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<br />20, A..lgnmenl 01 Renlll; Appolnlmenl 01 Receiver; Lender In p_alon, As addlUonal security hereunder, Borrower <br />hereby assigns 10 Lender Ihe renls ollhe Properly, provided thai Borrower shall, prior 10 acceleration under paragraph 18 <br />heraot or abandonmenl ol.the Properly, have the righllo collecl and relaln such renls as they beCome due and payable. <br />Upon accelerlltlon under paragraph 18 hereolorabandonmenl oflhe properly. Lender, In person, byagenlorby judicially <br />appolnled receiver. shall beentilled 10 enler upon,take possession ot and manage the Properlyandto collect the renlsofth.e <br />Properly Including Ihose past due. All renls collected by Lender or the receivershall be applied firsl10 paymentolthe coslsol <br />management 01 Ihe Properly and colleclion or renls, Including, but notllmi1ed 10. reciever's lee's, premiums on receiver's <br />bonds and reasonable allorney's lees, and then 10 Ihe sums secured by this Deed olTrust Lender and Ihe receiver shall be <br />liable 10 accounl only lor Ihose renls actually received. <br />21. Future Advan,,". Upon requesl 01 Borrower. Lender, al Lender's opllon, priorlo lull reconveyance olthe Properly by <br />Truslee 10 Borrower. maymak..Fulure Advances 10 Borrower. Such FulureAdvances. with inlereslthereon, shall be secured <br />by this Deed of Trusl whan evidenced by promissory nOles staling Ihal said noles are secured hereby. AI no time shall the <br />principal amounlolthe Indebtedness secured by Ihle Deed of Trust nolincluding sums advanced in accordance herewith 10 <br />prcleclthe security of thle Deed of Trust exceed the original amounl of the Note plus US $ -0- . <br />22. Reconveyance. Upon paymenl of alleums secured by this Deed olTruSt Lender shall requestT,ustee 10 reconvey lhe <br />Properly and shall surrender this Deed or Trusl and all noles evidencing indebledness C 'cured by lhls Deed 01 Trusl to <br />Trustee. Truetee shall reconvey the Properly wilhoul w:-mnty end without charge 10 the person or persons legally entilled <br />thereto. Such person or persons shall pay all cosls of recordalion, it any. <br />23. Subautule True.... Lender, at Lender's option, msy trom lime to time remove Trusleeand appoint a successor trustee <br />10 any Trustee appoinled hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Trusl Is recorded. Withoul <br />conveyance oflhe Properly.lhesuccessor Iruslee shall succeed to all the tille, power and duties confarred upon the Trustee <br />herein and by applicable law. <br />24. Raq....I lor Nolle... Borrower requesls that copies of the notice 01 delaull and nollce 0' sale be senllo Borrower's <br />address which is Ihe Properly Address. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. BORROWER has executed th.s Deed of T,ust <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~'1 <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA County ss ,.. <br />On this , dey of . 19 . ,\ '! _. tltJ>,e !.!le. the Unde~gned, a NOlary Public <br />dUIYC~n'1h~d~elifjedfOr~c~\I!' ,~rSOnaIlYCame I.JJ...<L .J.. _~.{l.12(J .l .I:J/_~' <br />':it), ,U1j . /riNl 4..,d.'-!fA.~_- ,to knownlObethe <br />Id~1 personis' whose name(s} are subSCribed 10 the foregolnlf'lnst,umenl and sc~nowledged Ihe execullOll thereollO be <br />" / J A ) voluntary acl and d~ ~ <br />Wilness my hand and nOlarial sealal M "," d -.... d.<Jl .\.. d In said county. the <br />date alor....ld. <br /> <br />\'\. <br />~ <br />, <br /> <br />My Commlssl <br /> <br />iIIBo'llll-,.$lIlI1I ~ <br />:== ~a.:"- <br /> <br />"7" <u.vl. f ~l.L'", <br />--- "' . NOW)' PvtIltC <br /> <br />.~ <br />"- <br />,.'.,. <br /> <br />'-.:.. <br /> <br />TO TRUSTEE: <br /> <br />r, <br /> <br />,.) '~, <br /> <br />The underSIgned is Ihe nolder oflne noleor noles secured by thiS Deed 01 Trust Said nole or nolea.IOllelher wilhall other "' I \ <br />indebledness secured by thIS Deed or Trust have been paid In lull Vou are hereby directed to cancel said nOIe or n01ft and '(;: -. <br />Ihe Deed of Trust which are delivered hereby. and to reconvey. wnnout warranty. all the estale now held by you under lhl.. 'Ii. ~ '\ <br />Deed 01 TrusllO the person or persons legally entl"ed thereto ''j., '.~ 1\. <br /> <br />~ \ ~ ~ <br />}r *', <br />f..,~~ ~ ; <br />y ,\:" <br />::; 'I ': <br />", ~ t<, <br />~ ",~ ~ <br />J ~ ,,'--:." <br />..: ) ') '') <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />Date. <br /> <br />=~ <br />"'" <br />.= <br />'\l <br /> <br />'Sc>ac-.a.o..H...~.....~__,...._.n4""OO~1 ~- <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />I. u) <br />\ lJ) co "l8J ",;{'" <br /> <br /> <br />~ ~~~~ <br /> <br />1 .-t ill! ~ ;- I- <br />I r: Cl, E <br />-00 '~g~'-lJ' <br />.500 .t <br />r- L' <br />In ~.1 <br /> <br />.: <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />'.. <br />, <br />~J <br /> <br />u <br />C <br />., <br />.- <br />e <br /> <br />c:" <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />= <br />~ <br /> <br />= <br />0= <br />