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<br />88-104545 <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DEED OF TRUST <br />(With Power of Sale) <br /> <br />Amount of First Instalment $ 139 00 <br />Total ofPaymenta $ 4865.00 <br />Number of Monthly Instalments ~ <br /> <br />Amount of Other Instalments!:. 1 ~q no <br />First Instalment Due nata q /1 fi <br />Final Instalment Due Date 7 /1 fi <br /> <br />19-B8 <br />19M <br /> <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this jL dey Dr August , 19---BB... <br />between Anton J. Homolka and Deborah 0 Homolka hushand and wifp <br />wh... mailiog addresa is 4085 Ai rport Rd. Grand Is I and Ne 68803 <br />DB TI118tnre, John Cunningham attorney <br />wh... mailing addreas is 222 N Cedar Grand Island. Ne. 68801 <br />RS Tn.tatee, and Norwc!lt Financial Nebraska. [hC., whose mailing address is PO Box 1 ::17::1 <br />Grand Island. Ne. 68892 ,DB Beneficiary. <br />WITNESSETH. hereby irrevocably. gront. bargoin. 5t'Il, Rnd comrey tn Trustee in trust, with power or-sale. the (ollowing de- <br />5Cribed property in Ha i 1 County. Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Seven (7l, Ed R05S 2nd Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together With tenemenla, heredn.amen18. Ilnd nppumnancea thrrrunlo belonging Dr In IlnYWUM" appertaining and the rents, igues and <br />profilll thereof <br /> <br />Thll conveyance la intended for the purpoee (If 8f'CUnng the payment to Bent'ticlary of Truaton' promlMol)' note of even date in the <br />n.mount staled abovf:' WI lota) or Pu)'mt'nta- Said 1'01.01 or Paym~nll" 11 repayable In the number of monthly imtalmenta stilted above <br />The amount of the iIUlLalment pa)"mentJI due on .Dld )o:an I. ltated above, The fint and rinel instalment due datet: Dn uid loan are 5tated <br />above. Payment may be made In advonct' m any amount at Bny time. Otofault In makine any payment (lb.Il. at the Beneficiary', option <br />and wjthout notice or demand. render th~ entire unpaid balance of Ulrl loan al oner due and payable, Irsll DOY required rebau- of chaq:es <br /> <br />To protect th~ IKUnty ufthu Df.ed ofTruat, Trustor covenanuand DJ:Ift'Il: <br /> <br />I. To keep the propeny in good conditIOn and repair; to permit no wa.toe thrreor; 1.0 complete any building, ItrUrture or Improvement <br />being built or about to be built therron; to restore promptly Dny building. IItructUrt' or Improvement thereon which may hi!' dllmAKf'd or <br />deatroyed; and to comply With GJII.WII, ominancrs, regulation.. C'Ovrnanta. mndil1on. and ~nctl(Jm alTertJnR the PropPrty <br /> <br />2. To pay before dt'linquent all lawful taxes mod Dut'umenlJl upon thl' prupl'rty. to kt'C'p thr property frft' and of all otht"r chal"Rrl'l. <br />lien. or encumbrances Imp.lrlnR tht!' k'C'Unl,. ofthll l:Hocod ofTrnllt <br /> <br />3. To keep all buildin~ now or h~noanl.'r 1'n-rtC"d un thl' propt'J1)' dt!'l'IC'ntM'd hpr1'm rontmuoully mJlunod BlramJlt Iou h~.. fin- or oLhpr <br />hauuda an an amount not leu than !hI! totAll dllbt MOCUmd h) lh._ Ilford of Trulll All pohclI.'!I lihall hr ht'ld by tht' Ilrnefic,ary, llnd bt- <br />In such companiel n. thr Otonrficuuy may appmvt' and have Jon fIIIyahJe fint to the fHonefidary .. ita m\l':rest may appear and then <br />to the Tr.18tor The amount col1t'rtrod undtor Any IOlunlOC'r policy may hr appliflJ upon any indeb1.edn~ hen-by RnlrM in .ucb order WI <br />thr Beneficiary mall df't.rrmlOl! Such Appllf:AtlOn hy thr Urnt'fiC'l.ry .han nol caUIt' dlllCOntmuance of an)' pr"OClHdingl to forrclote thia <br />Deed of Tnut Dr CUrl' or WAH.... on). drfauh or nullt1' uf drfault or mva1tdalr any act. donr purtlya". to ~uth "oUPe!_ In dw rv.nt of fOf'KJorurr, <br />011 rights of the Trustor 10 IOIIUram'It' puhrlL'1I lhl'n 10 fof('(' .hall pa.. to the purchuer at lhr forec)os-urt' 118Jr <br /> <br />... To obtain the v.'nltc'n of fkonf'fitlal')' brfora _lIml, C'(.nvryml Dr otherwise transfernnK the property or any pan tht'rt'O( and <br />any .uch sale. c:onvryance or ttllrulfer ....ithoul thr o.nefiCI&"". wnt.ten anwent shall ron.tilu" a default undt'r thl." t.ermJI henoof <br /> <br />5. To defend any actJon or pr'OC'ft"dmg purporting to afTNI theo lI<<urit)' hen.of or th~ nRhts or po.'en of Benefic.aT)' or Tronre <br /> <br />6. Should Tn1ator fall to pay wht'n dut" an)' taU'll. lIl\lWllliml'nlll. InsurnnCt' premIUm5. heRa, encumbrlmCt'& or othrr clutrgetl aRAIMt the <br />property hereinabove deICribed, Bent'ficlary mo~' p8~; thl" urn.... Ilnd the amount 110 pOld. ""Ith lntt're:lIt ot thf' rnlt' fIl't forth In the nott' <br />lIeCUred hereby, shan be addPd to ond btorome 0 part of th.. debt IiKUn.od In thlsl>eord of Trust O~ ~rmlt1ed by law <br /> <br />!TIS MUTUALLY AGREEDTIiAT <br /> <br />1. In the e\'ent an)' portion of the propen~' IS taken or damaged In an eminent domam proc:reding, tht' enllreo amount or the award <br />or such portion ther1!Of as may be necessal')' to fully uti.ry tht' obhf{atlon M'CUred hereby. shan be paid to Benefiaary to be apphed to <br />said obligution <br /> <br />2. By ac:cepting payment of any sum 8eCUf'lld hereby afUor Its due date, Ben~ficlary does not waJ\'e IU right to require prompt payment <br />when due of all other sutn!l so BeCUred or to dl"Clort' default for ralluf'e' to 110 p8)' <br /> <br />3. The "nutee shall n:-convry an or any part of lht' Proper'll' CO\TPnd by thl. Dtoed of Trm:t to thp prnon entitled thrreto. IIn wnttton <br />request of the Tru5tor and the Beneficiary, or upon IWtlsfactlon of the obligation &eC'un-d Bnd wnUen f'l'QUf"l't for f"E'COn\'l"yanre madE' h). <br />the Beneficiuy or the penon entitled thereto <br /> <br />99' Gll4 (NE) <br />