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<br />\' (; l' ~ U L ~. . <br />~C\'E-J t <br />~ .\J~; . <br />~~\lJ <br />~l~ <br />',~ <br />~~' <br />~ <br />~ <br />Ekrpl1 From Inlem.1 Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br /> <br />l:J <br />"', <br /> <br />o <br />ii' <br />>l- <br />i' <br />'" <br />~ <br />! <br /> <br />lI.n~ pIllon lI,bllla PlY Iny III ntglle1s Dr relullllo <br />PlY Ih'lImt 1ft" d.mand, Ih'lmount (IncludIng In)' Int.,. <br />IIt,lddlUonlllmClun1,ldlllllon1olU,Orllltlllbllptnalty, <br />togtthuwlth Iny cOltlth.,m'1ICCr'Ulln Iddlllon th.rela) <br />,hall bt I II." In favor of Ult Unlttd Stllll upon .U property <br />.nd rIght. 10 prop.rty, whlthlf r..' or plr.onll. bllolIglng <br />to.uchpt'lon, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period 01 Lien. <br /> <br />Unless InolheT dllell specifically flud by law, Ihll IIln <br />Impoled by section 6321 shall arise It the lime Ih. 11IIumlnl <br />IlmldllndshlllconllnueunUllheUabllllylorlMlmounllo <br />IsslSull lor. ludgmenl 11Ialnsl the taxpayer lIlslng out 01 <br />.ueh IllbJlJlyjl1 IlttllfJldor becomes unenforCllbleby reason <br />01 tapltlol Uml, <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />1'1 Purch...~., Hold.1I 0. Security In- <br />tertll1, Mech.nlc'. L11l101l, And Judgment <br />Lien Crtdltorl. - The lien ImpasetJ by netlan 6J2t Ih.1l <br />not be v.lld IS .galnsl.ny putchaser, holder of . socllrlly <br />Interu1. mlchanlc'ellenor, Dr Judgmenlllen eredllol unlJl nollCl <br />1hereof which meets thl requirements of subsecllOn III tlu <br />beenlilell by lhttSIlCfClillY <br /> <br />(fl PIece For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />1'1 PlaCD For FIling' The notice rclerred 10 In sub- <br />s.ettlonla) sh,lI ba flied. <br />(A] Unller Slsle Laws <br />UI Real Propeny ,In Ih! cau 01 real propeny,lnone <br /> <br />~~f~~~~~~~~,~~ 5~f~~g(~~t~hde ~~Ut~:'l:~~t~~r :UDC~~~t~~~~ <br /> <br />whlch1h.propenysubJeCI10ltlellenISSllultlcd;lncI <br />tll) Personal Propeny , In thll can of "rsonal <br />plopeny, whelher tangible or Inlanglble, In Dnl office <br />withln the Slatlllol Ihe counlV. Dr other governmental <br />subdivIsion). as 1lllSIQnalelllly the laws 01 such Slate. <br />In whIch me property SutljeCl 10 the hen .S sltualed; <br />or <br />(61 Wilh Clerk 01 OlslllCl Court. In the olllee 01 the clerk 01 <br />theUnllell Stal1l5 1115tm:l court lor the JudiCial dlslriel in which <br />Iheproperty 5ublecllo rum 15 sllualell, whenever Ihe Stale has <br />nol by law deslgnlled olle olllcr whIch melll! the ulQuirements 01 <br />subllarlgrallhtAl.lIr <br />leI With Recolller 01 OcellI Ollhe OISIIlC:l 01 CoJumllla -In <br />Ihe olnceofthe Recorder DI Deeds Dflhe DlstrlclofColumbla.lI <br />IhepropertysulllltCllollle!len,5sltua"lO n1'eD,s'fcIOI <br />ColLlm&b <br /> <br />Entered as Document No. <br /> <br />88-, rj q 4 5'':; <br /> <br />Gr3nlO~~ <br />(lralI\i!l~ <br />tlvl1lellcal ~ <br />ST:.TE c- UEll'L'SKA')~" <br />C j~ _ ; : I': I I F H,' L. L ) ~,J <br /> <br />::!l <br />[ <br />if <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />n. <br />(I) <br />o <br />- <br /> <br />u <br />\O~l <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />- <br />... <br /> <br />8B AUG I 5 AH II r4 <br /> <br />c <br />i <br />(I) <br />Iii' <br />i <br /> <br />-I <br />ID <br />>C <br />r- <br />ei. <br />~ <br /> <br />/. <br />,,' <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />iJ <br /> <br />.t <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Sllus 01 Praperty SUbJtd To Uan . Far PUrpolll at <br />parlllraphlll) and I"), proptrfy Ihall btdttmtdltl bt Illullld. <br />fA) Aa.1 Prolllrt)l' . In thI CUI 0' rial property, II III <br />ph)'lltlllocallon; ar <br />IBI Peraonlll Praplfty . In tM CIA 01 PtfIOflI' proptrty, <br />whalh,r llngllll. or Intanglbl., I' lhI mldtnCII of ttII <br />tupaWIf ,t tht tllMllhl nata ot IItn lllIled. <br />Forpurpaa'l OfPlflQllph (2) 'II, rht mlCltnet of. CDrpollUOn <br />or plrtnarJhtp lhall be d.1IIICI to be ttII pia .1 whktt 1M <br />prlltClPl1 'Ileutl,. offici of Ult bull""a " Jocalld, and 1M <br />"1ldlnet of I tup.yar wt\oll rald.neell wllhDU1 UlIlJnI1Id <br />.5111" .!\III be CItImlO ID" ~".. O"trk:I.l COIumllll. <br />-(3) ~orm . fht form and contini at the 'not\OI. <br />r.ftrTtCI 10 In lubHCIlon (II Ihlll bI prncnbtd br 1M <br />Slelltary. Such notlet IhllI bI '1IId nalWllIllbndll'lll any <br />ottllr provlllan 01 II. rtglrdJI'IIl lha lorm or of . <br />notlcaolll.n. <br /> <br />Nolt: See section 6323(b) lor prolection lor <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 Is tiled with respecl <br />to: <br /> <br />1 Sec:urilles <br />2. Motorvehlelel <br />3 Personal property purchlltd11 fltall <br />.c. PatlOnll property purChUtd In casual III, <br />5. Personal property lubjlCtld to pasltUary lien <br />6. R"I property IptelllllMl5m.nt liens <br />7 Residential property subfecl to I m.c:hanJC'1 <br />lI.n for eutlln repllra.oo Improvem.nt5 <br />8. A"ornly'III.1II <br />9. CertJlnlnlurlneecontracts <br />to P.aSSboDIlIOins <br /> <br />Iii R.lIl1nll Ot Notice. - For pu...... ,1"" <br />sectlon- <br />III General Rull. - Unll" nolle. ot Ilen Is relilld In <br />~~~ilI~:~::O~::~~~~~I~~ ~~r:f~~~ ~Ju~~~~r: :,~::~~1: <br /> <br />date on'whleh It Is IUllll (In ac:eDrtlancll wllh lubsectlon III) Iftll <br />the eJlplraUOn of sueh reflllng period <br /> <br />(21 PlICI For Filing. - A Ilollce 01 tlen rellled <br />dunngtMrlquiredreflllngPlrlodShalt bI Irfecllvll only <br />IAlll. <br />(I) suehnDllceofllenisrafJJelllnlhlolliclllnwhlehthe <br />prior nOllte 01 lien wu flIlll. Incl <br />Uti In the case of real property, the Ilel ollellllng Is <br />elllered and rlcordetl in an index to lheIJltenl feQulled by <br />subsection t11 141. and <br />lBl1nilnvcaselllwhlch,!lO(laysormofllPIlDllolnllllall <br />oIl tlfillng 01 notice 0' 11111 under subparlgraph l~t. Ihll <br /> <br /><'-. <br /> <br />._'.:~..:' L..<./ <br /> <br />;-'1-'-:, (jt:'" lIj:r.n..:- <br /> <br />SIerttary I'ICtivtd written lnIarmalJon (In Uw ml!lrlIf <br />praxrlbed In l'IVul&tlllnl luad by tht SIc:ntary) <br />conc:mUllV I dtangt In the tu;rayII'a raldtnc:t.1f I rI'JIk:I <br />ofllldll1tnl. IllOflltd IntlCl:Ordlt'lClwlUIaublletloft{l)In <br />IllISlllltnolllcll__lIlac1l1d. <br /> <br />(3) Requlnd Rilling PtrIocL - IJI .,. elM <br />,r Iny naUce at 1laft.1III1InI "nqalracl mmng parlod"_- <br />IAI "........... pori'" .ndlng 1II ~lYIlfIar IllI upitlUpn <br />01 II run 11111' IhI dati of 1M tuaINftIlf OW tal. and <br />IS)lhaan......_an:llng..IlI11la...._.II...... <br />aJ1M IhtclDHat.1ht pncdla lIQuilld ntIIIIlIl_ lor <br />IUCh notlCl.DI lien. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge 01 Property. <br /> <br />I.) R..... Of LIIn. - _ ", _ <br />ngulallonl Uti'll SIcrIWy ml, prauilIrI. UlI SIaIWy stIaD <br />IRUI . CIItIllcUI of rtltlH of Ift1litn II'i1IIQIId wldt fIIIlKI t; <br />In, Intimal ravanue In not 13_ tnan :I) d.IJ' Irter UII d&y on <br />_. <br />(1) Llablllly Salllfild or lnntan:aaZll. . TbI Stc:nwy <br />IInds U\at UlIllltllUry IDr Ult ItlHKmt UIftIId. lopI!)Ir wtDlID <br />Intlrlst In rlspeel lhtrIot. nu bNn lun, 1It1s0ld or no <br />bIc:omIllgally unenfOrcubll: or <br />(2) Bond AttIPIld. Thill Is fumllhld to lha StcrItIly n <br />1cctf)l:1d by him I bond Utlt Is ccn:fJUDnId upon 1fII plyment 01 <br />ItII lmount ISsnHd. togttMr wIUI ell InttrISt In fII9KI <br />UtnDr. within thI lima Cl~ by Ia. Clnd1:d1na any <br />UI.nslon of such lime}. and that Is in Il%DrdlnCl wilt! sud'! <br />lIQuiramlnlJ flllllng 10 l.rms, condJUDns. and form DfUll bond <br />Ind IUrtUeS haDn. u may be sptdflld br such regullllons.. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />"00 DIIcIoIurt 01 CtrIaIft Relurnund <br />R....m Inlormlllon For Tu Admlnlalrallon <br />PUrpDHI.- <br /> <br />(21 Disclosure or Imount 01 outs1antllng lien.. II a nOlltl 01 <br />hen has betn lJIed putluanllO section 6323(1). Ihe am!lunl allhe <br />outslantllng obUgatlon JItUtId by suCh l1en may DtdlSdaMd 10 <br />Iny perlon .ho fumJlhn sallsfxtory ..inen evitl.nee that hi <br />h1$ I right III the property sub/let to suCh lien or Inlends to <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-....-.-. ] <br />