<br />
<br />88- 10419;i
<br />
<br />THAT WHEREAS, by reason of the payment of the indebtedness secured by (1) the Deed
<br />
<br />of Trust executed by William H. Baasch and Linda M. Baasch
<br />in favor of Flrs'llar Bank, National Association, Omaha, Nebraska, (hereinafter referred to as Flrs'llar
<br />Bank) as Trustee for the benefit of Flrs'llar Bank; the Beneficiary named therein,
<br />
<br />dated 11-4-86 . and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska. Mortgage Record BoolfoCUMENT #86 ~~~i~e , and (2) the Assignment of
<br />
<br />Leases and Rents. made by william H. Baasch and Linda M. Baasch
<br />. . DOCUMENT # 8fi 106483
<br />In favor of Flrs'llar Bank, In Mortgage Record Book at page , Flrsllar Bank,
<br />the Beneficiary. has requested in writing that this Deed of Reconveyance and Release of Assignment
<br />of Leases and Rents be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the
<br />Beneficiary, Flrs'llar Bank, as Trustee under the aforesaid Deed of Trust and as Assignee under
<br />the aforesaid Assignment of Leases and Rents, does by these presence. grant. remise, release,
<br />and reconvey to the person or persons entitled thereto all of the interest and estate derived to said
<br />Flrs'ller Bank as Trustee, Beneficiary, and Assignee by or through said Deed of Trust and Assignment
<br />of Leases and Rents in the following described premises:
<br />Lot Six (6) and the East Half of Lot Eight (8) Riverside Farm Subdivision of a part
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (SE~) of Section Twenty-Nine (29), in Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. excepting therefrom that part thereof
<br />conveyed to the County of Hall by Quit Claim Deed recorded in Book 81, at Page 257
<br />of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and excepting therefrom that part
<br />conveyed to Ronald L. Tangeman and Beverly J. Tangeman, husband & wife by Warranty
<br />Deed recorded in Book 150, page 651 of the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />together with all buildings, fixtures. Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Flrs'llar Bank and Flrs'llar Bank Trustee has caused these
<br />presence to be executed by its Vice President and its corporate seal
<br />affixed hereto this 15th day of July , 19 88
<br />
<br />Flrs'llar Bank, National Aaaoclatlon, FlrsTlar Bank, National A.~tatlon,
<br />~ebruka . /-:;/ Omaha, .~abr-:.~ ,., J
<br />
<br />~~ By
<br />
<br />Attest: Attest:
<br />
<br />This is to certify that the Flrs'llar Bank, Trustee, has been requested in writing to execute the
<br />foregoing Deed of Reconveyance and its action in doing so is ratified and confirmed in all respects.
<br />
<br />Flrs'llar Bank, National Aaaociatlon,
<br />Omaha, Nabraska
<br />
<br />By t!J:2 ~ Beneficiary
<br />
<br />Vice President
<br />
<br />
<br />HALL ) ss.
<br />COUNTY OF...... )
<br />
<br />On this \5 day of"3\) L..> , 19 ~ ,before me the undersi~ned. a Notary
<br />Public duly commissioned and qualified for said County per~nally ca~e ~.j~ ~) .
<br />~I~,~ d~ to me known to be a \, \cL }j'2S_f)~\, 1- of
<br />Flrsl1... Bank, as Trustee, and who acknowledged execution thereof to be his voluntary act and
<br />deed and!he voluntary ~\\~d deed .0' ':.'rsl1.r s.~tc~~.. ~~~
<br />My commission expires v ),19 ':::i.i...-2. ~~-~_~~\'
<br />. N Wy bile rr-:~--I
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 1... I~ till
<br />COUNTY OF )
<br />On this \ ,::; day 0' ..~ \. , L'Y , 19 ~\S before me the
<br />under~~, a Not~ Public duly commissioned and qu~lif.i,ad for ~id County p8fsonally
<br />cameL)u'-'-.Jl\..cl ') ..D!::"-<'~\. )';>-' , to me known to be a~( \::~ D} '.:>1 J"\ I ~-'-) \- of
<br />Flnm... llenk, and who aCknOWledged. execution thereof t!be his vol un. t8ry act and. deed and the
<br />voluntary act and deed ,~)!~~l1.r s.n~~ \ .', \ \. ~ _
<br />My Commission expires -' , 19 qe . i \. ,'\...,)_ j ) _l\L,
<br />C'~_""-.oo'", Notary Public r. IlNn ~" .....1
<br />u'o,"_.. L* .r':..~tn..
<br />