<br />) 88-104174
<br />
<br />State of Nebr..ka
<br />
<br />Mortgage
<br />
<br />fMA CaN No.
<br />321 1255693 203(b)
<br />
<br />nil MOItpp, made and executed this
<br />19 88, by and between Steven G.
<br />right, and as spouse of each
<br />of the County of Hall , and Stile of Nebraska, party of the first pan, hereinafter called
<br />theMor1pjjOI:, and The Equitable Building and Loan Assocition, 113-115 North Locust Street,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />a corporation orpnized and exlsllnJ under the laws of the S tat e 0 f Neb r as ka
<br />party of the MCOnd pan, hereinafter called the Mortaaaee,
<br />
<br />29th day of July
<br />Brill and Tamera K. Semanick Brill, each in his and her own
<br />other,
<br />
<br />~: 1bat the said Mortp&or, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Eight Thousand Six Hundred Fifty
<br />and no/ I 00 ____________________________________________~llars (S58, 650.00 ), paid by the Mon.
<br />lIP, the rapt of wblch iI bereby acknowledpd, bu Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Harpin, SeD, Convey
<br />and Confirm unto the Monppe, its IUc:caIOrl and llli&al, forever, the followinS-described real estate, situated In the Count;" 01
<br />Hall . and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), Block Four (4), in Ashton Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />of the Sixth PrIncipal Meridian, contalnlna in all
<br />
<br />aaa ICCOrdiq to Government lUrVey:
<br />
<br />To Raft ... To BIN the premilel above described, with all the appurtellaJla:ltbereunto belon&in& and includlna all hcatina,
<br />pJumblna and IlabtiDa fixtlU'el and equipmellt DOW or hereafter Iltad1ed to or \lied in connec:tion with said real awe unto the Mon-
<br />..... and to ItslUQC:CllOn and 1IIIipI, forever. 'The Mortp&or repraeulll to, and cov_ts' with, the MOfIIIpe, thal the Mon-
<br />PIOf bu aoocl r\ab1 to sell aDd convey said premilel; that they are free from enc:umbranc:e; and thal the Mortpp will warrant and
<br />dereod the IIIDI qaiDIt the lawful c:IaImI of all persona whomsoever; and the said Monaaaor hereby rdlnquiJba all riPu of
<br />bomatead. and all nwitaI rlibts, either in law or in equity, and all other contiqent Interestl of the MortaIIOI' in and to the above-
<br />dacrlbed premiIeI, the Intention belna to convey bereby an ablolute title, In fee Ilmple, includlnll all ri&bts of bomeItead, and other
<br />riahtJ and intereltlas aforesaid.
<br />
<br />......... AIwQI, and tbaie presents are exccuteC and delivered upon the foDowina conditiona, 10 wit:
<br />1be MOI1IIIOf qrceI to pay the Monppe, or order, the principal lum of Fi fty Eight Thousand Six Hundred
<br />Fifty and no/IOO -------------------------------------Dollan~ 58,650.00
<br />with Intaelt from dale II the rate of Ten per centum ( 10.0
<br />unpaid baIancll until paid. ~ said principal and interestlhall be payable at the office of The Equitable
<br />Loan Association, 113-115 North Locust Street,
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 ,oratlucbotherplaceasthebolderoftbcnOle
<br />may daipale in writina,ln monthly installments of Five Hundred Fourteen and 70/100 -------:.:;..------------
<br />----------------DoUan (S 514.70 ), commenc:inJ on tbe nnt day of Sl!ptember '
<br />19 88, and on the fust day of each month lhereafter until the principal and Interest are fuDy paid, except that the fmal paymenl of
<br />priDcipal and Interest, If not IOOner paid, Iha1I be due and payable on the firlt day of Augus t
<br />20 18 ; all na:ordina to the termI of . certain promluory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortp&or.
<br />
<br />).
<br />..) per annum on the
<br />Bui~ding and
<br />
<br />Thll form II uaed In conMCltlon with mortgagH Inlured under the OM' to four.f_lIy programs 01 the National Housing Aet which pro.
<br />vide lor perlodlc Mortgagllnaur_ ""mlum paymenta,
<br />Prevlcul Edltlona Are Obaolete H1JD.12t4* (*'" ElIt!on)
<br />Page 1 of 4 24 CFR 203.17(b)
<br />