<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER 88- 1041(03
<br />(I YCJJ,r Treasury lnde-..Ralc Cap~)
<br />
<br />TillS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER Is m.dOlhl. ~d.y of Augus t . 19~,
<br />..nd 11 inrorporatcd into and shall l\e dCtmro 10 amend and supplemenl the Mortslgc, Deed or Trust, or Security Deed (the "Sccudtll
<br />1rutrummlU) or the famc dale' gh'c:n by Ihe undersigned (the "Borrower") to 5CC'urc:: Borrower's Adjustable Ralc Note (the "Notc") 10 ~
<br />FEDERAL SAVINGS" LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA (the "Lend,,") of ,he ..me da" and covering ,hc
<br />propcnydescribtd in the Security InslrumeRl and located III:
<br />
<br />2319 North Howard. Grand Island, Nebraska 68803
<br />
<br />(Property Address)
<br />
<br />This nott cnnlalas prodsloftl allowlal for chaoln in my Inlerest nle and my monlhly
<br />plIymtDII. This nolI' aba IImlls tin! amoual my lnlemf rate can c:bIlDRC &. aD)' oor time and
<br />aka Ihf- mblimum and lilt' mulmom filiI' I mUll pay.
<br />
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition 10 the covenants Dnd agreements made in Ihe Security Instrumenl, Borrower and Lender
<br />further co\'enanl and agrc:t' IU folio"'!.:
<br />
<br />The Note pro\ides for an initial mlca"\1 tale of _ 8.5 "'.-0. Section 4 of the NOle pro~'ldes for changes in the interest rate: and the:
<br />monthly payment!., ali fu!lo\'l'!.'
<br />
<br />.c, UI/TEREST RA TE ANI) ,un.....T/u}' P...l t'ME,\'T CIIANGES
<br />tAl a.DlC' lnlt':fl
<br />The intere\t rale I will ~a,., may change nn Ihe 11r;1 day of ~__~_____ J1!~~__, 19 ~ , and on that day e"cr)'
<br />t, '91 "Ii' _,_ month" Ihereafler, r~ch date on winch my luten.'lit ralc could change i~ called a "Change Date,"
<br />
<br />(8) Tbr ladn
<br />Ikginning wllh the Ilrst Chanlle Dale. my mlc:resl rale will be ba!oed on an lnde,... The "Jude,.." hi the wc:c:kly o"erage yield on United Slales
<br />TreaJury iC'CUrilies adju.~led 10 II comtanl maluril)' of I year, as made a,,'ailable by the Federal Reserve Board. The: most recent Index figure
<br />1I,,"ailable lU of Ihe dale' -'5 da)'\ hefore clIl:h Change Date is called the: "Cu;renllndex."
<br />If the lodell l\ no longer available. the NOIe Holder will choose a new indell which is ba!.ed upon comparable information, The NOll:
<br />Holder will givt' me nullce- of thl~ chOIce
<br />
<br />(Q Cakulallod of (unan
<br />Defore c.lIdl Change Dale, Ihe NUle Holder Will caJculate my new interesl flue by adding thin &- nm~/ht=l.l f percentage
<br />pn,"U L---2-..-5-- "al 1\1 the Current Indt'~ and rounding 10 Ihe neare..'ij,t Ji8th of llIi'., subjecl to the limils stated in Section 4(D) below.
<br />TIlis rounded amounl ""111 tlC m)' ne,", lutere<'l rate unlil the nelll Change Datc,
<br />The "'nte Holder "'llltheR determine the amount of the monthl)' payment that would be ~ulfident 10 repay in full the principal I am
<br />t:lpcclcO h' U\L'e on thulllum~e Dalt' In "ub~l:mtUl.lly equal payments by Ihe matunty dale at m)' new inlerat rate, The result of this calculation
<br />"Ill be the nC'llo amount nllll" mnOlhl) payment.
<br />
<br />(0) Umlas na lalrrnl blr l'h..lrs
<br />The Inlere~1 Inte I am r('Qulred 10 pay ,;u the rU'it Chanite Dale will nol lx= grcaler than 10.5 '7a or Ic:!>s Ihan
<br />r ~ 11;'. I"heJeal1cr. m}' Inlerot rolle Will ne"er be IDcreMcd or dC'1.:rca!.ed on allY single Change Date by more than hlrn nprr.p-nt
<br />~ 0) Irum Ihe rute ur lnle'rnll halle been pa)~n8 fur the: prccedlDB Iwelve mOnlh" The mmimum II1terest ratcon litis loan will never he
<br />I~s than ____I.lt_ '" undlhe miUlmum mlcrol rllte will na-Cf be grealer Ihan __ _~~~_ ~.__lr.'..
<br />
<br />CE) i:rrrcthl' 0.11' IIf Chanxn
<br />M)' no imerc:stlutC' wll] nO-ume CrfC'C'tlH' ur: cadi Chanllc ()ale, I ""III pa)' the amount 01 m)' lIeW monlhly paymenl beginning on the firsl
<br />monthh' pa)iTIlenl dale aher lhe Change Date unlillhe amuunl 01 m)' monthl)' payment changes aBain,
<br />
<br />(J) NoUtt of Chaa&n
<br />The Note Holder will mLUI or ddi\er 10 me a nOIltt' before each Change Date. The notlcc will ad"ue me of:
<br />(i) the new mtcrot nUe on m,., loan a!. of the Change Dale;
<br />~ii) I~ amounl of my monthly paymenllollowing the Change Date;
<br />tiii) any additional mall en which Ihe Note Holder is required to di!.dosc; and
<br />(j,,) the addrO!. of Ihe ll!>"OCllllion !iLlU could ~onlaL"1 regardlOlI all)' questions about the adjustment noticr:.
<br />
<br />Uniform COVeDllDt" of the Sn:unl)" lrulrumcnll~ amended 10 read as rollow~:
<br />
<br />... CIaaraa: IJr:m. BolTov.-l!t "haJl pa)- alllua. llS~unenu, and other charge.. fina. and imposition!! attributable 10 the Property which may
<br />a11ain a priority ov-cr Lhi.s 5eI.-Unl)' Instrument. and 1C'4!.r:hold payment~ of ground rents, if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof
<br />or, if not paXI in such manner, hy Bonu..cr making payment, _hen due, dircctl)' 10 the payee thereof. Borrower ,hall promplly furnish Lender
<br />all notia:s of arnounu. due under thiS paragraph. and In the cvent Bono,,'er I-hall make payment directly. Borrower sh:t.1I promptly furni~h to
<br />Lender receipts evidcncins such pat'merltS. llorrowcl shall promptl~' dtscharge any lien which has priorilY o"er this Security Instrument;
<br />ho..-eva. Bono_-er shall nOI b.:- required 10 dlJoCharge any such lien \0 long ll!o Borrower: (Il) shall agree in writing to the payment of the
<br />obliption secured b)' 5uch lien in Ihe manner accept.able to Lender; lb) "hall 10 Sood I'tlIlh contest 5uch lien by. or defend Ilgainsl enforcemcnl of
<br />"ueh lidl in,1eaal proalCilinp which in the opimon of Lender operate In prC\'enllhe enfon.:c:ment of the lien or forfeiture of Ihe Property or an)'
<br />pan thereof; or (t) shall t.<<UrC' horn the holder of 'uch hen an aifC"t'menl ID a form 'lllti,faclory to lC!nder 5ubordinatins sUl:h lien to tlUll
<br />Security lruuumcnt.
<br />U l..tnda determines thai all Of an)' part of the Ptoperty i~ subJccl 10 a hen ..-hu;:h ma)' IlUIlIO Il priurity over thiS Sa:urity Imtrument.
<br />l..cnda shail Jive Borrower a noUce identifying. such lien. Bonower shall inlish 'luch lien or lake one or more of the actit10s set forth abm.'e
<br />....lthln 1en W)'I of the gj"'inK of the notice.
<br />
<br />c. ~onCE
<br />Unifonn em-roam 1.4 of the Sec.'1Jrtl) Imllumenl15 amended to read ill- folio",,,
<br />
<br />.t. S~. E~ fm tr.)' null~'1' required un,,)rr ilpphcable I...... to be gl\lnt in anolher manncr. lal an~; lIilllce 10 Bonower rrlH'ldnJ fm III lhl\
<br />Security Inurummll-t..n be: pun b'f dclhmnlll1 fn b)' m.a.ilin. It by finl cia", mail In Buffll....cr al the:' Pruf'Crt~ -'\ddrc:u III al '\I.::h Illhcr addrt"<'
<br />a\ Dor'!'o.-n m.a~ dnll-rutte:' b~ nOlK'l:' In I mdC'f :Ii tno\'ldcd herem, andlhl an) nOIIL"C' lU l cndet \hall t1C' LU\cn 11\, lirll da"\ mall III I em(['I',
<br />..Jdrnl IUllt:d brron to' 10 Iw.h nlh" ilddlC"lI 4\ J endC'1 mal' dt'1lit1UIII' h\ nullce tn Uornl',loer iU PU",d.ed herein _J\n\ 1I\llh.'C I110H hlnJ I'"~ 11\ Ihl'
<br />'--..:"" Inllt'lInent ,hall ~ dr'CTflcU 1tJ h.ue t,,",IlII~\"n HI lIu"n..C'r or I cnder ",hell 1I1\f11 lh the m;t.nn" dl"'llCnalc-d hC'T('1I\
<br />