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<br /> / <br /> .entered as O&eumeat ~ c/o <br /> ... - ~ <br /> [ 88-1112! 2 9 0 \~ <br /> ~ <br /> ;; Grantor s.:c <br /> Z Grantee '\: . 1 <br /> 0 Numerltel ~ ~ <br /> - <br /> n' SlidE ('~ Ij[~:\;;.f'~"KA)' '~:' I.' \':, <br /> CD COI:!':TY i'F HI\l.L ) 5.... c <br /> :::II <br /> 0 I <br /> - ;I <br />.... -4 I <br />... 'SS AUG 5 ~N 10 08 <br /> I>> <br /> " <br /> r- ~~Z- ..;i'" I <br /> CD' ..1'=-:;'_4 "<_'C)'~'~/ <br />!!. <br /> ~ (jet:: nr rFf-f1'1 <br /> ! <br />iiI !i!. <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />CD <br />;r. <br />g <br />:>a <br />c2: <br />! <br /> <br />Excerptl From Intema. Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />It any perlon liable to pay any lax neglects or rei uses to <br />pay the limit after demand. the amount (Including .any Inter. <br />Ill, additional amount, addition to tax. or assessable penalty, <br />together with an)' COlts that may acerufl In addition thereto) <br />shall be a lien In favor of the United StaUl! upon all property <br />and rights 10 property, Whether nlll Of personal. belongIng <br />to such person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anothllr date Is specifically 11xed by liW, the lien <br />Imposed by sectlon 6321 shall arise lithe time the asussmlnt <br />II made and shall continue until the liability for the amount so <br />assessed (or a Judgment against the taxpayer arising out 01 <br />such lIablllty) is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />01 lapse of time. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchal8r'l, Holdel1 01 Security In- <br />terelb, Mechanic', Lienal'll, And Judgment <br />Llan Credllol1. - Th, lien Imposed by seclion 6321 shall <br />not be valid as against any purchaser, holder 01 a security <br />interest, mechanic's lienor, or judgmllntllen creditor until notice <br />thereof which mllet! the requirements of subsectIon (f) has <br />been lIIed by the SetrelOfY. <br /> <br />10 Place For Filing Notice; Form.- <br />(1) Place For FHmg . The noli:e referred to in SUD- <br />section tal shall be tiled. <br />(AI Under State Laws <br />(II Real Property. In the case 01 real property, mane <br />office Within the State lor the counly. or other governmental <br />subdlW1slonl, 8;SJde,ignated by the laws 01 such Stall!!, in <br />which the property sublect to the hen IS Situated; and <br />(ii) Personal Propeny In the case Df personal <br />P\1lperty, whether tangible or m1englble, In onll ottice <br />IIIlthln thl!! Stale W the county. or olher governmenlal <br />subdivision!. as deSignated by the laws 01 such State. <br />In which the property subject 10 the hen IS situated, <br />or <br />IB) With Clerk 01 DistrIct Court. In the olhce of the clerk of <br />the United States districl court for the JudiCIal district In whICh <br />the property subject to hen IS sltualed, wh~never the Slale has <br />nOlby law deSignated one office meets Ihe reQUIrements 01 <br />subparagraph (AJ. "I <br />Ie) With Recorder Of Deeds O! The 01StllCl 01 ColumOld In <br />Ihe omee of the RecorOer 01 Deeds ollhe Distrlct of ColumbIa if <br />Ine property subject to tile hen ,S sllualeO .n '"1(' [') ot <br />Columb!.1 <br /> <br />(2) SlIu. Of Prop.rty SubJ'CI To U.n. For ,ucpo... 0' <br />paragrlph. (1) Ind (4). proporty .hlll bedHmlld 10 belllullld. <br />(A) Rill Property . In Ihl cw of ,..I proporty, It III <br />physlcallocaUon; or <br />(B) Perlonll Property - In th. call of personll property, <br />whelher lll1Qlbl. or Int.nglble, II the mid.... of tho <br />tupayer Ilthl noli.. of lion I. tII"'. <br />For purpo.e. of plragrlph (2) (B). the mld.1lCI of I corpcnollon <br />or partne"hlp shill be dHmlld 10 be th. pi... II which tho <br />principII exocullv. offl.. of th. bu.ln... I. locallld. and tho <br />resldenca of I tuplyer who.e '..Id.... I. without tho Unltlll <br />SIIIH shill be dHmlld 10 be In the Ol.trlct ot COlumbl.. <br />;. -(3) Fo,m . Th. fllrm:.ond conlonl 01 thO n<dl.. <br />referred to in Iubsectlon II) shall be prllcribed by thl <br />Secflllry. Such nolice shall be valid notwithStanding any <br />other provision of law regarding the form or content of I <br />no1ice of lien. <br /> <br />Note: SBB section 6323(b) lor protection lor <br />certain interests even though notice 01 lien <br />imposed by section 6321 Is liIed with respect <br />to: <br />1. Securities <br />2, Motor venieles <br />3. Perlonll property purchueclll l1li11 <br />-4, Personal property purch~ in COUll 1111 <br />5. Personll property ,ublett'" 10 pclssmory lien <br />6. Rell property tax and special Hllssment liens <br />7. Residential property subject to a mechanic's <br />lien for certain repllrs Bnd Improvements <br />8. Attorney's ilens <br />9. Certlln Insurance contracts <br />10 Passbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Rellllng 01 Notice. - For p" 01 this <br />s~tion- <br /> <br />(1 I General Rule. - Unless nollce of lien is ,ellled In <br />t';e manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required <br />refillng period: such notice 01 lien sull bttreabd aaliled on th, <br />dale orrwhlch ills flied (In accorDance with subsection (f)) after <br />the expiration of such ref11ing period. <br /> <br />(2) Place For FIling. - A nolieo of lien ,efile<! <br />dUring the required refiling period"shall be effective!bnlf . <br />(A) if- <br />(I) such notice 01 lien IS reWed in the office in which the <br />prior nDtiee 01 lien wasllleD, anti <br />(iil LA the case 01 real property, the facl 01 fIlfillng IS <br />entered and re:orded in an index to thll extent required by <br />subsec110n (11 1--1. and <br />IBl In any case in WhiCh, !:Kl days or more prior to the date <br />of II refillng 01 notice 01 lien under subparagraph lA.!, the <br /> <br />\' ..',:,; <br /> <br />Setrellry retelv.d wrltt.n InformlUon (In Ihe mlMlr <br />prl.crlbed In ,~ulIUon1 IHued by th. 5IcrIllry) <br />co...rnlng I chll1lleln the \uplyet. mid...., tt e n<dl.. <br />olluch lI.n I. 1110 flied In ICCllrdan..w1th lubnctlon(n In <br />the 51111 In which ouch mkI....I. localld. <br /> <br />(3) Required R.111Ing PtdocL - In the .... <br />of Iny notl.. ot lion. \hIlIrm "roqulrtcl ratillng period- maw . <br />(A) Ih. one-y,"r penodendlng 3D dlYllltar theoxplraUon <br />or 6 Y'"rI Inlr \hi dill of the ......mant of the tu, Ind <br />(B) th. on..y... period ending with th..xplrlUonof6ye... <br />Iner Ihe cloll of tho proctcllng roqulrld ,-,filing period for <br />luch notice of fien. t . ( , <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(I) RtI.... Of LIan. - Subject to .uch <br />regullUono u th. Setrellry mlY proscribe. the 5acrallly lhaII <br />Issue II cenlficale of release of any lien Imposed with rnpect to <br />Iny internal revenue tax nol1ater thin 3J days alttr lbe day on <br />which- <br />(I) Ulblllty SaUsfllld or Unenforcuble - Tho Steretary <br />finds that the liability (or the amount USlllled. togltherwlthaU <br />Interes1 In respect therlof. hu bten fully latlsfled or hiS <br />becomlleoally unlnlortlable; or <br />(2) Bond Acctpl.d - Therlls furnl.h'" 10 the Sterlllry Ind <br />Iccoptlld by him I bClnd thll Is condltionlld upon the plymtnt of <br />the amoun1 assessed, togethtr with all Interat In nlpect <br />Ihtmf. within Iht Ume prescribed by Ilw Oncludlng Iny <br />extension of such time). and that Is in accordance with such <br />requirements nllting to terms, conditions, and form at thl bOnd <br />and IUretllS thereon, as mlY be specified by such regulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />f9r;f1l~tion. <br />Ik) Dllclosure , . 01 Certain Returnl IIld <br />Return Inlormatlon For Tu Admlnlltratlon <br />PurpOlOl. - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure of amount 01 oUlStanding lien. -III notice of <br />lien has been filed pursuant 10 section 6323(fl, thl!! amount ot the <br />outstanding obligation secured by such lien may be disclosed to <br />any person who furnishes satisfactory wrlnen evidence that he <br />has a rIght in the property subject to such hen or intends to <br />obtain a right in 5uch property <br />