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<br />Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows: <br /> <br />I, That Borrower will pay the indebredncss. as hereinbefore <br />provided, Privilege is reserved to pay the debl in whole or in part on <br />any installment due date, <br /> <br />2. That. together with. and in addition to. the monthly payments <br />of principal and inrerest payable under the terms of the note secured <br />hereby. the Borrower will pay 10 the Lender, on the first day of each <br />month until the said note IS fully paid. Ihe following sums: <br /> <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any. nexL due. plus Lhe <br />premiums that will next become due and payable on policies of fire <br />and other hazard insurance covering the properly, plus taxes and <br />assessments next due on the propeny (all as eSlimaled by Ihe Lender) <br />less all sums already pnld therefor divided by the number of months <br />to elapse before one (I) month prior to the dale when such ground <br />rents, premiums, taxes and assessments will become deliquent. such <br />fums to be held by Lender in lrust to pay said ground rents. <br />premiums, raxes and special assessments: and <br /> <br />(b) All payments mentioned in the preceding !\uhsection uf this <br />paragraph and all payments 10 be made under Ihe note secured <br />hereby shall be added rogcther. and the aggregale amounl thert..'Of <br />shall be paid by lhe Borrower each munth in a single paymenl to be <br />applied by the Lender \0 the following items in the order sel forth: <br /> <br />(I) ground rents, taxes, DSscssmenls. fire and olher ha13rd insur- <br />ance premiums; <br /> <br />(II) inlerest on the nole sccured hereby; <br /> <br />(JlI) amonization of (he principal of said nole; and <br /> <br />(IV) late charges. <br /> <br />Any deficiency an the amounl of such aggregate monlhly paymenl <br />shall, unless made good t'ty the Borrower prior to the due date of lhe <br />nCJl.l such payment. constitulC an event of default under Ihi!ol <br />mOrlgage, The Lender moy collect II "Inlc chargc" not to excecd four <br />cents (4~) for each dollar (SI) of each paymenl more.hao fifteen <br />(IS) days in arrears to (;ovcr the extra cxpcn!ilc IOvolvcd in handling <br />delinquenl payments. <br /> <br />3. ThaI if the total of .he paymenlS made by the Borrower uoder <br />(a) of paragraph 2 precedlDg shall ekceed Ihe amouO! of payment> <br />actually made by the Lender for ground rcnlS. taxes and assessmenlS <br />or insurance premiums, as the CIl!ilC may be, such excess. if the loan is <br />current, allhe option ofthe Borrower. shall be credited by the <br />Lender on subsequent payments to he made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded 10 the Borrower. If. however. lhe monthly payment> made <br />by Ihe BorroWer under (a I of paragraph 2 preccdlDg shall nol be <br />sufficiem to pay ground renl!il, laxes and assessmcnb (If IQ!ourancc <br />premiums, as the case may be, when thc same shall become due and <br />payable. then Ihe Borrower shall pay to the Leoder any amount <br />necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency, on or before Ihe dalc when <br />payment of such ground rcnlS.. laxe!l, ~c:ssmenlS.. or Imurancc <br />premiums shall be due, If al any lime the Borrower shall tender to <br />the Lender, in accordance with Ihe provision!ol ofthc nule secured <br />hereby, full payment of the eOlire indebtedness representcd therehy, <br />lhe Lender shall. in compuling lhe amount of such indebtednes>. <br />credit 10 the account of Ihe Borrower any balance remainmg in Ihe <br />fund" accumulated under the provi!.iom.l of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. <br />If there shall be a defaolt under any of lhe proVISions of thIS <br />instrument resulting in a public sale orthe premisC!l covered hereby. <br /> <br />--88---~To- 443"9 <br /> <br />or if the Lender acquires Ihe property otherwise after default. the <br />Lender shall apply, at Ihe time of the commencement of such <br />proceedings, or at the time the propeny is otberwisc acquired. the <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under Ca) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit against the amount of principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said nole, <br /> <br />4, Thai the Borrower will pay ground renls, taxes. assessmenL~. <br />water rates. and other govemmenral or municipal charges. fines. or <br />impositions, for which provision has nol been made hereinbefore. <br />and in default lhereof the Lender may pay the same; and that the <br />Borrower will promptly deliver lhe official receipts therefor to the <br />Lender, <br /> <br />5, The Borrower will pay all laxes which may be levied upon the <br />Lender's inu,'resl in said real estate and improvements, and which <br />may be levied upon this instrument or the debt secured hereby (but <br />only 10 Ihe extenL thai such is nol prohibited by law and only 10 Ihe <br />extent that such will nol make Ihis loan usurious), but exduding any <br />income tax, Slate or Federal. imposed on Lender, and will file the <br />official receipt showing such payment with the lender, Upon <br />violation of this underlaking. or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now or hereafler exisring from paying the whole or any ponion <br />of the aforC!ilaid t3JIes. or upon Ihe rendering of any coun decree <br />prohibiling the payment by the Borrower of any such laXCS. or if <br />such law or decree provides that any amount so paid by the: <br />Borrower shall be credited on the debt, Ihe Lender shall have the <br />right to give ninely day!t' written notice to Ihe owner of the premises. <br />requiring the paymenl of the debt If such notice be given. the said <br />debt shall become due. payable and collectible al the cxpiration of <br />said ninety da~. <br /> <br />b, That !lhould the lIorruwer 'all 10 pay any ~um or keep an) <br />covenant prnvldeLl for In Ihl!'. m~1rument. then Ihe Lender. at its <br />option. may pay m pc:rrorm lhc \ame. Bnd all cJlpendiluR:!l so made <br />shall be added to the pnnClpal sum oWing on Ihe said nOll:. shall <br />be !occurcLl hereby. and \haJl bear mtcrC\t at the r;:ue set fonh in the <br />said note. unlil paid. <br /> <br />7, Thallhe Borrower hereby assigns. transfers and sel.i over to the <br />Lender. to be applied loward the p3ymenl of the note and all sums <br />secured hereby in case of a default in lhe performance of any of the <br />lerm!l and conditiuns of Ihis mslrumenl or the: said nOIe. alllhe renlS.. <br />revenue!! and income 10 be denvc:d from thc said prcmrses during <br />such time as the indebtcdnCS!l 5hall remain unpaid. and the Lender <br />shall have power to BppolOt any agent or agents il may desire for Ihe <br />purpose of repairing said premlsc!. and of renting rhe !l.3me and <br />collecting the rcn~. re\'enu~ and mcomc. and II ma~r payout of scud <br />incomes all cxpcnSC!l or rcpalflng ~Id prcmi50 and nCCC!lSary <br />commi~siuns and expcn~ Incum:d m rcnting and managing Ihe <br />same and of collecung rentab therefrom; Ihe balance remamlOg. ir <br />any. to be applied toward the L11~harge of said mdebtednc:ss. <br /> <br />R. Thai lhe-Borrowcr will keep the Improvements now eli5tln8 or <br />hcreafter ere(;ted on lhe prupcrty. Insured as may be reqUired from <br />lime W lime by the Lender 3galOs11o!J,!l by firc and othcr hazards. <br />Cl.'iualtics and conllngencio 10 such amounts and for such pen<Kh as <br />may be required by Ihe lender aod will pay promptly. when due. <br />any premiums on such insurance. provision for payment of which <br />ha!l not been made hcrembefore, All insurance shall be earned In <br />companies approved by the lender and he policies and renewals <br />thereuf !thnll be held by Ihe Lender and havc attached lhereln lo~ <br />payahle c1ause.\ In fa\iUf of and 10 form acceptable 10 lhe Lender In <br /> <br />Page 2 01 5 <br /> <br />HUD-92U3DT-l <br />