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<br /> <br />.uow au jIleu bp 1tbe~e .r:t.eut.. T1IlJl. Whutm. In CIR ""'ion in ~ Diltrid Courl of /he <br />El even th ..Judieial Dulrid of /he Stme of NeblrulftJ, wilhin andfor /he Counly of-.....--_.!!~ 11 _. whuein <br />Home ~gg~.~!;i..L9.Eyj,nSIlLand L.Q.!gL~.ffi..!?'Q.9.;i,~j...QtLq!=__~E!.Il.C!...;Lf?J:.i!..Q!:L___..__.plainliU'__ and <br />Thoma~_1?_!._I:C_l2~!....~!1.E...!1~.~.g are!._~..!<~~.!L_~!:_ al ~'-_..-.--_._........._.._.._--...........def.ndanLS <br />at 1he2~~ar.Y.-1~!.._.._...Term, A. D, 19.-~... of mid c:ourtJ!Q!!lEl...f..~g,g.L?J,...P.E.Y.~~g~;i:-o~-q~ia~~l?.f~l a <br />did II tht:ne finding that /he,.. u due from...Tho..m.a.:;l.....5,,ej;_.-..K........_...-......_..................-. <br />";l.~Q,,f..._G;r:.and....J:.s..l.iW.d_,...._.........., the 6Wf1 <br />ri ~en..tY--T.1''..e.c;'$..~.~..~!H~3......?.~.)doUdr.. <br /> <br />--..-.-----...--...----.---.----.--.-.......-........------.......-.-...-..--........-...-.--..............--......................-............--.......................---..--- <br /> <br />_._........._..._._____....nunn.....____..___._.._.....__n..._......._.nn__....__.____.............___.....Uh.._........._.............._.....__............................._...............__... <br /> <br />and eort. of .uillaud 01...........__............,..._._....................................,...................._.......................dollar., and, whutm. il ..... then and /hue <br />JurllJu Dnkred in 1M mid action that in tblfauU of tho payrr~nI of the .urn 110 found due by /he .aid.___Thomas....3.......Ke.e.l....iUI..Q_ <br />Marg ~,~!.._.~,~'oooo~~.~~....oooo........................._..._............_..._.nthaL...,.._EImne t..t.._.c;:,......~.:!:.m~.t.t......oo..................................oo. <br />Sherif! of mid CounIy of..........._.._._......_,..t!f!J.;I,noo...'oo.........................m..... should cau&' the lruul& and tenmJl!nU 1aminafkr ducribed to be <br />ad..,.ti&ed and laid aceording to law to pay /he .ame, und, wile...... tblfault haeing been nIIJIk therein, th. .aid......noooooo_....oo.........oooo...oo.....m_.... <br />..................'..n~.~t.t....Q.'-oo.N;.~~:E.1:....oo..........m...................'.......oon. Sherif! of.aid eounIy. under und by oirtue ofth. .aid d~ and <br />/he order of.ale to him duly direekd. did on / of..._._.;I~J.Y...oo..oo....._..............A. D. 19JJ.~.. <br />at /he,...J.QWgJ;:oo..J...Q.b.p.y...,~ of the CounIy Courl I1ow.e in the........._ooc.'i..tY-...nn...'...n'.ofoo.......Gx:.and...l.:;l.l.iHHl....._oo..... <br />in mid County Ofnnoo....' .... having firrt gi.... d~ and IegwllOtia of th.time and pi.... of.aid .ale <br />Grand Island DailyIndependent <br />by publicaJ.ion once in each weekJor Jour sucCt8sire week.'1 in __. a rtlw.paJHr printed and in general <br />.~ion in .aid County O/.....'m.....oo......m.I:J:?).):......n.......oo...n.._...._oo____.., .ell.aid premu.. at public auction to_~.9.! <br />,Q.a,D....Al;tSQ,9..;!J....QL..<ir..qn.(L~'IDPO/.h..sffil.en:te.en.oo 'T' hnll !'lll n n .......EDre. <br />ID1lli'lx;:,g,,.5.Q..Q.....Q.Q.L_..dollar., whic1a mIe w<u aftuward at the...J:an......l:;;.t...T.rm of.aid rourt. <br />A. D., 19lUL. e:zamined and confrrmed and the .aid._oo.E!l!l!J&t.:t:.....k.......~ng.t.t....n..n'..'....oo..............oo.....oo...lU .uch Sherif!, ordered <br />to com>ey /he mid premi&e; inf~ .imple to the,gX;:.g,.1._S.,qy;i,D9..~L.f!!l~LI&g,D...Aa:.~%~E.*~n~i.. <br />.flam i:ber fore, I, the mid.m'.EIDII1ett....C~mAr.n.e.ti......oo..oo.._......oooo,...........oo.._.....noom'... Sherif! oflk County oj <br />_m'.....oo!i~}..!.._oo..........._.....oooo..oo.lU aforuaid, in co1l8idoaJion of /he premu.. and by oirt~ of /he power. outed in me by law and the <br />deaet: of mid court. do hereby Gioe, Grant and Com>ey to /he mid..._JJQ!.ll~...Eed&~aJ__S_C!Y.:i:.!1~L!L..9,DJL.y..c;>_'HL....n..n.n...'h_ <br />As sqc ig. t.i,Q!L.Q.L.\il;:.g,n!i...JE.lg,ng.Ll.1:E..n.S.J:!~.9.~_~ES?~ and auign&, Ik premu.. &0 lU aforuaid &Old. to wi!: <br /> <br />Lot Tk.~.!?___J.}.l.L- in ..~J.Q~.!"....Q.n!~L.lI.!d.!J.g,LE;.9....fQ.t:ty::.~~.Y..~ILJH.7..1,.I.;j._D....t.JlJ.:j,OJ1.. .J?Cl.c;,H.i!;_ <br />R ail w..;;Y....c;:QJ!I.P..i!..l1Y.~!?.....s.gS~9.lJ.qn.Mg..;!..:\:j..Qn..!;9.....t.hgn.~.:j,.tY....9f..nGg.nqn..I.~.:!:.~IJc1.1 n~ ~.l. <br />CQy.ntY-.~m.Ne.b.r:.a.ska..__m.n..n ....mnn..'..n........... ... ............. . .,... <br /> <br />_._..............:.:.::::::::::::::~:.::..........n..n 'u:::..._:.:.:..::':.:' ,. N..~.~~~~~~E.~:'~"'I":::'" ... :, ~ .... .__ <br />nSIAIEMiJlIl.DA!IJ:i~..n.....n... -.. .....- AUG-,ll..t98B.. . .... .. .' .... ...... ..., ......... .....-...- <br />==::..:::::::.::.:.::.::.:..nn.---..............u. un.uu.n..:.:.. t.~JZ....:: ::..:::::..:=::..:' ....:.:,.,,:..::::~..~....-_~ <br /> <br />..__..........._......._._.....,_......_............._...,_......_......_....'_...................................................._wilh the appurknlJncu. <br />U:o Jlabe anb to J)olb tbe 6ame unIo /he mid.hJI9mg....f..~g.~J' a l..l>..a..Y..:U!91Lf!nQ..k9.g,.I}._ <br />Assc.cia:ti.o.n...Qf._.Gr.aIl!L~d...i.t.s....s.u.cs:::.e.s.s&Jr.Rznd auig1l8, and to them and the~. .... ond behoolforeoer. <br />In G:eitimonp Wbereol. I haoe, lU .uch Sheriff, hereunto ..t my hand thu__._....._.9.tlL.............. of <br />_.........~~c;[ll..!5!_.._..'n.....m........A. D.. 19....8.8 -9' /7 <br />L/:lj..f&~~.L.#~....................._ <br /> <br />E:o:ecuhd and tbI/ioered in the prae= of <br />R. L. Williams <br /> <br />Sheriff of <br /> <br />H,lll <br /> <br />._....CounIy. NebIru/ra. <br /> <br />...n.... }... <br /> <br />On OIU__. 9 th .........., of,___...AIJ9.Y.E,L.~....... <br /> <br />~l'i <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />Hall <br /> <br />19.J!.a., before me, /he under.igned...__R9.g9g:t;-....Jd......W.iJ.l.i.9.1l1J;;...'.......n.............. <br />in andfor mid.......t.r. pe1'lIOnalIy appeond /he said...__.... ....... ..............----....... <br />___.....~et t S...!....~E..Tl~.!..!:.........n.__.............._ _._.......ShoiJ! gf .aid CowlIy, <br />lD me pe1'&onalIy /mouln to b< /he idmlical pe1'1IOTl who .ignal /heJ<WgOing in&/rwnml.lU~, and <br />,.., aanowledged /he """" to be hu rolun14ry ad and rhed, lU .udl .herif!, for the ..... and purp<>>a <br />~in .dforlh. <br /> <br />I _~~myhandand~~ZU/~ <br />Ii ._~~:::~~~~~~"c'"*-j <br /> <br />