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<br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />1I1ftX!1 of'lond C!Omprisil?fl a--lP!"lot Ihc Easl Half 01' Ih~ <br />JVarlheosl Ouor/er (E"feNE~) ol"Scelian 7W~/lf (eo), TOwnship I <br />Twe/re (Ie) Norlh, I?onq~ Eleven (! /) Wesl of Ihe & tI1 PM in <br />Hall (lounll/, NebroS'ko, more parliculorft.; d~ert!J~cI as <br />~/loJV9 : <br />; i{3eqinn/nq, ala poin! on Iht: eos/ Itnt: of saId Sechon . <br />1~/q (eo), said fXJinl beinq One Thougand TJ1f) Hund~ <br />~i7e It.; fire and ~.r4t 5'0'&7 Hundredlhs (I, eQ5. ~ 7) ke I tKJulh <br />af fk norlhtXlsl aJrnerllsod 5'eclion lWenll./(lO)j fhenf!~ <br />soulher/lj O/Ol}q /he eos line Of90/d .3echon Twenlt.j ((0) a <br />dishnce of' Fi~ lIund~ Fitll! (550.o)kc.~. fhenc~ dellecti7q <br />riqh/ <1t?a?' on::! ruan/fit( wes/~r/t.;, {] dishnce of Six flundm:f <br />Twenlt.; (~tJ) ~t:!;. Ihence der/~finQ. riqhl qO"tXJ'ond runmnq <br />norlher/l./, ad/slance ~t fi~ Hurd~ FiPIl./ (550.0) ~cl/ <br />thence ckl'k:clinq nqhl C}JW' and runninq easler/(j, 0 dis/oncc <br />of Six Hund~ Twenlt/ (~eo.O) f'et:IJ 10 the place or beqinnlnq <br />and wnloininq 7.tJe8 acres mo~ or less. <br /> <br />DEDICATION <br /> <br />KNOJY ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; 11701 Ihe RRBT/ER <br />BANK NA. LINCOLN (!ormerll./ Ih~ Flrsl Naliona/ !3ank of' <br />LincolnL imsk~ b Ihe Eshk Of' ubS'ep/J Sbmuel fi;lk~ re/ix; Iht: avner <br />01' fhe land desenbed hereon; has eaused fJ:]m~ to be <br />surve'fed; J' and desiqnakd as 'DUrLE/? <br />JUBO/V/SIONJ' H(JII ['ounlf.// Nebrasko) 09 shown on the. <br />oC.'comlJOnyf179 pial/hereof; and do h(!rebr..; dedicale Ihe road <br />nqhlol'wol./ 09 shown Iherean lolhe puh//c fbr Iheiru.~ Jd~verj. <br />arid dJ ~IJ:..; ckaleak IIle eagemen~ l'Iaa;/ as shown fhenx;n <br />10 Ihe pub//c ~ lheir use t3~ver; /br fhe locohon I. C.'onslruchan <br />and main/enance at pllb/;~ service uli//ltes, f0gelher wd~ Ihe <br />nqhl at ingress and eqress Iherelo} and hereblj proh,bihrKj Ihe <br />planlinq or /~e~ bushes and shrub~ or placinq CJ Iher <br />obslruC!/ions upon; over; o/anq or unckrneolh Ihe 9unVce of' <br />such easemen/s / and Ihal fhe fhrEqainq 9ubdiviSion as mar~ <br />p::lrllC!uhr/lj degeribeel in Ihe deger/pIlon hereon os a,q:xnrs on <br />Ibis plal/s made W'/lh Ihe ff~1lPn.S'en1 ondin accordance IVlln <br />!he deBires ot Ihe lIndersiqned Owner and propr;~/or. <br />IN WI[NESS WHEREOF; F love offixed mr; s/qnolure herelo <br />()~ C5f~'Y1.r"f',",- J NCbraskoJlhis ,";;C' doC; OL 9.v.l.';i , <br />n8B. " a <br /> <br />Firslier BonK IV /I. Lincoln (farmerlt.; Firsf Nolana I &mk of Linco/rJ) <br />