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<br />'68_104-5-0-1 <br /> <br />Borrower and L'~nder covenant and a~ree as follows: or if the Lender acquires the property otherwise artcr default. the <br />Lender shall apply. at the lime of Ihe commencement of such <br />proceedings. or at the time the properly is otherwise acquired. the <br />balance then remaining in the fund'i accumulated under (n) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said note. <br /> <br />I. That Horrower will pay the indehtedness, as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole or in part on <br />any install men I due date. <br /> <br />2. That, together with. and in addition In, the monthly paymenls <br />of principal and interest payahle under the terms of the note secured <br />hereby, the Borrower will pay to the Lender. on the first day uf cuch <br />month until the said nole is fully paid. the following sum~: <br /> <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground renl~, if any. next due. plu~ the <br />premiums that will next become due and payable on policies of fire <br />and other hazard insurance covering the properly. plus taxe!'! and <br />assessments next due on the properly (all a.\' I'slimated bJ' rhe' /.I'ndt'r) <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number uf mnnth~ <br />to elapse before one ( I) month prior to the date when such grnund <br />renl.... premiums. taxes and asses."iments will hccnme deliqucnl. ~uch <br />sums to be held by Lender in trust to pay ~all..l ground rentii. <br />premiums, [axes and special asses.'imcnt~; and <br /> <br />(b) All payment!! mentinned in the preceding ..uhSCt'lion nlthl'o <br />paragraph and all paymenls 10 be made under the nole secured <br />hereby shall be added together. und the aggregalc amount thercol <br />shall be paid by the Borrower each month in u ~inglc paymenl tu hL' <br />applied hy the Lender to lhe following item!! in Ihe order !tel forth' <br /> <br />(I) ground renl.... taxes. asses!oomenl". fire und olher hal1nd insur. <br />ance premiums; <br /> <br />(III interest on the nole ..ecured hereh~. <br /> <br />(1111 amurlll.nliun uf the principal III ~alt..l nute. ;tod <br /> <br />(IV) late charge.,. <br /> <br />Any deficiency m the amount 01 "Udl aggregall' ml1nthl~ pa\'mt:'nl <br />shall. unle!!., made good hy the UlIrrllwc, prlOr to thc duc dall' llllhl' <br />next !tuch payment. con~lItute an event of dl'l'lIull under Ihl., <br />mortgage. The Lender may collect u nlate churgc" nullo elLceedl'our <br />cenL~ (41:) lor each dollar ($1) uf each payment more than fihccn <br />(151 days m arrear!!. to cliver the extra ell.pen!tc l!1\olved m hl1ndlm!! <br />delin4uenl payment!oo. <br /> <br />3. That if the 10tal ohhe paymems made by the Borrower under <br />(a) uf paragraph 2 preceding shall ekcecd the amountl)f paymL'nt!oo <br />actually made by tht Lender for ground rent~. luxe~ and a~"c!'o...,ment.. <br />or Imurance premium~. a!'ltht:' L:a~C may be. !'.ueh eXCL~~. If the Inan I" <br />current. at lhe optinn of thL. Horruwer. shall be credited by Lhl' <br />Lender on subsequent paymenl" to be made hy Ihe Borrower. or <br />refunded tu Iht.. Burrower. H. howcver. tht: munthly payments mUlk <br />by the Borrower undt:r I a I 01 paragraph::! preceding shall not he <br />sufficient 10 pu)' gruund rents. tlU.c.., and assc~smenlS or in~uruncc <br />premiums. as Lhe ca~e may he. when the same shall become due and <br />payahle. then the Borrower ..hall pa!,' to the Lender any amount <br />necessary to muke up lhe defiCiency. on or hefore the date when <br />payment of such ground rent~. tuxe!'.. a~~e~\ments. or m.,urunn' <br />premiums shall be due. If at any lime the Burrower ..halltendL" III <br />the Lender. in accordance with the pruvl!'oiun!'o of thl.' nule ..ecurl'd <br />herehy. full payment of Ihe entire indehtedn~\ repre~entcd lherehy. <br />the Lender shall. in computing the amount of such mdehtedne...... <br />credit to the Dccount of the Borrower any halam:e remammg 10 the <br />fund!! accumulated under the provision!>. of (1.11 of paragraph 2 herct II <br />If there shall he 1.1 default under any of the provi'iiuns of thi!! <br />instrument resulting in D public sale of the premises cll\'L'Jed herl.'h~'. <br /> <br />4. That the Borrower will pay ground rcnls, taxes, as."icssmenl... <br />water rales, and other governmental or municipal charg~, finc!i, or <br />Impn.'tiunns. for which provision has not been made hereinbefore, <br />and In ddault thereof the Lender may pay the same: and (hat the <br />Borm .ver Will promptly deliver the official reccip15 therefor to the <br />I.ender <br /> <br />S The BOlfower will pay all taxes which may be levied upon the <br />Lender'., inlereS(1n said real estate and improvemen15. and which <br />may he levied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby (but <br />only 10 the exLent that !!uch is nut prohibited by Jaw and only to the <br />extent thai ~uch will not make this Joan usurious). but excluding any <br />Income tax, State or Federal, imposed on Lender. and will file the <br />official receipt showing such paymcm with the Lender. Upon <br />violation of thi~ undertaking. or If the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />Jaw now or hereafter existing from paying the whole or any ponion <br />of the aforeSaid takC.... or upon the rendering of any court decree <br />prohihiting the payment by the Burrower of any such taxes. or if <br />such law or decree provlde!'llhat any amounl so paid by the <br />Borrower shall be credited un the debl. the Lender shall have the <br />right to give nlnely day~' written notice to the owner of the preml5~. <br />requiring the payment of the debt. If ~ueh notice be given. the said <br />debt shall hecome due. payable and collectible 3t the expiration nf <br />said ninel~' day!oo <br /> <br />h Thai .,houJd the Bnrrower 11.111 In pa~ an~ ..urn nr keep an~ <br />cuvcnant pwvlded fur In thl~ m!>.trument., then the Lender. al Il.. <br />optlilO. may pay 1If perform the ,ame. and nil cllpendnurl'!-l so mJ.dL' <br />!-Ihnll he added 10 the pnnclpal sum owing on the said note. shall <br />01: .,L'l:UretJ hereh~. and shan bear IOtefL~t 31 the rate !Jel fonh in the <br />s1ud nllte. until paid. <br /> <br />7 Thut the Borrower hereby asslgn!J, transfer~ and !ooe~ over to the <br />Lender, to be applied loward the payment oCthe nute and all sums <br />secured htreby 10 CMe of a derauh in the performance of Bny of the <br />term.. and conditiun!-l or this IOstrumcnt or the said note, Blithe ren~. <br />revenue," and Income 10 be deri\'ed frum the wd prcmiscs dUring <br />such time a., ihe IOdebtedncss !lhall rcmam unpaid. and the Lender <br />shall ha\'e rnwer tn oppmnl any agent or 3genls it may desire for Ihe <br />purpu.,e 01 repamng said prCf1l1!!C!-I and of renting the same and <br />cullcl.tlO!! the renb. revenue~ and Income. and" may payout of said <br />Im:omt."!o> all npcnM:'" uf rcpaulO!! !-laid premlscs and necessary <br />l;nmml~"I(lm and eXpen!-lL~ IOcurred 10 renung and managing the <br />~aml' nnd ul L:uJlccung rental~ therefrom: the balance remammg. if <br />Bn~. to he applied toward the dl!oochargc of SJlld indebu:dne.s <br /> <br />H Thai the Bnrruwl" Will kt.'ep Ihe Impru\ic:mcnt!o nuw eXISlln~ or <br />hereafter ercl.:ted tin the properly. lO~u.ed a... may be reqUired from <br />lime to time hy the Lender agalOsl lull.., by fire and tUher haza.rds. <br />(;a.,ualue~ and contlOgl'neie., 10 ..ueh amounts Dnd lor ...uch pefllKh a.... <br />may be reqUired by Ibe Lender and will pay promptly. when due. <br />an~ premIUms on such IDsuranc::. provtsion for payment of which <br />hU!-I nut been made herclObefore. All IOsurance shall he earned 10 <br />cumpaRlc~ approved by the Lender and the poliCies and rcnt:'wals <br />thereof shall he held b... the Lender and have allachcd thereto Joss <br />payahle c1am~e!'o In lavI;r of and m form acceptable 10 the Lender In <br /> <br />Page 2 01 5 <br /> <br />HUD.92U3DT -1 <br />