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<br />88- 104449 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(1 Year Treasury Index-Rale Caps-Fixed Rale Conversion Oplion) <br /> <br />-' <br /> <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is made this 12th day of August <br />19 89 , and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplemenl the Mortgage, Deed of Trust <br />or Security Deed (Ihe "Security Instrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure <br />Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to Central Mortgage Corporation <br />(lhe "Lender") of the <br />same date and covering Ihe property described in the Security Instrumenl and located at: <br /> <br />4222 Lariat Court, Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />(ProperlY Address] <br /> <br />THE NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE <br />AND THE MONTHLY PAYMENT. THE NOTE LIMITS THE AMOUNT THE BORROWER'S <br />ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE CAN CHANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AND THE MAXIMUM <br />RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. THE NOTE ALSO CONTAINS THE OPTION TO CONVERT <br />THE ADJUSTABLE RATE TO A FIXED RATE. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. ]n addition to Ihe covenants and agreemems made in the Security Inslrumem. <br />Borrower and Lender further covenam and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. ADJUSTABLE RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 6. 75 <br />in the adjustable imerest rate and the momhly payments. as follows: <br /> <br />%. The NOIe provides for changes <br /> <br />4. ADJUSTABLE INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />IA) Change Dales <br />The !!djustable interest rale I will pay may change on the firsl day of September <br />19 89 ,and on that day every 12th month thereafter. Each date on which my adjuslable imerest rate could change <br />is called a "Change Dale." <br /> <br />IB) Tbe Index <br />Beginning with the first Change Date. my adjustable inlerest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the <br />weekly average yield on United Slales Treasury securilies adjusted to a constant maturity of I year. as made available <br />by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recem Index figure available as of the dale 45 days before each Change Date <br />is called Ihe "Currem Index." <br />If the Index is no longer available. the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon comparable <br />information. The Note Holder will give me nOlice of this choice. <br /> <br />(C) Cakulallon of Chanlel <br />Before each Change Date. the NOIe Holder will calculate my new inleresl rale by adding Two and Seventy- <br />five hundredths percemage poimsl 2.75 'lO) to the Currenllndex. <br />The Note Ho]der will then round the result of this addition to the nearesl one-cighlh of one percenlage poinl (0.] 2S 'lO). <br />Subject to the limits Slated in Section 4(0) below. this rounded amounl will be my new interest rate until lhe nexl <br />Change Date. <br />The Note Holder willlhen delermine the amoum of the monthly paymem Ihat would be sufficient 10 repay the <br />unpaid principal thaI I am expected to owe allhe Change Date in full on the malurilY date al my new imerest rate <br />in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be lhe new amoum of my monthly paymenl. <br />(D) UmUs on Inlerest Rale Cba"les <br />The imerest rate I am required 10 pay at the first Change Dale will nol be grealer Ihan 8.75 % <br />or less than 4.75 %. Thereafter, my adjuslable interesl rate will never be increased or decreased <br />on any single Change Dale by more than two percemage poims 12.0%) from the rale of imerest ] have been paying <br />for Ihe preceding 12 monlhs. My interest rale will never be gfealer than 13.75 %. which is called <br />the "Maximum Rate". <br />IE) Eff..,llve Dale of Changes <br />My new interesl rale will become effective on each Change Dale. I will pay Ihe amount of my new monthly payment <br />beginning on Ihe firS! monthly payment date after the Change Date untillhe amount of my monthly paymem changes <br />again. <br />(F) Nolice of Changes <br />The NOle Holder will deliver or mail to me a notiee of any changes in my adjustable interest rate and the amount <br />army monthly payment before the effective date of any change, The nmice \\'ill include information required by law <br />to be given me and also the title and telephone number of a per..on \\'ho "'ill an!oo\ltcr any question I may have regarding <br />lhe notice. <br />B. FIXED INTEREST RATE OPTION <br /> <br />The Note provides for the Borrower's option to convert from an adjustable interest rale with interest rate limits <br />to a fixed imerest rate. as follows: <br /> <br />5. FIXED INTEREST RATE CONVERSION OPTION <br />IA) Option to Converl 10 Fixed Rate <br />I have a Conversion Oplion Ihat I can exercise unless I am in default or Ihis Seclion 5(A) will not permil me <br />io do so. The ltConversion Option" is my option to convert the interest rate I am required to pay by lhis NOLe from <br />an adjustable rate with interest ratC' limits 1'0 the fi1.;cd rate calculated under Section 5(B) belo\\', <br />The conversion can only take place on a datc(sJ spc:cificd by the NOH: Holder during Ihr prriod hrginning nn <br />Ihe first Change Dale and ending on the fifth Change Date. Each date on which my adjustable mlcrC!.1 rail.' l',H1 L'nO\crt <br />to the new fixed rate is called the "Conversion Dale:' <br /> <br />MULTISTATE ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER-ARM PLAN 57-Sjngt~ Family Fannie Mae Unlformlnstrumenl <br />CCI?... .84SA 11l71]1 liMP Mo~nGAGI ~ORMS . ,JI.!,}!!] HIO(,. IiDO'~:'l 1;'4 <br /> <br />Form 3119 12/87 <br />