lmm '\ccurcd hy 1111.. Seetin!)' In:-.lrunu:nll'" !'!ubJcclln alilw whIch 'Ids tlliUllIIUm loan <br />l'hargc!o. and Ihat law I~ final!) Inlcrprclcd !'!o that the 1Illcrc!ot or (Ilhl'r Inall chufI.!l'!'! l'lllll",:tcd {If 10 hc cullcClcd in <br />~ollnccl1(l1l with the luan t:7ol'ecd the pc:rnll11cd i1mm. then: (ul any ..uch itKIn chargc ",1);)11 hc rL'du~cll hy the amount <br />IIcce!o'uf)' to n:du....e the i:harge In the pcrnlllleu Inml; :Ifld (b) an) "'urn!o alrendy I..'ollectet.! fn'fll norrowl'r wJlIch exceeded <br />rcrmlllL-d hmn... Will be: refunded 10 R.-,rrowcr Lcnder nlil} dlOmc to makc Ihl' refund h) rl'dul..'lIlg lhc principal owed <br />under lht:' Noll' tlr hy makmg a direct payment 10 Borrower If a refund rL'duce' prmclp'll. Iht. rcdul'lllltl WIll he treated liS 01 <br />parlJlll prcpaymcll1 WlltlllUt an) pn:paymcnt \,:hargc LInder thl' Note <br />13. Le~i!!iIDtion Atre('lin~ "LInder'!!; RiJ(hl"i. If Cflill'll1lcnt nr C'\PH:tllllll of al'pht'ahk' law... ha, the effect Ill' <br />rcndC'nn~ an~ pn'\I"Ollllf the ~()lC or Ihl' Set:unty In'lruml'nl unenforcellhlc il~'l'lIf{llI1g II' It.. terlll", Lcuder. at It!'! oplllln, <br />mlJ)o rcqulrl' IInmedluh.' ra~mclIl In full of all ~um!oo ..ccured hy 1111' Secuflt)- In""rUm(~nl ami nlil)' II1\-lIkc any remedll.~ <br />p.:rnllltt'J h~ paragraph III If Lcndl:r t:\t:rl'I!'IoC' 1I11~ opllon, Lt:nuer ,halltllkc the ,tl:p' ~pl.'l.:llicd llllhe 'eclInd paragraph of <br />para!;raph J 7 <br />14. ~olice~. An~ lI11llCt.:' III Btlrfo\ pnnilded for ltIthl' St.:'cllnly 11J'lrumenl ,hall hi.' g,1\il'rl h~' dcl]\,enng II or by <br />malllllg II b)o' lir't da~... mUll unle~!'! apph..:ahle law rcqulrc:!\ u...(' ill' another mClhod_ The IIl1tJl.:C ,hall he directed to the <br />Pfllpt:rt)' AddrL"'!'! nr any other olddro, Unrro\l.'cr de~lgnuto hy Ilolll'c 1(1 LenJer, Any nlltln' 1l.1 Lender !'!hall bc gl\'en by <br />fir!'!t da!<l!<l mall w l':lld.:r\ addre.... ...Iatcd herem or any olher uJun..''l l<.'nd.:r d~'Ip;nalc!'! h) lIutU:C 10 Bllrrowl"r, Any lIollt:e <br />pnwlded for 111 thl!o ~ecUTJty In~trumt'nt ,hall be det:ml"d hl h3\C het:n gJ\l"1I tn Borrowcr or Lcndl'r when gI\ien a!oo prnvHJed <br />111 tlm. paragraph, <br />IS, Go\'erning Law; Scwcrabilir). Tln'l Se~uTJty Irl!otrume:ru ...haJJ hI..' gml'rne:li 0) fcdcrall,lw and Ih... 1;1\10 nfthe <br />Jun!odlCtltll1 10 which Iht:' Prupt'rl)o 1!70 locatcd. In the: e\lenl thul an~ pnwI"ololI tII dllu!'!e of lhl' Security In...lrumelll or the <br />Note COlltllct!<l with applicable law. "ouch contlu:1 ,hall not affect other prml..IOIl!o of lhl" Sel'unl)' In!olruml'lIt t)f Ihe Note <br />",,-hlch can be Jp\-en effect WUhllullhe conftll..'lmg pro\lISlon. To lim r:nd tht' pnl\-I\lIHl... Ilf :hl' Sct:urlly '"'Irumenl and thl' <br />NOIe aredt.'darr:d III be !<ot:'\lerable <br />16. Borrower"s COP)-. Bllrrowt"r ...hall he gi\-'en onr: \.':llnfllrmed CI1PY Ilf IhL' ~(II'" and III' I hi... SCl'urlt)- I"..trumenl <br />17, Transfer of the I'ropel1y or u lJencficial Intercst in Borruwer. If all or any pan uf the Propert) or an}' <br />mlerl"!ot III II "" ,old or trall!'!fcrrc:u (ur If a bcndicml Bormoner 1\ ...011.1 Dr tran'\ferretl aml Borfll\\-er I' 1I0t a lIiJtur:11 <br />pcr!ounl Without LCl1dc:r\ pnor written t:nmenl. Lender m~)-', at Ih Oplll.llI, rc~ulrc: nnmedlalc paymclll In full of ,ill !'!UIIl!o <br />~(':curcd by lill.. Secunl) (n...trulOc:nL Howe\ier, thi~ optum shall filII hc c,\cll."ed h)- LCIlJer If i:"erCI"c " plOhlhllc:J h) <br />fet1cralla", a!<o of Ihe dale OfIhl!'! Security lu!'>trumenl. <br />If It:'ntler e'\ercl~!o till" option, Lender shall gne Dorro\locr 1I(lllt:c Ilf a....t:deratlull, The: Illllll:\:.' ...hall prmlde a pt'rhlu <br />nfnut It...... than 3Uday.. from the date the notu:c I..dch\lcr\:.'d ornHlllcd \ltolthllJ wiudl Htlrro\ Tllu..t ra~, !'!e....ureJ h} <br />Ihl!<l SecUrHy In!<ltrumenl. If Burrower fall.!. 10 pa)' th~ 'um!o pnur tlllhe e'plralltlfl IIftl1l' pt'rHlti, Il.nJt'r Itla) lII\.t1t..c lln~ <br />remcdlo permitted b~,. Ihl!l Security In!olrumelll wilhout further n{lIKe or dcmand on Bnrnm er <br />18, Borrower's Rlaht 10 Reinstate, If Borrower mecl~ certum L'lmJltlOfl'o, UurTll\\'cr ,hllll ha\'l' Iht' ngln III h;J\C <br />cnfurcancm IIfllm Security Instrumenl discontinued at any lime prulr lolhl' carher Ilf fa) ~ d:l}' lnr ,utll lither peflod .1" <br />applicable la"" ma)- ..pct:lf}' for relO'tlltcmenl) before ~Ie uf Iht' Prorert~ pur!'!ullnl 10 all) pllWt'r III ".11L. UIIIl.IIlICd III 1111' <br />Sa:UrH)o In!itrumcnt; or fbJ entry of a juJgment enforcmg Il1l' SeL'Urtl)' Ir"tfumenl liJlI'c t.:tlllJltlilll' arl' lhal Bllrrl'''L'' <br />fal PdY~ lender aU ,urn... whu;:h Ihen ~'nuld he due under Ihl' Sc7cunl)- In..trumenl iUH11he '\;lllt' lwl.! nl1 ill.\t'!t'rilllon <br />Ot:\:urreu, (h) cure:, an)' ddaull of an~' other l'o\ocnunl!l. or l.IgrL"Cml'nh_ "-:) pay\- all npt'n..t" lIl~ulrcd III l'''I''I~III~ 1111' <br />Sct:urll~ In\,uurn.:nl. IOdudmp., bul not homed to, r~a'K)nllblc: altnrrll.')" f.:C'o. ,UIIJ hlll,lh... 'llLh .1L!hlll ,I" I ~'mkr 111.1\ <br />,ca""tfl.abl) requu-e tll il\'Ure tho1the hc:n uf Ihl!'! ScC'unt)' (nMrUmelll. I clllJer' IIghl' III Ihr 1""1'<"1\ .llld B"T1""l'I" <br />ubhgOJlllUl III p.:1) du: ...unn ~'lued h~ 1111.. Scl:unl)' In...trument ..hall ...t1nllllUt" IJllLh,lll~nl l p"11 11'11l"',lll'Il\t'1ll "\ <br />IJorrp\&.cr. I hi\, \o,n UI1I) In..uumelll and Ihe ohhgnlum't ..cxured hcreh~ ,hall rem.lI11 filiI\- t'lrn II'." ,I" rill.' ,h. "I", .llh'll h,1l1 <br />'....l'U'IC!J lip\&. C'\ (", ,Ihl't rliZhllu rem..t.'\1C' ",hal! llul appl)- Ifl tht' ...a'oc" III ih.LI:,h:'rillli>1l umkr P,II ,1~I,II.h, ' : ,'I ' . <br />