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<br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />Mortg,ge <br />88-104560 <br /> <br />FHA c... No. <br /> <br />321 1268406 203(b) <br /> <br />nu Morlpae. made and executed this 18th day of August <br />1988 . by and between Donald J. Lawrence and Margaret S. Lawrence, each in his and her own right. <br />and as spouse of each other, <br />of tbe County of Hall <br />!be Mortl8lDl'. ODd The Equitable <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />a corporalion orpDlzed and exillins under tbe laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the accond pan. bereinafter called tbe Mortsaa", <br /> <br />, ODd State of Nebraska, party of the first pan, hereinafter called <br />Building and Loan Association, 113-115 North Locust Street <br /> <br />Wl-..: nit the said Mortlllor. for and in consldcration of the sum of Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred and <br />not 100 ------------------------------------------------ Dollars ($ 16,600.00 ), paid b)'lhe Mort. <br />...... tbe receipt of which is hereby aclmowled,ed. hu Granted and Sold and by tbese presents docs Grant, Barpla, Sell. Convey <br />and Confirm unto the Mort'II". Its succalGrs and usilns, forever, the followlnS-dcscribcd real estate, situated in the County of <br />Hall . and State Of Nebruka, to wit: <br /> <br />The West One Hundred (100) feet of the North Sixty-Six (66) Feet of Block Six (6) of <br />Pleasant Home Subdivision of part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1SE%) <br />of Section Twenty One (21). in Township Eleven (II) North. Range Nine (9) West of the <br />Sixth P.M.. Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />Of the Sixth PriDclpaI Meridian. contalnlai In all <br /> <br />acres aca>rdllllto Government lurvey: <br /> <br />To II8ftI ... To BoN the premisea lbove dcacrlbcd. with all the lppurteDIIICCll thereunto bclon8lnl and Indudinl all beall"" <br />plumblaa and Il&btlna IIatura and equlpmeal now or hereafler IllIChed to or used in connection wllb said real atate unlO tbe Mort- <br />..... and to Ita __ and UIIps, forever. The MOI1JIIor rcpreICIIlS to, and covcoanlS' witb, the MorlJqeO, that tll< Mort- <br />PIDI' Iw iocd rilbllO MIl and conVll' said premises: thai they arc free from encumbrance; and \bat tbe Monpaor will warrant and <br />dcfeod the same apinsI the lawful claims of all persons wbomsoever: and 1M IIid MClrtJIIOr hereby reUnqullba all rl&bts Of <br />~. and all awItaI rilblS, either in law or in equllY, and all other CODtiD&en1 Interests Of the Monlllor In and to tbc lbove- <br />dacribod prcmiIa. the intention bcIni to convey hereby an IbIOlute title, In f.. simple, Includlnl all ri,bts of bomalead, and olber <br />rip\l ud Ialera\I u Iforeaald. <br />"...... AIwQI. and tbeIc presents arc eucuted and cIcIlvercd upon lhe followinl condJtions, to wll: <br />1be Mor\lllOf qras 10 pay lhe Mort..... or oreler,tbe principal sum Of Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred and <br />no/lOa -----------------------------------------------DoUan (5 16.600.00 I, <br />with iIllereat from dale II the rile of Ten per centum ( 10.0 'Vol per annum 00 Ihe <br />unpaid '-Ianc:c until paid. Tbc said prlnclpaland inlerest sball be paYlble II the office of The Equi table Building and <br />Loan Association, 113-115 North Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />In Grand Island. Nebraska ..1f II such other place u lhe bolder of lhe nOle <br />may daiaDate In wrllinl, in montbly Installments of One Hundred Seventy Eight and 39/100 ---------------- <br />----------------DoUars ($ 178.39 ), commcnclna on lhe first day of October <br />19 R R , and on lhe Ilrst day of each montb lbercafter unlll tbc principal and in.erest ore fully paid, except thaI the final paymenl of <br />principal and in_. If nol sooner paid, shall be due and payable on lhe first day of September, <br />2lIO 3 : all accordllll 10 tbe Imm of a certain promluory nOle of even dale berewith euculcd by th. said Mort.llor. <br /> <br />11118 form II uMCIln connacllon with mortuau- InluM unclar tM on. 10 four.famlly program. ollha National Hauling Acl wI1lch pro. J <br />vida far pertadlc Mort_ '"""ranee PrMllum paymanll. <br />_IoUI Edlllon. A.. OblOllle HUD-t21UM 1_ Edlllan) <br />Page , 01 . 24 CFR 203.17(b) <br />