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<br />~ En::-n,:, (>F IIEFAl 'I T Am "111,,.1',,11,,"'111" ",,'n" sh..lIl... 01",,,,..01..,, "",I~~:;:"lr9.r~,8,,~ 5 <br />In I TrUtH(Jr t:lhall hU\'l' fUlll>tlllllT11lk.'llItyn1t'nlllf any InMtnUrnl'1l11lf IIlh'n'Hl. Jlrlllt'Illlll. tlr pl;rH'iplll ,lI1i1 Inlt'n'Hlllr 'Ill.\' <br />otlu.'r ~um ACC"'lred hereby wlwl1 tltU'. or <br />11)1 There .\tw occu~od tl brl'ueh uf Of dl.fuull under any It'ml.,'(I\'t!I111nt, ugn'l~ml'nL. ('unditiHf1. pmviHilln, rcprt!lil'nt.ntiun <br />or wrnTunty conUAim>d in uny (If thl' Loan ln6truments. <br /> <br />to. ACCELERATION UPON IJEI"ALlLT. ADDITIONAL REMEIJJ~:S, Sh..uld un ..v,'nt ..fd..fllult 'I('..ur Heneficinry <br />mny dl'Clare all indebtnl'Sti secured hen.hy w he due !lnd pllynbll' nod the Hume shnlllhereupnn 1ll'Ollnl' due Ilnd payubll' <br />\\o1thout any presentment, demnnd. pnltl'sl lIf nutiC'I' of any kind. Then'ufter Hl'nefkinry mu:,,': <br />(i) Either in pel'tion or by llKcnl. \I.ith fiT \".;thout brinJring uny 11<.ti11ll or pro(.et.dinJ,t. llr hy n rel.'l'iver nppllinlt~d by ncourt <br />and v.ithout regard to the- ndequnt"y ofiL~ 6l'CUrity. ('oh'r UI>OO anclt.lkc possession nfthl~l'rust Estnu.'. tlr nny port thereof. in <br />its own name orin the name orTru~tl!{'. and dn any ncts which it deems nel'f~ssnry ornl'sirnble tn preSl'rVe the \'olue. market- <br />ability or rentnbility of the Trust Estate. or part thcr('(Jf ur interest tht'rrin. increusl' the inrome thf'refrnm or proted tht> <br />security hereof and. with or without takinJ:" possmision IIf tlw Trust EstHtl'. Aue fur (lr otherwise (.'OlIect the rent6, issues and <br />profits thereof. includinf.t those past due WId unpnid. and uPI>ly the sume. Il'58 cost.s and expenses of operation and collection <br />including attorneys' fees, upon any indebtedness st'Cured hereby. all in such order us Beneficiary may determine. The <br />entering upon and taking possessiun of the TnIst Estate. the collection of such rents, iSRUCH nnd profits and the application <br />1hereofas aforesaid. AhaIl nut cure or \'lraivl' any defnult IIr notice of default hereunder or in\'uliduteany act done in response <br />to BUch default or pursuant to such nutiCl' of default undo nnl\vithstnndinJ{ the continuanCl' in postlcssion of the Trust Estate <br />or tbe collection. receipt und appli.'ution of rents. issues or profits. Tnn.L('(' or Beneficiary shall he entitled to exercise eVCI1' <br />right provided fur in nny of the Lonn Instruml'nt.... or by Inw upon uc("urrence of any l'\'ent of default. includinR the right to <br />exercise the power of sale; <br />(lil CommEnce an action tn (OTl'c!ll"'(' this f)tliorlllfTrusll.lS II mllrt~agl'. appnint n rt'cpi\.'pr, or .!oItll'l"ifi('ully l'nfofce any of <br />the covenants hereof: <br />(in) Deliver to 1'rustel' n vr"ritten del'l1Jrntinn of defuult and dl'mnnd for Hale. and n written notice of default and election <br />to cause Trustor's rnterest In thf' Trust EHt.uil' to lH. sold. which nllticf~ Trw;tel' shall couse to be dul\' filed fllr record in th(l' <br />approptiatL> Omcial Record..lJ of thl' County In which Lhl' Trust Eslate IS InC8lt>d, . <br /> <br />] 1. FORECLOSI.'RE BY POWE H 0 F SALE. Shuuld B('ndiciary dt'd III fureclost' hy ('xl'reis.. uf tht' Power of Sale <br />herein contained. Beneficiur~r shull n(ltify TruflLl'f' und Hhull dl'pusit with Trustt"C this Oa>d ufTruHt and the N'ote nnd Buch <br />receipts and evidence uf €"xpendltun>~ mndt> llnd st.'{'ul"llfl hen'by as TrurHi'l' may requirl' <br />ia, l'pon receipt of such notu"t' frllm At>'Illr)' Truiitl'l' shull ntmw to bl' fl'('orded. published nnd delin'n'CI tu Trustor <br />lmch ~uuce of Defuult nnd ~(lLil~' (If Sail' a~ Ilwn n'4uin.d hy In\\' IInd II\' LhL" fh't-d ufTruMt Trustel' shall, .....ithout demand <br />on Trustllf. after such timi:' 111'0 mny tlll'n ht' f'(>(IUIn"f! hv Ill\\' ,JIll! llfll'r n'1.'llfdutll.n IIf Joiu("h t\ lltin ofl)f'fllult and after Noticcof <br />Snit. having lwen tPven IlS rpqtlln~l hy In\\' ""4,11 thl' TruHI EHtall'lll ttll' IIInI' Hnd plan of I'll II' fixl"'tl h~'lt in ~lI("h NoticenfSnlt'. <br />ellhf>r UN a whole. or in Hf.:'pluau' loti> nr IJlHt'.'I.- /lr 11~'rnl- ;I'" Tru!'OIt... ..h.dl dl'I'm 1'!<Jwdit.nt. ;lnd In Hut.1I lIrdt'r III' it mllY dl'u.'r- <br />mine. at public nuc[Jon (II tht' hl~ht''''1 huldt'r fnrl'n~h In lu\\ ful 1011 nt'\.' (lllhl' ('mtNi SUHPM pn:\'ut1It'nt tht~ 1iml! nfsule. TruBtt>t~ <br />shall deli\'f.'r to such pun'hu...,'r {lr IlUrchll~'n; l~ll'n'llf 11-.. IIlllt(lllnd ~Uml"ll'1l1 rlt....nllf dl'f"I~('I,"\,'I'~'lnJ.! thl' pl'llpert~'HONnld. hut <br />",ithou1uny eo',ennnt or WIUTlInt\' 1'1l;pn'~1'IIIr IInplij.d TIlt' f('('lwll't lfl1'ouch dl'l'd flf IIny muU(>rl' III' fn(.tH Hhnll be ('unrlusivl' <br />pTT>ofnfthf' truthfulnt>H.J;. tl'll'n'of An" pt'r.olnn, IndUlimu. \\,thnul hlllltalilln. TruNt~lr. TruNlf'l.'und BI,tll'lkll1r:\.". may PUrchllHI' <br />at such sale' and Tnuitllf IwTt.hv ('I\'I'nunt,.. to wurrunl and df'fl'nd tt1l' wll' fir !'Ou('h purdHl!wr lIf purchuJo'f'r.!oi. <br />Ihl AH may he pennJ1l.l>d by lllW. uftt'r deductUl~ Tnud.t.>e Fl~~ an Lilt' amuunt of ~,OO 00 . 'I'ruSWt. ..hull upply tlw <br />proct.'It..ffilllf Lill' !WI,' In tht. follll",nJ{ ,mif'r lal t(1 ull n'm;unahlc' (')sts llnd eXI)f'nHt~ llf thl' Halt'. IndudinJ:. hut nut limited tAl, <br />LrusU"l' fl't'tO uf n01 mnre than 1 '2 (If 1 'It IIf thl' ~'Tns..'4 Hule>l prkc. "'{LOlllnuhl,' nttAlmf"Y'" fl~'R Hnd ('11slH llf Litle ~vidl!net'; (h) to ull <br />sum", S'-'(."U~ by thi", f)1"t'd of Trust: 1(" tn lhl' IJIlyml'n( flf jUnJflr TrufH I )('t'<(Js. mortJ;Ol-fl'tj (Ir lIUU,'f Ii!"n holders; und (d> tilt' <br />hnlnncc.. if any, to the- person ur IN>fS<HlS It'J:ully f'nllt..ll\(t tht'n!t.o <br />I,t'l'I' mll~: in 1h., lll11fllWr pr"\'Idt"'f1 I,,' 111\\. piOl" suh, III ,Ill "f lIn~ pll1ll1l11llf thf' "l'ru:;l Etilatf'. <br /> <br />I:! HEMEIHES ~(rr EXI'I.( '~I\'E Tru",14'i' .lnel Hl'fJl'lil"llln _ .1Il11 l'lll'h .,ftlwlJl. shall ht'l'ntilll'ii IJI('nli}J"("l.'IUl...'m,'nt <br />und pt'rfonnl.lnl't. of an.... IIld;'ht,.,.lnl'"'' ..r ..hbJ!;ltl' 'II" ",'run'lf lll'n,lJ\. ,llld I'. 1'''f'n'l!olf' all n J.:"h 1.... nn,l PO\~'f'J"!": undl'f thi.. I ),'t.&I IIf <br />Trul'it IIr undrr UIl" I..oan InHtnHTlI'nl ..r ""WI .11!TUI'ITWI1I ,., ;111\ 1..\,.. n. ,\~ "f Ill'rt.,tllt'r III j"l"n' 11' 'I \\ llh~t:tndll1J! S\llllt'lIr all <br />uf ttw !oO:lt'h lIld...hlt-dnt.N'( and "hh..:auIOJl?o ...,.. UfI'll ))('n.II.... lIlil~ 1101\\ ..I' lll'n'aftt'f hl'"Lht.l"'\'tl:'W IOt"t.'IIf1.d ,\ tWtl\l'f liy llIortgllJ.:"l'. <br />dt'f"li t.ftrust. phO(!gl._lit'n ;L..",ignn1l'nl ,'f "tlFI'r\\I"'j' ;\1'lllwrllw dl""'!,l.lIH ,."fthl" Ilt'f'li IlrTruf;III"r 1t...t'nf,.n.t.t1WIII wlwltwr <br />hy Nlurt :ll'1i./O or pursuanlltl ttll' JIII,,",'r,.1 "'111.. I,r llltwr f.I\\I'f"o lll'ft'ln l'I,ntHlnl'1.l !'tha111Ifl.]udlt'l' Ilr IIllln\' ll1anrll'r ,,111'1'1 <br />Tru~""""lIr HeTll,fi("uln"", nJ!ht III n."h'l' uJllln IIrt'ollln..' an\' "OWl' S4'('unl\' nlWlrllr Iwn'aftl'f Iwhll1\" Tru"If'f' or H.l'JlI'tiC*lHT)'. <br />111wlIlg a~rrt't'1.i Ihat Tru~tl"t. .1I1t1 H,'fwlinan ,.nil I'OJ' h ,01 1111"111 ...Iulll.. ,'lIll1lt.d I.. ,'nlnn'" Ihl~ Ill"'1.I..t Tn11'o1 <llIrI an\' "tlwr <br />st'{"Unt\" nll\\ 'Ir tll'n'uf'll'r hl.ld 11, HI"Wti,'''I"\' ',1',111 "Ill I, "111.., .lllt! Tn.lnfh'f' .11- tlw\ ',r "llt!,'f <It 11\1'm mil..' In Ilwir <br />lIhpoi,lItUIf> dis(T{'tum df'1t'f"mlnl' ~II ",,"u>lh h(-'n'lf\ 1'..nt'I'rrtlff upon IIr ft'!oof'r\'t'(ltH TTu!,a"t' or Ih'nl'lil"lar\' lK IIllt'n~il>d 1u bt, <br />exduSl\'I'nf nny n1hl'r n'nu*(h twn'llI ,,! f.\ 1;11.\ \1"'\ IIll'd..r ,_'rlllllll"ll hut ".1I h ...h;dlllt" umulat.l'" ;lIld !-hlllllw III mlchl.illn <br />1u l""'l'r)' Illht'r reml-dy J.!i\ tOn rwrt'undl'r, IT n..\~ 'II Iwn'lIftl'f 1''''l~tlllt.: 011 1.1\\ ..r 11l''iIUII\. "I' Ii... ..!lItUIf' E\ I.ry pU\\'l'r ur rCfnt'{l~' <br />t..'lvt'n by any IlfLht. I.II11Jl In:-ilrunll"llL" to! TfU~1f'" III" Ht'lJdinllf1o "T t., \\ hu I, l'IIIH'T 01 dJt'I1lIll;I~ h,"lt)wry,lsl'!'ntitlt.d, muy lit' <br />l'Xt>n'lS1'ofi. C"tlw>urrt"nll} ',r Illdl'jll'l1d,'ntl\' fnlln tin'" I.. IlnI.' Hnti;l:OO "h"1I ,I~ Ill.I\ IH' d,,,'llwd t''-pt'''tfH'nl hy Trul'Ot1'l' fir Ht'nl' <br />firinn Hnd f'1UWr ,.fllwm mil\ pur"uf'ln"''nl n'lnI..!1l'"" ~lllhllll! lll'n'll1 ...hall h". 111f\.;trUl'd :11- pT'."lhililll! Hl'nl.fkillr\ <br />from St"t.kmJ,: It dt.ficlt-nc,\, lUdj.l:nWnl .'~illtl:ool tJlt' "J'rU1'ot"f III !hl' 1',ll'n1 ...uch ;wtlllTl .." pl'TlTlllld iI.. la\\ <br /> <br />HEql'E:,T F( n..: ....., 1'1'1'.... 1'1 u..."'I' hl'rl.h\ rt"ljUI"SL'" a ,'lI1-'Y ,,1.111\ 1l,.Ill"f'1I1 fll-I;lul, ,11111111,1\ ..11\ fl"'1l ".,t ...Ill' h,'n'ulldl'r <br />ht. mmlt"li 1011 ,It lilt' .Iddfl'~'" _'1 ~"rHI HI 1111' tir..t ".I!,Ij.!'h "! lh!.. lit.....] ..I rru_..., <br /> <br />1~ (;( )\,FRX1SC L\ W 11,.,," 11'''I...i..t TnlHt ..lull 10,. C",,\,-rnl..t 1<, 'hl.!.n\-... 'Ifth.. ~t;lktlf:'\"I"mll-ka In Ihl.(,\'t.O{ 1hut <br />any pnllo'll'illlll or d,\u...t. "I" .11l\ ..t 1!1l' I. '.111 IIl..tfUIlWI1L... ".[.1110 I... "It!l ,ppl" ..101,' 1..\\.. ""1' 11 I Hlltlld:oo ....I1.dll1,,' ,dfl'1.'!nth,'r <br />Ilro""L<ollOnbo (If ,"ueh LHIUl IIl~trunll'nL'" ..\ hh'h ,'an In- ~'l' I'll ,'IIt,', \\ lth, ,ut tlH" 1'.,nt11. lln~ l'I""\'I:,,II'fl. .ullllJ' thll- I'nd thl' pnl <br />\;}Oilln!oi IIf lhl' 1'-'im Instfuflu-nt.... ;In' dt'dan.d 11. I,.. ..,'\ I'fahl,. Thl,.. 1I1...1rum."nl ,.lnll'.1 tot. '" .ll\,.d, ,.h.ttll.!l-c1. dil'l'hl1fgl"flllr <br />1('nn1nall"d urall\' hU1 l>nh In an In!'OlnJnwnl lTl "'nlm!! ""J,:T1I...l h, TIll" par1\ ,11.!1I111:oot \\h"Trl .'nfnrf""I'ITll'nt "f an:\' Wlli\.'f'f. <br />chunR"l~ dl.">ChnO:l' IIr ll'rtmnalll1n I!'O Sl1u~hl <br />I:, H.E('( l:\\"EY:\:,\,( 'I-: II)" TtH ":,Tt-:E t'plln \~nlh-n n'qul~T..j" BI'llI'finan ,..t.;ltln~ 11s.11.\1I ~IHl1'" ....1"1 un';! IWIVI,\ ha\'I' <br />bf:.t:.n pHld. <lnd upOln sum.nil,"..I 1111:00 Ih'l.d "fTnbl .tnd lh.. ~lIh ~.. Tr\l"Io"" 'lOr, _1111 ,.11.11'"" ...:,f., 1,111 "I', HHIIlp"tl 1'.1\ <br />mt'nt h~' -fnn;hlr ,.{ Trujo;lt~. ... I..,... Tru:"tl... ..h.11I n.. '+11'-"\ I., TrUl-l.,r "I lh., IlI"r'"'11 , 'r I"-r.... '11" i"L;,li, \ ' !:I" :".1 (h. r ,.t" \, 11 h, '111 <br />warranty, iln~' })on)lIn "f1ht' TnlHT E,..talt-lh,'n h,.ld h.'rl'IlIHh'f 11...,. ,,,,'Itill,, 1Il I-Iwh n"'''II\l"\,Hl''l 'II .HI\ rn"ltl'l"~ IIr lad... <br />shall ht- ('undu."H\.'t. pn_I!'..1 th., truth lulth"''' I ht.n..d Thl' l!r;lnlt... 111 ,11l\ fl"l"1I \ l" dflll- 11l1!\ hI ,1.-,.., nl..~ J t... 11\1' JlI'I"....'I1' II <br />pt'Tl""11." It'):HII) t'nlltlt-d tht.n-ll " <br /> <br />Ib. ~()TICES, \\'ht'OI.\t>( B'I.'nt'(wuuy TrustUf ,jr Tru~h'l' ~h.ljJ dt,:,<ll'I-' h: f.!H t' IIf N'n t. ,HI\ noth t.. dP/llollld. n"lIUl'ht ur <br />other l.,unmunlcutiun \'lith n-:ooI1t"l."1111 th,~ 1 )i;'t>(l "fTru.<olL t'./H.h l"Udl ""tH'l'. rif.nwnd f1' I,r .,tlwr ",HllITlUIJII.:tlillll I-hnll ht. <br />10 wnt.inJ! and ~hu.lI hf.'l.ff('i1in'"nl\' Ifthl' ....nnw I.. fIt 1I\"I'n'1.1 11\ ~"'''''''Hn;!1 "-1'1""\ liT "r !Twll''lll\\. ,.,.rl1!il'd mad I"l"tnl!t. pft'{Il11d <br />mum nn'lPl reqUt~M. nddn's.o.:t..-iIH thl' ruicln'!'t~ .....[ lurt.h alllwht":1I1n1l1~ ..llhl.... I ~.,..I ..(Till"" \In P,II1\ !~\..\ ,II llll!oo IlIlh" <br />chan.......ll... nddrr~H rf11' flU!'" 011(11....... h\ tit.!1\'l'nnl! nr Inat!1I1': \" 1 h.. ..dlO'I Ihlr1t..:oo 11I'II'l". .I~ .I!' ,rl":'o.l1ll .11\, .11''1' 011 "U\ It. hHl1lotl' <br /> <br />1-;' :\('("F.l*TA!'CE tn THl ''''"'TEE TTU...t.... ,"....1111'0 !Ill" 1'. tI~l "I" II till" 1 h....!..! I t',..l <br />tf>d~. 1~ rn.uJt' 1I Jluhh. n'f'ord ...'" pro\ uit'1.l t", 10\\ <br /> <br />IS \\"IT'o:ES-.... WlIEIU'-f.!' Tru-...t"t h.I'" ""''fUI,.,J ,hI" II.....j 'I"ru...Il/" : till LI'. ...' ,'" <br />Tl{{,~TEr Tru!-It-", .,,,,.\,,,", t'lI,.. T'lj"! '"!",, ,11,,,, il...~..j rrul 1:.1\ ,,,,,','ll,'d .,'11 <br />''';1.!1'tl"1. l!l madc- II p\Jhlu ~"""rd ,11'0 l'f'" 1>1o..,.j 11\ 1.1\.\ <br /> <br />, . \." ,," " II;.! ""!,,.\., <br /> <br />r'" \....IT'..""~ "\I\~ Hllll 1111"'''' "'~ .\... ,,1.-! 11 ,..1'",",~1 .' !. .,' "I!, <br /> <br />?..--- 4" ~~ <br />'l"\'t~. ~'r'k -j. ~_u-'L <br />Ctei~~ck <br />