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<br /> <br /> I NQI cJi) <br /> f:.nlerad as Dotumenl <br /> :!l <br /> I . .- bD/ <br /> ;;: 88-4 114 2 9 1 <br /> .- <br /> Z Granlor -, <br /> GtlllIWe a ...... <br /> 0 NumetJu1 Af:! :Z <br /> - <br /> , :-, C;' STIlT!: ;"'; NEBI\ASKA}b'itfJi" !' <br /> CD COL'i:n OF H!,LL ) S ~ <br /> 0 I' <br /> - ;i <br />... -I I <br />co 'SB AUG 5 nl1 10 DB <br /> I>> <br /> " <br /> ... ('7 .." <br />!!1. CD' '~~:..;:.-' ./1.~:::::;'(,.~.~...1 <br />I ~ p:' Pr.:0: I1F 1i"'f'f1!'> <br /> ",I <br />! <br />Ii a <br /> <br />n <br />.. <br />il- <br />~ <br />:D <br />cl!l <br />.- <br />! <br /> <br />Excerpl. From Int.mal Cod. <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxos. <br /> <br />Illny penon IIlble 10 PlY Iny tllX neolllcts or rehllll to <br />.ply the lime Iltlr demand, the amount (InCluding any Inllr- <br />tilt, llddJllonal amount, addition to tax. or allllls,lIble penalty, <br />togelher with any costs thlt may accrue In addlUon thereto) <br />shall be . Uen In flvor of 1he United Stalel upon all property <br />and rights 10 property. whether '11' or personll. belonging <br />10 such penon. <br /> <br />Sec. 632~. PerlodOt Lien. <br /> <br />Unless lnolher d.1I1 IS specifically fixed by law, the IIln <br />Imposed by slIctlon 6321 shill arise althe lime the auessment <br />Is made and shall continue unlll the lIablllly for the amount so <br />.1I115ed lor a judgment agalnsl Ihe tupayer arising out of <br />such liability) is slItlslled or becomllS unenforceable bV reason <br />of lapse of tlme. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchaser'a, Holdare 01 Security In- <br />I.,..t., Mechanic'. Llenore, And Juclgment <br />Lltn Cradllore. -lh.lI.n imposed by ..cllon 6321 .h.1I <br />nol be yalld as against any purcha$8f. holder 01 I security <br />Interesl. mechanIc's lienor . or judgment lien credltot unlll notice <br />thereof whiCh meets tne requirements of subsection (fJ has <br />be.n m'd by \h. Sec"lalY <br /> <br />lij Place For Filing Nollce; Form.- <br /> <br />(ll Place For Fllino . The nollee referred to in suD- <br />"'lion ,a) .holl be IIl1ld . <br />(A) Under Statlllaws <br />II) Real Property. In lhll case ot real proptlrty. in one <br />oUlee wUhln the Stille tor the counly. or olher governmental <br />sutKUflslont. Is.diaignated by Ihe laws 01 such State, to <br />whlctl the property sublect to Ihe lien 15 situaled: and <br />III) Personal Property . In the case 01 personal <br />property. whether tangible or Inlanoible. In one o"ice <br />wllhin the Slate (0/ Itle county. or other governmental <br />subdlvlslonl. as DeSignated by the laws 01 such State, <br />In Whlc:h the properly subleCI te Ihe lIen 15 situated, <br />" <br />IBl Wnh Clerk Of Dlslncl Court - In thl.! ol1lce 01 the clerk of <br />the UOI1ed 51ates dISIl!CI court lor Ihe JudiCial district TO which <br />Ihe property !lublecllo hen IS slluated. wllwever the Stale: tlas <br />nol by law t1eSIUnallld one 011 Ice IIIfhl(:" meets Ihe requlremenlsol <br />sutlpar.agrl:ph\AI or <br />(el 'NIlh AecolOflf 01 OeeOs 01 The Dlstrlcl 01 ColumOla - In <br />Ihe olflce ot 'hll' Recorl1er Of OeMs of tht Olslrlcl of Columbia. If <br />Tne ptOtlfllty Subject to- Ihe 111!f'1 ~ ;1!UaleO In ''lp' DI<jT!lCI 01 <br />S-olumb1_ ' <br /> <br />(2) SI\u, Of Prop.rty SubJ.ct To Uln . For purpo... ot <br />pmgroph'(1) Ind (~). prop.rty .hlll be d..m.d to bo .nullod. <br />(AI R,II Property. In Ih. CISI 01 r..1 prop.rty, It Ita <br />phy.lcollocotlon; or <br />(B) "'''onll Prop.rty . In Ihl co.. 01 peroonll property, <br />whether tangible or IntangIble. 11 Ihe resldenee of the <br />Illlpay.. al Iha 11m. Ihl nollce olll.n 1,lIIod. <br />For purpo... 01 pmgrlph (2) (B), Iha ro,ld.nce of I corporollon <br />or Plrtn...hlp Ihlll be d..mod 10 bt Iha pllce It which Iha <br />p,lnclpalllxlCutlYII offiCII of the business II located. and 1M <br />telldence or I IlJI:paYllr whose residence II without the Unltld <br />SIll.. .hlll bt d..mod to bt In lilt OI.lrlct Dr Columbll. <br />. -(3). Form . tha ltItmi J Ind contenl Ed ~thI noUra <br />"I.."d 10 In .ub..cllcn (I) shall bt p"",rlbtd by lilt <br />SteAltITY. Such noUct shill bt vllld notwithstanding any <br />other provision of law regarding thl form or conlenl of I <br />nollceof IIln. <br /> <br />Nole: SBa sBctlon 6323(b) for protBctlon for <br />certain InterBsls BVBn though notice of IIBn <br />Imposed by sBctlon 6321 Is fIIBd with rBspBct <br />10: <br />,. Securities <br />2. Molar Ylhlcles <br />3. Personal property purchased al rellll <br />4. Personal property purchased In c..utllll. <br />5. Plrlonll property subjected to poSIIIIOry Illn <br />6. RIal property tax Ind Speclll....llment liens <br />T R..ld.nllal property .ubject 10 , meth.nlc', <br />lien for certlln rlpalrs and Improvements <br />8 Attorney'sllens <br />9 Certlln insurancl conlracls <br />'0 Passbook loans <br /> <br />(gJ Raflllng 01 Nollce. - FOI purpolI. 01 thl. <br />sBellon <br /> <br />111 Gan.ral Rula. - Un'''' nDlIC. 01 lI.n" "lIIedln <br />the manner prllScrlbed In paragraph (2) during Ihe rlQuirld <br />reflllng period. suctl nollce 01 her! shill betralted al mid on the <br />dale orrwhlch it is tiled (in accordanCI with subleClton (III aftllr <br />Ihe expiration ot such retlling period <br /> <br />121 Placa For Filing. - A no"" of II.n "lIIed <br />dUring Ihe required refillng period shall be '"lCllvl only. <br />(AJ If. <br />(l) such notice 01 lien Is refiled in the office in which the <br />pllor nollce 01 lien was filed, and <br />(ill In lhe case of real property, the lact at rellling IS <br />l!ntered and recorded in an index 10 the exten1 reqUired by <br />5ubser.Uon III (4), aM <br />IBI many casl In which. 90 days Dr mor. puor 10 Ihe dall <br />of .a r'filing ~f nollCI 01 liln under subParagraph (A). the <br /> <br />\UVlJl"l. <br /> <br />Socratary _Iwod wrlttan Informlllon (In Ihl miniill' <br />pl1lcrlbtd In regullllonl IIIUId by \hI Socratary) <br />concemlng I changlln Ihl taxPlye(llIIldlfICI. It I nolleo <br />of luch lI.n 1'11'0 fIIod In lCCOrdlnCl w11h lubllC\lon (n In <br />Ihl Stall In which ouch IIIldlnco II IllCIlad. <br /> <br />131 Required R.lllng P.rIod. - In Iha .... <br />01 Iny nollco olll.n, thl Ilrm -raqulrad rat1l1ng perlod- main. . <br />IAllhl on..year period Indlng 30 day. Ifter Ihl IIplrollon <br />01 e years .fter the dlte of the assnsmlnt of the IIX. .nd <br />(B) Ih. on..year period .ndlng wllh Ih..xplrotlon oIBy.." <br />1ft.. Ihl close of thl p"CI~ng "oulrod "tiling parlod for <br />1uch noUce 01 lIert. . <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />'al RaItut 01 LItn. - Sub)oct 10 .uch <br />regulallon. ..11lI Soc,,111y may proscribo, thl Socrollly .hall <br />Issue I certlflcltl of ,eltul at any IIln Imposed with respect to <br />.ny Inlemll revenuI IIJI: noll.ter thln:ll daYI aner thl day on <br />which. <br />If) Liability Sallsfled or Unenfoll:llble ~ The Secrlllry <br />finds thlt the liability for the amount UH..teI. together with III <br />Inler..1 In r..pecl th.rool, h.. bltn fully ..t1It1od Dr h.. <br />becomllegllly unenforceable: or <br />(2) Bond Accepted ~ There II furnished to the StCrlllry Ind <br />acc.pted by him I bond Ihllll condltlonlld a:pon the payment of <br />111. amount ......ed. togelher with 111 Interl.t In rlspect <br />Il1lr.of. wlll1ln the Ume prescribed by law (Including any <br />er.1lnllon of luch Ilml), lnd Ihalll In accordance with such <br />requirements rllttlng 10 term.. condition.. and form 01 the bond <br />and lurltllllhlreon. IS may be specified by such regulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />fOrmation. <br />(kl DIacIOIUre . 01 Carlaln Return. and <br />R.t\lm Inlo"!iallon For To Admlnl.tretl.,n <br />Purpoat.. - <br /> <br />(2) DIsclosure 0' amount of outstanding lien. .If a noUce of <br />lien has been tiled pursuant to section 6323(tl. the amount 01 the <br />outstanding obligation secured by 5uch IIln mlY be disclosed 10 <br />any person whO furnIshes satisfactory written evldlnce thai hI <br />has a right in 1he property subject 10 such Hen or Intends 10 <br />obtain a nghl in such property <br /> <br />~ <br />
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