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<br />Borrow'cor and Lrndtr c;l\"f:nanl IInd aRI1."f' liS fullows: <br /> <br />I. That Borrower wiII pay the indebledness, as hereinbefore <br />prO\;ded. Pril;i1ege is re.lierved to pay the debt in whole or in <br />part on any installment due date. <br /> <br />2. That, together with, Bnd in addition tn, the monthly <br />pnymenls of principal and interesl paYllblt' under the terms of <br />the note secured hereb)', the Ronower will pa~' 10 the lender. <br />on the first day of each monlh until the said nOle is fully paid. <br />the following sums: <br />(a) A sum equal 10 Ihe ground rents, 11' any. ne'" due. plus <br />the premiums that will next become due and payable on policies <br />of fire and other haz.ard in!.urance covering the prupeny, plus <br />taxes and as!.cssments nexl due on the propt'rly (all as estimalt'tf <br />by tht- Lend~rJ less all sums already paid therefor divided bv the <br />number of months to elapse before one (J I month prior to Ihe <br />date when such ground rents. premiums, laxes llm..! a..<\scssments <br />will become delinquent, such sums (0 he held hy lender in trust <br />to pay said ground rents, premium... la:\es and ..pecml <br />assessments; and <br />(b) All payments mentioned in the preceding \uhsectlun of <br />this paragraph and all payment!\ 10 be made under th~ 1I0tt' <br />secured hereby shall ~ added IlJgclher, ,1Ild the agl?regale <br />amounl thereof shall be paid by Ihe Borrower eUl.:h month III a <br />single paymenl 10 be applied by the Lender 10 the rollowlIlg <br />iteml> in Ihe order sel forth: <br /> <br />(I) ground rents, taxC'!!. a...!>es...menb. fire and othl.'r hOll~rd <br />IIlsurance premiums; <br />Ill) inleresl on the nOle .,ecured hereby; <br />fill) amonizulluo lIf the nrincipal of ..aid nOle; and <br />!IV) lale charges. <br />..\ny deficienLy in the amounl of such aggregate mOnlhly <br />paymenl shall. unless made good by Ihe Borrower prior t(l the <br />due date of the nCAt such paymenl. constitule an e\lent of <br />default under Ihis mortgage. The lender may CollC'l.1 a "late <br />charge" nol to exceed four cents (4ltl for each dollar IS I) of <br />ellch payment more than fifleen (15) days III uncurl> 10 I.:o\'er the <br />e~tra expense in\"olved in handling delinquent paymenl.... <br /> <br />3. Thai If the total of the paymelll.!l made by the BorrO\\"er <br />under (a) of pamgraph 1 preceding shall exceed the amounl of <br />paymenls actually made by lhe lender for ground rents. IllJIC'!I. <br />and asSCSsmenls or insurllnce premiums, as Ihe cll!te may be, <br />such c.xco.s, if the loan i5 current, at the option of the <br />Borrower, shall be credited by lhe lender on subsequent <br />payments to be made by the Borrower, or refunded to the <br />Borrower. If. however. the monthly paymenll> made by the <br />Borrower under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be <br />sufficient to pay ground rents, UUC5 and assessments or <br />insurance premiums, as the case may be, when the same shall <br />become due and payable, Ihen the shall pay to the <br />Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, on or <br />before the dale when payment of such ground rents, toues, <br />assessments. or insurance premium!> shall be due. If at any time <br />the Borrower shall tender to the lender, in accordance .....ith the <br />pro\'isions of the note sC'l.""Ured hereby , full payment of the entire <br />indebtedness represented thereby. (he lender shall, in computing <br />the amounl of such indebtedness, credit to the account of Ihe <br />Borrower any balance remaining in the funds accumulaled under <br />the provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a <br />default under any of the provisions of this inSlfument resulling <br />in II public sale: of the premises co\'er~ hereby, or if lhe lender <br /> <br />(88 <br /> <br />104711 <br /> <br />acquire~ rhe property olhc:rwise after default, the: lender shall <br />apply, al the time of Ihe commencement of such proceedings, or <br />al the time the properly is otherwise acquired, the balance Ihen <br />remaining in Ihe funds accumulaled under (a) of paragraph 2 <br />preceding, as a credit against Ihe amount of principal Ihen <br />remaining unpaid under said note, <br /> <br />4. That Ihe Borrower will pay ground, laxes, <br />assessmenls, water rate.". and other governmental or municipal <br />charges, fines. or imposilions, for which provision has not been <br />made hen'inbefore, and in default Ihereof lhe lender may pay <br />the same: and thai Ihe Borrower will promptly deliver Ihe <br />official receipts [hcrefor to Ihe lender. <br /> <br />~. The Borrower will nilY all laxes which may be levied upon <br />Ihe lender'!! interesl in said real estate and improwmenls, and <br />which may be levied upon this instrument or thc debl !'il'cured <br />hereby (but only to lhe exlent Ihal \uch is not prohibiled by law <br />illld only 10 the extent thaI sUl.:h will nOI make this loan <br />usurious!. but excluding any inccme lax, State or Federal, <br />imposed 011 Lender. and will file the official receipt showing <br />\uch paymenl with the Lender. Upon violation of this <br />undcrtaking, or if rhe Borrowt'r is prohibiled by uny law now or <br />hereafter exi"'ling from pa)'lIlg the whole or any ponion of the <br />aforesaid la'e.~, or upon [he rendering of any court decree <br />prohibiling the payment by lhe Borrower of any such laxe!'i, or <br />If \uch Ill\.\.' or decree prOVIdes Illat any amounl so paid by the <br />Burrower !!hall be credited on the debt, the lender shall have <br />Ihe right 10 give ninety days' wrillen nOlice to the owner of the <br />premise~. requiring the payment of the debt. If such notice be <br />given, Ihe ..aid debl shall becomc due, payable and collectible III <br />the e"'Plraliun of \illd ninety day!!. <br /> <br />fI, fhal ~hould the Uorrm\'er fail 10 pay any sum or keep any <br />l.:O\lenant prO\:ided for in this instrument, then the lender, at its <br />option, mtly pay ur perform the same, and all expenditures so <br />made shall be added 10 Ihe principal sum owing on the said <br />nole, shall he \ecured hereby, and shall bear interest al Ihe rale <br />set forth in the said nole, until paid. <br />7. That the Borrower hereby llssigns. transfers and sets over <br />to the Lender, to be npplied toward Ihe paymcnl of the note <br />and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the <br />performance of :1Il)' of the terms and conditions of this <br />instrument lIr Ihe \aid nOle, aU the rents, revenuC'S and income <br />10 be derived from the said premises during such time IlS the <br />indebtedness shall remain unpaid, and Ihe Lender shall have <br />power to appoim any agent or agenls it may dC5ire for the <br />purpose of repairing said premises and of renting the 5ame and <br />collecling the rents, revenues and income, and il may payout of <br />said incomes all expenses of repairing snid premises and <br />neces!!ary (,"ommisl>ions and expenses incurred in renting and <br />managlllg the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the <br />balance remaining, if any, to be applied IOward the discharge of <br />sBld indebtedness. <br />R, That the Borrower will keep Ihe improvements now <br />exisling or hereafter ereCled on the property, insured a5 muy be <br />required from time to lime by the Lender against 1055 by fire <br />and alher h:uards. ca!>uallies and conlingencies in such amounls <br />and for such periods as ma)' be required by the lender and will <br />PB). plomplly. .....hen due, any premiums on such insurance, <br />provision for paymrlll of which has nol been made <br />~~~eri~~::O~~. t~~1 ~:~~~~n~~:I:~~ ~:I~~~i~ntr~~:"ia~i~~~reof <br /> <br />shall be held by the lender and have Buached thereto 1055 <br />payable clauses in fa\'Of of and in form acceptable 10 the <br /> <br />HUD-921430T-' <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />