<br />1111. -.vww Hal ~; Forbearance By Lender Not. Waiver. Extension at the lime lor payment or modificalion 01 amortization ollhe sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />grantad'bJ Lender 10 any successor in inleresl 01 Borrower shall not operate 10 release the liability of the anginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in inlerest. Lender shall not !]a required
<br />to commence proceedings agslIlst any successor in inleresl or reluse 10 extend lime for paymant or otherwise mOdify amortization ollhe sums secured by this Secunty Instrument by reason
<br />C1Jlf' llITjL' ~ made by lhe original Bonower or Borrower's successors in Interest. Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any righl or remedy shall not be a waiver of or predude the
<br />
<br />~s:arfi'~~ ~ Bound; Joint Bnd Several Uablllty; CCHllgne.... The cavenanlS and agreements ollhis Secunly Instrumenlshall bind and benefit the success~rs and
<br />~oI Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joinl and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security Instrument
<br />~don. not execute the Note: (a) is CO.Signing.thiS sec.urllV tnslrument onlv to mortgage. grant and convey that Borrower's Interest in the Property under the terms of lhis Security Instrument:
<br />)111" noI personally obIigIlled 10 pay the sums secured by thIS Secunly Instrument; and (c) agtees Ihal Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any
<br />Blions with regard to the tenns 01 thIS Secunty Instrument or the Note wllhout thai Borrower's consent.
<br />
<br />~~I::-u,'::=~:n~~:ns=nt~el~:~::~~ ~~::~i:~~:;:~~~~(~~~~~::~h~=~ ~~b~ :~~: ~~= :e:: :~t=~~rt~~~~O;
<br />, to,the~Jmil: and (b) any sums already collecled from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded 10 Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing
<br />ttnrpriflcip8ll owed under the Nole or by making a direct paymenllo Borrower. It a refund reduces principal, Ihe reducUon wlll be trealed as a partial pr8P&";ment without any prepaymenl charge
<br />unde.. Hole.
<br />t:lC) ............ AIIIcdng Undet". RJghta. If enactment 'or expiration of applicable laws has Ihe effect of rendenng any provision of the Note or thrs Seanity Instrument unenlorceabla
<br />CC)m:::m'dIng to Its terms, Lendet. at its option. may require immediate payment in lutl of all sums secured by this Security InstJUment and may invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 19.
<br />If'~ ewerdIes thlI option. Lender shaU take the steps specified in the secor.::l paragraph of paragraph 17.
<br />1\&. ~ Any notice 10 Borrower provided lor in Ihis Security Instrument shall be given by delivenng It or by mailing it by first class mail unless applicable IcrN requires use of cnother
<br />rnelhlai. The noticl!I shall be directed to the property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nolite to Lender shall be given by first dass mail 10 Lender's
<br />......sbBd herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this Security InstrUment shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower or
<br />~ lIMn gMn as provided in this paragraph.., ... .
<br />.. 8IwmIng a..r; s.wn.taIllIV'. IIlil Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the junsdidion in which the Property is located. tn the event that any provision
<br />(D d_of thia Security Instrument cir'thB' Note confUcts with applicable law. such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect
<br />wi!had" a>nfIIcting provision. To this end the prOVIsions of this Secunly Instrument and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br />.. __. Copy. Borrower shall be gNeir' one-cantormed copy 01 the Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br />117. ........ of U. Property'Qr. s.n.ncallnl8rHt In Borrower. II all or any part 01 the Property or any interest in il is sold or transferred (or if a benefiCial interest in Borrower IS sotd
<br />or ~ and Borrower is not a nalural person) without Lender's prior wrinen consenl. Lencler may. at its option, require immediate payrilent in full of aD sums secured by this Secunty
<br />I~ However, thio opbOn shall nol be eX81'Clsed by Lender II BXel'Clse IS prohibited by lederallaw as 01 the data of this Secunty Instrument
<br />It l.e1dIr eHfCises thi5 option. Lender shall giva BotTOWBr n011CQ 01 B~eleralion. The notlc& shall proVide a pEriod of not less Ihan 30 days lrom the (jate Ihe notlce IS delivered or maileQ
<br />withirr..... Borrower must pay aU sums secured by this Secunty Inslrument. II Borrowor fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration ollhis penod, Lender may Invoke any remedies permlnet:t
<br />'" uu.s.cunty Ill$ITUfTIent without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />.. -.....-. fItght to AeInet8te. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the nghl10 have enlorcemen1 of this Secunty Instrument dlSCOntmued at any tmle prior to
<br />U......of: (a. 5 daVS lor sUCh other period as applicable law may specify lor reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant lO any power of S6Ie contained in this Securtty InStrument:
<br />at IbJi-.lry of a judgmenl enforong Ihls Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the
<br />,.......no ~ occ:urred: (b) cures any delault of eny other covenants or agreements: (el pays all expenses incurred in enfOrcing this Secunty Instrument. induding. but no111mllea
<br />tD', ~ alIomeyS' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lendl!H'mBY nlasonablv require to assura that the lien of thiS Security Instrument. L.ender's nghts in !he Property and Borrower's
<br />~ 10 PIIY the Stuns secured by this Security InstJUment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations securect hereby snail
<br />,....,.., effective as if no acceleration had occurred, However. this right 10 reinslate shall nol applV tn the case of aa:eleration under paragraphS 13 or 17.
<br />NOJI.UNIFOAIot COVENANTS. BomJwer and Lender further covenant and agree as lallows:
<br />.. AaIIIIr'dDn: RnIIcIIea. LendIr &holD gin notice to Bonower prtor 10 KCelemIon .oUowtng Borrow.-'. btMch of MY COWft8Il1 "-sI.-nerrt In thle s.curtty lnetrumenl
<br />..._ prior 10 8CGIIer8IIon under ~h. 13 Ind 17 unleU applicable .... provide. olherwi"). TM notIcIl .nail .PKffy: (I) the cWHIl: (b) thellCtlon ntqUlNd to curw the
<br />~ te) . dIIe, not .... than 30"1 from the dMIIthll notJ~ II gl"" to Bon'owM". by which the defauh mu.t be CUNd; III1d (d) tMt f.kIN to ewe 11111 dmIult on or beIorI
<br />""1PICIfIed In ttw nadcII m8Y mutt In KCeIerltlan of the eum. HCUrHI by !hI. s.curfty Inl!rUrMm Md .... of the Praperty. 1M notice .... furtMr Infotm IIDfrDwer of
<br />"'''''10 ___ .n.r lICCIIentIon.nd ... right to bring. court IlCIIon to auert the nQIHxlltenctI of . detliult or MY other def8nM of Borrowwr to ~ lII1d..... II
<br />_.......1. not CU'8d on or before the data epKJfIed In the notice, ~.t 1111 option ruy rwqulre I~ ~ In rull of all eum. HCUNd by thIe Securtty lnetrument
<br />__ _ ond moy l_lbo_ol..le.nd .ny_ _ ponnltlod by .pp1k:oblo.... Londo<_1 be_IOCOIIocl.II._1ncunOd In puroulng
<br />___ pnwidIcIln ttU pa~ 11. Including, bU1 not limited to, reaonmlll.ttorney.'.....net eoe!. oftlUtlI'riclenee.
<br />......... of... lalmoltld. nu.lIIII wll record. notice 0' def.un In Hch county In which any pM! 01 the Property I. I~ Ind Mall md copIH of euch notIca In the
<br />___by......-..... _ ond to lbo olhor poroon. proocribod by oppIlcoble low. Allorlbotlmo requited by __.... _...... gtvo public notIc.
<br />l1li'_.... __ ond In tho monnor proocribod by .pp11cob1o I.... 1Iu...., without domond on BorroMr. ....It ..II lbo "'-<IV .. public 0UClI0n 10 tho hlglMt - .11lHl
<br />"-.......... undIr............ -..gn8led In the naUce of.... In one or II'IOfW pMceIa and In.ny order 1hmM determI.... TN.... 1M>>' ~.... of all or MY parcel
<br />....~ by pulIUc __"Iho tlmo end ptoce oI'OY prwvlou.ly ochoduled ..10. Londo< or 110 ~ moy pun:hooolho "'-<IV"_ oolo.
<br />............. 01 poy..- 0I1ho prIoo bid, _ ....11 doIl_ to Iho pure"'..., nu...... _ _Ing .... "'-<IV- _ __In.... nu_'. - 0/1011 be primo ,....
<br />_0I1ho tnrth 0I1ho_ modo _no nu_....1t .pp1y.... pnlCOOdo 0I......1e In.... fol_ng order: ('}IO 01'.'__ ol.... .....lndudIng, but noIllmUe.
<br />.. _._.....,-by.-....nd_ .11_' _, lb)to'll..me __rwd ..,_SKurily...._'ondCc)onv_lOlboporoonorporoono
<br />......_10 II.
<br />_ lMdIr In PoI.MuJo:n. Upon accemtlon under paragraph 19 or abandOnmen1 of the Property. L.ncser lin pel'SOI'I. by ~l or by Jucfid&fIy appomted I"eC8I\Ier) 5hal1 be entitled 10
<br />.".. upa'I. tIk8 pounIkJn of and man. the Property and 10 collec1lhe !'Wnt. of lhe Property Including tr\OM put dua. Any rents colleclld by Lander or IhB recllMtr ShaD be aQPlled flf5t
<br />to PIIIftII'C of the Cl)!tI or n\INIgIr'niIf1t of"" PI'pPef"ty and COlIoctlon of ","Is. including. but not tlmlltd 10. fK8IV8r's ,.... PnlftUums on r80!.....r's ~ and reasonable aaomovs' fees. ana
<br />"*' .._.... _ by \hi. Socurtty InolrUmont.
<br />2"!.- ~ Upon peyment at II1Iluml secured by th:s Seeur.ly Instrument, Lenl!er shall feq1.Int Trull" to ~ !he Property ana ~ Q..-rendar thai Secunty InStrument a.~
<br />.. .....1'WidIncing dItlt HQII'MI by this 5ecurity IllItfUment 10 Trust... TrustH shalll'CtCOf'lWV the Property wtthou1 warranty and wttnouI c:haJVlllO the perwon or per$CIlI tegalIy entmed to
<br />Jt _ pIIOOll "'....... _ poy ony rocord.1Jon <XlIlll.
<br />ZL ........... 'Ih.I8tM. L.enr:>>r. at its option. m-v from lime to time remove Trustee and appoInt a succaUOl" truttee to any Trustee appom11d hereunder by an instrumen1 f8CQI1jed U1 [he
<br />~nlY" whk:t1lhi1 Secu1ity Instrument is recorded. Without conveyance 01 the Property. the successor trust.. shaD sua::aed to all the tille, power and duties conferred upon Trustee hereu'l
<br />-by~"'"
<br />.. __ far NodcoI. Borrower :&Quests lhat capllS of the noticeS 01 delaull and sale be senl to Bonower's adc1tess WNehIS the Property Adc:Ire$s. Borrower futU\er reQUests that
<br />~of the noticeI at deiauH and lSaIe be Hntlo each person who IS a party hereto at the address 01 such Pfl"I'On Htlortf1 herein.
<br />.. ...... to IhIe 5ecurtty lnltnJrnlnt. II one or moAt rIders al'8 executed by Borrower and recotdttd logelher WIth thl' Secunly Instrument, !he covenants and agreemenls of each suctt
<br />ridW'" be lncorpcnted into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agrttBments 01 thl!l Secunty Insuument as Ir the ndef'(sl W8l'8 a pari 011hlS Secunty tnstrumenI. (Checx
<br />"'-""""11
<br />o Adjultable Rate Rider ~ Condt>mlnJum Alder 0 2-4 Famity RKter
<br />o Gl1lduatad payment Rider ;] Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />o OIl1or(lllopoafyJ
<br />
<br />'" SIGNING BELOW. Bom:rwer accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained In t1'IS Secunty InstrUment and In any nderls) e..eculed by Borrower and recorded W1Ih It
<br />
<br />~, /.~,~".V >-:=;-'/:,,,///A lSea"
<br />--
<br />
<br />.'
<br />
<br />tSeal)
<br />--
<br />
<br />[5_ Balow Thl. UI\8 Fo, Acknowledgment]
<br />
<br />-"'--
<br />Caunlpof: 'rl-J.C ~ as:
<br />1lIrt_ I Ii' t lloyD!
<br />--"Y_
<br />
<br />lIJ,"~ known to be the person(S) named in and who execu1ed the foregoing instrument. and aCknOwledged that
<br />....-,.. end dood.
<br />
<br />
<br />\.\:~
<br />
<br />executed the same as
<br />
<br />M\l CUmmiaIon expireS;
<br />\ -~'\ -'\~
<br />
<br />A .u,\ "'!- ''''II'l'.St.leofN9r.
<br />~ tfANNE M SCHROER
<br />:...;:....L.. ":::'!'..:~o_":'.m.Ell;p.JiJn. 29. 1992
<br />
<br />~ ,,-,,v_OJ {V\ ~ Q" ~'-<-.
<br />
<br />...."'-
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />CaoonIy of:
<br />OT1Iio
<br />....-... OWOared .
<br />fD. me panonaily known to be the personls) named in' and who executed the foregoing Instrument. and acknOWledged Ihal ___ execuled the same as
<br />__.. end dood. .
<br />
<br />. 19 _, before me, a Notary Public In the Slale 01
<br />
<br />MtCorrwnlsslon Expires:
<br />
<br />