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<br />88- <br /> <br />104706 <br /> <br />If lender required mortgage insurance itS n condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument, <br />Dtl!"nl\ ~hall pay tht; premiums required 10 muiltlnin the insurance in c(fect until such time as the requirement for lhe <br /> Icrminnle~,in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's wrilten agreement or applicable law. <br />8. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender <br />5hall give Borrower notice allhe time of or prior 10 un inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspcclion. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of nllY award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in connection with <br />an)' condcmmmon tlf olher Inking of any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, ure hereby <br />nssigned and shall be paid 10 Lender, <br />In the c\'clII of :1tolaltaking (If lhe Property, Ihe prOl.:.:cd!'o !<thall h.: applied to Ihe sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whether nr not rhen due. with an~" c,,"ccs\ paid to Borrower. In Ihe even I of u partinltaking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender otben\llSe agree in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />Ihe amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the lolal amount of the SUt1)S st."Curcd immedialely <br />before lite tuking, di,tided by (b) the fair market vulue of the Property Immediurely before the Inking, Any halance shnll be <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If Ihe Propert}' i!o> abandoned hy Borrower. or if. after ncllicc h~ Lender 10 Borrower thai Ihe condemnor offers 10 <br />makenn award or "icUlc a claim for damages, Borrower fmls 10 Tt.ospond 10 Lender within 30 duy:-. afler the date the notice 1!<t <br />gi\'en, Lender is lIuthonzed 10 collccl and apply thc proceeds. al ih oplllln. either to restoratHlI1 or repair ,If the l'ropeflY or <br />1(1 the sum~ s~urt.-d b\' this Securil\' Instrument. whether or nOllhel1 due <br />lInles!<t Lc:nde~ and Borrow~r olherWlse agree In wnllng, any appilCalll1l1 of pruceeds tll pnncipal !<thallnol e:\tcnd or <br />postpone Thl" due date of the monThly payments referred to in paragrnphs I and 2 or chang.e Ihe amounT pf such pnymenls. <br />10, Borrower ;r-.iot Released: Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the lime for payment or <br />modification of amor1lzatlon of the \ums sl.."'Cured by Ihi!<t Security Inslrumcnt grunted by Lcnder 10 uny ..ucce';;'ior in <br />intcf(~t of Borrower shull nol operate 10 release thc lmhilil)' of the onginal Borrowcr or Borrower'" !<tuccc!o>!<tor.. in II1lcre!'ot. <br />Lender shall not be rcquin..-d 10 commence pron.-cding!<t aguin'lt any ..ucet.."S!<tor in interesl or rcfu,-;e 10 c:dend time for <br />payment or otherwisc modify amonl1-ation of the ..urns secured by 1111s S~uriTY Inslrument hy rea!<ton of any demand made <br />by Ihe origmal Borrower or Borrower'.. "ucI...t."s~of', H11T1lerest. An)' fclrhearallcc by Lender in c:xercismg an)' rlghl or remedy <br />shall nol be a waiver ofnr predude Ihc e:\cn:i~eofany right or remedy. <br />11. Successors and AS!iiJDts Bound: Joint and Several LiBbilit)'; C&osiKners, The \."o\'enllnt!o> and ag.fl~emenh l.lf <br />Ihi!<t Securily In!<ttrument shall hInd and henefitlhc successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subjecl to the pnwi!'oions <br />ofpnragraph 17 Borrower', \,,:'Il...enanh and agrecmenl~ shall hejninl and ~evera1. Any Borrowcr who co-sign!<t this SecurilY <br />In..lrumcnt hut dm.... IIllT nl'~.t1h: lhe NI'Te: (all!<t l'o....gnll1,!! 1111' Sel.'urlly In!<tlrumcnt nnly to mortgage. gnml <lud convey <br />that llUrfll\\'Cr', IIIterL"!<tt 111 the Propcrty under the term.. t1f 11m S~L.unIY In"lrumel1l: I hi I!> nnl pef"tonally ohligah::d III pay <br />the !<tum!. !<tL.'l.:ured hy thl~ Securll) In..trumcnt; alld (CJ agree... Ilml LC'fu.Jer and any olher Borrower may agree to extend. <br />modifJ. furhear or Imlle all} accommodatlt1n~ wilh regard 10 the lerms of this Security Inslrument or the Note withuut <br />thai D(lrruwer'~ cnn~ent, <br />12. Loan CharJtc~. If the loun !<tel'urro hy thi.. Security In...lrUml.'nt ,.. ..ubJect III a law .....Iueh !-tct!<t maximum Inan <br />charg~. and tlml law i., finally interprelcd "0 Ihat lhe mlen.OS1 or nlhcr ImlTl .:hargL'" cnllecled or III he collecled III <br />connectum wJlh Ihe loan e:\ceed the pcrmll1ed Iimib, then: (al any ..uch loan charge !-thall he rl'uuL'cd by the amount <br />nt..-c~!o>ar)" III reduce the charge to Ihe permitted limit: and (h) any ...ums already collect cd fmm Borrowcr which ell.cecdell <br />pcnmtted hmll!<t Will he refunded 10 Borrower. Lcnder may choose tn male Iht.. rerumJ hy redudng the principal owed <br />under Ihe Noll' or by mukmg a direcl paymcnllo Borrnwer. If a refund reduce!<o prilll'ipal. thc reduction wi11 he Ireared a!'i a <br />panial prepaymenl without any pr~payment chargl" under the NUle <br />13, I..eldslation AffectinR Lender's RiRhls. If enactment or Cll.plTul1un of applicahle laws has the effect of <br />rendering an)' provl!<olOn of the Nole or thi!o> Secunly Instrument unenforceuhle aCI.:llrumg IOlh Icrm!o. Lender. at it!, npltlln. <br />mal require immdiiate p<lymenl III full of all ~ums ",ecureu by Ihl" Security Instrument and may II1voke any remedic!<t <br />pennitted by paragraph IQ, If Lender exen:ist."S Ihls option, Lender ,hall take the sle~ !<tpcclfied II1lhe secund paragraph of <br />paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any Iwl1ce 10 Borrower provided for in Ihl!'> Secunt)' 11I!<tlrumenl ..hall he: gl\'cn by delIvering It or hy <br />mailing il by fi~t c1~ mati unlos applicable law n:qum:s use of ltT1Ulher Int'thlld, Thc IIllticc !<thall he dtrccted 10 Ihe <br />Propen)' Address or any other address Borrower destgnatcs b}' flOtJCC III Lendcr. AIl~ IIUtll'C 10 Lender !o>hall be gl\.cn by <br />first class mail to Lender's address staled herem or an~ other addro.. Lender dt.~'gl1ale' b) Ilullce to Uurrower. Any notice <br />provided for in lhis Seeunl)' In!otrument shall be deemed 10 have been gi"en III Unrmwer or Lellder when given as provtded <br />in this paragl'"olph, <br />15~ Governing La"..; SeverabililY. TIlts. Security 11l~lrUmel1l ~hl1ll he fO\crned h} federllllilw and the luw of lhe <br />juri~ictiDn in which the Property is located. In the e\'enl thal an~ prm biun or c1uu!<te of lhl!<t SecufIlY In!olrumenl llf the <br />Note conflicts with applicable law, such confticl !o>haJlllot affect olher prl.l\!i!o>ions of 1111... SeL:Urll~ ImTrumcnl or Ihe NOI.:: <br />which can bt: given effcct without the conftictmg provl!<tiol1. To thl!<t end the prm'i!o>ull1" uf 1111'.. SCL:urity Instrument and The <br />Nole are declared 10 be severdble, <br />16. Borrower~s COP)'. Borrower shall be gi\.C'n one conformC'd L'OP} oftbe ~nlc and of thi.. Secufll~ In..trumcnl <br />17. Transfer of the Propert)' or a Deneficiallnlercst in BorrlJ"'cr. If 0111 or <ln~ part uf the ProperlY llf un) <br />interesl in it i!l. ~old or transferred (or if a beneficial intere!oot in Bllrru\I.'er l!<t ~old or Tran!<tferrcd and Burrower l!<t IUlt a Imlural <br />pe~n) without Lender's prior written l-ol1~enl, Lender may', at tl!<t optllm, re4ulrL' Iltlmedialc paymenl in full (If all !'oUItl!o> <br />~ured b)' this Security Instrument. However, Ihi~ Opllllll shallnlll he CXCIl'I..eJ h} Lender If ex.crCl'oe I!o> pnlluhiled hy <br />fedcralla\\' ~ of the date oflhis Security Instrument. <br />If Lender CAercises thIS option. Lender shaH give Borrower nollce of accclerat Inn. The nul ice ,hall pH1\. Ide a perHld <br />ofnoll~ than 30da}'s from the date the notice i!.delivered or mailed witlllll whIch Borrower mu...t pa)' all, !<tccurcu h~ <br />thi.!. Security InMrumcnl. If Borrower fails 10 pa)' Ihes.e sums pnnr lolhe cxpir<ltion ofThl!<t penod, Lender maj 1II\lll..L' al1~ <br />remedies. pennincd by this Security Inslrume01 without funher notice or demand un Uurrnwer <br />18~ Borrower's Right to Rcinslale. If Borrower meets l:ertain condllUHl!o>, Borruwer ,hall hu\.c:: lhe nght to hu\'c <br />enfurcemenl ofthi~ Securily In~lrumcnl di~conlinucd at an)' timt: prior 10 the carher of: (a) 5 day' (or 'ouch other pt;'ril1d a.. <br />applicable la'o\' ma)' specif)' for rein!'olatcmeno before 'i.alc (If the Propertj pur!<tuanl to an) po\\..::r llf ...alL' ':lII1TaIllL.J IT1 1111" <br />Seeuril)' Ins1rumcnl; or (b) enll)' of a judgment enforcing rhl!<t St..'CUrll~ In..trument Tho..e cllnditlon!! arc Ihlll BtlrTIl\\er <br />(a) pay!. lender all ~um!l wInch then would he due under thi.. Seeunly lu!<ttruIl1CJ1t i1'ld Ihe ~ute hud IIlI .IL'~'dcrallIll1 <br />occurred; (h) curC!a any default of any other cO\'enanh tlf agreemcnts. (cl paY!<t alll'.\pen..e' lIu.:urrl-d III I.'lIfor~.II1~ 11m <br />So.:unlllm.uumcnl, mdudmg. but not ImutL.'tIIU, rea!<tllUublc ;lIlurne}..' fee... ;Jlld ld) laL.e.. 'ouch al.:tl\lII ,t'o Il'lIdl'r Illa~ <br />rca'tOnablj reqUIre IU u!o>!.ure Ihl1llhe lien nf 1111' SCl:Ufll) Il1\trumellt. l.endcl'" fl!,!lll'" III lhe I'ropl'r1y .1Ild BnflI1\H'['" <br />ubhplmn In pal the "Unt'll ..o.:urcd b) 11m St..'l."UrH) Imtrumcnt ,hl1l1 l"IIllIIllUe Hlldli.lllp:d l'ptlll lelll"tillC:lTh.'1I1 h, <br />Durro\tocr. Ih" Sceunt) In..trurnenl .Illd lhe Ilhh!;illIOI1\ \Cl-UlctJ htTcb~ ..hull Tl'm.UII full~ dk..:tl\ l'.I" II n".h .I'kl,lIhlll 1\,..1 <br />......~.urrc:d lIo\\.e..<r, 1111.. fight tll rCln..talc ..hallllnl .Ippl~ In the l.a~ lit ;h.ll'kral\llll UIHkl 1',1',I~r"r'h.. ! 1 ,'r 1- <br />