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<br />o <br />'. I , .'. . ~~ a <br />. c.J ~Ltl)-.! <br />~~~'1 <br />-~.r\~ <br /> <br />~' \. <br />?-.. . , <br />~' <br />~' <br />, ' Ilf\ <br /> <br />..~ <br />* <br />\y,\:, \ <br />\,~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /><:\ <br />iJ <br /> <br />Excerpl. From Inlemal Revenue Coda <br /> <br /> <br />n <br />a; <br />.. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />::D <br />.z <br />! <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />II any penon liable 10 pay any talC neglects Dr reluses 10 <br />ply the aame after demand, the amount (Including any int.r. <br />lit, addiUonl1 amount, addlUon to Ill. Of .assessable penalty, <br />togelher with any COlts thai may accrue In addltlon thereto) <br />shill be a lien In favor of thl United Stalu upon all property <br />and rights 10 property, whether real or personal, belonging <br />to luch person, <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Df Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anolbal'\...datl It ipetlfltally Ilxed by law, the lltn <br />Imposed by se9.l1Dll 63a1Ihll' "islll Ihe Ume Ihll.lllllllftltnl <br />Is made and I5hBI/\ contrnue llntll the liability lor Ihe amount so <br />IlIlSSed lor a Judgment agamst Ihe lalpay.r arising Dul 01 <br />such liability) is saUshed Of becomes unenforceable by reason <br />01 lapse of lime. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(al'., Holdell 01 Security In- <br />ler...., Mechanic'. L1enoll, And Judgmenl <br />Lien Cracllloll. - Th. lion imposod by ..cllon t\321.hall <br />nol be valid as agaInst any purchaser, holder at a security <br />Inlerl.t. mllchanlc's lienor, or Judgment lien credl10r UtltH nOllctl <br />Ihereor which maels Ihe requIrements 01 subsechon (f) has <br />bellO ftted by the SecrlltBry <br /> <br />(f) Place For Filing Nollce; Form.- <br />(1) Place For FilmlJ . The nollee rl!lemd 10 In sub. <br />seeUon la) shall be filed. <br />(A) Under Stall! Laws <br />(I) Real Propllr1y. In !he ca5e of real property, In one <br />olflca within Ihe Slateler thll county, Of olhllf govllrnme"lIl <br />5ulWlliilskJtll. as:dl!lgnaled by the laws 01 suth Slatll, In <br />whIch Ihe proper1y subjecllo Ihe lion I' 'IIualed. and <br />(II) Personal Property In The case 01 personal <br />property, whethl!r IlInOlble or tnlanQlble, tn one otllce <br />within the Stale (or Ihe counly, 0/ Olhe/ lJo'Jllrnmenlal <br />subdiVIsIon!. as desu;l.lilled by lhe laws 01 such Stale. <br />in WhiCh the DroperTy sublllet 10 the tlen 15 situated. <br />or <br />(5) With Clerk 01 DISlTlCt Coun . In the allies allho clerk 01 <br />the Unlled Stales dlSlllct courl for Ihll Juclclalllislnct In which <br />the property subjecllo lien rs situated. wh=never Ihe Stale nas <br />not by lawdeslQnated one ofllce which meels the fllQulrcmenlsol <br />subparagraph lA). or <br />(C) WIlh Recorder 01 Oeecls 01 The DIstnCI 01 Columblil . In <br />the o"lce of Ihe Recorder 01 Deeds 01 the District 01 Columbia. If <br />Toe property 5~IDiecI 10 'f1~ IIl!n ,,~I'ua'ed 11'1 '~~ rhslf cl 01 <br />CofiJlllbl,il'J <br /> <br /> ~",erecl i!lS Document No. C/. <br /> :!l \D"7 <br /> I 88-1 Cl Ll 2 8 -, <br /> g: <br /> Ii' Grantor .6 <br /> Z <br /> 0 Grafllie X' <br /> - Numerlt:al N /"f Z <br /> " , n' ST:\ i i: I ;- iH-~J:~t;SKA) gc ( ~ <br /> ~ cell ~ I l'i C F I! I~, L L ) v C <br /> ::II <br /> 0 I <br /> - ;I <br />- -I I <br />... 88 AUG 5 rlM 10 05 <br /> I>> <br /> >C <br /> .- (;": .{"...1 <br /> i' ..C . '". :t._ , '-'"-rf-/ <br />!!l. r:; <br />I ;:, Q 1:- .":~ (\::- nFFn<; <br /> 'f_ <br />f <br />ii !2. <br /> <br />(2) Sltuo Of Proparty Subj,,1 To Lion. For purpo," 01 <br />paragraph'll) and (~). proparty .hlll be d"mlll 10 be.ItUltld. <br />(AI Rill Property. In thl cale of rill proper!)'. at III <br />physlc.llacallon; or <br />(8) Perianal ProPflny . In Ihl CIA of plROn11 proplrty. <br />whether tanglbl. or lnt.anglble, It the resld.nct of the <br />lupay" at 1M 1Iml Iha notl" olllln I. f111ll. <br />For purpo... 01 paragrlph (2) {B), !hI r"ldon" of I eorporatlor. <br />or pannorshlp .hall be d"mlll 10 be !h. pia.. al which tho <br />principal executive office of the bullnesl II 1000tld. and the <br />rlllldence ot I t.lllpayer wholl rllldencels without the Unltld <br />Stlln ,hili btt deemed to be In the Dlltrlct 01 Columbia. <br />r (3) FOfm ' Th' lorm I al1<l a! "" noli.. <br />re'erlld 10 In tubs.cllDn tal shall !HI pI ,scribed _ by the <br />9tcrltlry, Such '"ertlee Ihaft be valid notwllhltarldtng any <br />0I1\er., provlllon or l.w-r40.rd1no.: Ih. lorm or con1t" If . , <br />notlctol JJen. <br /> <br />Nole: SBe section 6323(b) for protection for <br />cBrtaln interBsts eVBn though notlcB 01 IIBn <br />imposBd by sBction 6321 is flied with respecl <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securlllell <br />2 Molor vehicles <br />3. Personal property purchased It retail <br />... Personal property purchased In clsualslle <br />5 Personal proptr1y subjected 10 palllllSOry lien <br />6. Real propeny tax and speclallllllSlmenl tlens <br />7 Aesldenllal property subJKt 10 a mechanic's <br />tlen ror ceruln repairs andlmpro'lemlnts <br />B Allorney's liens <br />9 Certain Insurance contracts <br />10 Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ii) Rellllng 01 Nollce. - For pUr~os" 01 Ihl. <br />seclion. <br /> <br />II) Gen.ral Rule. - Unl... nollea of lIan i. ,,1110<1 In <br />lhe manner prescribed In paragraph (2) during the required <br />r.fillng p.rlod, such notlCtl of lie" sball bllreat.d as flied on tht . <br />date orrwhlch ilia flied (In accordance wllh subsection (0) !If1er <br />Ihe expiration of such reflllng: period. <br /> <br />121 Place For Filing. - A no"eo of lion ,alll.d <br />dUring the rl!QUlred refilino periost shall bf effective only. <br />IAi II, <br />II) such notice 01 lien is reW.d m the oUICtl in whIch the <br />prior notice 01 lien was filed, and <br />(H) to Ihe case 01 real property, the tact of reflling i:S <br />entered and recorded in an Index to the edent required b'y <br />subsection (I) ("), and <br />(BI In any case In which, 90 days or more prior 10 the date <br />of a refi!lng of nollce 01 lien under subparagraph (AI. the <br /> <br />Sacratlry ....Iylll wrlttln Information (In Ihl mlMll' <br />pra..rlbed In ragullllona Illuad by tho Sterallry) <br />concamlng a cha.ngtln tblluPIY'r'1 mldlnce. II I notice <br />ot.ueh tlln Ilal.o W,d In lCeordl/lClwlth .ubemlon (Q In <br />thI Stat. In which IUch nsldlnClIs lor:ulld. <br /> <br />(3) Requlrtd RaIlIng Period. - In lht CUI <br />01 any notl.. 01 lion, tho t"m -raqulrad "filing partod" maan. . <br />(A) tha parlod Indlng 30 daya Ina' !ha Ixplration <br />01 6 Yllrs aft.r the d.te of the 'Hlllment at the tu, Ind <br />(B) the an"Yllr period ending with IheexpJrltlon ate Yllrs <br />l11er the ciOlfi of the precedIng required (lflllng period far <br />such noUet allitn, I <br /> <br />Se.c. 6325:' RelEia,se O~' ti~n Or <br /> <br />." I nfsCl'large Of P~operty. <br /> <br />(I) R..... 01 LItn. - Subjact to luch <br />ragulation. II thl Stcratary mlY pra..,lbe. lht Stera1lry Ihllt <br />IlIu, a certlflcal' 01 rel'Ge of any lI.n Impaltd with rasptCt to <br />any Inlemal flv.nUlIu nolllter thin 30 dap.ft.r IhI day an <br />which. <br />(1) LIability Sallsfled or lInInforcllbl. . lbl Secrlt.ary <br />flnda that Ih.llablllty lor Ih, amounl Illllllll, loglth" .lth III <br />lnlerllt In respect 1hereol, h.. blln fully ..lIllled or ha. <br />become legally unenforceable; or <br />(2) Bond Acc.pllll. Th"al. fuml.hllllo Iha Sacrallry and <br />accepled by him I bond that Is conditioned upon the paymlnt or <br />the amounl iSIISSed. logether wllh III Interlll In rupltt <br />thereof, within thl time prescribed by II. {Including Iny <br />exl.nslon of such lim.~, and thalli In accordance with IUch <br />requlremenls relltlng to terms, conditions, and lorm 01 the bond <br />and surtlUes thertlon, as may be specified by suctt rtgulatlons, <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />(k) bllciOlu", 01 Certain Ratum. and <br />R~Iurillnl~rmallon For Tu Admlnl.lrallon <br />Purpose.. - <br /> <br />(21 Disclosure of amount of outslandlng lien. .If a notice ot <br />lien has been llIed pursuant 10 secllon 6323lfl.lhe amount or Ih. <br />outstanding: obligation secured by SUCl1l1en may be diselOHd to <br />any person who 1urnishes satlslaclory written evldencelhal he <br />has a right in Ihe property subject 10 such lien Dr intends to <br />obtain a right In such pn:;perty. <br /> <br />I',' <br />