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<br />Borrower and .......der coyenant and allft .. follows: <br /> <br />l. ThaI Borrow~r will pay the indebtedness. as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege is reserved 10 pay Ihe debt in whole or in pan <br />on any inslallment due dale. <br /> <br />2, That, together with, and in addilion 10, the monthly <br />payments of principal and interest payable under the lerms of lhe <br />note secured hereby, lhe Borrower will pay 10 the Lender, on Ihe <br />firsl day of each month until the said nole is fully paid, lhe <br />following sums: <br /> <br />XJCpII~~ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />~..;-~ <br />.. . . <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />XlIIIIllIIItadaJat]lJ!llldicdld~ <br />J(~~ <br />~K~ <br />~HIlDIIlII!K _ . _ <br />~~~ <br />~~ <br />DIamlz:o_m'l"m'.m_...l._..,~ <br />~ <br /> <br />(a) tat A sum equal to the ground rents, if an)', next due, plus the <br />premiums thaI will next become due and payable on policies of <br />fire and other hazard insurance covering the propeny, plus taxes <br />and assessments nexl due on lhe properTY (all as esrimared by the <br />Lender) less all sums already paid lherefor divided by Ihe number <br />of months to c1apse before one (l) month prior to Ihe date when <br />such ground rents. premiums, [axes and assessments will become:' <br />delinquent, such sums to be held by Lender in truSI to ; ay said <br />ground rents, premiums, raxes and spedal assessments: and <br /> <br />(b) U All payments mentioned in the two preceding subseclions of <br />this paragraph and all payments 10 be made under the nole <br />secured hereby' shall be added logelher. and the aggregate amounl <br />thereof shall be paid by lhe Borrower each month in a single pay. <br />ment to be applied by the Lender to the following ilems In the <br />order sel fonh: <br /> <br />"'-'w'{;~ <br />me.: <br /> <br />(1) 3EIf) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard <br />insurance premiums; <br /> <br />(II) _ interest on the note secured hereby: <br /> <br />(III) _ amonizalion of the principal of said nOle; and <br /> <br />(IV) .. late charges, <br /> <br />Any deficiency in the amounl of such aggregate momhly pay. <br />ment shall. unless made good by Ihe Borrower prior to the due <br />date of Ihe next such paymem, constitute an evem of default <br />under this mongage, The Lender may collecl a "late charge" not <br />to exceed four cents (4=) for each dollar ($]) of each payment <br /> <br />~, 88- 104327 <br /> <br />more Ihan fifteen (15) daY" in arrears 10 L'Over rhe eXlra expense <br />involved in handling delinquent payments. <br /> <br />3. That if the lotal of Ihe paymenls made by Ihe Borrower <br />under(a)of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed rhe amounr of <br />paymenls actually made by Ihe Lender for ground rents, laxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as Ihe case may be. such ex- <br />cess. if the loan is currenl. at rhe option of rhe Borrower . shall be <br />credited by the Lender on subsequent payments 10 be made by Ihe <br />Borrower, or refunded 10 lhe Borrower. If, however, rhe monlhly <br />paymems made by Ihe Borrewer under (a)of paragraph 2 <br />preceding shall nol be sufficient 10 pay ground rents, laxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as Ihe case may be, when the <br />same shall become due and payable, Ihen the Borrower shall pay <br />10 the Lender any amount necessary 10 make up Ihe deficiency, on <br />or before the dale when payment of such ground renlS, laxes, <br />assessmems, or insurance premiums shall be due. If al any lime <br />lhe Borrower shall lender 10 Ihe Lender. in accordance with Ihe <br />provisions of lhe nOle secured hereby, full payment of lhe enlire <br />indebledness represemed thereby. the Lender shall, in computing <br />lhe amount of such indebledness, credit to the accounl of--lhe. Bor- <br />rower X <br /> <br />any balance re" <br />maining in the funds accumulated under Ihe provisions of( a) of <br />paragraph 2 hereor. If there shall be a defauh under any of the <br />provisions or Ihi!o inSITumem resulting in a public sale of the <br />premises covered hereby', or if the Lender acquires the properlY <br />olherwise after default. lhe Lender shall apply. at Ihe time of lhe <br />commencemem of such proceedings, or al the time the properlY is <br />olherwise acquired, Ihe balance Ihen remaining in the funds ac- <br />cumulated under (a)of paragraph 2 preceding. as a credit againsl <br />the amount 01 prinCipal Ihen remaining unpaid under said nOle,. <br />~~ <br />lIInlltcIm~ <br /> <br />4. That lhe Borrower will pay ground renls. taxes, assessmems, <br />water rates. and other governmental or municipal charge5. fines, <br />or impositions. for which pro\'ision has nOI been made <br />hereinbefore, and In defauh Ihereof the Lender may pay Ihe same; <br />and thai the Borrower will promplly deliver the officml receipts <br />Iherefor 10 Ihe Lcnder. <br /> <br />5, The Borrower will pay alllaxes which may be levied upon <br />the Lender's imeresl in said real eSlate and imprm'emems, and <br />which may be levied upon Ihis inslrumenl or Ihe debt secured <br />hereby (bul only 10 Ihe exlenl that such is nOI prohibiled by law <br />and only 10 the eXlent thai such will nOl make this loan usurious), <br />but excluding any income tax. State or Federal, imposed on <br />Lender. and will file lhe official receipt showing such paymem <br />wilh the Lender. Upon violation of this undertaking, or if lhe <br />Borrower is prohibited by any law now or hereafler existing from <br />paying [he whole or any pOri ion of Ihe aforesaid laxes, or upon <br />lhe rendering of any COUrl decree prohibiling lhe paymem by Ihe <br />Borrower of any such taxes, or if such law or decree provides lhal <br />any amount so paid by the Borrower shall be crediled on the debl, <br />the Lender shall have Ihe right 10 gi\'e ninet) days' wrillen nOlice <br />to the owner of Ihe premises. requiring Ihe pay'mem of Ihe deb!. <br />If such nOlice be given, the said debl shall become due. payable <br />and collectible at Ihe expiralion of said ninety days, <br /> <br />6, That should the Borrower fail 10 pay any sum or keep any <br />covenam pro\'lded for in this instrument, Ihen Ihe lender. al ilS <br />oplion, may payor perform Ihe same, and all expenditures so <br /> <br />HUD-92143DT <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />