<br />Slale of Nebraska
<br />
<br />88- 104510
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />84431-1-20
<br />
<br />FHA c... No.
<br />
<br />32l-126l647248
<br />
<br />This Dred of Trust, ("Sccurity Instrument") is made on
<br />19 88 . The trustor is . Agustin Bibian and Connie
<br />joi"lSsoerhf6'N'lJJf'LfN'CdtN01m right, ("Borrower").
<br />
<br />under the laws of The United States of America . and whose address is
<br />Nebraska 68508
<br />
<br />August 15
<br />
<br />~~c~~~~~~'F~~~~a~~D~R1Lw~l~GS AND LOAN
<br />
<br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />. which is organized and existing
<br />1235 "N" Street, Lincoln,
<br />("Lender").
<br />
<br />Wilnesselh: That the Borrower in c:on~idcratlon of the debt and trust hereinafter described and crealed, and the sum of One Dollar
<br />l$I), (0 him in hand paid by the Trustrc. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant. bargain and sell.
<br />convey and confirm. UOlO the Truslee, forevcr, all of the folloYring described real estate, situated lying and being in the County of
<br />, and Slale of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3), in Block Four (4), in Koehler Place, an Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which has the addre'is or
<br />
<br />21,4 South Vi ne
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />Neb,a,kn
<br />
<br />6880 I
<br />
<br />l"Propeny Addre!.!!.");
<br />
<br />I/lf'l.lt.ltl
<br />
<br />To H.vt' and To lIold the premi~e~ abO\c de!t~nbcd. v.uh alllhc appunenance'l thereunto belonging and includlOg all heating.
<br />plumbing and lighting fixtures and cquipmen1 nov,. or hereafter all.1~hed 10 or u!ted in connection Wilh said real eslate unto the
<br />Trustee. ilnd 10 ils SU~CeSsor!t and assigm. forever, The Borro\\er rc:prc!tcOl!t 10. and \,'Q\enanl!i wllh. Ihe Trustee. Ihat the Borrower
<br />ha!l good right 10 ,cll and ,unIte) ,aid premi!le!t; Ihal 1 he)' are free from enL:umbrance; Jnd Ihal the Borro....er v.ill ....arrant and defend
<br />the !lame against Ihc la....rul daim!t of all per!.om y.homsoever; and the 'laid Borrouer hC'reby rehnqUlshc!. all nghu of homestead. and
<br />all marilal right!t. cHher in lot.... or in equilY, and all olher ~Onlln!!enl Illlere'lt!t oi Ihe 80rrm\er in and 10 Ihe abo\'e-dest:ribed premises.
<br />lhe intention being 10 cu""e~ hereby an absolute mlc. '" fee !tlmple. IOdudll1g all raghl!. of home!t1ead. and olher fight!. and inJerests
<br />OJ!. aforc!taid,
<br />Pro\'lded AI"".),.. and lhe,.c pre~ent!t arc: e:\e~ulrd and J~h~C'fed IlOlO Ihe Tru\lee, In IrU~f. however for Ihe follou:108 purpose!!.:
<br />Whereai. Ihc Borrouer on the 15th. da\ 01 August . 19 88 , borro"rd from the Lender
<br />Ihe ,urn of Twenty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty and no/lOO
<br />Dolla" l S 29850 .00 I. for" hl<h
<br />,um Ihe: BornJ\\cl ha!t C\cL-uled and dcll\ercd l~l ,Ilt' I L'l1l.k, l)Orfl.lncr'\ proml~!tOf\ no[(' 01 e\Cn da[C'. braring
<br />iOlerr!.t atlhc rale of Ten and one hallkr L'enlurn I 10.500 trot per annum on Ihe unpaid balan..:( unul paid
<br />The ,aid principal and 1111"'>1 ,hall b. pa)ahle al the office ,11 FIRST FEDERAL SAITINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />
<br />i~INCOLN Lincoln, Nebraska , or al !ouch other placl: as the holder or Ihl: nOle
<br />may dl'\ignalc '" \\riling. in mllnlhly ,""I.lIhncnl~ \11 Two Hundred Seventy Three and 05/100
<br />DoHaI" 1$ 273.05 ), ..:ummencing on the finl da) of October
<br />19. 88, and un Ihe fir\1 day of eal,:11 munlh tllL'lealler unol [he flfllh:lpai a.nd IOlere!.! arc fully paid... e:\..:epl Ihal Ihe final pa~mC'nl 1lI"
<br />prmt:ipal and 100erC..I, if nOl ,Doner pauJ. ,llilJl nL' due and ra~abh.' on Ihe flr..t Ja~ of Septemoer .
<br />10 18.
<br />
<br />ThiS form IS used In connec110n wllh mOrlgages Insured under Ihe one- to lour.famlly programs of Ihe Nallonal Housing Act WnlCn pro.
<br />Ylcle lor penocllc Mortgage Insurance Premium payments
<br />
<br />Page 1 01 5
<br />
<br />Form HUD.921.3-DT 110-87 EditIon}
<br />24CF!1 203 17,al
<br />