<br />
<br />,
<br />
<br />
<br />I ,
<br />;1HEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed ~
<br />Betty A. Brown, unmarried
<br />t~ Arend R. Baack ATlOr..J OF'
<br />Trustee, for the benefit of HOME FE~ERAL SAVING~ AN? LOAN ASSO~~rch .
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, the henefic1ary named tnere1n, ~ated . f
<br />24 198 8 and recorded April 1 , 198B-' 1 n the Off~ Cel 0
<br />the Re15isterof Deeds of Ball-Countl/, Nehraska~ as Instrurler.i: '!Il~~.'r . i
<br />88-101' 14 ,has been paid, and sain. benefic1ary.has t'equested 1n Wr1t. orl
<br />that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and del1Vered:
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of s~ch payment in.accordance with
<br />the request of the beneficiary named thereln, the unders1gned, as Trustee,
<br />does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the p~rson
<br />r ersons entitled thereto all tl1e interest and es~ate deri~etl to sald
<br />~ru~tee by or through said Trust Deed in the follow1ng-descr1hed preMises,
<br />
<br />but only as to such premises;
<br />
<br />fractional Lot Ten (10), in Fractional Block Twenty-Five (25), in Charles Wasmer's addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, and in Wasmer 15 Annex to first addition, and its complements, frac-
<br />tional Lot Eight (B), in Fractional Block One Hundred Thirty Four (134), in Koenig and Wiebe's
<br />3ddition to the City of Grand Island, Fractional Lot Ten (10), in Fractional Block Twenty Five
<br />(25), in Wiese's addition to the City of Grand Island, and part of Fractional Lot Nine (9), in
<br />said Fractional Block Twenty-five (25), in Charles Wasmer's addition to the city of Grand Island
<br />3nd in Wasmer's Annex to first addition; and also the Easterly One-Half (E~) (approximately 26
<br />feet) of that fractional part of Lot Nine (9), in Fractional Block Twenty-five (25), of Charles
<br />IBsmer's addition to the City of Grand Island, which with its complements, viz: Fractional Lot
<br />~ine (9) of Wasmer's Ann~x, and Lot Nine (9), in Fractional Block Twenty-five (25) of Wiese's
<br />3ddition to the city of Grand Island, together form one Lot 52 feet by 132 feet: all additions
<br />Jeing to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, (showing all filings affecting said premises since
<br />]ctober 27, 1960 at 8 o'clock A. M.)
<br />
<br />together with all bui1dinqs, fixture's, improvenents and appurtenances
<br />belonging to such premises.
<br />
<br />Dates this ~t1L-_ day of
<br />
<br />AugusL__' 198..a.....
<br />
<br />L1 C~~L
<br />
<br />ftustee
<br />
<br />I.'
<br />
<br />
<br />COUtnv OF HALL
<br />
<br />On this .' 9th day of AUQust . 1988 . before me, the
<br />undersigned, a Notary Public duly commissioned and qua;ified for in said
<br />County. persona 11 y came 'Arend R. 16aack . Trus .ee, to m~ known to I
<br />be the identical person whose na~e is subscrihed to the foregolng Trustee s
<br />Deed of Reconveyance and acknow1edged the execution thereof to be his volun-
<br />tary act and deed.
<br />
<br />ss:
<br />
<br />'. I
<br />
<br />Witness my and and Notarial Seal the day and year 13st above written.
<br />
<br />-i.;.
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<br />r:t::t-iEJ
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<br />.Q' b!z:.~.2 ~rU./ti
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