<br />~
<br />
<br />88~04338
<br />
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<br />
<br />ri~h15 anti benefits aecrlllnl! In I lir Borrow.', tlmlt" uuy ulld nil oil and
<br />~u Icft5C'!!i on !'iBid premises. wilh the riKllt In rr.ccly~ and rccclpllm
<br />the same and apllly them to said indebtedness as well hclo~ as afler
<br />default In the conclltioru: nC thb Inlilrumcnlt and the Lender OlDY de.
<br />mand. sue ror and recover any such payments when due and pRyable.
<br />but shall ilnl he reflnlred so to do. Thil'i u~.r;IRnment 15 to terminate Ind
<br />become nun and void upon relca.tOC of this in!ilrlllRcnt.
<br />
<br />10. TIll' the Ilcnmwer will kCCI' die hllildinKS u(lfln !'iBid rrem'~ In
<br />good repair. and neither Cfmllnit nor permit waslt" \lllOn said land. nor
<br />!'iuUer the said prcml~cs 10 IJc I15cd Cor any unlawful l}IIrpose.
<br />
<br />11. Tltat If IllI' ItrI'mhe'i. '" an}' flArl th"rcu'. he condemned under
<br />the IfOwcr o( eminent domain. fir aClIuircJ fm a I'"hlic U!'ie, Ihe
<br />IlamagC"i awardcll the IlrocLocd:o. lor till' luk'uJ( elr, or thc c{)1I~ldmDtifln
<br />ror !llIch ucclulslllnn, tn the c.tcnl ur tlU' full unlonnl nr IlIdebtcc.lIl~~
<br />upun thl" instrument and the note \\'hil~h II b ~i\'en 10 l'iecurc remain.
<br />ing ullpald. arc hr.n.by y~,iglU..>tI hy the Bnrro\lo'cr to Ih~ Lemler, and
<br />sh.1I be paid forlhwilh tl) ~nltl ).,'ruler In he flpplic.d l.y Ihe laner un
<br />.ccount or Ihe ne.' mnturlnl( hl...lolllUellb. fir such IndehlL>dllcss.
<br />
<br />12, The IJorrnwC!r fllrlhr.r lIJ.tr~ 111111 !IoluUlI(1 this in:drunIcnt and llie
<br />nole ~urcd hercl,}' IInl Ill' oll~lhh~ fur inMlrnm'c umlm llll! Nulhmul
<br />1I0U5iu~ Acl "'Hhi" ri~ht IHnnth~ frum 111(' tlllt.. helL-llf (wriHell 5tRlc-
<br />Ulenl or any orrt...'cr fir tht' OrpBrlmcnt uf lJominJ,t ami Urban
<br />Oevelol'mcnl or alllllUrlzcd aJ,tenl !If the SL'Crelarr fir Iloll:dnl( lIud Ur-
<br />han De\'clu(1menl (InIL>tI !HlI'~I'CI"enl lu the ei~ht IIlllllthl'i' lime hum the
<br />date of this inslrument. decllninJ; In imllre 5uitl note and thbi 1I10rt-
<br />RnRf.', hciup; deemed conclusive proof of sud. Inr.Ii~lhi1It)'), tile Lender
<br />or holder of the nlll(' mllr. lit ill ortion, dt.'darr. nil 5um5 sccuretl
<br />hercby hnmNUalcl}' tluc and poyahlt'. Notwllhl'itnndin" the rorc~ohlK,
<br />thl~ ol,"nn may nut he c.erei5ctl h)' the Lender or the huldcT of Ihe
<br />nole when lilt' lneliaihilily lor Imuranee undeT Ihe Na(inllal UouJlilng
<br />Ad b du~ In Ihe Lcnder'" fullme to rmnil the tunrtF;a~e Insurance
<br />premium 10 the Dcpiuhncnt of Housing and Urban Development.
<br />
<br />l3, TIa.1 if tht! "nrrower fnlls 10 make an)' pA)'lnenlJli (If mum')' when
<br />~11f' snmr ht..'Cf1mr dllr. or hdb In conform 10 ami emuply with nn)' (If
<br />Ihe rnlllllUnos or R~rccmlmts conlained in Ihis in.\lrumelll. or the nnle
<br />which It ~ur~. 111e1l Ihe I'ntire principal 5um IInd Hccurco inlcrc.'it
<br />511all ut Ollce hecome due oml para hIe, at Ihl' clt.-cliulI of !he Lender,
<br />
<br />I.ellller !1I1.11 J(lvl! notice to Umrmycr prlnr to acccll!rallon following
<br />UnrWWil!'r's hreach of an}' covenant or a~reemenl in Ihil'i Ins(runwnl
<br />(bul floI prior In acceleration under pRrngrnpl1 J 2 Ufllt!.~ PPI,lirllhlr
<br />low provldeo nlherwise). The nollcc sholl '1Iccily: (0' the del."It: (h)
<br />tile aellon retluhed 10 cure the default; (c) R date, nol la\ Ihon 30
<br />da}'lIi from Ihe d.le the nolice ili given 10 Borrower. h)' which tbe
<br />deraul' must be eurt."'tl; Bnd (d) thut fnUure 10 cure lhe default on or
<br />hcrorc the dAle liflccUlcd ill 1111: notice Inuy rt!Sult in uccelcrution nf the
<br />51110S secured hy Ihls Instrument Bm) sale of tile Properly. The lIollcc
<br />sh.n furl her Inform Borrower of the rl~ht to rcinstalr. after acrelcra.
<br />lion and Ihe rJRht to brin~ R court action to u,ert the non.ed!'itcnce or
<br />B dera,,11 or an}' olher defense 01 Borro\Ycr to 8ccclt~rBIi(ln nmJ 5811:. If
<br />Ihe der.ull is not cured on or before the dBte 1l11CCUicd In the putice,
<br />Lender Ilt It~ opUon may require immediatc l,aymenl In (ull of all
<br />5111n5 5CCurcd by Ihls In.'litrllment withoul furl her demund and lIIay in-
<br />yolce the ,tOwer of Kale and any olher remedies pcm.Hted hy al'-
<br />pllcable law. Lender ,hall be enlilled 10 collcct 011 expen.es Incurred
<br />In pursuing Ihe remedies provided In thl, rnra~raph 13, including, but
<br />not limited to. rearonahle attorncy'. feel alld co.'i:ts 01 tllle evidence.
<br />
<br />II the IH,wcr flf 5111e ill; invoiced. TruJlilcc fihRII n~rtJ n notice of
<br />default in each county In which any part or the I'ropcrl~' Is localed
<br />and shall mail copie'i of such noUce in the manner pr~rlbcd by al'-
<br />IIUcnblc law 10 Uorrowror nnd 10 the other IlCl'5Omi prescrihed by 811-
<br />plicehle law. Allcr the lime required by appllceblelaw, Trost.. ,hall
<br />~ive public nollce of salr. 10 the persons and in the m.nncr pno.:M:rJbcd
<br />hy aPlllicable low. Tm.lre, wlthoul dcmand nn Bnrrower. sholl sell
<br />the Prn,>ertl' at puhlle allelion 10 Ihe hlghesl bidder al IIle lime and
<br />place and under the lerms designated in the notice vr sale in (Jne or
<br />more pBrccl5 and in an}' order Trunee determines. Trustee ma)"
<br />I,o...tltone sule or all or any Il.ree) 01 the Prolterly hy public announce.
<br />menl al Ihe lime and rhll,'C of an)' prcvlously scheduled sale, Lender
<br />ur Us deslgnee may purchu5e the l'rol1erly al any salc.
<br />
<br />Upun receipt of paymf'nt of the price hid. Trustee shall dcllver tn
<br />the ItUrcho!>Cr Trustcc's dced conyeylng the }'mllCrty, The recitals In
<br />the Trustcc's dt..'Cd lihan be prima lacie c\'idencc of the trlllh or the
<br />5ta'cmenls made Iherein. Trustee shall al,ply the proceeds or the sale
<br />in Ihe lolluwin~ ordl~r: (II) 10 all eJpenses or thc sale. including hul
<br />1101 IlmIlL>d to. Truslcc'l" fcc.li as permilted by RpfJlicahle law and
<br />reruoonahle aHorne)'!\"' fees: (b) 10 all sums secured by Ihil'i Security In.
<br />~Irlllmml: and (c) nny CU'C't!i 10 the person or IlCTSonlli lcJtally entitled
<br />10 it.
<br />
<br />14. Upun acceleration under Ilara~rarh ],'] or abandonment ul Ihe
<br />Properly. Lender (in penon. uy agent or b~' judiciall)' Dl'llOlnlloU
<br />rL'CCiyer) shall be cnlitlt'd In enler 1I1toU, take JIO~\cs..\ioll of nnd
<br />Innna~e th(" Jlmpcrly Bnd 10 collect the rent"i of the I'ropert}' lncludinJt
<br />lhOM" pOlit due, An)' rents t..'OlIectcd b}' Lender or the receiver 5ball he
<br />npplled fi15l 10 pafmenl of Ihe costs of mana~cment 01 tllC Properl}'
<br />ami collection of rcnt~, including. but nol limiled to. rccclycr'l'i fees,
<br />prell11Um5 on rccei\.'cr'JIi lumds and reasonable aUorncys' rees. Dnd limn
<br />In the sum, secured by Ihi~ Inslnunenl,
<br />
<br />15. Upon 11t1)'menl 01 nil sums secured h)' Ihl, in~lrumenl, Lender
<br />slmll rcclue\t Tru5tec let r...ronyc)' the Properl)' and shnll surrender IlIi!'i
<br />inslnnnent and all not~ ...vldcncin~ debt secured 11)' this Instrument to
<br />Trul'ilcc. Trllllilt.'C .dlnll recol1\'cn)' the Property without wnrnnty nnd
<br />wHhout char~c 10 lhr (l1'rliOIl or personlli legally entitled to it, Such
<br />l1erJlion or lIeu-ons shull pn,. any recordation cmts,
<br />
<br />Hi. l.ell(lr~r~ at illli o(1lino. may ham lime 10 lime remove TruStL'C
<br />nnd a(1IKJin~ R !liUCC't!.\.\or lrustce 10 any Trustee appointed tlercunder by
<br />an inl'ilrlll1lent recorded in the count)' in wllieh this ifLdrumcnl i."i
<br />recurdt..'(1. \Vilhout con\'(~yancc of the Property, the !liUcce"iSor InL"ih.''C
<br />lIi.hall sueceed to all the tille, (tOwer and duties conterred upon Truslcc
<br />herein and hy applie8ble law,
<br />
<br />17, "orrower requ~ls thRt coJlies 01 thc notices of dcfaull Mnd s81c
<br />be l"el1l 10 Burruwer'li addtC5.'i which i\ the Prnperl)' Address.
<br />
<br />JR. II one or morc Ildru IITC cxcculro hy Borrower ano recorded
<br />h'RI!111Cr wilh this inJlitruOlcnt. Ihe covenant5 and al'!:rccmenls or each
<br />~lIeh rider shall be incorporalcd into nnd shall nmend nod lmpplcmcnt
<br />Ihe coyenUnl5 and a~rr.cmenls of Ihi! inslrUll1cnl n!'i if the rlder(s) werc
<br />a part of Ihis ;.u1rumenl.
<br />
<br />10. Tile covenants herein contalnctl shall bind, and Ihe benefits JlII1d
<br />advontage."i shall inure to, II,e respeclive heirs. ueculor.\. ad.
<br />ministralors. successors, nnd assiRns or Ihe parlles herelo, Whenever
<br />used, Ihe singular numhcr shall include the plural. the plural lhe
<br />singulBr, and the use or any gender ihalllnclude .11 gende15.
<br />
<br />8}' signing below, Borrower accepts and agrr.cs lo the terms covenants contained in this SecurU" Instrument and In any rider(s) eJccutcd by
<br />Borrower .00 recorded wllh it.
<br />
<br />State 01 Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Counly nr
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />J~:*'~~~::
<br />
<br />Lori . Schrier
<br />
<br />ISeol)
<br />.........
<br />
<br />ISrn11
<br />nnn,,_t'f
<br />
<br />} UI
<br />
<br />1he rorell'llng Instrument WPl acknowledged belo... me Ibis J s t doy nf J u 1 y
<br />19 88, by John L. Schrier and Lori S. Schrier, Husband and Wi fe
<br />
<br />My rommlnlon eapl
<br />
<br />J:GIIBW. IOTAIly.siia cf ~~kI
<br />IIy tam.. Eip Au.. 25. 1"1
<br />
<br />0r-tJ......J rd/4-.I'
<br />:x--4?UX"lf:ai.l
<br />~ /
<br />Nolar}' Public C'>
<br />
<br />-..L.
<br />,,/:7) t!2L'!. ,,/
<br />/'"
<br />
<br />Wltnr.ss m}' h.nd and nohniaJ leal at
<br />
<br />In said Counl}., lh.. tlalf' afmC'ollid.
<br />
<br />Page ::J ul II
<br />
<br />Hun 0:'1.00T
<br />