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<br /> i:n1erec:l as Document No. I <br /> C-/ <br /> ) <br />~. f.. I :: ~ {-.. ". "'n -- ~')C ) ... 88- 1 () 4 2 Ff9 Y <br />~,u'-' j- u..l ~ I b <br /> ~ ~ ;;: Grantor 4-- - <br /> I'" :3 .. <br />~~! Z GtaRtee l <br /> 0 Numerlte' .Li::!d. <br /> - z <br />~ Cj', ~.~ (;' ST/cTE P,~ ti!::8fi/,5iKrAAt:!s"mc:' p <br />~.~~ CD CDU:<T', CF HAL~ ) u c: <br /> ::I <br /> 0 I; <br /> - ;I <br /> ... ~ '88 AUG 5 AN W " 05 .en . <br /> ... S:' <br />~,' t'\ DJ I <br />~~ M (;;/~-j=:::i_:~ <br /> n <br /> ;; r- <br /> j;f. <br />y ~e ~ !!. i' r/' " <br /> ~ PCi:. OF nFf'f1S <br /> :D <br /> .z I ~ ! <br /> .. It <br /> ! 'C <br /> iiI a <br /> <br />Exctrpll From Intemll Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />11 any perlon liable to PlY any to neglectl or re1uslS to <br />PlY the ..m. 111lr demand. the amount (including any Int.r. <br />elt, additional amount, addition to tax, Dr UllSSlbl1l penalty, <br />together with any calli that may accrue In addition thereto) <br />.hall be I lI.n In flv.r .f tho Unllld SIlt.. up.n all pr.perty <br />and rights to property, whether flal or personal, belonging <br />10 luch peTlen. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period tOf Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anolblr....dltl. Ill. fixed by law, the:.llllln <br />Imposed by section 6321 shall arise at the time the WlSllTill:nt <br />II made and shall continue until the liability for the amount 10 <br />auessect (or a judgment against thCl taxpayer arising out of <br />luch liability) Is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by reason <br />o1laple of time. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(al Purchlltr'., Holdell 01 Security In- <br />temla, Mechlnlc'. LItnOIl, And Judgment <br />Lien Creclltoll. - Th'lI.n Imp.sed by ,.cll.n8321 .hall <br />not be valid as agaInst any purchaser. holder 01 a security <br />Interest, mechanic's lienor, or Judgmenllllln creditor until notice <br />the rIot which meets the requirements 01 subseC1ion (fl has <br />be.n fII'd by thl Secretary <br /> <br />III Place For Filing Nollce; Form.- <br />(1) Place For Filing. The notice relerred to in sub- <br />s.ctl.n la) shall b, fll,d - <br />IAI Under Slate Law, <br />(I) Real Proper1y .In the case 01 real property, In one <br />office wllhln the State (or the county. or other govllmmllntal <br />sutXflwlslon), :.s,flelgnated by the laws of such State, In <br />which the propllr1y subject 10 tne tilln IS sItuated; anlJ <br />(II) Personal Property . tn the case 01 personal <br />property, whelher tangible or intangible. In one office <br />within the Stale (or the county, or other governmental <br />subdivisionl. as deslgnatlfd by the laws 01 SUCh State. <br />in whIch the property subject 10 thll hen i, situated; <br />.r <br />fBI With Clerk Of Districl Court - In the ollice ollhe clerk 01 <br />the United States district coun for the JudIcial district In which <br />the property subJect to lIen IS situated. wnenever Ihe Stale has <br />nol by law demgnaled one olflce whlcn meets the reQUlfcmentsol <br />subparagraph (AJ. 01 <br />(C) Wllh Recorder 01 Deeds 01 The DISTncl 01 ColumbIa. In <br />the office 01 the Recorder 01 Deeds of the DIstrict of Columbia. If <br />the properly '5\Jb,er:T to the lIen r, SITuaTed ''1 "'t' UI'5I"Ct 01 <br />CDlwntu.a., <br /> <br />(2) Situ. Of pr.ptrty SubJ.ct T. Lion . F.r pU'llCl.n of <br />paragraph. (11 Ind 14). pr.perty .hall be da.m.d t. be.ltullad 0 <br />(A) RII' Pr.ptrty . In fh. can of raal Pllllllrty. It III <br />phyalcallocatl.n: .r <br />(BI Pera.nll Property. In 1111 can .f IIIl10nll PTVlllrty, <br />whlthlr tal1lllbl, .r Intal1lllbl.. af Ihl ,,"ld.1ICI of Iha <br />tupay.r lllha Um'lho n.U.. .f lion Is 1II1d. <br />For purp....., plragraph (2J (B). tho rnld.nco 011 corporall.n <br />.r ptrtnershlp .hall be ...mldl. be !hi pia.. II whlcl1lha <br />principal ex.cull.. .ffl.. 01 !hi bu.lno.. II localld, and \Ill <br />r..ldln.. ., a tupaYlr wh.u r..ld.nca I. wlth.ut tho Unllacl <br />StaIn .h.1I be d..mldt. be In !hi Ol.lrlct ., Columbia. <br />...(3) form . TbI ,fonn and content of 1M notlce' <br />ie1erred to in subllctlol]. (II ahlll be prIJc;rl~ ~)' ~ <br />IIItrallry. Suchn.llcl ,hiM be' vllld n.twlthmndll\ll "lny I . <br />other provision of law IlIg.rdlng the form or conllnl of a <br />noUce of lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice 01 lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is filBd with respect <br />to: <br />1. Securltll!5 <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />3. Pe...nal plllperty purchand It retail <br />~. Personal property PUrchlsed in cuual sale <br />5. Perlonal property subjected 10 PODllIOry lien <br />6. Real property to and JpeclallllUlment liens <br />7. ResIdential property subject to a mechanlc's <br />lien for certain repairs and Improvements <br />B. At1orney', liens <br />9. Certain Insurance contracts <br />10 Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ig) Rellllng 01 Notice. - For, .1 Ihl. <br />section. <br /> <br />111 General Rule, - Unless notlca .1 lion I, "tII.d In <br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during Ihe required <br />reflllng period; such notice of lien shall,betreated al fllld on tile <br />date orrwhlch It Is flied (In accordance with subsecllon {Olatter <br />the expiration of such reflllng perIod. <br /> <br />121 Place For Filing. - A notlca .1 lion r.III,d <br />during the rllQuil1!ld rt!Iflllng period shall bf IffICllvAOnJy. <br />lAllI, <br />(i) such notice of lien Is rallled In the office in which the <br />prior notice of lien was flied, and <br />WI In the case of real property. Ihe facl of refillng is <br />entered and Illcoroed in an index 10 the extent reQulllld by <br />subsection (I) (4). and <br />(BI In any case In which, 90 days or more prIor to the dale <br />of a rellling 01 noUee of lien under subparagraph (A), the <br /> <br />1IIt"lIry racalvacl' wrilltn Informlll.n On thl rnannor <br />pracrlbld In lIflulalllll1l InUlll by Iha Sacralary) <br />cuncamlng I cI1ll1l1.ln \IlIlIllpaylf. mldlllCl, III nail.. <br />01 lucI1l1ln IIlla. filaclln.....rdanca with IU_ (ij In <br />lha lllallln which IUch 11II.lftCIlIlllCItad. <br /> <br />(3) Requlrtd RIlllngPtrIacL - In Iha em <br />.llny n.ll.. oIl1an, U"1Irm "raqulracl raIllll1ll porlocl" IIIIIIII 0 <br />(A) lhl olll-yur ptriocl andll1ll30 .aya llIar IhIlllplrall.n <br />.f e yel.. Illtr lh. '"11 0I1ha WIIImlnt oIlh1l1ll. and <br />(BI th. .na-Ylarptriocl.ndIng wI1l1111...plrallon .,eYla" <br /> cl... 01 Ih. pracadlng RlIIulred reflllng lllri"" for <br />. 1uch notlc. at IIln, '.' ~ i <br /> <br />Sec. 6325~ Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(al R...... Of LItIL - Subjact ID sucl1 <br />lIflulall.", U tho Sacmary may prncrlbo. \Ill Sacratary .hall <br />IIIUII certificate of nllul of any IlIn Imposed with rnpect to <br />any Intimal nv.nul tax nolll. Itw1 aJ dlys afllr!he dlY on <br />whlcl1- <br />(I) L1lblllty Sltl51l.d .r Unanf.r..lble . Tho s.cretary <br />Ilnd.thltlh.llablllty 1.r 1111 Im.unt _.d, I.goth.. with all <br />Inll"l1 In ...poet thlr1Df. hu bean lully alUIII.d .r hu <br />'-come legally unenforceab": Dr <br />(2) B.nd Accaplld - Th." I.lumlshldIII Iha Sacrotary Ind <br />Iccoplld by him a b.nd that I. condlll.nod upon lho paym.nt.f <br />thl Imount Dlllled, togethlr with III Interat In reIpICt <br />tho...,. within th, 11m. p".crlbacl by law (Including Iny <br />extension of such time), and thalllln accordance with such <br />requirements relating to terms, condhions, and form 01 the bond <br />and sureties thereon, 15 may be specified by such ngulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />,I~) DiIcIoau". 01 Certain Retum. and <br />. Return Inlormlllon For Tu Admlnl.lrltlon <br />Purpoua. - <br /> <br />(21 DIsclosure ofamounl 01 outslanding lien..1f a nollclI of <br />lien hi! blllln fIIlt! pU'Buanll0 sectIon 63231'1, the amDunt D1 the <br />outstanding obligation secured by 5uch lien may be disclOSed to <br />any person who furnishes satisfactory wrlhen evidence that he <br />has a righlln the property subject 10 such llBn or inlends to <br />oblaln a righlln such propeny <br /> <br />~ <br />