<br />88- 104480
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<br />FeeD 501 1
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<br />(c) The repayment In full by Trustor(s) of all amounts advanced by Beneficiary. at Its option, to or on behalf of Trustor(s) as protective
<br />advances authorized herein. In the loan agreement(s), or in other Instrument(B) which may beglven to evidence such advances, plus Interest
<br />on all Buch advances, payable as provided In the note(s), loan agreement(s) or other instrument(s).
<br />(d) The payment In full of any and all other past, present or future. direct or contingent. debts and liabilities of Trustor(s) to Beneficiary of
<br />any nature whatsoever.
<br />This Trust Deed will be due Seotember 1. 2008 or upon the payment In full of all sums secured hereby,
<br />Truelar(.) hereby warrant that they hold fee.lmpletltle to the .baved"crlbed property, thel they hive good and lawful authority to deed and encurnberthBumB.
<br />thlt uld property II tree Ind clear 0lallllen5 and encumbrances, except encumbrances of record. and that they will WIIrrant and delend aald property agalnst.1I
<br />clalmanlawhoml108ver. Trustor(l) alloherebywalve .nd relinquish all rights 01 dower, homea1,..d, distributive share .nd exemption In and to the above deacribed
<br />property.
<br />TJUltor(l) MCI NCtI Df them further c:owreMIIt and -a... wtth ...,k:Iary _ foUowll:
<br />(1) To pay .I1Uans. judgmentsor other .lIeuments Ig.lnltllldTrult Eltlle,lnd to p.y when due all taxes, renbl, feesorch.rgnupon said Trult Estateorunder
<br />any lease, permit, license or prlvilsge uelgneclto Beneficiary.. additional SM:urlty to this Truet Deed. Including thOle on publiC domain.
<br />(2) To Inlure and keep insured buildings and other Improvemantl now on or hereafter placed on ..Id Trult EstAte to the ..1I1t.ctlon 01 Beneflci.ry. Such
<br />inlunmC8 Iha" beapproved byand depolltad with Beneficiary, Indendol'HCl with Iou Iher8underpepbleto BenefICI.ry. AnYlumllOnteelved byBenlfldary mly
<br />be uaed to PlY for reconstruction of the dHtroyed Improvemenblor II not 10 applied mly, .tthe option oftheBeneflclery, beappUed In payment of any Indebtedness
<br />maturect or unm.tured I8CUred by thll Trult Deed.
<br />(3) To keep all buildings, flxlurn and other improvementl no'll on or he~."er plaCed on ..Id Trult Estate occup~ and In good repair. maintenance .nd
<br />condition .nd to neither commit nor permit Iny ICtl of walla or .ny Imp.lrmanl 01 the value 01 the Trult Estate. Beneficiary may enter upon the Trust Estate to
<br />Intpect the aame or to perform .ny .et. aulllorlzld herein or In the IGln Ig,..m.nt
<br />C". In the.vent Trultorla) t.1l to pay Iny lIena, JudgmentJ. ......m.nt.. tax.., rentl, I... orchlrgM orm.lntaln any lnauranceon the'property. bulldlngl,nxtura
<br />or Improvementa II provided herein or in the lOIn IgreementCIl, Beneflcl.,., may, It It. option, make luch paymenta or ;Jrovtde In.urence, maintenance or repairs
<br />and Iny amountl paid therefor Ihall become part of Ihe prlnclpallndebtadnau HC:U~ ha...by, be Immedl.tety dueand payable .nd belr Intarelt from the date 01
<br />payment.. provided In the nolel') or lOIn egrHment(I). TM IdVllncllmant by Benaflcillry of .ny IUch amountl: ""'11 In no mlnMr limit the right of Beneflcilry to
<br />declare Truetor(l) In default or uerel.. any of Benaflclary'l oth.r rlghtland ~medl.
<br />151 In the eyentBeneflclarylal party to anyllUglllon.Necllng Ihl HCurlty or Ihlllan or Ihll Trutt Deed,lndUCIlng III1Ylctlon by Banaficlllrytoenforcetl'lll Trust
<br />Deed or any .ult In which Beneficiary il n.med I defend.nt (Including cond.mnatlon .nd bankruptcy proc8ldlngl) Beneficillry may Incurox~lInd Iclvance
<br />paym.nll 'orlbltract IHI, .ttorneya'HlI.xc.pllo Ihee.t.nt prohibited by law). COftt.. upen.... .ppral..l....andotharchlrgea.nd.ny.mounlllO.dvanc:ed
<br />tlhaU become part of the prlnclpallndebtednna NCul'8d hlreby, be Immlldlallly dUI .ncl ptlpb:e and belr In.....t.. provkMd In the loan .grwement(II).
<br />IBI Any .w.rdlmldeto Trultorll. orlhelrlucceno"by Ih.ex.rcl.. olemlnlnt dom.in.... hereby ualgned 10 Beneficiary;and Banetlcllrytlhttreby.lJlhonzed
<br />to collect and .pply the lime In payment ollny Indabtedn..., malured or unmatured, Meum by Ihil Trull Deed.
<br />171 In the Ivent Trultor.s) delault In the p.yment wh.n due of any tuml HCurld hlraby (prlnclpal. Inl__l., advancemanll. or protectJVIIldvances), or fill to
<br />perform or obaeMt any covenantllno condlllons cont.lned h.raln. In th. nOIl(II. lOin Igreementll), or any alhtlr inllrumentl or any p~ing 11 brought by or
<br />agalnll Trullort.) underlny BankruptcyllWl. Ben"ICI.ry mly. II III option, decll,.IM anll" Ind.bIMln..-=urad hefWy10 be Immadlahttyduelnd payableanIJ
<br />bear Internl.t th. defaull rale.1 provided In Ihl not.(I) or loan agr..menUI. and BenefiCiary may imm.,lataly authoriD Tru... to axarci.. the Power of 58..
<br />granted herein In the manner provided IntheN.bra.ka Trult 0MdI Act. or. .tth. opllon ottha Beneficiary, m.yfofldoHitheTrul1 OeiIcIlnthemannarprovidedby
<br />I.w for lhe 10reclDlura ot mortg.".. on real property. Including Ih. Ippolntmenl 01 a R8ClIVllr upon ax part. appllcatJon. notice being hInby axprwlly waived.
<br />without regard to the v.lu. of Ihe prDperty grfhl lunlclancy Ih.~1 to dlachargelM Indebtedn... aecurad herebyorln theloan-aI"MfMnUI). DeIly by 8eMt'tciary
<br />In lurelllng III rlghtl upon darault Ihall nol be conltrU~.1 a Wllvertheraol Ind any Ict 01 Beneflcl.ry _lvln"lnyapec:lIlcdaf.ult ahall not be ccnall'uacl ua
<br />waiver ol.ny tutu,. oef.ull. It Ih.procwdl unCSlr luch ..Ia orloreclOlUr8 .,.lnluNlcllht to Plylhe totallndabtld...... herebyMCU~. Trustor(t) cia hIrIby agrw
<br />to be P8t1Onally bOund 10 pay the unpaid bllance, and Ben.flclary ah.1I be enUU" to a daf~ judgmenl
<br />(8) Should Ben.f1clary.leclto IxarelN tna Power 01 Sail granted h.-In, Beneflcllry 'Mil notify the TnIIt.. who ahaIl record, publllh and deliver to TrudOr(I)
<br />luch NOllce of Oafaulllnd Notleaof Sal.n 'hln raqul~ by I.w and Ih.llln the mannarprovldad by lawMl' thtl TNIl EItItlltthetlrnelndplaceof lI.faxed In 1M
<br />Nolle. or Sate, enhlra. a whole or In ..parat.lotl, parc.l. ornaml and In auetl ord.r.1 the Trutllelhlll deem upeCU....L Anypenon maybklat thII....'ncluding
<br />Truttor(ll. Trull.. or s.netlcilry
<br />(9) Trultor'a) h....byrMIUII.. copyal Iny Notice Dr Delaullor Nollce of Sa" 1.lfWundllrto barntllled tothema1IheIlCld"'(.) lilt forth r.r.In bycertlfilld mall
<br />(1DI Upon dllault. Bln.flcllry, .Ilhar In peffiln or by Ig.nl. wUh or wlthoul brlngln"lny .ctlon or prot>>ltdlng and with or wlthout ntg.rd to the val.... of the
<br />property orlhe.utflcllncythlreo'tO dllChlrg. th.lftd.btadnnalMCured hel9by,llluthor1zadand anllUed toanterupon and taka pounaJon of1tMlTnm Eatata In
<br />It I own name or In thl n.mlol th, Tru.... .nd do Iny Ictl oraxpend any .umlltdlemll necauary oraalrab"loprolK1or~thoYllueoftbe TruatEltate or
<br />any Int.,..t th.,.ln, or Inc...... thl InCOrM tMretrom; and wllh orwlthoulllklnll poIIJIIIion otlhe Trull Eata.. itauthortzlldtollUl fororotharMMcoUect tbarwntl.
<br />lawel, crops, profitl .nd Incoma theriot, Including IhDH palt dUI and unpaid, and apply tM Ama upon Iny I~ IleUM hIINby or In the loan
<br />agrwmenlll).
<br />NoremeCly hll'8ln conllrred upon orrwHrwd 10 TM!. or 6enel'iclarylllntendactto blexcluaiveot .ny other ~heNtnorby"'prowktMiorpermmact.
<br />bulllCh Ihall b& cumul.tIV'l.lhall be In.ddltlon 10 eV'IfY oth.r ,.macly glVlln Mrtlund.rornow or harM"" Ixistlng at law or Inaqutty or by atatute, Ind may be
<br />Ix.relled concurYMtly.lndapltnClenlly or .UCCIUl..ly.
<br />'11> Tru.torl.)lCknowladge thlllh. dull.. and obligallonl of Trutl...haU bII dltermlned 101.ly by the..~ pf'OYitlonl o'thll Trult Deed orthli Nebra1ta
<br />Trull 0Mdt Act .nd Tru.tH wI! not b111l.btl excapt tOf' thl performance of such duttn and obt~k)na u Ire apedficalty ... forth thrarItn. and no ~!ed
<br />covenant. or obligatonl ahlll bII.mpoHd upon Trutt..; Tru.... .hlll not be Uab" 'or any action taken by It In good talth and rMSOnAbly bMNIvacI by "to be
<br />.uthortucl or within thl dllCtlltlon or ~htt 0' powerw conr.rnd upon it by thll TrUlt Deed or llIlt.llW.
<br />(121 The Integrity Ind mponllblllly or thl TrulIOrll) contlltutn. part 0' thlconlldllratlon 'ortha obllgation...cured hereby. Should Truttor(I.IIlI. UlIrtar.ror
<br />l;QnYlylh, proPtl'1YtI,"rlbtKt h.,.ln, wlthoutprlorwrlU.n conllnl of Beneficiary. BenefiCiary may.at ill opuon, dIcllra lheanUrtllndebllldnaulmmedlltelyd....
<br />and pay.ble .nd may proceet:J In the Inforcement 0' Its rllilhta.. on any other delault.
<br />(t3) Aulgnm.nt of R.ntt including Proeaadl 01 Min....1 L..... Trullor(l) hereby trana..r. III Oftf" and conwy 10 Blneftdary a11~", roya,.... bon.... and
<br />dillY moneyslhlt Ny trom IIm.lo time beCom.due and payab.. under.ny,...1 DtlII .....or !,Inw Iny aU, guorouwrmlnarat .....or any-kind nowUlltlngor
<br />that may herM"-r come into 1..lllenee, COftrtng IhI .bove Trull Eatllbl or .ny pert therIot. AIlIUCh sums ., I'8OIivM by 8Inet1daly &hall be ~Itd to the
<br />Indlbt<<ln... MCUNd hl~by; or Aid Banllk:lary m.y, at III option, turn o....r and dell....r to the TNltorl') or ~r~ In 'nmr-t, any or aU of auch suml
<br />without p"JudlCl to any 01 Benaflcl.ry'.rlghtato taka and retain lutu... .um., .nd without prtljudloatoany of IlIothar rightaundlrthll TnmCead. Thet.ranafrer and
<br />convey.nC8 hereund,r to Benlflcllry of Mid fIIntl, roy.III.., bonu... Ind dll.y mOMYIlhan be COMtrued 10 be. provlllon torthe Plyment or reduction of the
<br />debt. lubjKf to Ih, Bentlflclary'. opllon .. h....lnbefore provided, ind.pendent of the lien on ukl Trull Ea\all. Upon paymen1 in full of tM debt and the
<br />reconVll)'anc. 0' mla TrUll o..a 01 racon:l, thla conveyance .hall become Inoperative and of no further'DfCCI and effect.
<br />(1") Th. COdnlnt. contained In thll Trutt Deed shan be deemed to be aeverab"; In thlldnlthat any portion of tI'lla Trult 0.111 dllJlrminad to be WOld or
<br />unentofCllbae. thai d".rmlnltIDn shill not Iffect the vallCIt)' of the remllnlng ponlOnt ol.m. TrUlt Dwa.
<br />- , / /J- .. " I., 'L " /
<br />f< 1;;&"'1.'1 l -"il.l,. {;/ / ., (rl';t~ / ~ _____/-./L- :#i_/,r
<br />Alan V. Hult Caroline J. Hprt
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<br />COUNTY OF Hall
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