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<br />Thi. STATEMENT is presented to a filing officer lor filing pur\uonl '0 Ihe Uniform Commercial Code: I <br />1. Dobtor(.} (Leut Nomo Fiul) ana addreu(es) 2.S..cured Party(iel) ond addreu{esl <br /> <br />illcCIDIID SUPER 8 IDrEL, INe. <br />2603 South Ii:lcust Street <br />Grand Island. NE 68801 <br />Hall Co. <br />S.cial So<uritv N.. 1. D. No. 47-0594933 <br /> <br />OvERLAND NATIONAL BANK <br />P. O. BOX 1688 <br />GRAND IsLAND, NBBRABKA 6880Z <br /> <br />J.Malur;'y dale (,f ony): <br />For Filing Offlcor (Doto. Time Qnd Filing <br />Office) <br /> <br />88- 104419 <br /> <br />federal I. D. No <br /> <br />n-OZ6179S <br /> <br />4. This .totement rlllfefs to original Financing StotemC'nt bearing File No. 79-000640 <br /> <br />FiI.d with Hall Coa R.P.g- of TlPPri.c:;; Dote Filed Fph fl. 19...29- <br />5.UCon1lnuatlon. The eHiginollinoncing slotemen' between Ihe foregOIng Debtor and Secured Por'v, beoring file number shown obo...e,i. .till .H.cti..... <br />6.0 Tennlnotion. S"cured porI)' no longer claims Q securi,y ,n'er",' under the finonc,ng stotemenl beoring file number shown abo..... <br />7.0 Assignment. Tho secured party's right under the financing statemenl bearing Iii'll number shown obove 10 the property described in Itom 10 hay. <br />been assigned to ,he aSSignee whose nome and appears In Item 10. <br />Financing Stolement bearing fde number shown obo..... is ame!l'ld..d 01 ,et fonh In Item 10. <br />Secured Porty r.leoscs Ihe call oterol d..eribed ,n horn 10 from tho financing Itatement bearing filII number .hown obQve. <br /> <br />B.O Amendmen,. <br />9.0 Ralease. <br />10. <br /> <br />No. of odd,tionol Sh.... <br /> <br />by: <br />SignOlur.(s) of O.btor(~l(neel!lnorv only if Item B i. oppl,eobllld, <br /> <br />~O~~ANn <br /> <br />(II FlUNG OfFJC5'E COPY. ALPHADETlCAL <br /> <br />I..EA:;/\L LlESCRlPrlON: II t.r..ct of 1an1 lnnpnslng ;, I"n of int '1\.","- y r1'.'e (25J. <br />Matthews SI~)(Hvisioll ill U1C City uf 1.~r:\,K1 lslancl, ~.:I,r'''sk." rore r'lI'ro''C',l\Z!rl:,' <br />dl~scriL(,"{l .:\fi follo.vs: ~:-(.'-J~llldl1(.1 .tL the 110rf il\,'r"~t. tnrJl'.'r 1,1;: fL't ':~..d:t.~. <br />Five (~5); thence easterly al,~,"q tJle rortJl lin.' of sai,l !ot '1'.",,,;,,, 1'1','''' (;'5). <br />a distal:cc :)f Eisht Ilwl,lro:,dJ\,'L':1ty 1\-.D "Hl l'''n'.' Eight Ih:t'"ln-'''.l,,; (R22,.;") <br />feet, to tllC 110t-th:;ISl corner of s,lill Il,t 'l":'~'T.t.' I IVC (~C;); tJv-.'IL~L'~, :1~,L'rlj' <br />.JIong 1110 e.:t:.t liJlo~ of said lJJt 'l\'.".~lty Five (25) ( ,t dist:1nCl' ("~: ..Lrl.... iiurrlrtXl <br />'l\o,'Cnty l'UHf. "11K1 ~~j..:tj' Five 11l1l'lln.....1Ut..-. (32.1.t.~,) j......~i.:.r lu Ul" (_'.::It(~t-ll!le _It <br />hb.:d Pi.vcr; tlJ<::':IIL'''~ d2flcctiHl rlqlll 23055' SU" L1r:d nll1n:rlC; sf1';~:r..,~.'~"tc.::ly ulong <br />said cCIlLerliilc of I::o:d Hi\'L'r, u ~list:lnCG c~ iJinc'-=Jr riqht arrl ~'C.1_r Tl::ltho; <br />[98,4) feet; t.hct:('., deflecting ri'lht 6Jo]9' iU" ',,>l rwul!nJ west.erly. a dIst.ance <br />of FOl:T ll~1nd,.:c.d ~'.(":(.!Iltel'n Bllll 'fhirt'/ '!1l.r('l~ ~!'u,,....jtJ\s \,~17.3)) :'(-'0t; r-~...:,:.~:._, <br />(k.'fLC'ct.lln t'l',lht 91uSJ' ,me: lWll;jl~I lr.\rll1':"t~:, d iist:u~:-:,:o uf ,":~':-' 1L1:...J:-.-:-: <br />Si.:':ty LilJlll .:u:r1 'l\."'nl'.' Cl!l~ Ilillll:II...HII.; (1()U.~'l) '-t.~1 ( t!:'-:-:11_'e tk~f~,"":'..:.l!~.1 ~ <br />9U()fJl'~,O" ':1;..1 nUtil)!l.~'..:(::;t,-" 1':', I di;:L~\n::'.' (.f 'l1v,'" IlUl,i'l'l'fl ~I:.:t.'r' f."\:. .1:. <br />I'ive ':'L"JltllS (JtJlo~) ~",'ct i;l t:l,.~' ''':'':,1 J.illC' i:- s;,i.1 lilt '!.'."';It'.., :.'ivc i_~::: L:...1IC'C <br />It.Jrtllt.'11j' :11r.I:"j 'JI" ','".-,-il 111,~:' t;! :~,'1l.! lut 'I'... 'ilL'!' !'ive' (~;Sl,-a lli-:L_!.I..,'" ,_,t" <br />']\\\) llu;\r.lj,.(] SixLJ' !-':i'ill'_ .lJlol 'jh.rl,/ 'j'ille!.' i!L.; drt:o:-iths (~(,S.])) :r_o(:'~ 00 ',,'': I r.l,..:e <br />of 1."-_'1-'1IU11Il'J a.-xl C\.lllt'..11;;ill} (,.G~lJ tlC1PS Ilnrc' U1 l'-~:,~s. <br />