<br />88-104253
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<br />The loregolng 0
<br />19~,bY
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<br />- IIJARY-5IaIt of ....
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<br />My commission expires:
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<br />The undersigned, , hereby certlly and aCknowledge that, before signing and executing the
<br />below Deed 01 Trus~ they did read and sign this Written Acknowledgment and, by virtue hereol, the undersigned understand, and understood
<br />before signing said Deed 01 Trus~ that said Deed 01 Trust Is 'a Trust Deed and not a mortgage and that the power 01 sale provided in said Deed
<br />01 Trust provides substanllally different rights and obligations to the undersigned than a mortgage In the event 01 a delault or breach 01 obliga-
<br />tion under the said Trust Deed, Including, but not limited to, the Beneticiary's right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee without any judicial
<br />proceeding or loreclosure. The undersigned represent and warrant that this Written Acknowledgment was executed by them bel ore the execution
<br />ot the Trust Deed Thl~ Written Acknowledgment Is appended as a prelece to and made a part of the below Deed of Trust
<br />
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<br />
<br />dt~p<,~-5( ~d~)RUSTOR
<br />Eli eth L. Baxter
<br />
<br />L~r ,"U~OO
<br />
<br />, TRUSTOR
<br />
<br />, TRUSTOR
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this 22nd dl!Y of July ,A.D. 1988
<br />Elizabeth L. Baxter and Thomas Baxter, aka Tom Baxter, wife and husband
<br />
<br />, by and between
<br />
<br />01 the County 01
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />and State 01 Ne b r aska hereinafter called "Trustor" and_
<br />
<br />01 g L.d. L",,, County, Nebraska, hereinafter called "Trustee", and
<br />Assurance Societv of The UniteQ.a New York Corporation, having its principal
<br />787 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York
<br />
<br />D'1~""O !J.
<br />
<br />R,....n Q
<br />
<br />Thp Rw,itahle Life
<br />
<br />office and post office address at
<br />hereinafter called "Beneficiary";
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, that the Trustor, lor good and valuable conslderatlon, including the debt and trust hereinafter mentioned and created. and the
<br />sum alone dollar to him paid by the said Trustee, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby aCknowledged, does by these presents, irre\locably
<br />gran~ bargain and sel~ convey, assign and confirm unto the said Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. lor the benefit and security of Bene-
<br />Ilclary, under and subject to the terms and condition 01 the Deed 01 Trus~ the lollowlng described real property situated In Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, to-wit
<br />
<br />The Northwest Quarter (NW/4) and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter
<br />(W/2 NE/4) of Section 2i, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West
<br />of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />240
<br />containing acres, more or less,
<br />
<br />TOGETHER wllh and Including alt and singular the tenaments, hereditaments, appurtenancas and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise
<br />appertaining. whether now or hereafter acquired, which ahall Include, without limiting the ganerallty of the 'oregolng, the follOWing:
<br />
<br />All of the rents, Issues and prollts, Including all rents, royalties, bonuses, and benellts under any existing or luture oil, gas or mineral or
<br />other lea88s; all easements and rights of way; all rights 01 homestead and homestead exemption and any surviving spouse's marlIer or diS-
<br />tributive share, and all other conllngent rights In and to said premises; all water, water rights, whether riparian, appropriate or other wise
<br />and whether or not appurtenant, all ditch rights, and any shares 01 stock evidencing any such water or ditch right; and
<br />
<br />Allflxlures, Improvements, buildings, and the plumbing, heating, ventilating anllllghtlng systems and equipment therein; all barn eqUipment
<br />. and all pumps, pumping stations, motors, engines, machlnary, raservolrs, pipes, flumes, lences, and other machinery or equipment, excepl
<br />tractors, used for the production of waler on said premises or lor the irrlgallon or drainage thereof, all of which shall be construed and
<br />considered as affixed to and part of the real estate,
<br />
<br />All of the loregolng aBtete, property and Interest hareby conveyed to the said Trustue IS horelnaller collectively relerrl!d to as the "Proporty"
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto tha said Trustee, his successors and assigns, lorevor, IN TRUST HOWEVER, and WITH POWER OF
<br />SALE hereby expressly granted unto tha sold Trusteo, his successors, and assigns for the purpose 01 socuring
<br />