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<br />88-
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<br />104322
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<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TllfSE PRfSENTS: ThaI Richard M. Jolkowski and Elizabeth L. Jolkowski, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, wbether ooc or more. in consideration of the IIID1 of
<br />Forty Five Hundred and no/IOO -----------------------------------------------------~LLARS
<br />
<br />Joancd to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 45 sIwcs of stodr:: of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Certificate No. III 888 FHA . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the ..id ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described rcaI estate. siluated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Two (2), Block Twelve (12), in Bonnie Brae Addition to the City of Grand Island, Ne.
<br />
<br />tOFther with all tbe tenements, hcrcdltamrnls and appurtenances thereuntu belonging, mcJuding attached floor co\'Crings. all window scree~
<br />window shades, blinds, storm winduws, awnings, heallOg. air condltioning, and plumbin~ and water equipment and accessories therelo. pumps.stoves,
<br />refriFralon. and other fiXtures and equipment now or hereaftcr auachcd to or used m connectIOn with said rc:aJ estate.
<br />
<br />And whereas Ihe said mortgagor Ita! ayeed and d.... her.by agr.e lhal Ih. morlgagor shall and WID pay aD taxes and ..........nlS Ievicd or
<br />__d upon said premioe. and upon Ihis morlgage and Ihe bond secured Iherehy befm. Ihe :lame shaJJ hecame delinquenl; to furnish a~
<br />insuranoe upon the building> on said pr.mises silualed in Ihe sum ofs 4500.00 payahle 10 said ASSOCIATION and 10 deliwr to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the: policies fOl said insurance; and nul to com mil or permit any waste un or about said premises;
<br />
<br />In cue of defaull in Ihe performam;" of any of the I.rm. and candillo", of 11115 roortgag. or Ihe bond ..cured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demaod, "" "nlitled 10 immediale possession of th. morlgaged prem.... and rhe morlgagor her.by assign., lransfers and ..ts o..,r 10 Ibe
<br />morlgqec aU Ihe n:ol.. '...,n.... and ineomc: 10 be deri..,d from Ihe mortgag.d pr.mise. during such time u the mortgaze indcbtednea shall remain
<br />unpaid; and Ihe mortgagee shall ha.., lhe powe, 10 appoinl any agenl or agents il may desire for Ih. purpose of repairing said prembes ami renting
<br />the IlDIC and collecting lhe ,.nls, '....nu." and ineome. and il may pay oul of said incom. all expen"" of repairing said pn:miICs and n=-ry
<br />oonunislions and expenses incurred in n:nlrng and managing the same and of collecting Tcnmls therefrom; the balance rell1l.ini!lJ. if any. to be
<br />applied 10wlId the dUclwge of Slid morlgage rodebtedn...; lhex righl. of Ihe nx" 19agee may he .xe,cis<:d al any lime during the existence of such
<br />defaull. inespccri.., of any lemporary wai.." of Ihe woe,
<br />
<br />Thne Presenl', howe.." are upon Ih. Condilion, ThaI if lhe said Mortgagor shall r.pay said loan on or hefon: Ihe maturily of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monlhly 10 Slid ASSOCI A TlON of Ih. SUIII .pecified ro th. !lond secured h.reby a. inl.resl and priocipal on said loan, ou or before
<br />lhe Twcnlieth day of each and e..,ry monlh, until said luan is fully p'ud; pay all taxes and assessmenls I.vied againsl said pn:mise. ami on this Mortpp:
<br />
<br />and Ih. !lond secured Ih.r.by. hefore deltnqueney; f urnrsh apprnved Insurance up"n Ihe huildings Ihercon in the sum of S 4, 500. 00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; r.pay 10 said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by il paid for such laxe., assessments and iJ1SUlaJ)<;<: with interalat
<br />the muim!1m IegaJ nil. lhe,eon frolll dale of paym.nt all of whIch Morlga&nr hereby ay"'" 10 pay;pcrmit no w....on said pn:mises;kecp and comply
<br />
<br />with a1llbe agreement. and condllions of Ihe &Jnd for S 4,500.00 Ihis day gIven by th" ..ill MortgaGor 10 said ASSOCIATION, and eomply
<br />with all the requin:ments of the Consliluti"n and By-Laws of Slid ASSOCI A nON; Ihen I~ese presents shall hecome null and wid. othelWioe they
<br />shall remain in full foux and may be foreclosed al Ih. uplion of Ibe said ASSOCIATION afler failwe for th,ee months 10 make any of said
<br />payments 01 be three months in ilrrcan UJ making said monthly payments, OJ tu keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and MortP&Or ilVees. 10 have 3 recelvel appointed forthwith in such forrdosurc plllCUdings.
<br />
<br />If lhe,. is any change in owneRb.ip of lhe real esUI. mortpged hen:in. by sale or olherwisc. lhen the enlin: n:oWning indebtedncsa hereby
<br />..,.,.....d shall. al the option of The Equitabl. Building and Loan Association of Gr:nd Island, Nebraska, hecome inunediately due and payable without
<br />furthc:r nOli<:<:, and the amounl remaining due under sa.d bond, and any Olhe, bond for any addilionaladvances mad. thereunder, shall, from the
<br />dale of cxcrcis<: of laid option, hear inl.resl 31 Ih. maximum legal rale, and this mortgage may lhen he fon:cJosed 10 satisfy the UDlIunt due on said
<br />bond.and any otl..r bond for addilional advances.log.lher wilb all sums paId by said The Equitable Building and Loan As1ociation of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska for in.surancc. tues and .assessments, and abstracting t'xtensioo charges. r.,ith interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />IepJ rat., '
<br />
<br />AI provided in the Bond secured hereby, while th!5 mortgage Temains 10 effect the mortgagee (MY hereafter advance additional 5WIlJi to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns OJ successors 10 intereSl. which sums. shall be withm the security of this murtgage the same as the funds originally
<br />ICCUf'ed thereby.lhe lotal amounl of principal debt not to exc:ecd at any time the orIginal 81nount or this mortgage.
<br />
<br />rt::,;;J!iz~ ,~12.= . August A. n., Ir,R8
<br />
<br />
<br />lC~J:d M. . otk~ _ ,) .:
<br />l:' ~ ~J!.'4/ ~ I.. ~, . ,."
<br />
<br />Elizabelh L. Jolko~ki
<br />
<br />STATEOFNF.BRASKA.l... Onlh.. 3rd dayo[ AugusI 1988 bcforeme
<br />CQUNl1' OF IIAU. ~ ' ,
<br />II.. l1n~el>JgD<:d, 3 Notary Pubhc m and for said County. pcrsonaDy ClDIIl
<br />Richard M, Jolkowski and Elizabeth L, Jolkowski, pach in his and her
<br />own right, and as spouse vf each other, who ~re
<br />
<br />1m to be the Identic.1 penon 5 ..huse rtl~ S a r (' :lIfr."',('d In the II:buvt' mstrunJDfl1 ;15 ~rg.aCOf s
<br />
<br />ac:knawled:3ed the u:id uutrumen1 (0 be t hp 1 r vnlunl;lry :lei and dCt'd
<br />MTMESS my hand and Nutlld.1 Sr-al the dalr .rmM.1,d
<br />
<br />My {'onrm,wun .,pt," 7- ( -J- (I
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<br />pcnonalJy known 10
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