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<br />88- 104217
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<br />Borrowers (Trustors) underatand thltthedocument that the Borrowera afB about toexecu.e Isa Deed of Trust and nota mortgage and that the power of sale provided
<br />lor in Ihe Deed 01 Tru.t provid.. .ub....ntially dlllerenl right. end obligation. to the Borrow.rs Ihan a mortgag.ln Ih. e..nl of a d.lault or breach of obligation und.r the
<br />Deed of Tru.t. including, bUI nOlllmited 10. thel.nder'. rlghllo heve the R.al Property .old by Ih. Tru.I" withoul any judlcl.' proc.eding or roreclo.ure. Borrowars
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />-'OO_'"._._"'~'_OO~'"-~-HJii~~~~{
<br />
<br />V Borrp",er
<br />(Martha F. Martin, Wife)
<br />
<br />COMJIlIETE Ihl. porllon ONLY" 1M rwalpraperty c1eocrl_ call1l... allNDIVIDUAll Y OWNED AGAICUl TURAllAND.
<br />II appllcallle. cDlllp!ele ONLY ONE efther A. B. or C:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s. acknowledge that they .re about to aieculs the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s). and each of them if
<br />morelhen one,do hereby dl.clalm th.ir righl to d..lgnat. a hom.....d purou.ntlher.lo. No pari 01 the hom..I.ad of .ith.r of th. Borrow.r{a) i. pr....nlly or will in Ihe
<br />rutur.be SitU811tc:1 upon said real estate. The Borrowerll) understand that If either establishes 8 homestead on any part of said real estlltedurlng Ihe lime the Deed of Trult
<br />remain. unsatisfied and a lien upon said real estate. there shall be no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of a foreclosure ortrul!ltee'. sale with respect to
<br />oaid Deed 01 Tru.'
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge thallhey are about to execute the follOWing Deed 01 Trust upon the real e51ale described therein. The Borrower(st. and each ofthem if
<br />more than one. do hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant Ihereto The Borrower(s) understand that they have the right to mike a designation of
<br />homeltead and Ih_t by executing this waiver. they are waiving rights otherwise available for the purpose of affording Ihem the opportunity 10 relsin their homestead in the
<br />avant 0' a default upon 'he Deed 01 Tru'l.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (SectIon 76~t90t at seq Revuled Statutes 01 the State of Nebraska), the Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />property described in the "DesIgnation at Homestead.' attached hereto and Incorporated herein by thiS reference
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />BOfTower
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. os made as of the ).J.td&Y of ~J,IgJ.!J;J.~__ ~_ 19~ by and among 'he Trustor. Robert E. Martin
<br />and Martha F. Martin, Husl?~nc!_/ii_~ifeA~~~.Jointw1,'~~~a~~s~,s _laDS WP"t T.nll;""', Gr"nr'l T"],,nr'l,
<br />HE 68803 Iher.m'Bonower"lthe Trustee Wil,l!~ G. Bl.acKl:l.urn, 1\Membe_r~f the NE State Bar Assn.
<br />whoHma'ling.ddress,s ~'?_!.~~~Box.~2280,~ Grand ISland, NE 68802-2280 ~n _~._n_ (herem"Trus.ee").
<br />and theBeneflc18ry. FIVE POINTS BANK~~___. .___ _~ _n__________._
<br />""0141 mailing addre.. " __e...o~--BQ~cJ..5.Q.1._. .GJ:.aml :r;.s.l<md.. _N~E;~ Ei~6.01~_:1_2Q1._
<br />
<br />(harein "lender-t
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSICERA liON. including, the IOdebledness Identified herein and I'ust he'e," crealed the receipt of whIch is hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby Irrevocably grants. transler5 conveys and a5~ugn5 to Trustee IN TRUST WITH POWER OF GALE. tor 1he benefll and security 01 Lender, under and sublect to lhe
<br />lerms .nd condlltonl herelnaller sel forlh. Ihe real p,operty deSCribed as tollows
<br />
<br />Riverdale Hamlet Condo Prop. Regime 0-1, Hall County, NE
<br />
<br />Togetr..r With all bUlldmgl. lmprovemenll. 'lJ!tures. streols alley' PIss..geways. easements. rlghls pnvtlcg8S and appurtenances located 'hereon or In An'fW'5e
<br />p&tftajnu,,, IM'''O. and the rentl. 'SlUM and protltl. reverSions Ind remainders Ihereo' including. but not limited 10. heating and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />properl" ,,... il attacMc! 10 IP'letmpfov.menl', 10 al to con5tltule "l.'ure. and togelher With the homeslead or mllrltallnleresls. I' any. which Interests are hereby rele.s~
<br />and ..ived; aI' of whteh. Il\Clud."O ,eplacements.and addltlonalherltlo IS hereby declared to be B part 01 the re81 eslato secured by the lien 01 Ihls Deed 01 Trust and all 01 the
<br />f~ betng rl'fe"ed 10 herem IS lhe -property'
<br />
<br />ThiS Deed 0' TruSI shall SKur. ta'1he paymenl of the punClpal sum IInd Inturest eVIdenced by BOffo'#l81 5 nole and' 01 credit agreement dated
<br />
<br />A. J 1 lee h_vlng. malurlt" dlle 01 A /' /913 ____ __ If' the orlOlnal pnnclpal amounl of S _2.5..-0ao...OO _ and Bny IInd alt
<br />fI1OCkhC"tOnl. ..tenllons .nd rene"'lll th.rltOf or tflttreto an(J an)' Iml IUtUtUfO advance IS and rClldvlnee! hefeundor pursuanllO anl! or more promissory noles or Credit
<br />....,.,..,... C~eJn c.11ed -NOlt"l. (bl lh. payment ot other luml.dv_nc~ by Lender to protoct the socuflly of Ihe Nore (Cllhe perlorm.ncl!.U covenllnll!1.nd agreement
<br />or Botrowet' Nt forth her9in, and fdJ III Indebtednell "nd obhgaTlons or Bouowrer 10 Lende, whtt'her duec' mdlrect absolule or contingent and .helner :Jflslng by note.
<br />lJUlIIant~. overdr.ft Of otherwlH
<br />
<br />Borrgtqr, to protecl lhe' MCurlty or thf' Deed 01 T tull. covenanll and agrees ....Ith lende, lit. lollow~
<br />
<br />I .........oI~ .............. Borrower sn.1I promptly ply whl!ln due the punClpA' or and Inlerut on Bnd lIn.,. feelS or eharoe' prOvided In. the Note or 1" thiS
<br />Deed ol T'II9'
<br />
<br />2 T". Borrower '1 the ow-ner of lhe Property, hlllherighl Ind lulhOrtty 10 tonvey the Property .nd wDrrlnltr.lhst the hen crealed hereby ISII hr.t Bnd prtor lien on
<br />I"" P,operl)'. ..e.t:tI-, mar OtlWrwl" be Ht1 'Ofth he,eln. and the execution and delivery of Ihll DHd ot flU" d~. nol vlols'e Any contract or oln., obllgallon 10 which
<br />llarr....r II aubjacI
<br />
<br />3 ,............tlo...dC.. To Ply *hen due Alii...... I~'al "HI,menl. and III oth., charge' 101,"&1 the Propeofty and upon wrlll,m doml!nd by lendor to pay '0
<br />l.~ tve:h.mount .. may btl luHlclent to enlbit! Ihe Llncler to pay Iuc;:h t.llll. aaMumenls 01 oltlC" charge. al they become tJui&
<br />
<br />.. ~. To ....p the Ptoperty jnlulK aC)llIMt damage by III. hlzaldl lncludetd wlltlln tho It!',m ..Iended coysrllge 8f1d such other haZA,dl&! l code' m"v
<br />~ff.. '" .mount. and .,th COft'lp,ln... acceptable to IAnd.r, and wllt, lOll P6v.blelo 'he Lf'O~del In elu 0110111 under aueh poliCies the l (lnder IS ftulhcm:od '0 ftdlU'"
<br />c~ .ndcomptt)"".... IUC.I.u".lh.'.tJnd,r and r.hafl hl.,.th. option at IpplYlng III or PI'" 0' Ihelnlurlnee pfOCrtMtt tlllo ftnV IOd.,btedn(l&' IfI'cur'P.d h~'''b\l And 11\ IIJeh
<br />~r It l.n(te, m.ydetlfmtnl. ft'. tothe BorrOWfJI' 10 be UNd to' Ih""'D'u 01 r&slollltlon of 1Pl!l P'Opetlr OI(lIq tOI Any 0lh81 pUlpose 0' oblf'ct "'A""t;lclmv 10 LflnOf'H
<br />..nhtJut .Uett;n; I". "en ot I"., o..ct at TIU1I1 101 th. 'ull .n'oun'S8cur"d hllll!by befortllut" paymenl ,,"Ylr 100' pl"c~ Anv 1l11phr.ahnn nl PluC'"pcf' 1(' 111th'hl"lIrm!l' tn"lI
<br />not ..Ie'nd Dr ~tPOM the dUll d.al. ot !In, p.Ymtln,. undel Iho "'01. 0' eule any d"'lull Ihtllllliund., or h""(lu"'(1,.,
<br />
<br />!t -...n............~..... C~ ... u... OOUO." ,h..1I kMp th. P'Op41fly In goon (.(H'I'.'II.~" ..,.,.... '{lPAH lIhl1l {1I0rnutl~ ,,,(,",, 10 '11l11M () .n.,
<br />,lftp,~P'i1 .".c" "'''}t be dlm..otd Of ~'ltOyed. 'hl:1 no' comml' 0' ~ttTul en." w..,t. or dtlttp'IOtI'lon 0' l"lI ~.In,''''''~ \' III not r~I1\O~" l1PI1l':III'~Il ," .,.t"tn"llftll., l!t1DI
<br />.'" Qf U\e' It!'\plO'Werntlntton t"- P,ope,rty 111,111 notcom.....n sut'er (Jf PfIrr,u'lnr tlf.llo t). dO". 1M 0' upon Ihl!' '~'nl'rlf', ." ,'lllillofHl \11 tan., 1~1IlI ,Hrl"'/\fll (I .-" '"IJ,Il,H..''' l'Ir'd
<br />I".II~, .lId s;.rQf'f'lpnrdtt.e.fta'04t.' 80trO*l1'. C-Ollll"lC'..pon...11 U.n, ""cu,."hl.nt.'."IJ (",aIOIl. I.,,,.,.d '~Il""~ft ,I' "",,,,".,,,t "U41.,..11~1(' "',Il""" ," ;\"\ l,-,,'llh"'I"ll
<br />