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<br />J <br /> <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />Deed of Trust). <br />RR- 104565 <br /> <br />FHA CasH No. <br /> <br />Ji!1-li!6b020-72':1 <br /> <br />nil Deed 01 Tnut, ("Se:urity Instrum.nt") is mad. on Aulust 18 tII <br />19 aa . Th. trustor i, RIIHAUl M. stHRlElER and KllIHLEfH ft. salROEllEIl, HUSBAHD RHD WIFE <br /> <br />I.JlIjYERS TITLE llISUIlAIIC€ ClIIlPORAllllll <br /> <br />("Borrower"). The I.rUStee is <br /> <br />(UTrusteeU). The benefICiary is <br /> <br />WfIAAL IIORTliAliE CllIlPOIlAllllll <br />under lb. laws 01 Ill!:: SIAIE OF "ICIU6AiI ' and who,. address i, <br /> <br />.l68OO IlRAllOT, Ill. CLEIEIIS, "I 46043 <br /> <br />, which i, organized and existing <br /> <br />("Lend.r"). <br /> <br />WiI_d1: Th.t lb. Bonower in consid.ration of the and tru,l hereinafter described and created, and the ,urn of One Dollar <br />($1), to him in hand paid by lb. Trustee. lb. reccipt 01 which i, hereby acknowledged, does by lbese presents grant, bargain and ,.ll, convey <br />and confirm, unto the Trustee. lorev.r. all of Ihe following d.,cribed eslate, 'ituated lying and being in the County of <br />HAI.L ' and Slate of Nebraska. to wit: <br /> <br />ll€ IlESI lIIIE IClHDREIl 1100') FEET OF TI€ SOUIH HIHUY lIIIE <91'1 FEEl OF LOI IllLVE 112), IRClIIli'S KlliIIlAllOlES A SUBlllVISIlIII <br />OF A PllllI OF lHE HOIIlIUSIlllMlllIER UIW41 If III:. HOIITItEASr llIMlIlIER UlE1/41 AM>> A PllllI OF LOT FWIl 141, llH IIAlJI.JlHD lU <br />IH IiECllllll lllEllTHllilt1 (281, IIlllHSHlP ELEVEN (111 HUHIH, KAHfit HlHE m IiESI OF lHE &IH P."., IAI. CWHll, HEJIlASCA. <br /> <br />whicl1 has lh. addres, of <br /> <br />211 IU.CIIlII <br /> <br />lilAH>> ISUlIIII <br /> <br />N.braska <br /> <br />WIO~r.. e-, <br /> <br />("Property Add....,..); <br /> <br />To Haft IllId To Hold lhe premi... abo,.e described. with all the appurt.nances Ih.reunto helonlilll and including all healing, plumbilll <br />and lighling fIXtures and equipmenl nuw or h.r...fler allached 10 or used in connection with wd real estale unto Ihe Trust.., and 10 its <br />sua:ellon and & rorcver. The 8orro""l:'r rcprncnlllO. and covenantl with. the Trustee. thai the Borro,,-er has load riJhl to aeU and <br />convey &aid prcmiHSi thai the)' are hee from c:ncumbr.nCC'; and thai the Borrower will warrant and defend the urne q:aimt the lawful <br />claiou 01 all penn.. whomsoever: and lb. uid 8<mo"er herehy rclinquilhn all riabll of homestead, and all marilal riJhlS. eilher in law <br />or in equity, and all other continlent intuesu of the Borrowa' in and to the abm'e-dtseribed premises. Ihe intention beina 10 convey hereby <br />an aMolul. lill., in r.. oimpl., includinl all riablS of homesl.~d. and olher righll and inmes" as aforesaid. <br /> <br />Pro"'" Alnp, and .hac presents are' e"C'CUled and delivered unto the Trustee. in lrust. however for the follc\l';OI purposes,: <br />~, Ihe Borrower on lb. II UI . day of Allfll5\ . 19.. ' borrowed Irom lhe Lender <br />lhe.umol F T lh. . <br />llty \Ill ooHIIlI, -.. IIiIAllrN laity a. HoIlllOUl. DoUa" ($ . . I. for which <br /> <br />sum the Borrower h.u executed and to Ihe Lender lIOrro....r.. promll"'TY not. 01 even d.t~N intCTCIt al the rat. 01 <br />but IIlII DIIII!. Iu.. per centum ( 1Je) per annum on the unpaid balance until <br />paid. The IlIid principal LrioinLSlWIYe payable allhe offiee or 8.~ <br /> <br />. . WfIl1111. IDllllAliE ClIlPIIlAl1l111 <br />In . .If.aOClIlRAUDI II. lliII9IS "I ~J <br />may destpialeln wnllO't 10 mOiRliJy1osfallftfebts of <br /> <br />, or at !iuch other place as the holder of the note <br /> <br />F8lrIll':Mi" h... o. 6011~. ). commencing on Ih. firsl day of , 19 . and on thc first day <br />of each month thereafter unti~'B~dpaJ and interC'St are fuUl paid. ex.cepl t!1allhC'~ymC'nl of princip~and interest. if not sooner <br />paid. shall be due and payable 00 the ram day of . 20 . <br />no farm Is uMd'" ~ with moft~ insured undar the lOUT.i~ily progr~ N.taonlfHOUSU1g k1 ~"~.~b~UII'111 whICh <br />~ . One- TkM Mort~ In~ P'rwnllMn payment in wl1h lhe ,.gu&.1ion. '01' thaM plogrMnS <br />Pave 1 ot & form HUD-12143.oT.' 13-88 fdl1a(snl <br />....-4C(NEIIAOaI VIotPM()R1'GAGE FORMS. 1]13.113-8100. IBOOI5:1' 729' 24CFR 203171.) <br /> <br />L- <br /> <br />w <br />
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