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<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agrec a, follows: 88- 10458 S <br />I. "'ymenl of PrIncipal BIllIlnlereat; Prepayment and Lale Charges. Borrowcr shall promptly pay whcn due <br />the principal of and inleresl On Ihe debt evidenced by the Note and ony prepayment and lote ehorgcs duc under the NOle, <br />2. Funds for Taxes and losul'llllCe. Subjecllo applicable low or to a wriUen waiver by Lender, Borrower ,hall pay <br />10 Lender on the day monlhly payments are due under Ihe Notc. unlil Ihe NOle is paid in full. a sum ("Funds") equal 10 <br />one-Iwellih of: (a> yearly taxes and assessmenls which may atlain priority over thi, Securily Inslrumcnl; (b) yearly <br />leasehold paymenls or ground rents on Ihe Propeny, if any; (c) yearly hazard in,urance premiums: and (d) ycarly <br />mortgage insurance premiums. if any. These items are called uescrow items." lender may estimate the Funds due on the <br />basi, of curren I dala and rcasonableeslimates offulure escrow items. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federal or <br />slale agency (including Lender if Lender is ,uch an In'litulion). Lendcr sball apply Ihe Funds to pay the escrow item" <br />Lender may nol charge for holding and applying the Fund,. analyzing the accounl or verifying the escrow item" unlcss <br />Lender pays Borrower interesl on the Funds and appllcablc law permits Lender to makc ,uch a charge. Borrower and <br />Lender may agree in writing Ihal interesl ,hall be paid on the Funds, Unless an agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual acL:ounting of the Funds showing credits and debits 10 the Funds and lhe <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Fund, wa, made, The Fund, arc pledged as additional ,ecurity for the ,urns secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />If the amount of the Fund, held by Lender, togcthcr with the future monthly payments of Fund, payable prior to <br />th~ due dates of the escrow items. shall exceed the amount required to pay the;: escrow items when due, the excess shall be. <br />at Borrower's option. eilher promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monlhly payments of Funds. If the <br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is nol sufficient to pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shall pay to Le;:nder uny <br />amount neces.~ry to make up the deficiency in one or more payments us required by Lender. <br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security [nsrrument, lender shall promptly refund ro Borrower <br />any Funds held hy Lender, ffunder paragraph 19 the Property IS sold or acquircd hy Lender. Lender shall apply. no laler <br />than immediately prior to the sale of the Propert)' or its acquisition by lender, any Funds held by lender at the time of <br />application as D credit ngain!tt the sums !\ccurcd by this Security I nsl rument. <br />3. Applicallon of Payments. Unles, applicable law provides otherwise, all poyments receIVed by Lender under <br />paragruphs I and :2 !thall be applied: firsl, (Q laic charges due under the Note; !iccond, 10 prepaymenl charges due under the <br />Note; third. to amounts payable under puragraph 2; fourth. to Interest due; and last, to pnncipal due, <br />4. C'barKes; Liens, Borrower shall pay alllaxes, asst."SsmenIS. ,,'harge.\, fines llnd Impo!tHlons auributable to the <br />Property which may attam prionty over tillS Security In!ttrumt:nt, and leasehold pllymenls lIr ground rents, If any <br />Borrower shoJi pay lht."Sc obhgallons In the manner provided In paragraph 2, or If not paId In rim! manner, Borroy,'cr !'.hall <br />pay them on time direct I)' 10 Ihe person owed payment Borrower s.hall promptly furnl!th 10 Lender all nullL'e~ of amounts <br />to be paid under Ihls paragraph. If Borrower makes rhest: payments directly, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender <br />reccipls evidenCing the payments, <br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any hen which has pnonly ovcr Ihi!\ SCl:urllY ll1~(rumcnl ullles~ Borrower: (a) <br />agrcoin wTlting to the payment ofthc: obligation secured by the hen In a manner acceptable 10 Lender; (b) contests in good <br />fauh the lien by, or defends against cnforcemenl of the hen in, legal proceedtng~ which 111 the Lender's opimon operate to <br />pre\lcnt Ihe enforcement ufthe lien or forfclIure of any part of the Prnpcrty; or (c) secures rrom the holder of lhc lien an <br />agrcemenl sal1!ifaclory 10 Lender ~ubordmatlng the hen 10 thiS Securily Instrument. If Lender delcrmines Ihal any pan of <br />the Property I!\ !tubJcd 10 II hen which may allalO pnority micr thi~ Sccunty In!\lrUmcnt, Lender may ~W.'C Borrower n <br />notice' IdcnllfYllIg the hen Borrowcr ",hall \ul1~fy the hen or take one or more of the ucllons ~el forlh utx)\le within 10 dllY~ <br />of the givinM of nu11L'C <br />5. lIazard Inluranet'. Uorrowcr ~huJl keep the irnprO\'cmcnh now eXlsling llr hereafter erecled on the 'Iroperly <br />insured agnlllM 10\\ b)' lire, hUl,Urd\ IJldudt~ wlthm the term "extended coverage" nnd any uther hazard!t for whIch Lender <br />rcqulr~ Im.urUIlL:e TllI~ lIl!turUllce ",hall be: mamlumr:d in the amount~ and for Ihe period!t Ihul Lender requlre!t. The <br />insurun&:l' carner rro\oIlJIIl~ Ihe III,urllnL'e "hall be chmcn by Borrower s.ubjecI to Lcnder's uppnwal which shull not be <br />unrca.onobly wllhhcld <br />AIIIII\Ufalll'C' pnhL'lc, and rcne""ab ..hall be acceptable;: fo Lender and \hall mdude a standard mortgage clause. <br />Lender !thall hu\e the rlghl fo huld lhe puhcle~ and renewal~, If Lender require!>>. Borrower shaH promptly give to Lender <br />all receipts of paid prcmlum\ and renC'\\'ul nollce,. In the c\'ent of JO!i.\. Borrower shull give promplnotice to the in!>>urunce <br />carner and Lender Lender ma) make proof of loss Ifnol made promplly by Borrower, <br />Unles!t Lender and Borrower ulherv"l!te agree m wn1lng. In!turanl.:C proceeds shull be applied It} resloratlon ()r repl.oir <br />of the Property damaged. If the re!'lolorall110 or repair is economl&:ully fea!tlblc and L.ender's !'I&:cunty I!'I not les:-.enoo, If lhe <br />reslocalian or repair l!t nol cl;unomlcalJy rea!>>ible or Lender's security would be lesscnr:d. the in!turance proceed!i shall be <br />applied (0 the sums \ccured by thiS Security Instrument. whether or nol then due, with any e.llcess paid to Borrower. If <br />Borrower abandol1!t the Property, or doc!>> nOI answer wilhin 30 days a nmice from Lender that the insurance carrier has <br />offered 10 settle a claim. then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds, Lender may use the proceed!>> to repair or restore <br />the Property or to pay sums !tCCurcd by this Securir)' Instrument, whether or not then due, The period will begm <br />when the nOlice i!t given, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. an)' application of proceeds In princlpal shall not c.Iltend nr <br />postpone 1he due dute of the moolhly puymenls referred to in paragraphs 1 and:2 or changc the amount oflhe paymcnls. If <br />under paragraph 191he Property IS acquired by Lender. Borrower's righllo any Insurance policies and prol."ced!\ re:-.ulllllg <br />from damage to Ihe Property prior 10 the acquisition shall pass to Lender to thee~lent orthe "'UIII!\ ...ecurcd h) thl" Security <br />Instrumenl immediately prior to the acquisirion. <br />6. Presenation and Maintenance of Property; Leasebolds. Borrower ~hall nol de:-'(fll)', uamage (Ir ..uh!oltanllally <br />change the Property. allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If thiS Securlly Instrumenl l:'i on a lea:o.ehold. <br />Borrower shall comply wilh the provisions of the lea!>>e. and if Borrower acqmre!t fee tille to Ihe Prllperly. thc leasehold and <br />fee title shall not merge unless lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br />1. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property; Mortgage Insurance, If Borrower falls to perform lhe <br />covenants and agreements conlained in Ihis Security Inslrument. or Ihere IS a I~gal proct.ocding Ihal may ~igOltkanlly .lITeel <br />Lender', righls in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnalton llr 10 cnfun:c law" or <br />regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whalever is necessary 10 prolect (he value of the Propert} Ilnd Lender'.. righl" <br />in the Propcny, lender's aclions may include paying any !Jums secured by a hen which ha.... pnoruy m;er IhlS SeL'urtl)' <br />Instrument. appearing in court. paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entenng on Ihl' Property tn make repaIr... Alfhough <br />lender may take action under this paragraph 7. lender does nOI have to do so <br />Any amounts dl'ibursed by lender under this paragraph 7 shall bccoml' addlllollul dl~hl tlf Hllrnl\\CI" "c\:Uf'cd h~ I hi" <br />Secunty Instrumenl Unles.s Borrowrr and Lender agree to other Icrnl\ {If paymenl. Iht..~e amounl.. ,h;t11 tlCltT 1Il1l:n....1 ,",lIlTl <br />the date of disbur~melll al Ihe NOle rate and ...han be payahle, wllh mlereo.l. Uptlll IlUlh:C rfllm I ~"hlcl f" B.III\'\H'r <br />rcqUe5l1ng payment, <br />