<br />
<br />
<br />Borrowers (Trustors) undentand IhltthedDCumen11hal1ne Borrower. Ire about ~o tI)ljocute ie. Deed of Trust aoO nol B mortgBgt and that tne powerot Hie provided
<br />for in lhe Deed of '{rull provides lubatantlally different rights and obllgltlonl to the Borrowers than 8 mortgage in the event of B default or breach of obligation under the
<br />Dead 01 TrUll. Including, but noll/mlted to, the Llnder'l right 10 hove the Reol Property lold by the Trultee without eny judicial proceeding or toreclolure, Borrowell
<br />represent and warrant I~.t this acknowledgemeni was executed by them belore the execution 0' the Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />88-104241
<br />
<br />
<br />-<<!-
<br />
<br />
<br />COMPLETE th.. pcKlton ONLY IIIIHI .... property deocn_ c.......l. ollNDIVIDUAll Y OWNED AGRICUl TURAllAND,
<br />1I0ppl_. com...... ONLY ONE elllHlr A, 8. or C:
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowltidge that they are about to execute the follOWing Deed of Trust upon the real estale described therein. The Borrow~r(s). and each o~ u:,em if
<br />more than one. do hereby disclaim their right to designate II homestead pursuant thereto No pari of the homestead .0' either 0' the Borrower(s) IS presently or will In the
<br />future be situaled upon said real estate. The Borrower(llI) understand that if either establishes a homestead on any part of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and I lien upon Slid real estate, there shall be no nght to make a deSIgnation 01 homestead 10 the event 01 a foreclosure or trustee.s sale with respect to
<br />said Dead 01 Trult
<br />The Borrowerts] acknowledge that they are about to execute the follOWing Deed at Trust upon Ihe real estate deSCribed therem The Borrower($). and each oflhem If
<br />more than one, do hereby waive their right 10 designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower(s) understand Ihatlhey have the right to make a designation of
<br />homestead and that by eX8CuUng this waiver, they are walvmg rights otherWIse avaIlable tor the purpose of affording them the opportumty to relaln their homestead in the
<br />event 01 a delault upon the Deed of TrUll.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Sechon 76-1901 et seq Revised Statutes of the Slate at Nebraska), the Borrower(s~, do hereby designate the real
<br />property descrit::oed in the .'Designation of Homestead" aUached hereto and Incorporated herem by thIS reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST," made a. 011 he 1s1 DO' o. August '9.BB bV and among 'he Trustor Rirk'c;: I awn
<br />Care. Inc. ___n.. wnose ma'hng addre.s os E....O.. Box 777. Grand 1!;land. NE
<br />68802-0777 n__ _ (here'n "Borrowe') Ihe Trus1ee Wi lliarn c::;. B..lackb!J!:OL ~_II1~I:II!1.~r..91 the N E State Bar Assoc..
<br />whose m.ihngaddres>.S _~Jl..._B_~~:t~!l.._ <;irancLlsland. NE 6B~0_~:-.~2~0._._______fhereon "T",slee-l.
<br />ondtheBenehc,ary. Five Points~an~_ ____u____~
<br />whose mo,hng oddre.1 '. .P~hBox_J..5.0.1~_.C;;xil..nd J.slan~L. NJ; 6Jlllj):!!:J507.___ ___~ fhereon -lendeq
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, mcludlng the Indebtedness IdentIfIed herem and trust hereIn crealed the recelpl of whIch IS ,..ereby aCknowledeed, Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants, trllnsters. conveys and assigns 10 Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF SA.LE for the benefit and security of Lender, under and Subject to the
<br />terms Ind conditions hereinafter set forth, the real property deSCribed a5 follows
<br />
<br />Lot Three (3). Theasmeyer-Neubert Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Together WIth all bUildings. Improvements. f"etuTes, slteets. alleVs, passageways. t'asements rlghlS priVIleges and appurtenances located Ihereon or In anYWIse
<br />pertlining thereto. and the rents. Issues and pro1115 reverSions and remainders thereol inCluding, but not limited to heatmg and cooling eQuipment and such personal
<br />propertvthlt i.anlched to,lte improvements so 8S 10 constitute a fIxture. and together With the homestead or rnarllallnlere~ts. II any, which Inlerestsare hereby released
<br />and waived; all 01 which. including replace men Is ond additions thereto. IS hereby declared to be 8 part of the real estate secured by the hen of thiS Doed 01 TruSl and all 01 the
<br />1oregolnl) being rsterred to herein as the .'properly'
<br />
<br />Tht. Deed of Trult ;hall secure (allhe paymenl at the prinCipal sum and Interest eVidenced by Borrowers n01e and '0' credll agreement date-d ____
<br />
<br />August 1$. 1988 ,hovong a mot urn V date 01 August 15,2003 ,n tne orlg,n8' prinCipal amount D' 5 54.000.00 anD any and all
<br />
<br />modifications. ellenllon.and renewal!) tnereof or thereto and any and allluture advances and reerdvanccs hereunOer pursuanlto one or more promiSSory notes or credl1
<br />Ig;-eementl (hereincafled "tllotfl"), (bllhe payment 01 other sums advonced by Lender 10 protect the securl1y ot the Note fc l1f1e performance all covenants and agreement
<br />of Borrower H. forth herein; and (dl all Indebtedness and obllgationl!l of Borrower 10 Lender whether dIrect IndIrect, absolute or contlngen1 Bnd whether ansmg by note
<br />guar.ntv, overdr." or otherwise
<br />
<br />Borrower, to orotect the security at Ihls Deed of Trust. cove-nants and agrees With Lender as 'ollow~
<br />
<br />, ...,....,.1 of Princt....nd.n..,...t. Borrower.hall promptly pay when due the prmclpal 0' Bnd Inleresl on, Bno Bny lees Dr charges prOVIded In.(heNDleor In thIS
<br />Deed of TrUll
<br />
<br />2 TIlle. Borrower Is1heownerofthe Proper1v, ha. the right and authority 'I) convey the Property I!Ind WBrronlalhat 1he lien crea1ed hereby IS a first Bnd prtor IIpn on
<br />the Propeny, except _. may otherwise be le!forth herein. and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trus1 doe!i nof Violate any contract or other obligation to whlct'!
<br />BorrDWtlr II lub}ect
<br />
<br />3 T....t ~... To pay when due I" 'axen. speclallBseasmentl and III othor chsrgel8gllnst 1he Property and. upon written demand by ll"nl1ef 10 pay lo
<br />Lenaer such amount 8. may be Iufflclent '0 enable the Lendol to ply such 1lues, 1I!110nmentB or other chllrg(ls as they become due
<br />
<br />'. t~. To keep the Prcpt!lrty Insured ag!lIInst damllgo by fire, hszsrd8 included within the term "extended COlle-rage" Bnd such olhet hDlartJs 8!; lfmdpf mA\
<br />reQuire, In ImDunt. and with companiea.cceptable to londer, and with 1011 psy...ble 10 tha lender In caae of logs undel such poltcles the lendel 15 Bulho,.~,pD to Bd,US'
<br />collect .ndeompromlae, allclalms1hereunder and Bhall hnvo the option of applYlnQ III Of pbrt of Ih" ,nsuranco procl"l"da (1110 any Indebtedness seocured hp,(>b" and ,n s'.lc'"
<br />Drder A' Lender may doterM'llne, (Ill 10 the 9orrowor to be uged lor the lopalr or '19I1IO'lIllon of Ihe ProDerty or (III) lor any o1h(>! purpose {"Of obfE'et 5Ah!o~f1clor\ to It-ndr'
<br />"'Ithout Ift.cUng the lien ot thiS Deed ot Trust tor Ihe full amOLJnt !I(lcurod hrHnby bf!llo'19 luch poymE"nl PV9f look plac(I An.,. ItPpllcntlon ('If proe-pods 10 Ind(>tltf'dnf'S~ 5"llltl
<br />not oatond or pCJlIDOne thll: due dale of anv payment. under Ihe Nole 01 tun' any dldaull thprnund"f or hereunrfrr
<br />
<br />6 Melfttrlenc. R~I... CiM Compll8nc. with L..., Borrowo, Iholl keep th~ Ploperl\, In good conOl11on and 't-PRII sh;sll rnomU1l" tpt'ln" ", ,ppIJt\r- nll\
<br />Improyem&nf WhlCtl mAY' tw (!!IIm8ged 0' de8trDyod chilli not com mil 01 p..lfnllRny WAllfn or tJplPrl(lIA!ltm of th.. Prut"l.'d'l- Sh,.1I "01 't"'I""'.'\'" rtrmnlo.-,h (II 'l.ut--~'i1nll/'tII\ nt1rr
<br />Iny olthe fmprOvem4!'nll on lilt) Property, shall not commit .uffer or pO'l"1l1l1nv net to he dr>nf> In or upon thl" Propl'fl't 't' ViOlAtion pI It... \ lil\l\ "'11''11\1''', f"- ," ''''QuInt'..", an"
<br />,h." p.r DOl" promptly dllcharge al Borrower'. COBlllnd PKpltnle ell hftn. Dncumbr,,"cea anr:l rhnrgrfllt-vled ImpollPct (1' A!Io&(luC"d I1Qn"'~llh.. I'" '1,,'1 I \ ," An\' pAIl 'hl""I'!
<br />