<br />This. STATEMENT ill p,esented to 0 filing oUic:e, fa. filing pu''\.uant (0 the Unifo'm Commcrc:iol Code: I
<br />I. Debtor(l) (Lal' Nome Fint) and Clddrlltll(cl) 2.Sec:uted PClrt)'(iel) ond addnu(u)
<br />2603 South l.Dcust Street P. O. BOX ll\llll
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801 GRAND IBLAND, NBBIlA8KA 6ll8D2
<br />HaU County
<br />SodM Security No. T D No 47-0:;94933
<br />
<br />3.MCllu,ity dote Iii any):
<br />For FilinG OHice. IDat., Time and Filing
<br />OUic:e)
<br />
<br />88-1044S0
<br />
<br />F-edMal I. D. Nrt
<br />
<br />47.02617l15
<br />
<br />1
<br />
<br />4. This stalement ,efers to original Financ.ng Stotement bearing File No. 79-cro.~
<br />
<br />Filed with Hall Co. Ree'. oLDee:clfL DQte Filed .rR" ~ ~ 19....79-
<br />5.KX.Continuatian. The original finanCIng statement between Ihe foregoing Debtor and Secured Party. beari"9 Ii III nlolmbe' shawn Qbaye. i. still .1I.cti"..
<br />6.0 Termination. Secu,ed pO"y t'iO longer claims 0 securlly interest undllr ,he financ.t'i9 slatemenl bearing file nUl'1ber shown aba"..
<br />7.0 ....slgnment. The ~C!cu'ed patty's right ut'ide, ,he fit'iot'iclng statement beating file numbe, shawn abo"e 10 the prepe,ty delocribed .n Item 10 hoye
<br />been alosigned to 1he Clss.gnee whase t'ic:nne and address. appears .n Ilem 10_
<br />F'it'icncing Statement bearing f.le number s.hown obo"e is amended ::15 Silt farth in Item 10.
<br />Secured Pan.,. telC!"oses the CQllaterQI described ,n Item 10 Irom the Hnancing statement beQrinll',le numbe, shown abo...
<br />
<br />8.0 Amendment.
<br />9. 0 Releose..
<br />10,
<br />
<br />,
<br />
<br />No. of add,r.anQI Sh.e.. pre.ented:
<br />
<br />THE
<br />
<br />b" OX;&;;'~dNn
<br />
<br />b.,.:
<br />SignQlu'.(11 af o.btor!s.)lnllc...ar'r onl,. .lItem B It. oppJ,t"oblll).
<br />
<br />
<br />LEGAL DESCRlPJ.'ION: A tract of l<\Ili ct']npnsing ,"I ('''"t c,f IDt 1\.'Cnly five (25),
<br />MatthC\oJS Su1x:11visioll ill UK' CIty uf l-:r.1.'yJ l~;lu.nJ, ;;,-jl!'~15ka, I'or~ f'ar~1'--11arly
<br />d12scrilA.~ U.!1 follows: 1~""Jl.IUII1I'.1 .:l l~l.' 1:l.'llh\.'c"~' (, :: " r s.):.: :.e.,t .~''':'-.:!..t._.
<br />Five (25) i thcnc.:e aaster;ly aJ(.lJlfl th:' n:'l U: tin-' (.,: ::~,~~'1 I()~ '1'..,\.'..',' 1"1":'_-' !is) J
<br />a distar:ce 01 Eight ll~lndred 'l\Cl.""ty 'j'..A; ..;" j'''''t . !:iyl1: !h:f1o~:"('''~,; (622..;3)
<br />fe2t, to tJJ(~ n:;rtJl'~"lst corner of Srlh} Illt ':"'." :'f : : :'.'C' (25); tll(':::t..' S ':t~~L'rlr
<br />.J.long tJle east lin::! of s.:lid 1J~t 'I\,'\~ll!-' Fj':,:, (~t.l!. ,1 Iii ~t...:lncc c'.- 'i'l.r(.,~ iiu.:..lred
<br />'j\,-c:Ilt'l lc'ur il...:lC1 SL<t~/ rive Hw dn~iU I"; I. 3~.L !~ [",) "~"--L I u t.!i...- 'x'IIt(~rli:~t:' -.:.:
<br />\~I_.J ri.......er; UIC::JICC ueflectilt-.l l-l\ltJt 23055' ~,;:" el';": nmll!llQ" sDutJr........ster-!.r. .J.long
<br />sald centerline of \.Jo:d Riv~, a dist1n=.:: cf ~Jinety Ei:;l1t i'U""rl Fc'..!r ~eatJ'!.s
<br />.~":: (98.4) feet; thence c1eflectiJIS riqht 63039110" 1n3 ruunin'J \-.'L.sterly. a dist..:ulCC
<br />.: c[ FOlrr Hundn:'d Seventeen and Thi.rty 'I'hroe IrlulCln-..jUls (417. 3J) ~'-"et; t':-:,=I:':'C
<br />.: ri,_':lcctiJlC) ri9ht 910531 .-md I'..lIUlilr 1 TP ~rt~;..'r 1 ,', .J. Jist."1ncc (;f .-,:~::. IiWI'.1:-,_.j
<br />'si_.-:'pY ClLjht and 'l\."~.nl"'y' One 11\1nln"fltll.: (11_1~;.~1) r'.-.:t, t!l,=,ncl~ I]'_~'-~f"~t:.!:; ~(-.:rt
<br />9i..j-l'jll:lQ" a,n:l ruJulin0 '...'estr:'ll'/, .1.]i..'.l.rl<" ('f '11~'-"'1l11:~itf'l.-1 ~~l:-:t.,. (~lt. ~L':
<br />I'~'.T~ 'rt2nths (361.:';) f(~L:t U' tl:l '~.' Jill' '.1' ~-.1':.: l'-,L 'l'..:t'nt-; Fi.'.:e {~~); t!1':"'::1C'e
<br />: r..',rtJll;orJ:.:' ;'11co~v::l U),~, \.;'...:it ~ 111\' (.! ;;.11(: ll-,t -!';.""lll~' 1'ivl-' (~SJ,~ a cistarct: of
<br />'J',..: IJU:tt:h I..-J Si'Kli' ~:, 1111_ .U ld 'l'J l. r l;' ';'; 110'_' t:..l1ldr D!' J G (2118.33) f tt't' to ,~;~ ~--,1.J...;e
<br />r'f 11l.."Jlf1!)iIl1J und OtlltJI:llll-J (,.t"r, :H~II';o.; ;;,'n.: ur In~:.;_
<br />