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<br />88_104168 <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security In- <br />Strumenr, Borrower shall pay Ihe premiums required [() mainrain the insurance in effect unril such lime as a requiremenr for <br />the insurance terminates in accordance wilh Borrower's and Lender's wrinen agreement or applicable law. <br />8.lnspection. Lender or ils agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br />give Borrower nOlice at the time of or prior 10 an inspecrion specifying reasonable cause fm the inspeclion. <br />9, Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or wnsl'qm.ntial, in wnnection with any <br />wndemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of wndemnarion, are hereby assigned and <br />shall be paid lO Lender. <br />In the event of a lOlal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied III the sums secured by this Se<'UrilY <br />Instrument, whether or nOl then due, with any excess paid lo Borrower. In theeve'11 of a partial taking of the Property,unless <br />Borrower and Lender Olherwise agree in writing, the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument shall be reduced by the amounr <br />of the proceeds muhiplied by the fullowing fraclion: (a) the lOlal amount of Ihl' sums secured immediately before raking, <br />divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid lo Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aher nmice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor uffers lo make <br />an award or senle a claim for damages, Borrower fails [() respond to Lender within ,0 days after the date the nUlice is given, <br />Lender is authorized [(J collect and apply the proceeds. at its oplio[l, either to resturation or repair of the Properry or [() rhe <br />sums secured by this Securily InStrument, whether or not Ihen due. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree in writing, any applicauon of pnKeeds III principal shall nUl ex lend or <br />poslpone the due dale of the munthly paymenrs referred [(J in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such paymenrs. <br />10. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender NO! a Waiver. Extl'nslon 01 the time fur payment ur <br />modification of amorrization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted h)' I.l'nder lO any successor in interest of <br />Borrower shall nOl uperate to release the liability of Ihe original Burrower or Jllltrowl'r's SUlel'Ssors in interest. Lender shall <br />nOl be required [() cummence proceedings against any successur In interest or refuse roextend IlIlle for payment or urherwise <br />modify amortization of Ihe sums secured by this Security Inslrument by reason of any demand made by Ihe original Burrower <br />ur Borrower's successurs in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercislllg any right or rl'medy shall not be a waiveruf or <br />preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br />II. Successors and Assigns Boond; Joinr and Several Liability; Co-signers. The wvenal1ts and agreements of this <br />Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the su,'cessurs and assigns of Lender and Ilorrower, subject to the provisions of <br />paragraph 17. Borrower's cm'enants and agreements shall lx, joint and several Any Blltrower who co-signs this Security <br />Instrument but does not execute the Nme: (a I is co-signing this Securiry Instrument onl)' hlmOrlgage, grant and convey that <br />Borrower's interest in Ihe Property under the terms of this SecurilY Instrument, ,bios not personally obligated to pay Ihe <br />sums secured by th,S Security Instrument, and IC I agrees that Lender and ,Ill)' llthl'r lIor(llwl'r may agree [() extend, modify. <br />forbear or make any accummndaliuns with regard to the rerms ul rhis Sewrll)' Instrument or rhe Nute withuut that <br />Borrower's consent. <br />12. Loan Charges, If Ihe luan secured by this Security Instrument IS sub,en III a law which sets maximum luan <br />charges, and Ihat law is finally illlerpn.ted so rhat rhe itHerest or other loan charges wllened or to be wllecled in cunneaion <br />wilh the loan exceed Ihe per mil tl'd IImlls. then: I a) any such loan charge shall be re,luced b)' the amount necessary to reduce <br />the charge lU the permitted limll; and (bl an)' sums already wllened from BorrowN whICh t'xceeded permitled limits will be <br />refunded tu Burrower. Lender may choose to make this by rl.ducing the p"nupal owed under rhe Note or by making a <br />direct payment to Burruwer If a refund reduces princ;pal, the redunum WIll lx, rreatl.d as aparllal prepayment withuut any <br />prepaymelll charge under the NOI.... <br />13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights. If enanment or expiratiun of applllable laws has the effeer uf rendering <br />any provision uf the NUle ur rh,s Sewrlty Instrument unen'orceable acwrdin/: lU its terms. Lender, at its uptiun, may require <br />immediate paymelll in full of all sums secared by thiS Security Inslfument and mal' invoke any remedies permitled by <br />paragraph I 'J. If Lender exercises this upriun. Ll'nder shall take rhe steps speufied III the second paragraph uf paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any notice lU Burruwer prov,ded fur in thos Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering il or by <br />mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law r<'qulres use: uf anuthet method. The nurice shall be directe:d to the Properry <br />Address or any other address Borrower designates by nut ice to Lender. Any nmice III Lender shall be given by first class mail <br />to Lender's address stated herein or any Ulher address Lt'nder deSIgnates by nutice l<I Burrower. Any nut ice prO\'ided fur III <br />this Security I nstrument shall be deemed to have been given III Borrower or Lender when gIVen as provided in this paragraph. <br />IS, Governing Law; Severability. This Sc.....rity Instrument shall be govern<..J by federal law and the law uf the <br />jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event rhal any provisiun ur clause uf this Security Instrument ur rhe NUle <br />conflicts with applicable law, such cunflict shall not affecruther provisions uf this Securiry Instrument or the Nute whICh can <br />be given effect withuut the cunfliering provision. Tu this end the provlSiuns of this St."l'urity Insrrument and the Nore are <br />declared 10 be severable <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one cunforme:d cupy uf the Nute and uf thIS Sewnt)' Instruml.nt <br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interesl in Borrower. If all or any part of the Propt.rt)' or ,Ill)' <br />interest in it is sold ur transferred (or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrowt'r IS nur.. n,II\If..1 <br />penon) withuul Lender's priur written conselll, Lender may. ill its uptiun, r<'qulrt' immediate payrnelll III full of all sums <br />secured by Ihis Securily Inslrument. Huwever, this upliun shall nut bl' exerCIsed by Ll'nder 11 l'xercise os prolllblled b). federal <br />law as uf Ihe date uf Ihis Security Inslrumelll. <br />If knderexercises this oplion, Lender shall give Burruwer nut ice uf accelerauon. The nuuc<' shall proVIde a pt'w>d ut <br />nUl less than ~Odays from the date the nUlice is delivered ur mailed w,thlll which Burrower musl pay all sums secured b)' tillS <br />Security InStrUmelll. If Borrower fails [() pay these sums prior l<I the expIratIon of rhos pt'ril>d, Lender mal' Im'ok<- an)' <br />remedies ;>ermined by this Security InstrUn,elll withuut further nouce or dl'mand on Borruw!:r <br />18. Borrower's Righl to Reinslate, If Borrower met'" cenalll wnd,t"ms, Borrowt'r shall han' th,' "g11l tu h,n.,. <br />enfurcemelll of Ihis Securlly InSlfuml'nt discuntinued at any rltlle p"or to (he eill lie r uf (a) ~ day' lor ""h orher p..""od a' <br />applicable law may specify for rl'inslalt'mellll befufl' sale uf the Propeny pursuant tu a,,)' power ul ,a,,",untall,ed '" rh" S,. <br />curily Instrument, ot Ibl cnr', uf a Jud/lmt'lll enfnrung this St.'curity Instrumelll Thos<' wndlllu", iIIl' th.lIllmru",r'l 1,(1 <br />pays l.endtor all MlIJU whidllhen wlluld be dut: IIndct tho. St:curltY ImlrUml'nr and rhl' Norl' h...t Ih. ,lllt'It'f.lI !llll, III ,".t ,...1. ,h, <br />lures any defaulr "' any nrher llJnvt"nunh or alott('(.'nu'nh, Il) f,ays 1.111 ('.pt.'n'i('IIj IIlnarc.'d 111 C'llftlrllI1~ dll" ~t.'\ lH II} II1,nUl11l'II1, <br />Indudln,fi;. bur nut Itmuc:d tu, fl'..,olublc .lIlurneY!t' fecs.~ .Ind Ill) t.tkl'S "'Jlh J,l I 1011 .1' I.t'1hle:r 111.1) Il",I\Ilf1.lhh It'qUllt' Ttl .1' <br />\UU.. Ihat the 11('11 0. d...., St'lUflly InsrrUlnt'nt, 1.r..llllt.....!j, ri"hr-. In da' PnJpt'rf) ..nil BIII'III\Io'l" .. tIhll.L:.llllIII III p.l\ rllt, 'lilli' <br />\('('uft"d by rhl, Sc.'I.lHIf)' In,uunu'nl ..hull t.tJllfU1U(' unlhanH(.d Upon fl'ln"'JU'll1t'1I1 h\ Hlll'f'I\\U. till... 'nll"'\ 111'IIIlI1WIH <br />dnd tilt' oblt"..lflU'\ \("ulu'd h:-u'''y ,h..1I rt'rl1JlfI full)' ('ff"'(II\'(' .1' II IlO JUC.,IC'f.1I1111l h.ld \llltJlll'd It,,"t'\f" ,hl'II.:llIlll <br />f("un'LlIt" ,lull nul Jpply ,n ,he l;'~(' CJ' dc.ll,le'dlltul IIndc.'f pan...v.1ph.. 1\01 I ~ <br />