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<br />88- 104514 <br /> <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this <br />be and between: <br />(A) Richard L. Hartman <br /> <br />lOth <br /> <br />dayof <br /> <br />TRUST DEED <br /> <br />August <br /> <br />,19 BB <br /> <br />And 'Iii fA <br /> <br />and Patricia A. Hartman. husbanrl <br /> <br />, whether one or more, herein. <br />~r~nrl T~li'l.nrl NF fiAS01 <br /> <br />(B) <br /> <br />Howard E. Tracv. attornev-at law <br /> <br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address Is Rt. #2. Box 16:> <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />address Is <br /> <br />706 West Kaenio r.rRnn T~li'l.nrl <br /> <br />as "Trustee" whose mailing <br />and <br /> <br />(e) <br /> <br />NF RI=IRnl <br /> <br />Northwest National Bank <br />200B No. Webb Road, Grand Island, NE <br /> <br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address Is <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, In conslderallon 01 One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable conslderalion recelpl <br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the <br />following described property, slluated In He 11 County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />North One Half (N,) of the Northwest One Quarter (NW!), Section <br />Ten (10), Township Ten (10), Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />The Intenlion being to convey hereby In absolute title In fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and <br />dower, together with all buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all 01 the <br />foregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as Ihe "Property." <br /> <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained <br />and the payment of the principal sum of One Hundred 1en Thousend Dollars ($110.000.00 ), <br />ae evidenced by a promissory note"bearlng even date at the rates of Interest thereon which may hereafter be paid <br />or advanced under the terms of thla Twsl Deed; both principal sum and Interest thereon being payable according <br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made, at the olflce 01 the BenefiCiary or at <br />such other place as the holder may designate In wrlling, the final payment 01 principal and Interest, If not sooner <br />pald,shallbedueandpayableonthe ~"t day 01 nMPmhpr ,19 92 <br />. Except as this note shall be extended, renewed or modified in writing <br />Trustor and BenefiCiary covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. .."..,.. TIlle. fNllor I. ~.h.I"..u.cs 011'" PfDl*f~; 111\&1 I)OOCI rtgftl Inc:I <br />_tut ""lhoIll)' 10 MIl MId CGn\'tl, 11'11 PfOl*Iy. lhe Propert, IIlr. and c..... 01.11 <br />..... and ~"",*ancea _cepit.., now ot rllCOfCl; and TlullOl .10 .anlnl .nd <br />...... I" lilt. lo 11'11 PtQl*1, unlo I" Tru'I" .nd Ila .r,tCC,,1IOR IIIWI ...Ion. <br />tot_, -oaIMI tl'll c~"'" 01 all perton.. Tru'IDt'. .111. '.JlIIn.., will mainta6n ana <br />Pf_t..llan of IN. TIU,I 0Md ...Iltnupon..... Tru,l Ptopany .ubfKt only 10 <br />ancumbtanc:.. aal.llng .. Dllha dal. ""eol. .lU CfIUM Ihl, Tlull o.d. and MCh <br />IIMf'IdfMnI 01 ~fMnl 1""'1110. 10 _ Wed and lecDlMd .. .. mortgage 01 IhII <br />Tru.1 "opal'I, In hCh man,.., and In IlICh INaca, and.1II I......ueh other acUon.. <br />In I" opfftlQn of Tru'lee ma, tla requked Dr Iny p,...n1 or luIut' ... In 0fWI to <br />perfllCt. m,ln1aln and prolllCllhe I'-R of Ih~ Tru.. DMd, II rNI, Iba trom <br />II"" 10 111M lmencIed or IIIppaemeRled. <br /> <br />1. ...,............................... T,...tor .hall punelu.II,~, 'hI principal 01, <br />Incf In'...... on, IIIcl PlOINUOI)' nota Including an, adwanc.. 11.,.10 aa PfOlfIad <br />her..n on 'f)e dal.. and .. lbe placa Ind In 11'11 mann.' provllSld It'IlNlln and ..Ill <br />punc;IuallJ' I*form a1ll11rMmenl.. condlUgn, and Pfovlatona of any on_ MCurUy <br />lnalrurnen'alw.nlnconnecllon wUh Ihl. tIanucUon. <br />:II. PlMtneIen.... .......-..c .. .......". Tru.lor will nol eommll any...'. <br />upon ,he Propel1)' and .111, .1 'II 1I1M1, ....In''ln lhe ...... in gooo OI"MI and <br />condKk>>n IMd will ~', horn lima 10 tlma. .11 r'PfIlra. r~laelmanl.. <br />adcMUonl Md ~I, which .f. tNlOt\Ibl, fequlred 10 prewanl ...1.. <br />amp.lrmenl, Of dal.dorallon 01 laHl proparl, NO building Of ImPlOdCNnl no. or <br />__liar _tad upon I" P'DPI'rl" ahall bra ,Ilarad. rllmClMd or demoIllMd <br />wllhOul Ute pctoI' wrIl1M1conMnl 01 ....Ik:iar'. <br />to o...ea.. .......,~~ ot .n)' damage 10. Dr cMs"ucllon 01. thl building., <br />IrnprD'I'~I'DI per';"~~opwty conllllullng p.rt 0' ItIII Trusl PrDPet1r. .MlhII <br />IUCn IoU I. cow.rad br .uranca or 01".,.1.., Trullor. .1 liS ~ co'l and <br />PpatlM, will prompll)' lor.. ~.It. r~l.cI and ...bulld IhI aama .. ,...,1)' .. <br />pr.:lkatH 10 lis condit IrNnadlal;J(, prtor '0 auc:h Of dellrucllon 01 .Jlll <br />IUCh c;hangn and III liOn... Tru.lor may deIm ~rtale proyldld .lIeh <br />cnane- and ..I....' do not ma........, IHIoIn 'M ..Iwe and utllU., 01 'lICh <br />Widing., III'\Pl'O'tM'f*II and paraan.Ut, horn IhI' .,I.Ung 'mmlldla"'y pllOf 10 <br />such 01' dell Uon.. Trualor ahall bI enllUed 10 relmbu,..".,1 .rom I.... <br />Truat_la U...tenl of nellnlWanc:e prOCMdI tKalnd II)' TIU"", bul onIJ Ia <br />n.ull:llolthl KtIW upendad uncIIrthll pnwl.lon.. <br />&. c.r,or... T...... II Trut'ar I. a eorporaUon, It will do aU 'hlng. nac:....ry to <br />praaerwe U. COIpor... u~.IIDhll and prlvllllge. under IMl.ur. of 1M .tall 01 <br />ItI~"1Oft. <br />a. -....-. Tru.IOI, 'I lis 'pan....m mllnl.ln .lIh In.urora approved by <br />1lenel'1c1Wr. lnawanca .lIh , I to 1M ImPl~mIInl. Ind panonal proper1" <br />COl"IIIlllyllna 11'11 PTopart., n.t 10.. by 'Ira, lightning., 'nd oU"r JMlrlll <br />CQIIIdCl br 1'.lldaId ...1. c:ovaraa. andoraemant, In an amount lJQual 10 II <br />..... ana IMmcIrId percanl F>r 11'11 lull rapqc.1Nft1 .IIUII l"taD'; and Inaurlllc. <br />agaAnal audtOCherhuanll ~ In lucbamount ..lacu.lamarll., carried by owne'l <br />WId opar.lllQ 01 IlmUIf Plopeftl.. .nd I' 8aMllelaly may rlqulra lor III <br />pIOWCtlon. T",lIor will cornpt)' wllll auch otI'lI, l'IQulrernenl. .. S.naflelary ma, <br />..... lima lo ""'1 roqu_1 lor -. protaclk:W'r by In.urllllCl 01 ItII Inl"... 0' Iha <br /> <br />r9IPIC1l... pan". All In.uranCII poIldU malntll,. pUflulnl 10 INI Tru'l D..:2 <br />Sftall naoftI Tru.... .nd .....,IC..,., .. lll&&lt*f.. al It11u tHPK''''- 1111"'11 ma, <br />appafir. and pwric)a ItIIl lRaf. .~I De no iClng.Uallon or modlllc,llOII .nrQIl <br />tlfI..n ca,. prior .rUlln no'.lIcaUan 10 Tru.l.. and 8llnalk:..ry In'M evenl an, <br />palle, ""raunder I. not "newed on '" bllorl Im..n G.y. prior 10 11. ..p1ra'IDrI <br />dat.. T'u.l.. or .......Iiclarr m.y procurlllUCh In'UflRCI anclll,*cDIollnareol.1la11 <br />bI ~ 10 .hI kMn Neured b" Ihll TfUII 0Nd and .nail Inl.,... a' IhI <br />gl..NII OIIMlnl...." fll' IPIIClU.d Iharllln or 1111 nlg'-llnl.r.ll.l. aulhan:.:! <br />by 1M 1'''01 11115111.01 N......L Tru.ter anall dill,., 10e.naflciarylhlanglMl <br />pollC;tt11 or jn'Ullnctl .nd rana..l. Chereof or mamo ~ or 'uch~oUd" ana <br />11",..11 Iher.ol_ Falluralo IUfnllllln.uranca by Trua"JII. or raquir.:l <br />M'.urn:lll .l'Iall, .1 ItIlI opllon 01 BaMUcla". conalllutl . defaull. AU UMllned <br />pr.mlum. a,. hllrab, a"lgned 10 Tru.l.. ., aGdlUOnal aacurll, anll . ... .nd <br /> of lhe P'ope'l, by tl"ll Truatll 'I'laU operal. toCDflray 10 UWpufctlalel <br />lhe Tru'for'. .nl.".t.n anellO .11 pollellll ot mluranea upon 'M Tru'l Propen, <br /> <br />7 T.... IftIlI ......IIIIffIL Truator al'lall p., III I.... and .pac.., .I....menl. <br />I.,'ed 01 ........, ag'IIl" 0' dUll upon 1111 Propwly bllore a.llnQu.n~. and.lll <br />dallwa, 10 Bln.llela" Cc.pll. 01 IKIIlpl"1 .hawlng payment 01 auetl I.... &nf:I <br />lpeel.' ......m.nll U Banaflcl." .haUlo r~u.'1. Tfu.'or .g,...lhallh.r. .1'1'11 <br />bI added 101 laeh paflOClle p.,manl 10 be madl M"undar .n ,mount <br />..umllaCI by Trull.. 101 1M 10 .nabla Tru.IOf 10 pa" ., I.all JO day. <br />balora dallnQu.ncy. aU I..... ,.,...manla or olhtl, public enarg.. .0alnsl lhe <br />T'u.1 P'o~n,.IM Nol. ..eurad b, 'hla T,uSf, 01 upon .eecunl 01 ehe debt or <br />.he U.n 01 'I'll. o..d. log.lhal .lIn p'emlUms lor In.u'anctl rlQulrec 10 be <br />pro"O.O unOo! Ihlll TrulIl DeeO and no ,"111111.1 .hall be p.,abla 101 Trullor In <br />raapeel lhell,ol Upon d.m.nct by Tru.lllfI, Truslor shall ..iI..r 10 T'u.... ..uen <br />.(lo.uonal 'urnl 01 monay .. I'll neellss.ry 10 m.kll up anI' Ollllel.l'lcy In lhe <br />lmounl. nace..a" to enabla Truslnla pa, an, 011h1 lor.; nlml <br /> <br />fl AddI.....1 UaAa. Trulto' lhall mak. all paymenl. ollnl.,.., .nd prInCIpII and <br />p.,m.nt. 01 .ny Dinar chargll, I.... ano ..pan... conlraeled 101 be palO 100any <br />....tlng 11M, hOId11ra or prlOf blnallel..... under an, PIlar Trual o..d. "on~ or <br />olher ucuflry "IiIrllmant. balor. 'M d.II.My If. allnQUllnl lna ID pay an, Dlher <br />claim which ~Inl the lICurll~ gr.nlld hlllln. <br />Q. ProIacUan" _lie""". s.curtty'.. Should r'U.lor lalllo m.ll. any paymanl. <br />I.Ulo do an, .el .. heraln provk*l. or If Iny Kllon or prOCllldlng II CDmmancad <br />whIch malerl.lly ,"KII 9enallela,,'. Inllra.1 In lha Pr~y, Including. bul nol <br />IlmlltICIlO. emlnenl lJOmaln. In~IYllncy. I"angementl Of proc:eadlogl Involving a <br />bllnllrupt or cMCMSanl, then Banelicl.ry Of TruaI.. bulwllhoul abllg.lIon to dO 10, <br />and without nolte.lo or dwnand upon Tru.lor..nd wl1houl r.laulng Tru.tor 'rom <br />Iny DCIl1gallon ""undal. may m.k. or 00 1M uma. .na ma, pa" pure"..... <br />conl..1 01 comproml" anI' Incumbrance. eRafg. or llan, which In UW luOgIImenl 01 <br />IlIhat appaara 10 .nK' ..lei Ptoparty; In ...rclllno .ny lUeh potdfI 1M <br />BelMlllelary or Tru.IH m.y Incur ,n, liability .nd ..pand whal".r amounl', <br />IncludIng dl.burMflWnll 01 I.aIDnabl. auar"'y'l '''', which In lhalr abaDIul. <br />dla.:r.Uon, ma~ ~ neca...r." lit the ..,Inl IlIal Tru.IOI' IhllI laU 10 procura <br />.nlurlne. or 10 pl~ t..... anO lp.el.1 aIHI.mwrl. or 10 makllan, pa~rnenll 10 <br />.d.lIng 0' p,lar n.n hold.,. 0' banellcl.'..... IhI &..",f....a" m., procur. lUeh <br /> make .ucll pa,manll, All Ium. Incur'*' or '.lMndoad by Banafl.ellof)' <br />01 Trull.. In accOI'dlru;;. ..Uh IhI p'DIIlllonl 0111'1.1 f,u.1 DNd I" laculld '--0, <br />