<br />88- 104573
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. Paymenl 01 Principal and Inlere.t. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interesl on the
<br />~nn~e~~~~~:~~~~i~~~;;~Jr~J' ~yo::;;'PD~':l~"T'r~~~d late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal 01 and intereslon
<br />
<br />2. Fund.lorTaxe. and In.urance. Subject to applicable law orto a writlen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br />on Ihe day monthly installments of principal and Interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in lull, a sum (herein
<br />..Funds'" equal to one-twelfth 01 the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Deed 01 Trust. and
<br />ground renls on the Property, 11 any, plus one-twelfth ofy'early premium installmenls lor hazard Insurance, plus one-twelfth of
<br />
<br />r:~~~,"~~';'~~~~~~~:':::~~:~e~~~~"JlglIll~s~~~~~:~~~~Jrea~~~~~::~~:~6festlmaled Initially and lrom time 10 time by
<br />The Funds shall be held in an Insmullon the deposits oraccounts of which are Insured or guaranteed, by a Federal or stale
<br />;:'~~~;~J~g:~~~'In;~~~e~r~u~~~:~t~~ Ce",,"~e~;;,~~~ti~r~~~lg~1~~:~ ~~I~ln"J',f~~ ~pepr~i~~~~~ f~Xd~~n:~ga:..~s:~~~t~i
<br />
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits Lenderto make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree In writing a.the time of execution ofthls Deed oITrus.
<br />that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement Is made or appllcalbe law requires such
<br />Interest to be Raid, Lender shall no. be required to pay Borrower any Interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender shall give 10
<br />
<br />~h~~'h~~rc~~tegi~~grha~~~nad'9 ~~~~Badc~t~~t~9n~i~i:~~~~~~~~n3d~i~~~f~~~~~ l~~:~~~~~~nS~~~:dt~~lh~~~::J~~
<br />
<br />Trust
<br />If Ihe amounl of Ihe funds held by Lender, logether wllh the luture monthly Installments 01 Funds payable prior 10 'he due
<br />dates of taxes. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />
<br />a~~~s~I~~~ISal~~~r~~;r~~~~'g~ug;:d~t~~ ~~OEl'~r~o':~:so~s ~~~rh\~I\nds'::il::'~~~S e;tc{~~cfsh~ill~:'a~os.;'~[~rl~r~s F~~~nh~~:r
<br />
<br />render Shalf not be sufficient to pay taxes, assessments. Insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. BorrowershaYt
<br />pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the defiCiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed by Lender to
<br />Borrower requesting payment thereol
<br />Upon payment in full 01 all sums secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust. Lender shall promptly relund to Borrower any Funds held by
<br />Lender. If under paragraph 1 B hereollhe ProperlY IS sold or the Property IS otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender shall apply,
<br />no later Ihan immediately prior to the sale of the Property or Its acquIsition by Lender. and Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />application as a credit againsllhe sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />anlpa~:p~~a~~Dr :~:~Yh~~:~s~~lleb: :~g::~~~; (~~J'~~~;~:7n 0~~~~w~~ro;~~~~~~n~~:~f~Vt6dL~~~:~g;~~~;~~~~~~~~
<br />
<br />paragrap~ 2 hereol, then to interest pay'sble on the Note, then to the principal at tho Note, and then to interest and principal on
<br />an)' Future Advances.
<br />.. Ch.rgn; U.n.. ~rrowers shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. fines and Impositions attributable to the
<br />Property which ma)' attain a priority over thiS Deed ot Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rents. " any. in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, If not paid In such manner. by Borrower makmg paymenl when due, directly to the
<br />&syae thereof. Borrower shall promplly furnish to Lender all notices at ~mounts due under this paragraph, and In the event
<br />
<br />8~~~g::~ :~:1111 ~6~~trva~~~~1;:;~e~~I:'h~~r~~~c-:: ~::~rf~~~~I~~:~~~~~~ ~~T~~~;~~~~~,v~~:t"~~~o~U~hsc~rr;:~r~
<br />
<br />required 10 diScRargeanYSUCh lien so long as Borrower shall agree In wrlllng 10 Ihe paymenl oftheoblig.lion secured by such
<br />hen in a manner .cceptable to Lender. or shall In good fa.lh conlestsuch lien by, or deland enforcement 01 such lien in,leg.1
<br />proceedings which operale 10 preventlhe enforcement 01 the hen or forfeiture 01 the Property or any part 'hereof.
<br />5. Hazard In.urane.. Borrower shall keep Ihe Improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against loss by tire, hazards Included within the term "exlended coverage", and such other hazards os Lender may require
<br />
<br />:~~~nc6~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~;~n~~~I~~=~~~:~~~~,~:J r:~~~~~~r~~~:~~~~:eLJ'~~~~~D~~';f~~~~ that the amount of
<br />5uc1h~~~~~~~~~h:tl~~~~:~~;~~~~nt~bl~n~~thahne~~ S~lf~~eO~~~5:~~rn~~~~~~:rp~I~I~~t ~~:r,~~~g:3rnLt~~~~g~~~~~i~~
<br />
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof or. It not paid In such manner. by Borrower makmg payment. when duc, directly to the Insurance
<br />carrier.
<br />All i~surance policies and renewals 'hereor shall be '" torm acceptable 10 Lender and shall Include B standard mortgage
<br />clause In lavor 01 and In form acceptable to Lender. Lender sh.1I h.ve the flghl to hold the policies and renaw.ls thareol, and
<br />Borrower shall promptly furnIsh to Lender all renewal notices and all receipts ot paId premiums. In the eventot lOSs. Bonower
<br />shall give prompt noUce to the insurance carrier and le:nder, Lender mar' make proof of loss II not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wrltlng,lnsurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property damaged, provided such restoratlo~ or repair IS economIcally feaSIble Bnd the security of this Deed 01 Trust is not
<br />
<br />~~~:i~~d~~:it~~:~~~;~_;g~=~~~~r b:Pa~~:r~~b ~g~~~I~:~~~~:Jlg~er~{sl~t~sgtCT;~~t~~~h~C~~:,r:;~~~,o:~?d ~
<br />:~~Oe~~r ~~1~~ ~:E:~~~ rob~~~on:~r ~~a~h~~~~r~rni~:6~~:~roW~lis tior::g~n: ~?aT~nf~~~~I~~n: g:~~:i~~L:'~~~~:
<br />
<br />rhu~~~~:~~r~~eg~ ath~ ~~ t~,e T~~~~Bnce proceeds at lendor'~ vpllon either to restoration or r~pair of the Property or to
<br />
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherWise agree in wnting, anv such applicatIon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />postpone the due dale of the monthly Installments relerred to 10 paragraphs 1 and ..' hereof o~ change the amount at such
<br />InstallmenlS, If un~e:r paraaraPh 18 hereol the Property 15 acquired by Lender, all n~t. trtle and mterest 01 Borrower in and to
<br />
<br />:h:lin:::~gt~~~~~et~~he i~x~~~t t~ttr~:~~~~~~~~:o~:~~r~tD~o:;; ~~~~~~:::~~f~~':ri~r~~~~tg~h~r:~rO~ca~~~:::~n
<br />
<br />6. P....rv.Uon and Malnt.nance 01 Properly; L..aehold.; Condominium.; PI.nned Unll D..,aIoJ>manla. Borrower shall
<br />keep thtl Property In good repair and shall not commit waste or permit Impairment of deterioration a. Ihe Property and shall
<br />comply with the provisions 01 any lease It thiS Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. It thiS Deed arTrust Ison a unit in a condominium
<br />or a planned unit development, Borrower shall p~rtorm all of Borrower's obligations under the declaration or covenanls
<br />creating or governing the condominIUm or planned unit development, the by~laws and regulations of the condominium or
<br />~nned unit development. and CO':'Slitu.ent documenls. II a condominium or planned Unit development rider is e.xcuted by
<br />
<br />int~r:~de~h~~ ~::,c:~~:~o~~~~i~r:~~t ~~I: ~::n~~I~~~t(:~:rc:v:~~~~rt~?sa8~:";,;T~~~: :~fr~h~~~:~~~~: ~n~~~P~eu:::t
<br />
<br />7. Protac:Uon 01 Land.r'. Securlly. It Borrower falls to perform the covenan.s and agreements contained In this Deed or
<br />Trust. or If any aclion or proceeding is commenced with materially affecls Lender's Interas' In the Property, including but not
<br />limited to. eminent domain, insolvency, code enforcemenl or arrangements or proceedings involving a bankrupt or decedenl
<br />then Lender at Lender'g option, upon notice to 8o.ffower, may make such appearances, disburse such sums Bnd take !luch
<br />
<br />:~tlonu;:'~ :he;~:::1,:;\~r~~~ ~::~~sl:i.:~~~~ ~~~i~~:~~~~~7~;~~o,;~~s~9~~sCeO":.d~t~~~r~r~~kf~~~;~r~~~~:~=g~
<br />
<br />the~eed or Trusl Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such Insurance In effect until such time as the
<br />requirement tor such Insurance terminates in accordanc8wilh BorTower's and Lender's written a~reement or apclicalbe law.
<br />
<br />Bor~~~e~~~~~rsB~~~~ua~.:n~YO'L~~d':rt8~~seu~:tu~~nfh~r~~U~aSpi~ ~e ::~n?~I~~~~:i?h~':n.e~~:I~a~~~e h:d~~onal
<br />
<br />Indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust. Un~ss ~rrower and Lender agree 10 other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting, payment hereof. and shall bear interest trom the
<br />date of disburaemenlatthe rate payable from time to time on outstanding ~nnclPal under the Note unless patmant at interes1
<br />
<br />~:~rS~i~~eu~3~rl~pt;lcca~~~ra~.t~0~~~~c~~~':a~~:d:~ l~l~i~:r:~~a"~hS~~ha~~~qUu~;: ~~~~e~~~n~~~~~~ :~p~~s~~r~::~ i~~
<br />action hereunder
<br />e. Inapectlon. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entnes upon and inspections of the Proporty. prOVided
<br />thai Lender shall give Borrower notice prIor 10 any such IOspeclion specI'Ylng reasonable CRuse lherelore relnted to Lender's
<br />anterest In Ihe Property
<br />