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<br />Ll C. I:, ~ 01 f ~o. <br />I!! ' <br />~,~.f ! <br />~I~\ <br />~'~~ <br />~. <br />~ <br />~ <br />~' <br /> <br /> <br />n <br />ii' <br />.,. <br />~ <br />:D <br />.z <br />~ <br />~I <br /> <br />Eleerpll From Inlemll Revenue Code <br /> <br />ttfSjE. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />If 11'11 PlRon IIlbl, to PlY an)' (II negllCtl or relulu to <br />PlY the nm. .her d.mand. lh1 amounl (Including Iny Inltt'. <br />IIt.lddltlonaJ amount, .dl1lllon to In, or IUlssltlle PClllJlt)', <br />bIG" wilt! any COItI thai mlV Ia:rue In Idlflllon ttltl'lto) <br />ahaJl 1M . lien In favor of tht Unllld stitH upon III propeny <br />ani rtghll to property. whIIhIr rill or personal, belongIng <br />11"""_ <br />Sec. 6322. Period CI Lien. <br />J Un'" anoItItf dati I, lpeclllallly tlltd by law, t" IlIn <br />Impowcl by ~~ GZ1 ~lIlrl"l1lh1 11m. the ,n'umtn1 <br />II madl and...n ctnMnw lnI tilt IIl1.bllUy for the ImDlllfco <br />allllld lor I judgmen1.g.lnsllhe Illp.yer luslng out ot <br />IUdlllablllty)I. ntIJfi1d or t.:omn unlllforcclble by I'IlIon <br />Dtllpll 01 lIm., <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(II PurchlMf'l, Holden Of Security In" <br />lertttI, lIechlnlc'l LIenorI, And Judgmenl <br />Utn Crwdlton. - Thill," Impend by secllon 6321'1'1111 <br />not 1M valid U 1;I111ll1fl)' purchaser, hollllT 01 . ltlcunty <br />Inttrut.IntCh&nIc'IUlnar.or judgmlflt lI,h crtllltor uttlll nllliCl <br />e.rnr which mtllI UtI I'1QuJl'lm,nts 01 lubnctlDn If) 1'111 <br />_fiIlllbyIl1l5ocratlry. <br /> <br />. (0 PIKe For Filing Notlce; Fonn.- <br />(1) PIICI For RUng . The notlcCl relerreO 10 In sub- <br />Metlon (I) shill blflled. <br />(AI Undlr StaiD LI.'S <br />(II Rill Property -In the case at rell property, In one <br />olfice within the SUte(or the county. or other govemmenUI <br />subdilislon), u ".ig\U.ted by the tUB 01 IUch Sate, In <br />which thl Clroparty subltlctlD (hI lien 11 ,ilull"d; anO <br />W) Personal Property . In the ease of personal <br />prDperty. whlth.r w;Lblt or intangible, In Dne ofhte <br />wlll'lln the State (01 the county. aT otnel governmental <br />lubdlvislon), IS deSignated by the taws of 5u~ Statt <br />In whlth thI plOptH1V SLlblect 10 tile hen '5 sl1L1a\~1I <br />or <br />(8) With CI.rlt Of DIstrict Court. In the office of the cler~ ot <br />the UnlteO States (lIstnet coun 101 ttle IUOlclal In *hlcll <br />Ihlpropt:rtysUbjettlcIlCI11!51tl.liteo,Wntne\lcrtl1eSutl':!'Ju <br />'nol by II."aesignJted 01'11 otllee meets the ftCl.wcment511t <br />subtllrlgraph(AI,or <br />tel With Recorder 01 DetCls 0\ Tnt DI&1f1ct 01 Colum~ ~ In <br />1M oNlet at thl Recorder {II OOOS{lt 1M' Dlstnct 01 Golumfll/l II <br />the property subject to the lIcn I~ sltl.latell In t,~ 01511,{1 at <br />ColUI!'~j~ <br /> <br />tnleJ8d as Document *'" <br /> <br />88- 1 f) Ll 4 5 6 <br />Grantor I \ <br />Graill8e /' ~ <br />. . . Nvmertcal /,.//'J <br />l.!,lr_ t',- r;t.~~ S~ <br />C : F i: ".:. ) <br /> <br />:!! <br />[ <br />!f <br />.. <br /> <br />~ <br />... <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />n. <br />d) <br />o <br />- <br />-I' <br />I>> <br />>C <br />~ <br />(j)" <br />: <br /> <br />:- <br /> <br /><: / .:~'....J.-;.v <br /> <br />q' ,4,.... r~.: crlS <br /> <br />c.-) <br />o;:,.-l <br />\0 <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />:I <br />8 AUG I 5 ,~ij II 1"3 <br /> <br />c: <br />::0 <br />i <br />en <br />iii' <br />if <br /> <br />!!l. <br /> <br />lit <br />... <br />P 2. <br /> <br />C2I Situs Of Property SubjKl To Utn - For purposn of <br />p.rlgraphs(', and ("). properly shill be dHm.lI to btslwllld. <br />(AI Rill Proptlty - In 1M CUI 01 rllt proplrty, .t III <br />physltllloeatlon: or <br />(8) Perlonal Properly. In Ibt caN of penon" DrOperty. <br />whltl'llr tlDglblt or Inllnglblt, II Itlt mldlnCt 01 the <br />1U~1)'.r II thllllTtI the natJCI DIU," tlflltc1. <br />For ptJrpolllofpat'lQraph (2)(8),1tII raldlflCtoflcoQlOratlon <br />{If Plnnorshlp shall bllStImId 10 bllhI place It which UtI <br />prtnclplleXlcutlva orflcl or UtI bulllltU II IDCIIId. and III <br /> 01 a tup.)'., wbDH rnlOtnca II wllt'lout ItlI UnI1ICI <br />Slim sllall bI dtlmtd 10 blln tbI Dlstrld 01 CtltumblL <br />(3) Rum . Thtl farm and contini 01 lhI notIOI <br />raf,rrtd 10 In IlIbJletion (I) mill III prucrCtlld trv1tll <br />StcrItlry, Suc:h nolloelhlll ....vllk! notwllhlwMllag.1I\Y <br />,O~II Plovlllon 01 law rtQ~j~ 11\1 torm Of ~1'IIIOt of . <br />noUClofUtn <br /> <br />Nole: See secllon 6323(b) for protecllon lor <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />Imposed by secllon 6321 IS liIed wltn respecl <br />to: <br /> <br />StlturllltS <br />M01Drvelltclu <br />f'trSllnllprOptlrTypllrtfllSflc.lltl,ll <br />Personll propenv purttlneclln el5UIl SlI. <br />Pel'10nlll;ltoPtny IIJDJKtM!IO pOllnlcry IICO <br />Rill proPlrty In InCllpKlllllllllmtnt 1ItN----- <br />Rnll1entlll ptOtJtrtY lutltKI to I mtehlntt'l <br />Il.n lor certAin rcPIl1'1 InOlmprovemenll <br />a Anorney'III'T1J <br />" Certllnlnsuranceeontram <br />10 PassbooklOln5 <br /> <br />I" Reflllng or Notice. - ,,, ""...... at th,. <br />sectIon- <br />I'J Generel Rule. - Unlen nDIu:e ollltn III refiletlln <br />Itle m.lnnl':r preSttlOel:lln PAragraph f2J dunng the re!lull*! <br />rehlitlg ~elltld, sueh nollC! ot henshl.ll be !rutea as. fjled on Ut,a <br />d"ton'whlchlt,sliled Ilnaccot'danctwlthsubstetlon(lllahll' <br />t"l':UplrIIrDnolsudtlehhngperlod <br />(2J Place For Filing. - A ntltlctl ot hen flI11lecl <br />d.Jr,n, Ille rl au""~ relllll1g per,poshall bt efletllve only, <br />,J',)lr- <br />III 511ttlnllllceolllenI5'etll~lnlheoflletln..hIChthe <br />PflOl110hteolltenwasllred InCl <br />1111 .n tl18 ene 01 ltal ~lIopen.,., the latl 01 "Illtnll is <br />II11111ell and recordelllO an Indnto IlIeutenl relllJlfedby <br />,uIJUCliOn 1111.). "nCl <br />181 HI ;r"r Lue In .,tllcn go or more pller to W date <br />at.. relllon, at nolice 01 .!en unclt! IAj,1he <br /> <br />sIemary nc:eInd wrtritn 'Informattan (In 1M ft'lImW <br />prncrlbtd In rlVullt10ns lIl'*' by lhI SIcrItIryJ <br />ctlOCI:mlng _ tltangl In lhI tlXpl)'lf'l raldenca. If _ noticl <br />at tudt U.,II aiJofllld__lCCOn!lfQ wtItlsubNdlan(fj 1ft <br />thoSlIII In.."", """ __ ..,...... <br /> <br />(3J Requlnd Reiling PerIod. - 'n tho CUI <br />a'lJ1ynOllClal'lIn.tho_"lIQUIlldllllllntlporlad"lIlIIlII- <br />(Al lhIOllt-yU1por1oc1lndJng3lldlYla1llrlhl_'" <br />01 e ~ aft. Iht dall 01 1M UHU!Mft1 at thI tu. and <br />(8) thlcfttoYllrptrlocllnd1ngwlththluplraUonoll)'lll'S <br />an,r the dOlI al the pl'lttdlng rtqUtnd nfIllnt ptticd for <br />IUch nota of 111ft. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release 01 lien Or <br />:Discharge Of Property. <br />(II R..... or lien. - Su""" fa _ <br />tlQulattonl IJ 1M SItJtWJ may prnc:rIlJt.lhI5tt:nWy shID <br />Issue. c:ert/flcall of I"Ile_ Oflfl)' nln ImpoMd with I"Isped.tD <br />any lntamII menU! tax not latIT thin JJ dlJllftlr!hl dlJ on <br />wl'Ilr;n. <br />(1) Ulblltty SllIsfled or ~orcubIl . TIll StcnlJly <br />findl thlllM IIlbllltyforltllamomtasNSHd. togIU\Ir with 10 <br />Intlmt In l'1IllId lhlllol. hu bltn full., utlsflld or I\U <br />bIaltnlllGln., untIlrDn:ub~ or <br />l2J aono ACttpltd. TheRia tumJshad to lbI SIcrIWy and <br />IW"tId by him I bond Ullt Ia ecn:IltlontO uptln tbI payment of <br />lbI amount UJlSUlI, toglthlr wItJl III In!lrKt In !'lIPId <br />lbIrt01'. .Ithln lht t1l111 pmcr\tIId !Iv I.. (IndUCIIna any <br />nl.nslon or sueh timl'. and thJt II In ltttm:l&nCI .-Ith such <br />rJQulratlllntl relaUng to terms. conditions. and form of the bond <br />lncI SUf1t1tsthlrtlln. U ftIIy btspedfltd b'f sutb rtgulallonJ. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In" <br />formation. <br />1'1 DIIcIoIure of Celtlln Relul1ll end <br />RllIlm Inlormetlon For Tex Admlnlltrlllon <br />P\IrpoIeI. - <br /> <br />(2) OisclosureolilmtlllntoloulStanCllngtlen..rllnotlceof <br />lien has been lilt\! pursuant 10 ~et1'lon f323jll the amuunt of the <br />Olllstar'ldlOQ obligation ~ecll'~1I Dr sue" hen ITt!Ir De IIlsclosed to <br />any person who furnishes ntesflctory wrtnen evh1encetI'IJI hi <br />has . right In the propeny subject 10 '11th lien or Inlends to <br />olltamanglltmsuchproj)Cny <br /> <br />] <br />